Deep Sleep
Application Tips
I have suffered from pain for years - first endometriosis, and now full-blown fibromyalgia, neck (both muscle and lymph), gall, and kidney pain (which I now know all stems from Lyme infection of 15 years...). Ever since using a heating pad for the debilitating monthly cramps in my teens, I have found heat to be an aid. In addition to the over-used hot water bottle, I also use an infrared heat lamp that a Chinese Medicine Practitioner gave me, which I place over whichever organ/area I wish to treat (he uses one to increase the effectiveness of acupuncture). It's about 8-10" in diameter and has a swing-arm stand, which holds the light about 8-12" from my body, resulting in an approx. 12" treatment area.
This has been very helpful to me. Apparently, the infrared wavelength of light penetrates a couple of inches into the body, vibrating at a wavelength that resonates with fat cells (the water in them?), and can cause them to mobilize and excrete toxins (much of our toxic load is attached to fat cells, and hard to remove). It has a greater impact on my pain than the water bottle (greater muscle relaxation, I think), and I find it soothing, especially as it does not have to be particularly hot to work (it works because of its particular wavelength of light, not just the heat).
The reason for my post:
I have recently been using the lamp as a means of Castor Oil application, with the thought that it might produce deeper penetration (and much less mess) than simple Castor Oil packs. I just slap some on my skin and apply the light for 20min-1hr, then wipe/wash it off. I have nothing to compare its effectiveness to (I never tried castor oil packs after a few messy, unhelpful PMS cramp-releif attempts in my teens), but it does seem to ease my uterine and gall bladder pain, and my sore/swollen groin-area glands.
As both therapies are purported to mobilize toxins, I'd like to think they potentiate each other, and together pull out some of the stuff that is giving me trouble.
I would be interested in hearing what someone with more Castor Oil know-how thinks of my practice, and perhaps other infrared lamp owners could give it a try.
Lymphatic Malformation
My daughter has not had a flare up since I have completely omited chocolate and large amounts of Sugar from the diet. I even tested her out with the chocolate and she got a flare up the next day.
Anyway, what i did was to coat the rear area, especially the inflamed tissues with castor oil twice a day after visiting the bathroom. Amazingly, after a couple of days, the area went back to normal and I did not have to go back to the doctor.
I will try castor oil for other various problems that I read about on earthclinic. Castor oil rocks!
Sinus Issues, Loss of Smell
this surgery has given temporary relief but the loss of slell continued.
some of my friend suggested use of castor oil.
i put one drop of luke warm castor oil in morning and one drop before i sleep.
this i am doing for last 10 days and to my surprise i got rid of my sinus problem and smelling sense is gradually coming back
EC: Thank you for this feedback! We take it you mean 1 drop of warmed castor oil in each nostril?
Heating Pads
Some people just use plain castor oil, and say it works great, but I found a mix of things that seemed to speed up the process. Mix: 1 oz castor oil, 1 tbsp of tea tree oil, 80 drops of vitamin E oil (or break open 30 vitamin E gel tabs). You can also add a tbsp of thunga if you can find it. All of the others can be found at any pharmacy store, Cvs, Walgreens, etc.
Apply this mix 3 to 4 times a day; basically try to keep the oil on as much as you can throughout the day. Some people wrap up the area to keep the oil from rubbing off, but I didn't do that and it still worked. Just allow a few min. for the oil to soak in. The oil started working within a week for me, with no pain what so ever, and I am almost back to normal after 2 1/2 weeks. I had close to 50 sm. and large warts, so the process may go quicker for you.
Also be sure to stay healthy. Get a lot of sleep, drink a lot of water, work out, take a multivitamin, and other immune system building vitamins (Echinacea, Zinc, vitamin B and C). Good luck!
Jammed Finger
Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer
Adversely there are people using it to induce birth by taking it INTERNALLY. This should be DISCOURAGED as it is NOT a part of natural birth as these people are led to believe but a very serious misuse of Castor Oil, which could see it taken off the market as 'dangerous' as other wonderful natural healers have, because of dangerous misuse.
Broad Benefits
4 months later, I started lifting weights again with my shoulder, and it's as if it was never damaged now. The castor oil got rid of the inflammation, the massage kept the muscles and tendons in the right places, and the exercises brought blood and healing to the joint. I have to say, the castor oil was the hero here, as Deb said it would not have been possible otherwise. The body's self healing was able to take place (the true miracle) thanks to the lack of inflammation!
Since that time, I've used Castor Oil to heal back injuries, nasty scrapes (my 240 lbs supported by my shin as it raked across a 2x4 board in the attic!), inflammed eyes, skin softening, hemorrhoids!, and much more, and in all the times I've used it in a heat pack, the results are dramatic and instant, as in next-day you can't tell you were injured! For doubters, just try it, you will no longer doubt it.
Hope it helps you too. Wish you sweet dreams!
Lymphatic Malformation
I've had extremely good results with Castor Oil. I'm a big believer in this stuff. I buy big bottles of it at a time, it's great. I use it, whenever I have a problem. Edgar Cacey was a Christian, and always gave credit where credit was do, to God, and he felt motivated by him. There have been many, many documented reports over the decades of Castor oil really helping a lot of people for a wide spectrum of ailments. I put her on Castor oil packs about 4 times a week for two months, and the cyst went WAY down, and has stayed that way for a while now. Now, I'm not 100% sure that was what worked for her, but we seem to notice it beginning to shrink and a response from her as soon as we started her on the packs.
The packs are messy, and it's not easy to get a child to hold still for a pack on their abdominal area. So, I used an old throw away shirt, and safety pins. I safety pinned the saturated flannel section on the inside of the front of the shirt to cover her stomach, and generously massaged a large amount of the oil all over her cysts on her neck and throat. I did this regime at night, and in the morning gave her a bath or a shower. The heating pad is not really necessary, but helps, a lot. I did not do a heat source on her, because she is so young, she would never sit still for it. The first few nights, she was restless, and agitated, and was running a mild fever. Then in the morning, the fever would break. We noticed it getting smaller from than on. It really seemed to help her those packs. She seem to have a lot of energy and be in a good mood, the mornings after the packs. If and when this happens again, I'll try the packs again. Castor oil is great. Hope this helps her. Like Cacey said, Do the packs along with a prayer for healing.