Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/19/2007

re: Jock Itch and Candida: I had jock itch for years and years - tried everything and nothing worked. When I moved from UK to the Philippines I started researching this problem. Interestingly I found out that jock itch was a well known expression or symptom of Candida which worried me. So, I looked for natural remedies for Candida and came across the humble coconut. Much of the current research on coconut oil may be found on this site:

So, the gist of this was that I started to take 3 tablespoons of coconut oil everyday. The results were astonishing. Not only did the jock itch disappear,my eczma disappeared, my bowel movements became more regular, I had less indigestion and I sleep more soundly now. I was so impressed, I now cook everything in virgin coconut oil - I think it is far more healthy than any processed vegetable oil on the market. I've since also learned that coconut oil has been used in baby food for the last 30 years and people in hospital with intestinal trauma have their food cooked in coconut oil as a matter of course. The only other natural remedy I take is Ted's Alkalizing Remedy (Lemon bicarb water) which is available elsewhere on this site.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gabi (Czestochowa, Poland) on 11/14/2007

I am using it internally and externally. I cured stubborn fungus on my elbows. I combine coconut oil and lemon juice. Helps with toe nail fungus to. I am sure my Candida is out of control and I just found here info on CANDIDOL so I am going to try it! Few years now since I stopped using creams and moisturizes after accident with sun block for children. I put tube of sunblock in my purse and it spell over Louie Vito n eyeglasses case. We all know it is made of vinyl. It was 20 hrs when I noticed what happened. Vinyl melted like from the heat! I kept that case.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tanya (Brisbane, Australia) on 10/19/2007

I have been taking virgin coconut oil now for about 4 months and I love it.. I have trouble with candida and acne and both have been better since I started using it in cooking and fruit smoothies. I also add about a 1/4 of a cup VCO to a warm bath with about 1/2 a cup of micro-biotic sea salt and it is wonderful... Makes your skin feel great and smells really nice. I find when I use coconut oil in the mornings I eat less throughout the day because I don't get the bad sugar or carbohydrate cravings. I'm not trying to lose weight, just heal my acne and candida but I have dropped from about 57-58kilos to 54.5 in about 2 months without really changing anything else (although I do eat a relatively good diet already). I highly recommend it!!! Tan.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Rosemarie (Carlsbad, CA) on 10/06/2007

I am on my 3rd week using vco and have lost 10 pounds, sleeping through the night, and having more energy. I have cut out gluten from my diet, milk, and coffee also. Now I am going to get my husband to take it...

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sharmila (Vacoas, Mauritius) on 09/09/2007

I'm Sharmila from Mauritius. I'm an indian and in our country we use coconut oil as a cooking oil and for topical application. It is very good for dry hair, skin and prevents dryness. In our country we don't drink this oil as it contains saturated fat which clogged arteries. So check with doctors before taking it internally.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tina (Vancouver, Washington) on 08/24/2007

I was doing some research on the internet a couple weeks ago about candida and started seeing links for information on virgin coconut oil.. My goodness the fantastical claims I learned of with every click of my mouse! I wondered if it could be true or maybe just hype like so many other 'miracle' cures. I was very impressed with what I read and sought out some organic oil.

I decided to start off slow, according to testimonies I read, especially since one of my issues is chronic candida. I also take levothyroxine for hypothyroidism and battle with weight issues, which have caused a whole host of health concerns.

I noticed right away an uncomfortable side effect of racing, palpitating heart. It happens every time I take the oil in a concentration, such as by the tablespoon, or spread on an akmak cracker, etc.

I have decided instead to use it in cooking and get my daily dose that way. I use it to saute veggies for a meal, or add it to my morning oatmeal, and even gently fried corn tortillas in it for chicken enchiladas one night.. it is such a delicate flavor that once stronger, more savory flavors are introduced, you can rarely detect the coconut. I find when I use it this way, I don't get the palpitation side effect. Other than the recommended amount of coconut oil, and the fish oil caps I take, I am on a very low fat diet right now.

I have mixed feelings because I have read some testimonies of people who didn't lose weight but in fact gained weight after starting on VCO so I hope I am not sabotaging my good efforts!

oh, also, I read that the claims made by proponents of VCO that it helps with thyroid problems are unsubstantiated.. any editorial feedback on this?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cindy (Seattle, Wa.) on 07/01/2007

I've had chronic bladder infections for twenty years.I've been on every antibiotic and only got worse. I've been taking virgin coconut oil for almost four months. Within a week the infections were gone. I haven't had any pain in four months plus I've lost ten pounds, have more energy, and almost no acne flare ups.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kay (Washington, DC) on 06/26/2007

I started using vco about 2 months ago. I heard about all the different health benefits of using it so i first began using it on my hair and my hair has never shined the way that it does now. I have also noticed that there is less breakage than before. After awhile i decided to start using it as a body moisturizer, it is awesome even my little sister who thinks of me as a nature junkie loves to use it. My skin has never been softer, even when i was using pure shea butter. I also suffer from body acne and that has cleared up. I know have soft flawless skin i can't wait to start taking it internally. VCO is the best thing to use if you suffer from any kind of skin condition. This stuff is great, i wouldn't trade it for the world

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sandra (Ventura, CA) on 06/21/2007

I have been using coconut oil since last Sept. I use it for my skin, salad dressing and anything else I can think of. Oh, delicious on baked sweet potatoe. I give my four cats coconut oil on their paws everyday and their coats are beautiful. My one cat Sadie goes to the container on my dresser and helps herself to as much as she wants. Since my last blood work, my cholesterol has dropped from 252 to 240, HDL 86. My blood pressure dropped from 134/89 to 130/70. I love the way it smells and tastes. I use about one tablespoon a day. I am very happy with the results and will continue to use it, as well as my girls.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jeanie (Austin, Texas) on 06/12/2007

Coconut Oil cured my adult acne and keeps me from getting sunburned and promotes a healthy tan. I have fair skin and if I start using coconut oil I brown easily and it actually protects my skin and promotes natural tanning. I do not use sun screen. It also protects my skin from the water. I have been using it for years. I also cook with it...makes delicious fried eggs. It's the only oil that can withstand high temperatures without causing free radicals. I started using it about 10 years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am still cancer-free and rarely ever become ill!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jeffrey (Bournemouth, England) on 06/07/2007


Broad Benefits
Posted by Deborah (Swansea, SC) on 04/28/2007

I previously wrote some negative feedback about coconut oil...but I now stand corrected. despite the bad side effects, the flu or food poison symptoms, and yep, I even gained weight at first. After suffering with IBS all my life, I have finally found a cure. I continued to take the VCO even after being sick with it and even gaining weight... I went to my Dr. this past Tuesday and told her I was on it. My blood pressure was a little high, but she told me the VCO was not causing it and she has never heard anything negative about it. she told me that my thyroid was enlarged, but I am sure it was like that before I took the VCO..I started on 2 capsules today, after being on 1 for the last 3 weeks. my weight is starting to slim down appetite has been cut in half...I have energy, the bumps on the back of my arms, are all but severely dry skin is now hair is better too. but the main thing is my IBS is cured...I have tried everything under the sun, and this is the only thing that has had this kind of results. and my large bulldog had severe hip problems, I give him 2 glucosomene and one coconut capsul every day. he is so much better..I took him walking today for the first time in a long time. we have always had him on glucosome but we have never had this kind of result, my dog also had bad side effects at first, and I stopped for a while, but he only got worse...he is just so much better now...its amazing. I don't know if coconut oil is for everyone, but I am a firm believer in it now, yes the side effects are bad at first, but be patient it gets better.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sue (Orrtanna, PA) on 04/26/2007

My daughter and I are experimenting with the coconut oil and have seen some great results immediately. Her thyroid is working at 20 percent and the swelling is already going down after one week. I am taking it for the overall effects and also an organic liquid vitamin and am feeling great and have more energy. There are some small spots that look like melanoma from the sun and I'm putting the oil directly on them. I'm hoping to see results from that. Will keep you posted. I'm so happy we came across this. It's also helped with a very sensitive stomach.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jesslynn (Bellingham, USA) on 04/23/2007

re: Subject: Coconut Oil for Rashes and Healing of Scars. I am 40 yrs old and have very dry sun-damaged skin. I have been experimenting with vit E, aloe, green tea, olive oil, and just recently extra virgin coconut oil. About two weeks ago I had to have 3 biopsies on my legs. To make a long story short...I tried the coconut oil last night and woke up and found that my legs are much better. The redness from the scars and also a rash I have had for 3 months dramatically improved. I think this stuff actually works great.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Stella (Walnut Creek, CA) on 04/17/2007

I have been using the coconut oil for about a month and I love it. I was a lotion junky for whom price was not object. I once spent $60 on a body lotion! I spent even more for face lotions. I was never satisfied and always trying different products. I did not care if the product was natural, I just wanted the most effective thing. I even went to the Dermatologist bought their products. Well I just threw them all out. The coconut oil has been the best thing for my face and body. I have what I call the Double-Whammy, skin that is both aging and acne prone. The coconut oil has been perfect for me because it softens my skin while controlling and preventing break out. When I first put it on it felt so greasy I thought why am I putting this kitchen oil on my body! But after about 15 minutes it completely absorbed in the skin and left no greasy residue. It makes you you think about those other lotions you put on your body, I imagine they are similarly absorbed into your skin, kind of scary!

I love the coconut oil and will continue using it. But here's something odd. I put it on my Husband and he got terrible acne. I am wondering why something that works so great for me did not work for him at all? It's too bad, I would have liked for him to enjoy it too.

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