Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Broad Benefits
Posted by Yvonne (Bridgewater, NJ) on 04/09/2007

I have been using Coconut Oil externally as both a hair conditioner and a skin moisturizer for about one month and have seen an incredible improvement. My face is clear of blemishes and very smooth. It has also helped soften my naturally curly hair. There is no need for all of the useless and expensive products I have been wasting my money on for all these years!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Deborah (Palm Bay, Florida) on 04/03/2007

After reading other's comments I recognized that it was not just my imagination that my sugar cravings stopped after I started eating coconut oil. Also, my teeth and gums do feel cleaner all the time. (Grapefruit seed extract also helped my teeth to stay cleaner.) My scalp is starting to feel less dry and I am hoping this will alleviate my dry skin and hair completely.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Renee (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/29/2007

I've been taking the evco for about 1 month now. I took it because I heard I might lose weight. When I first started the oil, I had diary for about 2 days. But, that stopped. As of now, the following conditions have cleared. The most important first:
1) No more bleeding hemmoroids. I was bleeding 2 or 3 times a week. I was going to go to the dr. but I started the oil and 1 week later, no more blood.
2) No more athletes foot. No more body odor or foot odor, or bad breath.
3) No more yeast infections.
4) Not one pimple on my face. I would get at least 1 pimples per week. I have now soft shiny skin and hair, my wrinkles have gone.
5) No more PMS symptoms: puffiness, mood swings, headaches.
6) And yes. I got into my size 6's which I haven't been able to in 5 years! My stomach is gone! No more cellulite. And I still kept all my muscle. Only the fat is gone. I started at 160 lbs and now, about 150. What more can I say?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Renee (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/29/2007

I just wanted to add one more item. I, too have been battling high blood pressure 150/90 along with my weight. I noticed my blood pressure has gone down to about 117/65. But, I noticed if I drink a cup of coffee in the morning, my BP will go way up. I am learning that with the increase in energy from the oil, I cannot drink the coffee because its as if it doubles the energy effect. So, my craving for coffee, alcohol and sweets are totally gone. My appetite is also gone.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mauris (Port Orchard, Washington, USA) on 03/27/2007

For about the last 12 months I have only used olive oil and unrefined virgin coconut oil in my household. I only cook with coconut oil, and I eat about 2 or 3 tablespoons of this oil a day. Anymore, I rarely eat out, because of the refined polyunsaturated and easily oxydized oils used in most commercially prepared foods. Coconut oil is stable, does not go rancid, and is easily and quickly digested and turned into energy. After I bathe or shower I always rub coconut oil on my body. All total, it's a big plus. I'm age 66, am 5' 11" tall, and weigh about 165. I have more energy than I used to have, I no longer have itchy athlete's foot, my skin is soft, seems like my digestion is better (less stomach gas), and my blood pressure and cholesterol are both good. It's very unfortunate that we typically think of any and ALL saturated fat as something that's bad for the health!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cindy (Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada) on 03/11/2007

I'use coconut oil and apple cider vinegar everyday. just started a week ago with both feel better, less stressed, more energy, sleep better, it is very good for you, l have stomach problems,been using acv for 6 years before meals and it works. As with the coconut oil it is hard to swallow some days but l do it cause it is good for you...l try to use it when l cook my eggs with salsa -- it is great!!! Salsa and hot peppers are great .. green tea with lemon as well is awesome l just like it and it keeps me slim as well and healthy. thanks have a great day to all..

Broad Benefits
Posted by Brad (Rochester, MI) on 03/01/2007

I have been using 1-2 Tbs. of coconut oil per day for about a month now, gradually increasing it over time to avoid any nausea. So far no nausea or stomach issues, and my energy has increased. Overall, I feel great and I've lost 10 pounds! I started taking it for sinus related issues, which is only moderately seems to help so far, but the other benefits are great. My question is, I've heard if you take this long term it may negatively affect your liver. Is there any data to support this claim?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Margo (NY, NY) on 03/01/2007

My son takes Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil for acne and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in food and I use it for my skin and also add it to my food. We've had marvelous results so far! I also tried a little in hot chocolate and coffee,but we all know that water and oil don't mix--yuk! It's good with smoothies and mixed in with hot rice though.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jon (Austin, TX) on 02/17/2007

I'm 21 years old and I've been consuming unrefined organic coconut oil for 3 months now, and I haven't felt any better. My curiosity began when I had read a very popular natural cures book describing the amazing health benefits of coconut oil. It stated the oil can put cancer into remission which caught my attention because a couple of years prior, I had been experiencing pain in one of my testicles along with a small lump. As of now, the lump is still present, and I plan on treating that as well, but the pain has passed since using the magnificent oil.

Toxins in the body build over time and can make the liver sluggish in absorbing nutrients. I regularly detoxify my body (once every month or so) with a 7-day herbal detox program to maintain my health and assure I'm taking full advantage of coconut oil's benefits. I've also lost 15 lbs easily and effortlessly by using the oil, and it's given me alot more energy to exercise even after an 8-hour shift of stocking boxes.

Another ailment it's helped me with is bad breath. I constantly forget to brush my teeth simply because I never wake up with bad breath anymore! I often go 3-4 days without brushing. But because the oil is antiviral/antibacterial, it's cleansing my mouth and throat of germs that could've been causing my bad breath and possibly other problems I haven't acknowledged. I also rarely have anymore canker sores in the mouth. I'm not a certified homeopath or naturopath, but I strongly recommend cleansing the body before attempting to use a natural remedy to aid in full absorption of its healing properties. Daily, I consume 2 tbsp of organic, unrefined coconut oil (2 tbsp in the morning and 2 tbsp in the mid-afternoon) while in it's liquid state. I've noticed when I scoop out a tbsp of solid coconut oil and melt it, the liquid form ends up being a larger amount than when it was solid. So scoop wisely. I wish all of you the best experience while using coconut oil and other natural remedies.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sandra (Entiat, WA) on 01/18/2007

Hello, I am sort of new to use of coconut oil. I have been using it minimally for about 2 years.I take it right off the spoon and let it melt in my mouth. WHAT I HAVE NOTICED: I started taking a spoon full before each meal (about a week ago).

1. I have a tooth that lost its crown a couple of months ago and my gums were very tender around the tooth and somewhat in the rest of my mouth. The tenderness has gone. I had been doing oil swishing previously with mixed results.
2. My little chihuahua was driving me nuts by constantly licking her butt. I decided to give her a little of the vco a couple times a day. The licking stopped.
3. I have noticed an increase in energy. I can now work around the house for several hours without "running out of steam".
4. I am losing some weight at a slow pace.
5. For a many years I have been awakened at night by my bladder screaming at me. I go to the bathroom to find only a small dribble. I then have much trouble going back to sleep. My bladder would get sore (not like real pain) sort of like if you pushed on a bruise. Since I started taking the VCO regularly the soreness is gone and I sleep much longer, the urine release is much greater, and I hope to eventually sleep thru the night. I Do have hypertension but according to some authors, it helps hypertension. So I will go with their advise. It seems to me that with everything that VCO helps, the other things it does would just naturally benefit the hypertension. I am 70 and plan to also start using it for my skin and hair. I can hardly wait to see what other benefits I notice!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Diane (Magnolia Springs, AL) on 04/25/2006

I am 51 and I started using unrefined coconut oil for my hair. Being in the South and working outside my hair was in bad shape. I started using it on my hair and wow what a difference. My hair is soft and the color is great. I use it on my face arms body and my husband used sunblock and kept getting white blisters on his ears started using coconut oil and they went away. I now take coconut orally and I too started the sick side effects. I reduced the amount and it cleaned my colon, I now go twice a day. My muscles do not ache in the mornings, no stiff neck. I have been using the coconut oil now for 8 months.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jeanine (Aurelia, IA) on 03/18/2006

Coconut Oil has made me feel great i'm 54 and it has given me a lot more energy and i haven't been sick since i've been taking it which is for about 4 months . My hair and skin are great. I use it both internally and externally and my teeth and gums are the healthiest they have been in years. I think the reason people get sick from it when they first start to use it is that it does remove the parasites in your system and that maybe an adjustment for them so i would say start out very slow and increase as you go and be sure to use it in food at first but it is great after you use it for a while.

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