Earth Clinic Requests
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Comments and Requests

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Website Comments

12 User Reviews
5 star (12) 

Posted by Rainy (Gauteng, Gauteng, Rsa) on 01/28/2010

Please Ted, why is it that most of the posts on the site seem to have been written by the same person who's native language is not English?

I am very impressed with the wide variety of cures and have started trying cayenne myself but have read widely on your site and it really seems to me that most posts have been written by the same person.

EC: Ha ha!! Ted is a very frequent contributor on Earth Clinic, but not the owner/web moderator of Earth Clinic. He has submitted hundreds and hundreds of posts since 2005. Thai is his native language. You can read all about him (and us) here:

As for one person writing all the tens of thousands of posts on the site - too funny. Have you checked out our traffic stats?

Deirdre (the owner, born and raised in the USA)

Replied by Gtcharlie
(La, Ca)

In this country, only lawyers and English professors speak English, everyone else speak American!

Website Comments
Posted by Cindy (Ch, Wi) on 01/28/2010

ads: is this something new or something i just haven't noticed before-the ads for prescriptions and walgreens on your site?

EC: Hi Cindy,

Any company in the world can create a google ad, which then gets triggered on a multitude of websites by certain key words. There are many, many different ads cycling through EC each day, too many to monitor. Also, ads vary by location. We've banned a number of offensive and creepy ads that have shown up on the site but frankly don't have the time/staff/energy to see what's cycling through every five minutes!

Replied by Cindy
(Ch, Wi)

sorry if i implied any disrespect to anyone that was not my intent, i am grateful for earth clinic!

EC: No worries, we appreciate all your feedback, Cindy!

Website Comments
Posted by Dexterforme (Pikeville, Tn) on 01/25/2010

re: Joyce from Joelton, TN

I have been lurking at this site for two years or more. I look for cures for all my friends, and constantly recommend this site to all. I would like to talk with Joyce via email to discuss the merits of going into one of the many natural healing areas. Thanks for a wonderful site!!!

Website Comments
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, France) on 01/19/2010

I am new to this site and therefore have a couple of questions. It seems to me that members who ask questions never manage to reach the person in question because there is no possibility to keep following a thread we are interested to. Am I right? I have reacted to a few postings and posted some questions but as I am not notified when someone adds something useful I will never know.

Another question, a lot of people talk about Blackstrap Molassos but even my husband who is British has never heard of it. Is any type of Molassos we buy in the shops the same thing or is thing something American? In the UK there is Treacle available in any supermarket but also Molassos available in the health shops but I have never seen Blackstrap Molassos. I would like to try it but as I live in France the costs to have it send in case one buys online are horrendous. Online one does find blackstrap Molassos in the UK.

I find your site very interesting but I really think that it would be even more interesting if people can get real answers to their questions without having to look through the whole site on a regular basis.

Best regards,


EC: Hi Francisca, thank you for your feedback. Adding a "notify me" and "add to favorites" icon is on out "to do" list for the programmers (an outside company). In the meantime, however, if you are a registered user, you can simply look up your posts in the "My Feedback" section in your account and follow the link to find your post quickly.

We'll let someone from your area of the world answer the question about blackstrap molasses!

Replied by Phil
(Belfast, Uk)

Reference Blackstrap Molasses in the UK - I reside in Ireland and can purchase it online at a very reasonable cost including P&P

There are a lost of sellers who will send it free of charge if you search the Internet

I hope this will help

Replied by Laurie
(Belleville, Ontario, Canada)

Hi Francisca I think I found the answer to your question.
You see, as I recall growing up "treacle" was the brand name for blackstrap molasses; at least here in Canada.

I found 3 websites which explain it well (the last one I think may be best)
I really hope these will be of some help to you and your husband.

Just under the word ARTICLE you will see this
" agricultural product
also called Treacle, "

Also check out the WEBSTER Dictionary version (note: entry # 2 -a )
Main Entry: : trea·cle
Pronunciation: %u02C8tr%u0113-k%u0259l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English triacle, from Anglo-French, from Latin theriaca, from Greek th%u0113riak%u0113 antidote against a poisonous bite, from feminine of th%u0113riakos of a wild animal, from th%u0113rion wild animal, diminutive of th%u0113r wild animal — more at fierce
Date: 14th century
1 : a medicinal compound formerly in wide use as a remedy against poison
2 chiefly British a : molasses b : a blend of molasses, invert sugar, and corn syrup used as syrup -- called also golden syrup
3 : something (as a tone of voice) heavily sweet and cloying

And this one provides a simpler version:


EC: I was brought up on Golden Syrup (my mother is British) and it definitely isn't blackstrap molasses, so be careful not to buy that!


Website Comments
Posted by Phoenix75 (Carmel, Ca, U.s.a.) on 01/14/2010


Per your instructions on this website I sent a rather detailed email to Ted's email address, but I have not heard back from him...I am wondering if he is too swamped, or if I should actually post the questions in my email to the website instead?

EC: Unfortunately Ted only answers a handful of questions now and again. Best if you post your question on the Latest Posts page of the site for our frequent readers.

Website Comments
Posted by Mjnancy (Grayslake, Il, United States) on 01/01/2010

I have a question I want to post. Where and how do I do that? Thank you.

EC: Hi Mjnancy - just use the general feedback form on the site. Once reviewed, your question will either appear (for Ted to answer) or on the Latest Posts page (for our readers to answer).

Website Comments
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 12/26/2009

Hello everyone,

It seems to be somewhat cylical, but every so often it seems we get submissions on the site that are weird and/or mean-spirited. And every day we get a good number of posts that are clever attempts to promote products, herbs or supplements. This is just a reminder to our registered users to please flag any posts that make you uncomfortable, that you feel are inappropriate, or that strike your intuition as "not quite right". Registered users will see a red flag icon at the bottom of every post when they are logged into their accounts that they can click on. If you are not a registered user, you can simply reply to any post with the word FLAGGED and we will review the post you have flagged.

Thanks so much!

Website Comments
Posted by Mary (Mukilteo, Wa) on 12/23/2009

Now that I have my printer fixed I cannot find the formula for a remedy that you apply to the bottom of your feet which contains clove bud oil, jojoba, lavendar and I believe eucalyptus. I have searched on my own and can't find it.
Any suggestions?


EC: Sorry, we moved the Thieves Oil thread to the essential oils remedy section...

Website Comments
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 12/13/2009 180 posts


How do we find Ted's recomendations on perticular ailment ? What we see is individual experiences and suggestions and some times the answer of Ted to some question. Thanks

EC: Hi Baldev,

If Ted has made a recommendation, it will either be at the top of the table of contents menu called "Ted's Remedies" or it will be in the section called "Questions & Answers", also at the top of the toc menu on each page.

Unfortunately, the migraine page does not have anything listed from Ted in either section. However Ted has answered a couple of questions on the headache remedy Q&A page:

Website Comments
Posted by Celteyes (Pearland, Texas) on 12/01/2009

I don't know how to look up testimonials from other people. I've searched the site but don't know how to find specific people and their posts. Would someone please direct me?

I love this site! So thankful for everyone.

EC: Hi Celteyes. If you can't find someone's post but know his/her name, send it to us and we'll help you search for it. The more information you can remember, the better.

Google search (at the top of each page on our site) is supposed to have every post indexed, but some posts do slip through the cracks.

Website Comments
Posted by Lg (Vancouver, Washington) on 12/01/2009

I was trying to acquire some information about the H. Pylori, and as I was reading there are a lot of abbreviations that I have no idea what they stand for. ACV PUD There were others, but I can't remember what they were. Some were linked to remedies that I would like to try, but I have no idea what goes in them. Is there a list of abbreviations somewhere, or some way to find out what they stand for?

EC: Hi LG,

Here are is a short list of abbreviations on our site:

ACV is the acronym for Apple Cider Vinegar
PUD is the acronym for Peptic Ulcer Disease

Website Comments
Posted by Joseph (Lake Worth, Fl) on 11/17/2009

Is it best to contact ted email directly or go thru EC site for Health Questions for him. I sent emails to his parhat email address but I'm not sure if he received it ?

EC: Hi Joseph,

Ted probably received your email, but doesn't have time to respond to many questions, unfortunately. Also, he won't answer a question if he's covered the topic in previous answers.

Either emailing Ted or submitting a question to the site is about the same.

Website Comments
Posted by Thracia (Decatur, Il) on 11/15/2009

Hi, I have written twice now about the same questions and have not seen either post. Am I doing something wrong or looking in the wrong place? I wait 24 hours and go to latest post. Thanks, Thracia

EC: Hi Thracia, since your post was addressed to Ted, you can find it on Ted's Latest Q&A page.

The other page where your question has been posted is the Q&A section of Fibromyalgia Remedies here:

Website Comments
Posted by Ahj (San Diego, Ca) on 11/08/2009

Acronyms and Abbreviations

I would like to suggest that you take the time to spell out your three letter abbreviations and acronyms (such ACV for apple cider vinegar, for example). To read a post that uses these if one does not already know what they are is irritating and completely defeats the purpose of communicating.

Alternatively you could make links out of all these abbreviations to a nomenclature page which gave the meanings. This would make your whole site more effective and reduce the bewildering array of undefined terms.

EC: Hi Ahj,

We already have a page for Acronyms and Abbreviations - it just must not be clearly visible. We link to it on the remedy and ailments index pages:

We'll start spelling out more acronyms in the new, incoming posts. Thanks for bringing this up.

Website Comments
Posted by Anonymous (Malibu, California, USA) on 10/20/2009

I clicked on to "my account" and "feedback", yet I cannot find my feedback anywhere on your website.

Where can I find it? I would like to add a "P.S." to the allergies post. THANK YOU!

EC: Hi Anonymous. Do you see any links in "My Feedback" after you log in? If so, clicking on them should direct you to your posts. If not, hmmmm... we've run a few tests just now and can see the links just fine.

In the meantime, you can find your recent posts on the Latest Pets Posts section here: You will find the icon (a paw) to the Latest Pets page at the top of our Latest Posts page. Clicking on the link at the top of your feedback will take you directly to the inside page where your feedback has been posted. Hope this makes sense!

P.S. If anyone else cannot see links to their posts in the "My Feedback" section after logging in, please let us know.