Earth Clinic Requests
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Comments and Requests

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Prayer Requests

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/26/2016 2043 posts

Deirdre and all my dear Earth Clinic friends & family. My 33 yr old autistic best friend & nephew, L Joey, lost his mother not yet a yr ago and health deteriorating and recently back home from the hospital for maybe two wks waiting for test results and treatment options and now suddenly back in the hospital in critical condition with acute lymphoma. He is a big hearted, smart, passionate person hoping to go back to school and begin a new life and suddenly is almost gone. Please take a moment of prayer sending him divine, life giving energy, and wisdom in the minds of all the staff at the hospital. And TY in advance from the bottom of my heart.

Replied by Mama To Many


I will praying for him. So sad to hear of his trials.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Deirdre

Hi TimH,

I am so sorry to hear about L. Joey. Sending him much healing energy and prayers now for a fast recovery and will continue to do so.


Replied by Rsw


I am so sorry to hear this news about your beloved nephew. He will be in my prayers tonight. I will put him on the prayer list in my Bible Study group. May God be with both of you during this most difficult time, and may it be His will for a full recovery for both of you. May God bless and sustain you. I know He is near.

Replied by Stephanie
(Long Valley, Nj)


I am praying for your nephew to be healthy and happy,


Replied by Mary
(Arcadia, California)

Dear Tim my prayers are with you and your nephew L.Joey I also sent in a request to Guideposts because there are miraculous people praying there. God bless you and your nephew.

Blessings, Mary Martinez

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Thank you all very much for all the prayer support.

I was able to make my first visit Wednesday night. I believe the severity is mainly caused by the cancerous lymph node located close to the kidney thus affecting that organ and contaminating the entire body like a hurricane with not even a chance to start treatments. Temporarily off dialysis, received several units of blood, on respirator, pain meds. Was not able to recognize me (at least consciously anyway) but did speak some earlier in the day. So, at this point he needs to recover enough strength to take the cancer treatments, which will be determined in the next few days; so the situation looks quite dire but he is being flooded by Love & Prayer, so thanks again for sending it.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

OK all friends and supporters. My nephew has made a rapid recovery from life support in ICU to regaining consciousness and all body functions improving and moved to less intensive care and hoping on even getting back home very soon.

All your prayers along with other support has combined to what appears to be a near miraculous recovery.

We feel very optimistic that combining alternative remedies plus the Dr ordered chemo will prove effective in the battle against lymphoma.

TY again and be confident in the power of prayer as this case is proof of it's efficacy.

Replied by Stephanie
(Long Valley, Nj)

Dear Timh,

I am thinking of your nephew and praying he keeps on getting better quickly! -Steph

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Hope it's not perceived as indulging a personal tragedy and seeking sympathy, but my nephew's cancer case is something worth documenting and commenting on so a give another brief.

Lots of misinformation but LJ told me he received his first chemo treatment prior to going into ICU. Anyway, after applying healing remedies which I often recommend here, LJ improved significantly and things were looking very optimistic until about 2 wks ago and suddenly something happened and when I visited him in hospital there was a very real sense of darkness & death although LJ was in decent spirits. Dr's advised him that if he didn't take another dose of chemo he would assuredly die of cancer very soon (paraphrase as a guess of the conversation). Well, LJ quickly went into respiratory arrest, kidneys shut down and was rushed back into ICU. My first visit revealed his condition was twice worse than first ICU experience. The staff worked their tails off for nearly 1 wk to keep him alive. The situation was very bad and he was suffering mightily. Dr ordered go to Vanderbilt and although he has stabilized somewhat his condition is very bad and unfortunately I can no longer provide any immediate support as am myself unable to make the Nashville trip & back.

I must let you folks know this is the worst case of cancer I have ever been aware of, and also the worst case of response to chemo I am ever aware of. Important to note and sadly also, is his diet & lifestyle were poor which did predispose him, but he developed a sugar craving decades ago and became obese from soda so decided to drink diet soda. For nearly two decades, as far as I know, he has been drinking large amounts of aspartame containing diet sodas. It seems almost impossible that the aspartame is not a major factor in his case. I am trying to get NADH administered to help alcohol detox but no luck yet and of course aspertame is FDA approved and 100% safe for everyone always so I suppose this issue could not be discussed to the conventional medical professionals.

At this point we are hoping for slow & steady improvement, and fingers crossed for no or little long-term chemo damage. It is my belief that only aggressive alternative med treatments can save him, but I am mostly alone in this belief and it is my hunch that his oncologist is hoping he can recover well enough to order another dose of chemo, which will, imho, end his life quickly.

It's a real heart breaker all round, but I will say that there appears to be real evidence of divine intervention by all the prayer & love support he is getting. So thanx again for your support and the door for a miracle is still open.

Replied by Rsw

Hi Timh,

We will certainly continue to keep your nephew in our prayers, knowing that miracles happen every day, with God's will. He sounds like a determined young man, and that, too, should serve him well during this illness. We will also keep you in our prayers, Timh, during this difficult time, and hope you feel surrounded by the care, love and concern of all on this site who value you and all you contribute to Earth Clinic.

I'm sure you have seen on the LDN site that it serves to protect healthy cells from the destructive effects of chemo, so not sure if you were able to get any to him or not before he was transferred. Dr. Berkson always says alpha lipoic acid, selenium, LDN, milk thistle and B vitamins for cancer, especially liver or pancreatic, but I would think a good combo for almost any. I wonder if TN allows medical MJ, something else to consider and possibly request?

May both of you feel the healing presence of God very near to you right now and in the days ahead. May God bless you both.

Replied by Stephanie
(Long Valley, Nj)

Dear Timh,

I am praying for your nephew everyday, to be happy and healthy, - Steph

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

The first dose of chemo from dr very wealthy was damaging and the second dose very, very, damaging; my removal from the support team; and vandy disallowing hemp oil caused a rapid decline and his pain is over and we are left to suffer LJ's passing.

Thank you all for your support; lots of factors going on but the divinity of prayer support by so many people was really evident. LJ response to my support was big and he was on ground for a possible recovery, but the dark lords of the cancer industry absolutely had to do another and fatal dose of chemo for to enrich themselves.

A few lessons to elucidate.

1. Be as proactive for your own health and the health of your family and loved ones as possible.

2. The best cancer treatment is prevention, which means living healthy and regular detoxing.

3. Conventional medicine is rigged way in favor of big pharma/big med.

Healthy & wealthy dr's

Poor & sick patients

The dominate/submissive, win/lose game

Conventional medicine

4. In critical situations, never be forced to make immediate decisions when radical treatments or changes are advised. Tell them you must have some time to think it over and consult other parties.

5. If you or loved one is diagnosed with cancer, put conventional medical treatment option on the last of the list. My dear nephew and his auntie are duped into the liberal socialist world and they put all faith in the conventional medical as a first and only option. Do aggressive alternative meds & remedies posted here and elsewhere on the www and also many good books. Although in some or many cases, from what I know, surgery as a first option can be effective for some that are advised it, as well as a few radiation or chemo treatments, but quickly drop them and then off to aggressive alt methods. Alkalizing and juicing will significantly improve the condition, then on to advanced alt methods if necessary. Do know that pharmaceutical meds are powerful tools in killing bad things like pathogens or cancer cells, but have zero healing potential, while nutrition has a good deal of killing the bad stuff potential but mainly has tremendous healing potential to every cell. In my nephews case, over the last approx 2 month hospital stay, was given massive amounts of all sorts of chemical therapy and almost zero nutrition.

6. Never be scarred to death, moreover remove as much fear as possible and replace it with knowledge. I told my nephew to go to NDE websites and read the experiences of those who have made the journey to the other side; don't think he had time to do that as it was very important for him to receive a fatal dose of chemo asap. The single big lesson to learn from all those NDE'rs is "There is no death". One must read hundreds or thousands of these reports before this truth can take hold in the mind. Moreover, many folks who have had the opportunity and while looking down on their dead body have the mentality to laugh at it like it was something quite irrelevant. The spiritual body is so many frequencies higher than our earthly bodies that what appears here as major tragedy is there perceived as a comedy.

7. The worship aspect of our human nature is easily deceived into believing that Dr's are gods and hospitals are churches, mosques, temples, cathedrals, etc. No, they are not, but they appear so as God or Creator or Source is so very far removed from our physical world. My nephew was mild autistic and was therefore much a child with parents of no leadership qualities, and twice yearly visits to the oncologist who let his cancer advance to end stages, was skillfully conditioned to worship and place total faith in the Dr.The outcome was modern big med/pharma made a fortune from capitalizing on my loved one's weakness. Of course this is just nature, the strongest survive, the strongest thrive.

In conclusion, about the only positive from this situation was that brief moment of recovery from first ICU stay, and worthy to note the staff at medical Center @ Bowling Green were incredibly supportive & cooperative. LJ had a little time to organize himself and be surrounded by family & loved ones and he showed remarkable humility & gratitude during this time.

Replied by Joyce
(Lansdowne, Pa)

You are so right. In April 2015 I had my annual mammogram. Two days after I was called to come back for another mammogram and an ultra sound. Sure enough there was abnormality on my left breast. I was told to make an appointment with the breast surgeon. She ordered a MRI which shows the same abnormality. She wanted me to have a biopsy done immediately. I told her I did not want to have one done. I told her I would return in 6 months. I lost my health insurance and was not able to do a follow up mammogram in 6 months. During that time I started taking Lugol's solution and the complimentary supplements. I ran out of these supplements in January 2016 and because of unemployment was not able to purchase these important supplements but I was confident that everything would be okay. In May 2016 I went for my annual mammogram and sure enough the abnormality was still there laughing at me. I was still determine to continue with my natural treatment. My PCP told me to make an appointment with the breast surgeon. The appointment was in 6 weeks so I said I have time to make some changes. I ordered FGHP, which was cheaper than the LI and supplements, and started taking the recommended protocol. On day 9 I was so neausated I could not continue with the protocol but decided to take 2 to 4 drops per day. I also asked my husband to purchase the store bought decolorized iodine, which I started to paint my breasts everyday. On August 25th I went for my appointment with the breast surgeon. After physically examining my breasts, she said she could not feel anything. She left the room and said she was going to look at the films again. She came back and said the film showed the abnormality and would perform an ultra sound to make sure. The ultra sound did not show anything. She wants me to come back in 6 months to make sure everything was okay. Although my PCP and breast surgeon was adamant about the biopsy and treatment I was not going to make them pressure me. I did what came naturally to me. Research all natural treatments. For me surgery and traditional treatment would be the last straw.

Replied by Liz
(Boston, Ma)

I am so sorry for your loss, Timh. LJ was very fortunate to have such a loving, caring and compassionate uncle.

He is truly resting in peace.

Replied by Deirdre

TimH, I am very sorry for the loss of your nephew. I know he was so precious to you.

Sending you both lots of prayers, Deirdre

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

Hi Tim, thank you for your courageous battle to fight another day in your own health and that of ones you love . I read your posts and learn . We can only fight our own battles and encourage others to fight theirs, and some we win, others we loose.

We never walk away from a fight without some aspects of victory even if we are still licking our wounds. Fight on Brother Timh for your are a mighty warrior and many are learning from your wisdom. Wisdom always has a price. Sorry about your loss of another loved one. May you see him in heaven, and may ALL GRACE ABOUND TOWARDS YOU AND FAMILY, Love and Prayers, Charity

Replied by Stephanie
(Long Valley, Nj)

Dear Timh,

I am sincerely sorry for your loss. LJ was lucky to have you for a wonderful caring uncle. And you were lucky to have LJ in your life as a wonderful nephew.


Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Timh,

I, too, am so sorry to hear about your nephew.

Continuing to pray for you...

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Rsw


It is with such sadness that we hear the news of the passing of your beloved nephew LJ. I am sure there is much celebration in heaven as he is welcomed to eternal life where there is no more grief or pain, just joy. He was very lucky to have you in his life, Timh, and I'm sure he is smiling down at you and sending his love. He is at peace and I pray you are also at peace, knowing you shared a wonderful relationship on earth and were his true friend and advocate. May God bless you, Timh, and keep you close at this difficult time.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

I cannot thank you Rsw ~Mama to Many~ Deirdre - Stephanie - Mary - Liz - Charity enough for your support during this time of pain.

I will soon provide a brief bio of LJ as he is a really special person. I think they call folks like himself Savants. Last night I watched a T.V. bio of Robin Williams and immediately fallowing listened to "Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)" and the entire LP from Don McLean's American Pie which was like serendipity as he is such a special person.

Because of all the implications of this case I also hope to provide some insight into all the goings on whether it be inside the body or outside to modern medical care; really alot to cover but for now it's getting thru this loss. But it's not all loss because you loving folks have gained him. What was it Joni Mitchel said in the the song "Clouds" "Something's lost and something's gained - living every day".

Until I resume this discussion I have these keywords running in my head and likely inspired by Charity---Total Health Warrior.

Replied by Liz
(Boston, Ma)

Awww, Timh. Your mention of listening to Vincent/Starry, Starry Night in LJ's memory brought tears to my eyes.

It's one of my favorite songs, and it appears, one befitting LJ, based on your writings.

"But I could have told you Vincent--this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you."

Take care of you, Timh. LJ is in good hands and is in pain-free peace. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

TY so much Liz for all your love & prayer and how wonderful to be one with you in this.

Moments ago I woke from a nap in which I dreamed I was treating LJ's lymphoma with Magnets then on to Zapping while the family was voting on a medical malpractice or wrongful death lawsuit. I lost my dear mother (the great christian woman and architect of LJ becoming a beautiful child) to cancer in 2009 and still have regular dreams of healing her from the dreaded c.

I think that after losing his grandma that some life force must have left him and his g-mail, established in 2011, may have said it all as he also must have had this cancer for several yrs. The world in general and the masculine world in particular were always too offensive for him. With all the Disney and family t.v shows and movies he was in his comfort zone. He is like an incredible beautiful child and an adult at the same time, so yes, the Vincent connection is very fitting and now we are all connected in this. Many recent YouTube uploads of Don McLean singing Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) and one insightful interview of his analysis of Vincent's life not-so-much as suffering from mental illness but maintaining a safe space to dream & create great art.

Another interesting event is his last few days & wks of seeming good health were spent in Boston with some of his family, which must have been very nice as he's never been abroad much and a homebody mostly. Back pain and falling twice were the first danger signs to one of the most severe cases of cancer I ever known of.

Hoping you & yours are doing well and looking forward to future relations with you.

Replied by Liz
(Boston, Ma)

Hi Timh, thank you for the lovely post. You mentioned that LJ was autistic, so when recalling 'Vincent', I considered that as well, which of course, made the lyrics all the more relative and meaningful, thinking of how LJ, like Van Gogh, was likely also misunderstood by many. Not by you, though. You were fortunate to have each other. :)

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

TY Liz.

Lot of controversy about the vaccines & autism connection and of course corporate interest must be defended at all cost so one can expect some mis or dis information. One of the common cited statistics is that Christian separatist societies like Quakers & Mennonites that are exempt from big gov mandated medicine have no incidence of autism.

Anyway, it appears to be the case w/ LJ. Back in the mid eighties we didn't know much about the condition but in his situation there was a traumatic event when he was about 2-3 yrs old and we flooded him with prayer. Local school didn't have curriculum he needed and so got lumped into the special ed group and quite amazingly excelled beyond the others. To his & our good fortune a local Christian K-12 school was established and so he fared very well there making many friends and graduating top of his class. During this time his condition improved to mild and remained so until his passing.

My health has been so poor past 4,5,6 yrs that we have had little or no time together and maybe talk on the phone intermittently. I was hoping on spending some quality time with him in the near future and making improvements in his diet, physical and mental health. Not to long back I mentioned the traumatic event he had when a toddler and he had no memory of it so I was glad to have established the fact. Looking back it seems the pain of that event affected his entire mentality & lifestyle. Pain & stress are becoming well known causes of many degenerative diseases of the body & mind and many of which end in cancer. His case was so extreme that these two factors appear the driving force of his demise. Also important to note is the total lack of effective cancer treatment from conventional medicine. First dose of chemo and he experienced adverse reaction and went into respiratory arrest, kidneys shut down and needed life support and was under for 6 dys in ICU when I had the good fortune to bring him back and his condition improved dramatically until something happened and they gave him a lethal dose of chemo were upon he spent two wks in ICU and suffered severely and so recovery was almost impossible and passing was a good thing.

So, I spend much time here in the alt med community because so many common or chronic conditions respond best with natural remedies. LJ fell into the liberal socialist mindset with the help of his auntie and it appears he didn't need to worry about his health as he knew his dr verywealthyoncologist would provide all the care he needed. Shortly after his diagnosis I informed him that if he didn't fair well from the conventional treatments we would take him to the Mennonite Drs and one way or the other would beat the c.

So, sorry for the indulgence to the readers time, but in closing I do encourage everyone to check out TY Bollinger's video series The Truth About Cancer.

Oh, and back to Vincent, there is much speculation that his mental condition was aggravated and maybe even caused by possible heavy metal exposure, which is one of the big concerns with vaccines.

Replied by Janet

Timh. So heartbreaking for you. As I read your post I was thinking how important it is that we look at the medical and alternative results of treatment.

Then I saw your indulgence comment. This is exactly what each of us face daily. We care for or about someone that turns to allopathic care. We are very frightened for them. Peoples response to alternative care break me every day. These results more so.

Knowing I am not alone in the grief and frustration.

4 vaccine damaged children of my own. Watching Drs vitually kill my Grandmother, a slow painful stealing of her health. Waiting to hear my Mothers surgical outcome, a few thousand miles away. Finding out they gave her cipro. Know you are not alone. Janet

Replied by Liz
(Boston, Ma)

Timh, I wasn't even aware that they had vaccines back in the 1850's.

Van Gogh was a genius, who suffered from depression. Back then, many thought that he was insane, but I believe that they mistook his bouts of depression as insanity. "How you suffered for your sanity." "They did not listen, they did not know how.) People knew nothing of clinical depression back then, so if anyone behaved in a way they didn't perceive as 'normal', they were automatically labeled insane.

As you've likely deciphered, I am a fan. :) I have a large canvas print of the Boston skyline with his Starry Night in the background. It's my favorite item in the house. And to think, his mother threw out boxes of his paintings after his death. How sad.

We're glad you're here, Timh. Not only are you a wealth of wisdom, but we are also happy to be your extended 'family', during this difficult time.

Image result for boston skyline starry night


Posted by Sohail (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) on 09/02/2010

In the english translation of the book "The perfumed Garden" author write one give one recipe. One of the ingredient for it is "pyrether". I can not find any reference to this herb. If you know this herb let me know the hindi/urdu name of it. Thanks

EC: Hi Sohail,

Fun! A little hunting on Google Books and we found this in Spice: The History of a Temptation - Page 222

* Pyrether
An aromatic North African root, sometimes known as pellitory. It has a light aroma and a persistent, pungent taste.

Google Images: Images of Pellitory

Support for Earth Clinic

Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 07/19/2018

Regarding support for

If you want to get more donations you need to make the support option more visible. At present support info. is hidden at the bottom of a very long page found under the Contact section. Support should have it's own tab in your banner; something snappy like Click Here to Support Earth Clinic then have the viewer taken directly to a Support Options page.

EC: Thank you so much, Gord235, for your helpful advice.

Apologies for waiting a month before posting and replying to you. We've taken your advice very serious given this critically tough time for Earth Clinic. 2 recent Google search updates, one targeting many health and nutrition sites in early August, have severely impacted our web traffic. We just launched a GoFundMe campaign and created an easy to spot button on our navigation menu at the top of the site to the gofundme campaign.

Thank you again. Many blessings to you.

Replied by Art
2370 posts

This is a great idea! Earth Clinic has been here for years providing a needed and useful service of helping us to better health and has never asked for a penny! Now is our chance to show our appreciation for EC and all of the good it has provided through the years!!! Every donation is a vote to keep Earth Clinic and its valuable remedies and cures going and that will be a great thing for all of us!!!


EC: Thank you for your support, Art!

Replied by Littlewing

Just hit the GoFundMe Page, getting this back up top on comments. Earth Clinic and it's contributors have saved me multiple times. I'll spread the word. Good luck!

EC: Thank you so much, Littlewing!


GO FUND ME PAGE - Rinse and Repeat - bringing subject back up to Recents. Thanks everyone!

Replied by Gord235
(Vancouver, Canada)

I'm sure I'm not the first member to have thought of funding for EC but happy to see my comments at the top of this post. Nothing runs for free including websites. EC has been very helpful to me and I am glad to see a funding mechanism in place. Lets donate and allow EC to continue the good work.


Posted by Kim (Melbourne, Vic/australia) on 01/12/2011

Where can I find a list of Ted's remedies on this site? They seem to be hard to locate - or is it just me?

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Kim... The best way to find out about particular remedies from Ted is to use the search box at the top right of Earth Clinic's page. Just set the search for EC and not the Web and use it like that.

For instance, if you want Ted's recommendations and remedies for candida, then just type "Ted candida" or "Ted from Bangkok candida" into the search box. The results will give you a list of candida advice and remedies from Ted. Or if you want advice from Joyce on candida then just type "Joyce candida" into the search box.

Also, if you go to the AILMENTS tab on EC and choose one -- say AIDS -- when the page is displayed there will always be a Table of Contents area on the top right of the page which splits the page up into sections. At the very top of the Table of Contents list -- in the green box -- will be "Questions and Answers". When you click on this box, it will take you to another page where Ted answers all questions -- with remedies -- on that particular ailment.

Thank you

Posted by Earth Clinic (Ca) on 02/21/2018

Hello EC community! We just wanted to thank you for your vigilance in identifying suspect posts on EC. We recently had a suspected "bait and switch" on one of the threads and several readers flagged it as such.

You guys have been amazing the past 10 years at flagging the posts you think are off, weird, nonsensical, mean-spirited, and etc. You are not privy to the scores of posts we have delete behind the scenes each day here and on our YouTube channel, but holy moly, they would make you laugh.

Thank you so much for helping us keep Earth Clinic beautiful.

Wishing you a wonderful and blessed day.


Posted by Earth Clinic (Los Angeles) on 07/11/2017

To our wonderful readers,

We are pleased to present a brand new video on Colloidal Silver. This is the first video in a series on CS.

A giant thanks to Art from CA who, through his many posts on the subject, elucidated how to distinguish between ionic silver and colloidal silver and why it's important to do so.

We hope the video will clarify some of the labeling confusion on silver solutions sold in health food stores around the world.

Posted by Earth Clinic (Los Angeles) on 06/24/2017

Ever tried making an alkalizing bath bomb for your kids? So much fun and good for them when they're sick!

Here's a new video featuring Mama's cutie pie son explaining how to make BBs using citric acid, baking soda, bentonite clay and witch hazel.

Mama to Many will also tell you how these bath bombs can help itchy skin issues like poison ivy and chicken pox.

Posted by Earth Clinic (La) on 01/27/2017

Our new borax video - just out on YouTube!

Learn why thousands of people around the world drink a borax solution and 2 popular ways to make a borax solution. Check the description box for time stamps links so that you can start watching the section you want.

Please give a thumbs up if you liked it! Thank you!

Vitamins and Herbal Supplements

Posted by Rebel (Somewhere, Usa) on 02/04/2015

So the vitamin and herbal products here in the news is disturbing, but not shocking in my opinion. There are several reasons this may have occurred.

One could be greed and the vitamins and herbals are being prostituted to the public. Meaning they will sell you anything to make a dollar and not care about if it cures or kills you. Two, this could be a false flag and an attack on the supplement industry ( so it can be regulated by the gov. ) Three it makes the people using natural cures look as if they are on the wrong path. If you have the same stuff the old timers used it will work, but if it is fillers and NONE of the vitamin or herbal in the pills of course it won't work.

If the supplements are doing us no good or possibly harm, then we are in no better shape than dealing with the big pharma.

I take lots of vitamins and herbals and this is a huge industry. I do believe if it comes raw from the plant or veggie or fruit or sunshine it is better absorbed by us in its natural form. I also believe that what helps me most is good old baking soda for PH. Even when I cure colds and stuff, I do it with raw garlic and not from pill form.


Replied by Bama

RE: supplements in the news. What gets me is 'why do they CARE'? If I want to put things into my body, I'm the only one responsible for it. They promote e-cigarettes, weed, using mercury in vaccines, etc. But if I want to take control of my own health, by golly they're gonna stop me if they can! I just want the powers that be to leave me alone!

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Thanks for the post Rebel.

This is no coincidence as the propaganda against nutritional supplements occurs several times per yr, and w/ very little substance or credible evidence to back those reports on each occasion.

This also comes down the wire at the same time as major pro-mandatory vaccinations propaganda. Parental rights for children's health is constantly under fire especially in cases like cancer where medical & legal "professionals" essentially abduct children under the auspice of parents endagerering the child's life. I really don't believe there are many or any parents that intentionally, knowingly give their children cancer; they would certainly need be mad geniuses to do something like that.

Also, now since the USA elected a federal gov controlled healthcare president where people are forced to buy health insurance ... well, we are on the road to a very bad situation in terms of human health & freedom. Unlabeled GMO foods is another item on the agenda, as is uncontrolled human populations. Widespread overly-prescribed medication w/ Big Pharma crunching the numbers for drugs like Statins and SSRI's w/, again, little or twisted science to validate the efficacy. From the medical professionals perspective and claim, all vaccines are totally safe. They report zero bad side effects for all vaccines, yet they disclose no etiology for conditions like autism. It is very difficult to believe that in this age of advanced science, technology, and information systems that medical "professionals" have no credible evidence for a disease that's less than a century old.

In the political arena, there are few real leaders and most are simply going for the money while government is in major debt.

Well, I am really rambling now, but there are a number of overlapping causes to any number of these toxic social conditions, not simply fascism. IMHO.

Webite Comments

Posted by Don (Ne, Ontario) on 11/24/2014

I have just wasted 30 min listening to: "REMOVE heavy metals from your body."

I listed to chap babble on ? who does not have enough respect for himself or his audience to comb his hair.

You have just undermined any respect for your web site on what is an important subject. Terrible, terrible babble!!!! Even just leaving a pitcher of water out when you go to bed results in less chlorine in the water by morning.

EC: Hi Don,

Kindly tell us where you saw this horrible video. Earth Clinic only has a few videos out and removing heavy metals is not one of them!

Replied by James222
(New Hampshire)

I just read your post with great interest regarding heavy metals and it inspired me to write an easy to follow plan. Having successfully cleared out my own heavy metals I hope you find it useful.

Stay tuned it's already been sent off to EC for approval .

Kindest Regards


Website Comments

12 User Reviews
5 star (12) 

Posted by Clare (Sedona, arizona) on 06/10/2021

Your mobile site stinks.

I can't search anything. I have been a member for over 10 years but can no longer remember my 2 million passwords. Why can't I search without signing in? I think it is probably for evil tracking reasons. Not cool, EarthClinic! It's supposed to be FOR people, BY people, and not corpoate driven. Shame.

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Hello Clare,

We are not sure what you are talking about. Everything on our mobile site is searchable without signing in. Do you have a password app like LastPass on your mobile phone? If so, that is probably what keeps popping up at the bottom, not Earth Clinic's login box.

If you don't have any password apps on your cell, try deleting history and cache in your browser settings and see if that helps. Perhaps you have an old file stored on your mobile phone causing issues.

Please let us know so we can figure out what the issue is.


P.S. Sorry to disappoint, but we are still neither evil nor corporate-driven after 21 years on the net.

(somewhere, europe)


I never signed up, and yet can access all this life-saving free information from any device with no problem whatsoever. You are to be COMMENDED!!!

Replied by Madelyn

I have no problem posting and using the search function while accessing the website from my phone. I'm not signed in and don't even have a user account. Be encouraged Earth Clinic, this website it wonderful!


mmsg,,,, ORH here, and this saga reminds me of what my dad always told me when I got a whippin. " Son, you need a whippen ever so often to loosen up your skin so you can grow." D. just got a whippin, and she will grow. The world is not coming to an end, and we need to get on with our tales.


Replied by J.

One can use various search engines to search the Earth Clinic website. Below is a sample keyword combination that can be used to search for the keyword alkalizing on the webpages of +alkalizing

The above keyword combination can be tried at the search engines accessible at the below links.

Below is a sample keyword combination that can be used to search for the keyword alkalizing on the webpages, which is the section of the Earth Clinic website that is dedicated to observations that were shared by Ted from Bangkok. +alkalizing

Below are links to sample search results.> +alkalizing +alkalizing

Regarding evil, maybe one can find encouragement from the content at the below link.



Replied by Earth Clinic

Our programmer just fixed the LastPass login box which kept popping up at the bottom of the screen, but if someone has another password app causing the same issue, please let us know!

Replied by Art
2370 posts


What health sites have you been on that offer a better format than Earth Clinic or better information or better organization? How much do you pay to use Earth Clinic? Oh, that's right, it's free! If you have better choices to choose from, perhaps you might want to use those wonderful sites instead of this evil site which is secretly trying to track you! Are you serious with these unfounded allegations?

What's Not Cool Claire, is that you have admitted using Earth Clinic, FOR FREE, For Over 10 years and in the same post call it EVIL!!!!! Yeah, that's not cool at all CLARE!!!!

If you're so sure about your allegations, why have you endured all of this evil tracking for over 10 years???

What sounds evil here Clare is a person making false accusations about Earth Clinic, based on absolutely nothing other than you might have been temporarily inconvenienced!!!


Replied by Art
2370 posts

Hi Deirdre,

Is there an estimated completion date for the other 50% of the website platform move?


EC: Hi Art,

No estimated date, but hopefully 2-3 weeks from now depending on how much cleanup work has to be done once the reader posts are moved over!

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

EC, I'm sort of addicted to EC so when a few days pass with no new posts, I work up a sweat!

Sorry to be so selfish, OF COURSE you ppl need vacation times etc. it's just that you are just about the BEST site on the internet, the give and take here is incredibly human, besides being incredibly useful!

Website Comments
Posted by Colleen (Homosassa, Fl) on 05/21/2018

Thank you for this wonderful site .. And God bless those of you who take time to share.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U CHARITY,,,,,,,,,, several months Dr Shallenberger wrote an article about IASIS and I had no clue. He had first poopooed the topic, but a friend told him otherwise and to get involved. He did and now says... it's the real McCoy. It is an electrical feed back program that is doing wonders for our veterans who had brain trauma in Iraq during the war.

We have an integrated doctor a little over an hour's away and we are starting the treatments. My Tractor Driver just had her first. If it lets her sleep and feel at peace, then I'm the next in line. We have had no brain traumas but still want to be at peace.

With your childhood brain trauma, what have you got to lose by researching? It is new, so there are few doctors in this field. You seem like a bright person, and you can find someone in your region that can give you guidance.

In any case, I wish you well. ===ORH===

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

So glad you are improving Charity. I have a condition which is so severe but I keep fighting and hope to celebrate a return to much better health soon. I've been singing the song "Back On My Feet Again" with Michael Bolton last few days.

As long as I am able and posting here on E.C. I am at your service for additional help in your Healing Journey.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

Old Robert Henry, I will consider that electrical feedback. I have another friend that has brain trauma from emotional abuse and she told me she wants to have it when she has $/insurance. Currently I am reintegrating Broken off parts of my heart (person) as they pop up.( D.I.D.) I am learning from a site called net burst net. I have found your post interesting and wish I had your green thumb and brain skills to process information. Let me know as you learn more by experience, about the electrical feedback program. Is it spendy and does a normal policy cover it % $ very well. I'll be following your post as usual. Thank you so much . Love, Charity

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

Hi Timh, Thank you, you have posted so many good helps. It seems three steps forward and two steps back, is normal. I do what I can in the natural and then pray for an ACT OF GOD. I hope you find yourself BACK ON YOUR FEET AGAIN and DANCING.Love, Charity

PS If you know how to regenerate teeth, please spill your guts ....I know some stuff, but it's still GAME ON.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Mine is like 1 step forward one step back. I can get the upper hand only momentarily.

For teeth I swish a mouthful of minerals (bulk powder Azomite), plus lots of Vit-D and K1/K2. Taurine helps the body utilize minerals as well as Calcium 2-AEP. I also like the Hyland's Cal Phos 6x for bones & teeth as it is the best delivery of these minerals.

As for regrowth, Zinc is always a must as well as adequate Omega 3's. Chewing some dried Comfrey Leaves would certainly seem to help.

Almost forgot the first step so lets back up. Swishing Colloidal Silver would kill any possible infection in the gums or even jawbones if done properly.

I keep thinking about the herb Gotu Kola for brain health and also tissue repair. I hope that someone can find a way for our dear Ted to get some good brain nutrition which would surely help. It would be a great day if he could get well enough to be active here again. There are many manufacturers that have nutrient formulas all good for brain and neurochemistry. Are you taking one of these??? Nootropics is the proper term for these. I didn't see you list any except maybe the Lecithin. There is an advanced Choline nutrient becoming more common called Citicoline. It's an ingredient in many of the energy drinks or 5 hr Energy.
Found a good site for lots of info on the topic:

Good tips from -ORH- as it is obvious many folks suffering from like conditions especially wounded vets. For an intro to the treatments he suggested try some Brainwave, Binaural or Isochronic Tones or Music or Beats on YouTube. I listen to the Cannabis as well as Love528 beats in my battle against the cancer. It really helps revert my DNA back to normal. There are some good deep relaxation or meditation tunes.

Let us know about your progress.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

I looked all of these up and azomite is a fertilizer, so you swish it and spit? I use D+ sunbathe, K and taurine daily. I tried some cal phos but not sure about it, so I will try the hylands next time I order supplements. I will try the comfrey leaves, are they at the grocery store bulk spice? I bite a fish oil capsule daily and let it soak my teeth. I use zinc but maybe not enough. I started using ginger this past week . A dime size sliver of raw, chewed, really helped cut sinus drama from dental issues and helps liver too.( A friend of mine inquired of the Lord and my symptoms I had for two days stopped in five minutes. )Tonight I felt led to ask her to inquire for you. She heard your immune system was poor and to use St. Johns Wart tea mixed with colloidal silver 3x a day until you feel improvement. She hits the target a lot as a seer. Neither of us was familar with st Johns but I looked it up in earth clinic and it works as an anti viral and another site said possible as a cancer treatment. Also anti depressant.

I will be trying more things you and ORHenry recommended as $ allows . I recently bought a lot of gut helpers and trying to add one at a time slowly so I can digest what I eat and get better health. Also detoxing my liver slowly. Did try some spooky 2 you tube, rife for teeth and gums .Have also been listening to some frequencies on you tube over the years.One day at a time and we can win these battles . It's a JOYRNEY..lotsa fun!

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Yes, I hold a big mouthful of the Azomite for a few minutes about once-a-wk to mineralize my teeth then spit it out. Comfrey is a little hard to find cause it can be toxic if taken internally, but you can also use the active ingredient Allantoin which is not toxic.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

Timh,,,,,,,,, is this the same Utah stuff that I'm using in my garden to increase my soil trace minerals? I buy it by the 40 # bags. I can understand using it in a garden, but how can swishing volcanic ash help your teeth? Not doubting you, just don't understand the chemistry.

Your buddy and neighbor ====ORH====

Replied by Timh
2043 posts


Az is my main source of trace minerals so I use it orally, swishing, foot & whole body baths.

Jaw Bones need minerals to keep the teeth solid.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

Timh,,,,,,,, I spray my skin down with magnesium prior to a sauna and never thought of doing that with a trace mineral product. See ...... you just taught an ole man something, and I thank you.

Folks need to know what hits their skin is into their body. It's called transdermal. I still have questions about the teeth thing.


Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

I appreciate any tips to try, I got a new one today . Make a paste of baking soda and coconut oil and put it on cracked tooth . Hope it works like a miracle...I'll let you know

Website Comments
Posted by Barbara (Folsom, Ca) on 03/26/2017

It is extremely difficult to search for the many valuable posts that I have used and re-used. Where do I now go to be able to enter a search? I entered Ted's Carbicarb recipe finally on google --still could not find it. Very disappointing turn with an dearly appreciated site! The youtube videos are good...but the site change is a tremendous disappointment! Information will be welcomed!

EC: Hi Barbara, thank you for your honest feedback.

Earth Clinic's design is no longer "new" as we updated it last June. However, we hoping to make a shift in upcoming months to WordPress from this customized design and database which has LOTS of ongoing issues, especially when you factor in that most people are viewing EC on their mobile phones. Hopefully information will be much easier to find once we move to WordPress and reorganize everything, but it's a complicated move and will take a while to sort out on a limited budget.

Website Comments
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/20/2016

Hi Team. I realize you may be having "teething troubles" but:-

Are we still able to edit our postings AND see the result in the "Recent Postings"? Some of us have second thoughts and need to go back to flesh out or improve or simply correct a slip up. At present we are welcomed to edit our humble offerings but the results don't show up!

Next:- We could formerly under the "Ancient Regime" ( ah, la Belle Epoque! ) click on the title of our post in our "Account section" and it would whisk us magically away and transport us "seamlessly" to the relevent piece in the "Recent Posts" so we could see if there was any follow up. Maybe I am not keeping up too well. Do I need a treatment?


EC: Hi Michael,

Edited posts come back our moderators for review (to make sure people aren't sneaking in product names) and then get posted on the site. However, they don't reappear at the top of the Latest Posts page as a new post, they simply overwrite the previous post. We've approved all of your edits, so if they are not appearing in place of the old, please let us know as this would indicate a glitch in our editing programming.

Thank you for alerting us that links are missing in the "My Posts" section of accounts. Shall be fixed soon!

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Hi Team. Nope - still no edits getting through to where it counts. I am sorry I cannot bestow an "Editor's Choice" award to your esteemed Programer yet awhile!

Maybe I will just have to correct my omissions again if that is what it takes.


EC: Sorry about that. Thank you for alerting us to the issue during this week of multiple glitches and tweaks. The editing issue has now been fixed. Unfortunately, you must re-edit any posts you tried to edit when we changed to a new design. Apologies for the extra work!

Website Comments
Posted by Art (California ) on 09/17/2016 2370 posts

I was wondering why sometimes when I am going to post, at the top of the page it says I am signed in, but when I go to post, I am asked for my information as though I am not logged in?


EC: Hi Art!

Thank you for bringing that to our attention. We've noticed this issue too. Our system logs you out after 24 hours, but the "Welcome, Art!" message at the top has not refreshed to "Login". Our programmer will fix this today hopefully!