Earth Clinic Requests
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Comments and Requests

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Website Comments

12 User Reviews
5 star (12) 

Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra) on 08/20/2014 180 posts

Hi EC,

Kindly look in to the font size, for seniors it is quite difficult to read and now we don't have option to increase the font size. Thanks, Baldev

EC: Hi Baldev, we just increased the font size. Also, are you able to use your browser to zoom in? Instructions here:

Website Comments
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 08/19/2014

Dear EC staff --- is it just me or why am I unable to access the recent post pet section??? thank you. Om

EC: Hi Om, you can access it when you click on the Pets tab on our main navigation menu -. a dropdown menu will appear with the Latest Pets posts link.

Website Comments
Posted by Kathy (Pisgah Forest, Nc) on 08/07/2014

I loved you site, but I haven't been on for a while and suddenly, everything's changed. I'm having difficulty finding anything now. Please please, this is terrible.

Website Comments
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere Usa) on 08/06/2014

Please change earthclinic back to the way it was. I don't like this new set up.

Website Comments
Posted by Earth Clinic (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/23/2014

Hi everyone!

We experienced an issue with our server earlier this afternoon and Earth Clinic suddenly went offline, much to our dismay. 7 hours later, we're happily back online and the site is running smoothly again. Very sorry for the inconvenience!

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

I started to go into EC withdrawal! Glad to see you're back, love this site.

EC: Thank you, Nanowriter! We were missing you all too!

Website Comments
Posted by Bob (Tampa, FL) on 07/19/2014

Thanks for your site!

Website Comments
Posted by Denise (Cape Cod, Masssachusetts) on 07/19/2014

Why can't I get on the "search" link? There's nothing to click. I've been using this for many years and it's changed.

EC: Hi Denise,

Sorry you are experiencing issues with our site. Can you please let us know what browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, etc)?? You need to have javascript enabled on your browser in order for the search box to work. If you recently updated your browser, that setting might have been disabled.? If you send us an email, our programmer will be able to assist you more: staff(at)

Website Comments
Posted by Woody (Australia) on 07/11/2014

After your recent changes I have had considerably less luck than previous en devours. Regardless I wish to locate articles formerly read while searching for skin infections or borax treatment I need to know what material I can use to get said cure beneath the surface of the skin? I recall it was stated as a known, frequently used substance to get lower layers of the dermis. Thanks for your help.

Replied by Sam
(Miami, US)

Skin infections are an external manifestation of internal problems, often in lungs. If I were you, I would start learning about essential oils and start using it. You can start with free e-book "Butterfly miracles with essential oils". But to learn more, the book "Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple: God's Love Manifest in Molecules" by David Stewart is a must.

Replied by Mary
(Saskatchewan, CA)

The answer to your question is DMSO. It is a solvent and will penetrate many layers deep as well as carry other compounds with it as it absorbs. You must be very careful that your hands and skin are very clean with a simple organic soap. DMSO will take anything mixed with it into your body. Look it up there is a plethora of information on the web. Ignore the negative or anything from the govt.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Hi Mary -- really would like to know how you are doing. I am alright and have a natural regimen but was wondering what answers you may found for yourself. I found your post on Tony Pantalleresco very interesting; in fact it was the answer to LI that I was looking for.

Namaste, Om

Website Comments
Posted by Earth Clinic (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/02/2014

Hi everyone,

It appears that some mobile users have not been able to access Earth Clinic since we went responsive a few weeks ago. Our apologies!! Even though we have tested the site on multiple devices and found no issues, it appears that at the very least, some Android phone users cannot view any pages on the site. That said, we will be turning our old mobile site back "on" later today until we can figure out the problem.

If you have experienced any problems viewing pages on the site, would you kindly let us know what mobile phone you are using (iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, etc) and the network (AT&T, Verizon, etc)? Also, please try refreshing your browser if you are experiencing login issues. You can do this by clicking Control and F5 at the same time on PCs and Command + R on Macs.

Thanks so much and again, many apologies for the issues our upgrade has caused folks.

Replied by T-ann

I have an awful time with the new website. my tablet is the worst...its a Samsung Galaxy 7.... pretty much a lost cause on the tablet. MY Cell is also a samsung. I would love to have the old website back. thanks!

EC: Oh so sorry. We've heard about a Galaxy 7 issue from another person just a couple of days ago. We will restore the old site as soon as our programmer can get to it (hopefully tonight).

Replied by E.b.
(Houston, Tx)

I've not been able to log on for quite a while now, at least a week or longer. The screen would jump erratically. I'm on my HP laptop here at home and couldn't get through to ask what was happening. Thank you all for Earth Clinic, love it!

EC: Thank you for letting us know!

Replied by Earth Clinic
(Atlanta, GA)

Update: Last night, we turned our old mobile site back on and removed the responsive design functionality. This means desktop pages will no longer resize on tablets or mobile phones. Modernizing EC is harder than we thought, thanks to over 600+ devices on different networks around the world who are viewing our pages!

Hopefully the problems people were having when they logged in will be resolved! If a page look strange, please try clearing your history and cache files since we just did a major update.

Kindly let us know if you are having any issues. Thank you!!

Website Comments
Posted by Earth Clinic (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/02/2014

Our July newsletter is out! See:

Website Comments
Posted by Deborah (Riverview, Fl.) on 06/25/2014

When I heard this, I thought of all of you wonderful people who help complete strangers. You give your time and love! Thank you.

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear Robert Henry,

20, 18, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8, 5, 3. Its a party everyday! :)

How is your garden? And your back?

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U MAMA, , , , , , , , , , ,

Were they all birth'd by you, and are you seeing after them full time? I ask that question because, if so, I don't see where you have time to participate on this site as you do.

We only had 3 and the oldest is 50. I had doubts that you were legitimate, but accept your word.

Life is interesting. Our garden is great and we are trying to eat most of it raw. My back is not so good. Just glad I married the right woman some 54 years ago. All folks love their spouses, most just don't like um. We hunt , fish and work together so we kinda attached . We friends. That helps a lot.

Hope my inquiry did not cause you grief, but folks are not what they used to be. Just glad you are.

=====OLE ROBERT HENRY=========

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Ol' Robert Henry: the more kids one has, the more time one will find, because the kids entertain/help each other and if one has a good "military" discipline in place (not mean, but firm and consistent), with each member pitching in, it makes for as much free time as the next mom.

Replied by Tara
(Boston, Ma)

Dear Robert Henry,

It may be rare, but there are some people who are indeed genuine, kind and caring. I have always felt this after reading Mama's posts and wish her and her family many blessings! We are all so very fortunate that she has time to post on Earth Clinic. Thank you, Mama!

Replied by Mama to Many

Tara and Mmsg,

Thank you for your encouraging words! Mmsg, you are right, the more there are the more they entertain each other! And we do have routines and schedules and such to get stuff done.

Robert Henry,

My parents raised three around when you raised three. My dad always said, “Once you have three you may as well have ten! ” He felt he was out numbered at three. Children are a lot of work, whether you have one or ten. And congratulations on being married 54 years! My parents had 57 years together before my mom passed away. Dad is very proud of those years. They were best friends, too.

I did birth all nine myself (with the support of my wonderful husband and great midwives, of course! ) and my husband (of 25 years) and I are raising all of them ourselves, by the grace of God. (Though a couple are raised – at 18 and 20, working full time and responsible adults.) I am blessed to be a full time stay at home mom. I accept very few commitments beyond those of my family.

And yet, even the most demanding jobs allow breaks.. We don't have cable or TV, and I don't choose to do facebook or have a website or anything. When I have some free time, I like to read and I like to post at EC. I love to write, I love natural health, and I love to help people, which hopefully happens once in a while when I post, so EC has been a natural (ha! ) place for me to spend some of my free time. Thanks for encouraging me to keep first things first. Iron sharpens iron and I will take seriously your desire for the generation being raised right now to be raised well. I hope I will maintain a sensitivity to the needs of my children and not let anything get in the way of that.

I am glad your garden is doing well. We have had a lot or rain and ours is looking pretty good. I am so sorry about your back. I hope you get to feeling better over some more time.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Gertie

Mama to many--I'm one of 8 and it's not at all like the movies where life is chaos. You have to have order and parents in charge. We had a cleaner house and more orderly life than our friends who were only children. More is better!

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Dear Mama to Many - What a lovely response to Robert Henry's post. As usual, you wrote with grace and compassion. It is very fortunate you do find the time to contribute to Earth Clinic. I've learned a lot from your posts and hope you continue! Cheers from Calgary

Replied by KT

OLE ROBERT HENRY; Phil. 2:4 says, "Each one of you should look not only interests, but also to the interests of others" and 1 Cor. 10:24 says, "Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others".

As I read your post and the ones that supported Mama to Many, these verses came to my mind and I just had to post them. ~KT~

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear Gertie,

I smiled when I read your post. I couldn't take it if this were chaos. :) We clean together, cook together, eat our meals together....we do have our crazy moments (the stomach bug with lots of little ones is a challenge! ) but I am blessed.

Dear Bess,

I always smile when I see your posts with "cheers from Calgary! " Thanks for spreading that sunshine!

Dear Kt,

And you take heed to those words as you share your experiences to help others! Thanks!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by KT

Thank-you, Mama to Many, I have not always been slow to speak (multiple head traumas) and I "blurt" inappropriate things without thinking. When I asked EC to remove or change what I posted they have been gracious to do it as soon as I asked.

When someone is asking for help and I have been so fortunate to have learned what I have, I want to share.

I have become reluctant to post because it takes too much time to put my thoughts down, amend them only to end up having to apologize and ask EC to change them.

EC: Kt, you are always welcome to post. We wish you well.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn.)

HI U MAMA, , , , , , , , , ,

In one of your posts you mentioned that ya'll raise a garden. I applaud you for that as our garden and farm is our way to a healthy life. Tonight Ms Conn served me corn on the cob, fried green tomatoes, corn bread, raw carrots, radish, onion , cukes, bell peppers and apple juice. All from our little ole 6 acre farm.

Was not reared on a farm, but we had a garden and us boys had to work it and I hated that. Out of college we ate from a paper bag and I did not like that one bit. You never learn when you are not a happy camper. I began our own garden but had no clue, so I would call my dad. After a few years I began to catch on. Now after 50 + years and lots of dusty roads, I's a pretty good gardner.

I bring this subject up because most on this site don't raise what they eat. Most cannot afford all organic, so they go the western diet of processed foods and meat.

With this said, I have no qualms with your posts, but some think I do. So what I propose is that you and I smoke a peace pipe for all to see, so we get on with helping one and all to a better health.

======OLE ROBERT HENRY=======

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Robert Henry,

Well, Ms Conn sounds like an amazing cook. My Nana used to make dinners like that. I loved going to her house for a couple of weeks every summer when I was a girl. She lived in the country and they grew everything! I remember how much I loved the butter at Nana's. It was home made from her brother's cow. I was an adult before I understood why Nana's butter was so different than what I grew up with. (I grew up on margarine! )

I didn't grow up on a farm. We lived in the suburbs. But Dad did grow a little garden every year and also grew the most beautiful roses. I have often wished I paid better attention to his wisdom when I was a girl.

So, you are much further along in gardening than I am...we learn a little more every year, like you said.

Thanks for sharing some of your life. And your remedies are very interesting to me. Especially the eggplant water. I want to learn more about DMSO, so I will keep on reading. Thanks a bunch!


~Mama to Many~

Website Comments
Posted by Raksha (Livingston, Nj) on 06/24/2014

I just wanted to thank you so very much for the most valuable information on your website! It is my bible of health and nutrition! It is my first place to go to on the web if I have any medical problems for people or pets! I have referred your website to countless of people!! I can not thank you enough for the tremendous service you are providing to global community! You are God send to help people who want natural treatment at prices they can afford!!!

I learn so much from reading comments on experiences people have in treating their ailments!

Just recently I told someone about how 35% food grade H2O2 can help COPD from reading about it on your website! She tried it and it truly works! For the first time in a long while she is able to function without having to take inhalers and Rx medicines! She is amazed at how great this remedy works!

Once again, thank you very much!


Website Comments
Posted by Rita (Burson, Ca) on 06/22/2014

I notice that people post information on your site and other people ask them for clarification and get no answers most of the time. I am wondering if you could incorporate a way to let the original poster know someone has responded to their comments, so they can get back to the website and answer the question. I know it's possible because this option is available on other websites.

I feel bad for everyone going unheard, but if the original poster doesn't know someone responded, they can't help. People don't just keep checking to see if someone has responded to their original post.

Thanks for listening. I love Earth Clinic and refer people to it all the time. Thanks.

EC: Hi Rita, thanks for the great feedback and ideas. For the past few years, if you have an Earth Clinic account, you have the option to be notified when someone responds to a post. We can make this automatic. However, many contributors choose not include an email address when they submit a post, so we have no way notifying them. We'll talk to the programmer about an automatic notification. It's a great idea!

Replied by KT

I thought I would let EC and Rita know when I select "Watch" on a post, I always receive an email that lets me know someone has commented on a thread I am following. A link is provided that takes me to that specific post.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

All is not lost. If the "ingredient" or "remedy" is sold as a product like nutritional supplement, there are proper or recommended doses labeled and usually to take w/ or without food. If remedy is raw form you can still find recommended quantities easily on the internet; many natural (educational or retail) medicine websites.

Website Comments
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan) on 05/31/2014

I don't know where to look to find Teds remedies all in one place. Is there such a spot? And Bill's as well would be really helpful!!! Thank you. Mary

EC: Hi Mary! Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, having all of Ted's remedies in one place would be a great idea. Same with Bill's remedies. What we have started to do is create sub-pages within the ailments sections. So if you click on Ted's Remedies on the Degenerative Disc Disease page, it will now take you to a new page called: We'll also start to move Ted's responses in the Q&A section onto the new sub-pages too. Then once we have a few more of these pages done, we can create a new index page for Ted with a list of all the links. However, we have some urgent matters that take precedence at the moment (like making the web site mobile responsive), so it will take time to get Ted's project done.

Website Comments
Posted by KT (Usa) on 05/31/2014

The login blank is changed. I never trusted this format but cannot bring up the former that I always signed in on. It used to be a drop-down blank on the right side of the page. Now it is on the left side and does not drop down. Please advise.

EC: Hi KT, please click on the words "LOGIN" at the top and it will work. We'll have the programmer remove the little red arrow so it's not confusing. We removed the drop down box and turned it into a simple link that takes you to a secure login page.