Earth Clinic Requests
Health Benefits

Comments and Requests

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Website Comments

12 User Reviews
5 star (12) 

Posted by Tar Ball (Far North Queensland, Australia) on 02/10/2014

It seems that the Security Certificate on your webserver has expired.

It's validity ceased as of 2/10/14 11:42:39 AM. Where I am it is 2/10/14 10:28 PM so my browser had unkind words to say about the safety of your site. Your prompt attention to this matter will help your declining credibility. If you do not manage the's Certificate, contact the person who does and ask them about the options to fix this. If you do manage the site you should know what to do. Cheers, Tar

EC: Thanks so much, Tar! We've requested a new annual certificate and should have it working soon.

Website Comments
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario) on 02/03/2014

Hi Earth Clinic, You mentioned in a recent post that you will be upgrading this site in about a month's time. I would like to know if you would make all the icons such as A+, A- bigger and more spaced from from each other. Also the + and - signs next to posts. I have small fingers and when I use my iPod I usually have to try many times before getting to where I am trying to go. It works fine on the iPad since it is bigger. Can you please have someone try it on an iPod if you do the upgrade? Thanks for this fantastic site! Maureen

EC: Hi Maureen,

Thanks for the great requests. We'll see if the designer can make those changes in the next few days on the site. No need to wait until the launch of the new design!

Website Comments
Posted by April (Wyoming) on 01/18/2014

I've just been exposed to H1N1, and I remember in 2009 that Ted had some very detailed information about how to take L-Lysine to combat it. You seem to have reorganized this site and I cannot find anything! I search using your search box and I keep getting a 404- Page not found error. All the vital & priceless information you have on this site is worth nothing if the user cannot find it.:(

EC: Sorry about that! Issue was a programming glitch on that particular page, but has now been fixed.

Ted's Remedies:

Website Comments
Posted by Blanche (Louisiana) on 01/16/2014

So many who post here don't give any details. It would be more helpful to have at least an approximate measure of the substance taken and how often, and especially was it taken internally or applied externally....That sure could matter a lot!

Replied by Patrice
(Nashua, NH)

I fully agree with you. There are no specifics on how one used a particular remedy and as well many have questions but I seldom see any replies. It is rather frustrating as a reader and seeker.

Website Comments
Posted by Jan (Jurupa Ca. U.S.A.) on 01/14/2014

I just wanted to remind people that some people cannot understand what initials mean. Can people place on their posts what the initials mean? I have no idea what BHT or BV means?

EC: Hi Jan, good point!

BV = Bacterial Vaginosis
BHT = Butylated hydroxytoluene.. a supplement people are taking for Viral Hepatitis and liver damage

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney Australia)

Jan, good point, I second that.

Website Comments
Posted by Linda (Clarkston, Michigan) on 01/07/2014

Please add a Pinterest button so I can pin ideas to my health page! Thank you.! I share with lots of people who would love what you have to offer!

EC: HI Linda,

Thank you so much for the suggestion! We added it.. Our board is a bit bare at the moment, but we'll get more posted on it very soon.

Website Comments
Posted by Mia (Muriwai Beach, New Zealand) on 01/05/2014

Hello, I'm really confused how I can write in a post in reply to someone. it was an old post 2009..Kathy from Dubois on a bioflavanoid recipe..but thee was nowhere to add anything it seemed. Can you instruct me how to join in. Thanks so much. Mia

EC: Dear Mia,

Very sorry about the confusion. There is an icon at the bottom of every thread, including the one you are interested in, that says "Reply". Click that icon beneath you thread and you will be redirected to our contact us form page, which will automatically connect to the thread you are interested in (note: you won't be able to change the subject line in such a case).

If anyone has suggestions on how we can make our form more clear for first-timers on the site, we are very open to hearing it!

Website Comments
Posted by Ed0201 (Canada) on 11/13/2013

hi I replied for the following post:

[YEA] 06/13/2011: Mike from Lakeville, Mn replies: "Infrequently I'll get food stuck in my throat. I can breathe fine but there is pain and I can't swallow anything - not even saliva. For the most part I've learned to avoid the triggers (i.e. Raw carrots) but I recently found out that if I down a few drops of cayenne tincture mixed with a little water the food immediately goes down. It appears that my mucus is thickening at the base of my throat (possibly due to food allergies?). Back in the day, I even had to go to the emergency room and have a endoscopy done to dislodge the food. Other times it would take me up to 30 minutes to get food down (or throw it up) but the Cayenne is a great quick fix for my issue. I'm assuming this is due to its ability to thin mucous. Hope to find the root cause at some point but this has really been a life saver in the meantime."


but it is not published yet. I recommended to change the milk brand and percentage. Is it missed. Ed2010. thanks

EC: Hi Ed2010, we got your post on Monday, but you sent it under a different thread. Here it is:

Replied by Ed2010

I am sorry, somehow I missed. Good Health

Replied by Sue
(Fairfax Va)

I, too, posted in the "submit feedback" category, not to a specific post, and was hoping it would show up on the "real-time posts" page so that others could reply. The subject was "question about digestive enzymes, " and posted it twice, thinking it had gotten lost.

Perhaps when posting in the "submit feedback" section, we should specify where we want the post to show up? It seems that the real-time posts page is a good place to get feedback from anyone familiar with the issue, not necessarily only those who are following a specific thread...

Thank you, Sue

EC: Hi Sue, we got both your posts. We are in process of creating a new page for Enzymes and will get the new page and your post up this afternoon or early evening!

Website Comments
Posted by Linda (Southern Maine) on 10/28/2013

Hi - is it possible to allow a direct path to EC links? When I perform a search, then click on the EC link I'd like to read I'm not directed to the actual post, I'm taken to the page then have a hard time locating the post I want to read because the "highlight search terms" isn't working for me. Is that something with my browser?

Thanks for all you do in maintaining this wonderful clearinghouse!


EC: Hi Linda, thank you for your feedback!

We've been testing the search box on multiple browsers and keywords that are entered into the search box do appear highlighted on various page. However, they appear in different colors for each word. It appears that Google may have changed the way they display highlighted keywords. We're looking into other solutions at the moment.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

The EPA would go out of existence if the government brought the clean suppressed technology online. Pollution and environmental destruction are by design just like the EPA.

Solution: Plan to bring EPA into existence with hidden agenda to bring greater control of access to resources on earth.

Problem: Artificially create or allow a pollution and environmental destruction to occur.

Reaction: The powers that be wheel out the solution. population reacts to the problem and embraces the solution.

The elites paradigm to run this planet through out history has been - Problem, Reaction, Solution.

I find it very sad that so many people still live with the lies drummed into their head and they are not aware of it. People need to get their minds to think outside the box.

I think the reason earth clinic exists was to be one forces to counter the large scale war by governments against the health of the population. I think most people on here know that consciously or intuitively.

How people think that the government is actually fighting against environmental problemswhile it carries out a blatant war against the health of the population is a contradiction.

Environmental policies have hidden agendas to make the human condition worse. Where were all these forces when uneconomical nuclear power plants were built - helping create the problem. Now they are coming to the rescue - right!!!

Wake up folks!!!!

Website Comments
Posted by Chiketa (MI, Usa) on 09/13/2013

How do I get access to the full site and all of the commentaries on my cell phone. I've been using your site for many years and I know that there are more comments than post on the mobile app

EC: Hi Chiketa,

Thanks for the feedback. EC automatically redirects mobile users to its mobile site. However, if you click on the link "View Full Version" at the very bottom of any page on the mobile site, it will open up a new window with the desktop version. We'll try to make that more obvious on the mobile site.

Website Comments
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 09/13/2013

Hi TimH, thank you so much for alerting us to problems you had while trying to post in the wee hours of the morning. All of your posts did, in fact, come through even though you received an error message. Our programmer just fixed the issue, but please let us know if you have any more problems!


Website Comments
Posted by Karen (Tampa, FL) on 09/04/2013

Is there a way to get an e mail to someone without it getting on your site? I have been getting counseling from someone and would like to continue with discretion. Or is putting my e mail on your site a bad idea or not? Thank you.

EC: Hi Karen, we never advise people to add their primary email addresses to posts because of the spam issue from searching robots.? Most people prefer to keep communication on the Earth Clinic site for safety reasons as well. Some people do create secondary/temporary new email accounts (on Gmail, for example) and use them in posts. On occasion we have forwarded an email address when requested privately if we have an address on file for the recipient.

Website Comments
Posted by Sandy (Virginia) on 08/04/2013

I understand having ads, but must they cover up people comments? Hard to read.

EC: Hi Sandy, thank you for your input. Ads only appear to cover up posts in older browser versions (for example, Internet Explorer 8). Online security experts say you are much safer with a newer version of Internet Explorer.

Website Comments
Posted by Irwin (Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada) on 07/27/2013

Are there any plans to launch an EarthClinic app for iPad?

EC: Hi Irwin,

We did look intently into the idea of an app for the Earth Clinic website. Unfortunately, app development requires constant updating just to keep up with the new technology. Since that work does very little to improve the user experience, we decided it was best to invest our limited time on the desktop and mobile sites as they are. We think this is the best way to help improve worldwide health.

Replied by Ed2010

App is not necessary? Just converting the EC to responsive website is suffice. Thanks

Replied by Ana
(Raleigh, Nc, Usa)

Is this site available in a phone app? Thanks.

EC: Hi Ana,

No, we don't have a phone app. However, people accessing Earth Clinic from mobile phones are automatically directed to our mobile site, which is a fast loading but smaller version of our desktop site.

Website Comments
Posted by Cher_the_news (Mississauga) on 07/07/2013

I have no complaints really I just wished you could have your articles translated into many different languages I know someone who cant speak English who could benefit from this knowledge. Most people believe prescription is the way to go and I'm about holistic till it doesn't work so these people don't take me seriously because the articles from real reputable places don't have translation and it makes the doctors drugs look that much better because their minds cant comprehend that other things can work and sometimes doctors are wrong. I can't wait until I become a nurse so this doesn't happen.