Earth Clinic Requests
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Comments and Requests

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Website Comments

12 User Reviews
5 star (12) 

Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/02/2013

I still haven't learned to navigate well on this site but I am looking for a reply from "Jennifer" who asked about my gelatin capsule posting. She asked a question on 3/16 and I replied to her the next day and then to "Deidre" but cannot locate a reply from them and don't know if they read my reply. I don't know if they replied and it is posted somewhere else but I feel it is important to get my answer to them. I noticed the "eye" to watch for any posting is not available after some. One person who replied to me long ago expressed how she could not find all of her postings after she left them. I guess it takes awhile to learn how to navigate here and I am still confused. Please direct me to where I may get better informed. Thanks for your patience! Kathy

EC: Hi Kathy, you must be logged into your account in order to watch a post via the "eye" icon. If you are not logged in, you will not see the "eye" icon or the "flag this post as inappropriate" icon. All of your posts are saved in the "My Feedback" section of your account. Each post is linked to a page on Earth Clinic, so you can click through and read responses to your posts.

Website Comments
Posted by Vickie (Brownwood, Texas, Usa) on 03/03/2013

Hi there! Wow! I'm amazed and in awe of your sites credentialed, degreed and life-experienced staff and contributors. What a blessing to have stumbled upon your site!!!

You have no idea of the gratitude I feel in my heart to God for you all!! I am shedding tears of joy, relief and frustration for all that I've been through and the permanent damage to my body that I have endured from doctors for not. Coming upon your site is almost bittersweet, I suppose.

I was merely looking up TMJD and God allowed me the blessing of stumbling upon your site! I'm so thankful to know that people like you all REALLY care and have a true, passionate drive in your hearts for mankind and all that we must endure somedays.

I'm certain your site will be my second bible as I look to help myself and my family of the diseases and disorders that plague us. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

Peace and Blessings,

Vickie from Brownwood, TX

Website Comments
Posted by Esprit64 (Somewhere, Maine) on 02/20/2013

Hello: Can you help me? Recently, I found a post from Ted about using ingredients in the treatment of fungus, which, contributes to Hypothyroidism, Cancer, etc. However, when I do a search on "Fungus" on your site, all I get is Nail Fungus cites. I find your website difficult to use when searching for an item, similar to the above experience--especially trying to find "Ted" comments. I find it frustrating reviewing some poster's comments, which, is why I prefer to fast-forward and see what Ted has to say. For the Ted/Fungus remedy, how long are his remedies supposed to be taken for relief? Thanks.

EC: Dear Esprit64,

Thank you for your feedback. We are in the process of splitting up our fungus.html page into 2 pages: nail fungus and fungal remedies and should have them up in the next day or so. In the meantime, if you go to the Table of Contents scroll bar on most (but not all) ailments pages, you will find a listing called "Ted's Remedies".

Website Comments
Posted by God's Best (Jacksonville, Florida USA) on 02/02/2013

Like perhaps most when a child is sick they are either a willing adventerous person to work with or absolutely resistant, defiant, and difficult. I happen to have the later who also has an enormous strong will to boot which is good in MOST cases, but this fever wasn't one of them. Anyway, having 5 kids they tend to share things mom wishes they would keep to themselves and she could find a way just to isolate it to the single child, nip it in the bud, and be done with it; however, this is week three where my house has had to deal with some kind of virus that accommodates these unreasonable fevers. The first two weeks with other kids, also equally as strong willed, was resolved with Tylenol and Ibprofen, oils, homeopathic eliquires, cloth rub downs with tea tree-Lavender-eucalyptus-peppermint oil on the back, stomach, arm pits, behind knees, forehead, and neck. Each child prior went well into day 6 before relief was even in sight, in fact, the most recent child still has not fully recovered and the first child started feeling slightly warm last night. These children have been seen by their local peds and cleared for any treatable diagnosis, but the symptoms have not disapated UNTIL NOW!!! As most of us who want to naturally treat our children we seek desperately alternative meds and for me; although THANKS in itself holds a LOT of value to me, I don't think it will quite be sufficiently weighed in this notation, but as I conclude this message I can't help, but cry because my 3rd child who has came down with this virus is peacefully sleeping cool as a cucumber with no more treatments of oils or other methods. I can't begin to tell you how much relief has consumed both my physical and spiritual being! As a first time reader to this web site, I JUST THANK THE LORD for those responsible for starting it and all those who have taken the time to post ideas and replies. This site is now in my bookmarks and will be referred to often! Undoubtedly!!! THANK YOU-God's peace be with you ALL!

Website Comments
Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 01/03/2013

We're so excited about the promise of a New Year! New and better and healthier selves! In all that enthusiasm, though, let's not forget to carry along all that we have learned in the past year.

So with that in mind, we call on avid ECers -- we're looking for long-term members and repeated contributors here -- to send in their personal lists of can't-live-without-'em essential naturopathic and homemade remedies.

What handful of items would make your own 2012 Best Supplements List? What remedies have you been using all year longer and longer yet? We'll add your feedback to our Best of Earth Clinic page ( under a Best of 2012! listing for everyone's contributions.

Two notes: no beauty products, please; but feel free for once and only once to include much-preferred specific brands and product names in your best of lists!

Website Comments
Posted by Deirdre Layne (Earth Clinic) on 01/01/2013

Happy New Year!

The staff of Earth Clinic would like to extend our great thanks to all our contributors, from those close to us here in Atlanta to distant lands from Africa and across to the Pacific. The help you offered others in need and provided in your own remedy contributions throughout 2012 has been invaluable. Your passion, knowledge and wisdom for natural health cures has made Earth Clinic a very special healing environment across the globe.

We give our thanks to you and for you and send innumerable blessings for vibrant health, spiritual wisdom and renewed energy in this New Year to everyone in the Earth Clinic Community.

Replied by Alena
(Jihlava, Czech Republic)

Thank you so much for everything you doing for us.. Happy New year all of you. Earth clinick help me numerous times. Ad only me. Alena

Website Comments
Posted by Cc (Slc, Utah) on 01/01/2013

Just wanted to point out an error you have under "Grape Seed Extract". You have Grape Seed extract as GSE this is in error. Grapefruit Seed Extract is GSE and Grape Seed is Grape Seed. Grapefruit Seed Extract comes from the liquid derived from the seeds, white membranes and pulp of grapefruit. Grape Seed extract is a derivative from grape seeds. Also in the replys listed on this page it has both Grapefruit Seed and Grape Seed comments. Thanks.

EC: Thank you! We will look into it and make corrections.

Website Comments
Posted by Rober Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 12/27/2012

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Let me tell you another story. A few years ago the U of Calif , Ervine did a study on mice that they had given Alzihimers. They then gave the mice Nicianamide and the Alzihimers went away. The school was excited and announced that they were going to now do a human test using Nicianamide. That never took place and my ole boss in Wisconsin called them because his wife was having problems. They never gave him a satisfactory answer.

You have to be totally stupid not to understand what is going on. Nicianamide, Vit B 3 and cheap as dirt. If that will solve Alzihimers, then doctors will have to start doing house calls. That will make them human. We take Nidianamide based on the mouse study. Beats working dumb gigsaw puzzles. AYSM.

Another quick story. A fellow in one of my chelation groups took his wife to the a Cancer Clinic in Houston. She was stage IV. They told her that they could not help her. She asked the doctor if there ever would be a cancer cure. He told her that energy was what controlled the economy of the U. S. and cancer was second. If there ever was a cure for cancer then the U. S. would be bankrupt. I believe that with all my heart. We are just playing games. Cancer has been cured many times over and many years ago. We just keep doing the same ole same ole because it is expensive and 3 % effective. That is my word. =======RH========

Website Comments
Posted by Cassie (Lancs) on 12/26/2012

Happy Holidays to Timh, Lisa, and all the contributors here on the Earth Clinic. Wishing everybody a healthy and happy 2013. Hope it is a lucky year for everyone.

Website Comments
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 12/25/2012 2043 posts

I would like to extend everyone here thanks and gratitude for all your input and concern for the mutual benefit of alleviating our general maladies, sufferings, and hardships. 2012 has been a healing crisis yr (one step forward - one step back) for me, and I must say one of the worst yrs of my life. Earth Clinic members posts have been a valuable asset in my recovery attempts. As my life was seemingly miraculously spared in 1997 with Acute Myleophistic Leukemia by what could be properly defined as The Power Of Prayer from Family, Loved Ones, and Church Family. E.C. has also been a lifeline of virtual small miracles. I can testify with some degree of certainty that supernatural powers by E. C. members (consciously or unconsciously) have been channeled for my healing. To simplify this event I suppose it all comes down to intent. People who genuinely care and make concerted efforts for OTHERS evoke the supernatural power of God/Source/Infinity.

In a spirit of Christmas gratitude I thank The Holy Trinity, Angels of Heaven, Natural Substances & Remedies, Earth Clinic staff and members for the physical, psychological, and spiritual power of healing. In the closing of 2012 and in the coming of a new yr may we all share in what grace is given or created on earth; and in the words of the Apostle Paul "and in all things give thanks".

Replied by Bess
(An Extremely Cold Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Very well said, Timh from Louisville! That was a beautiful message of love and gratitude.

I've always enjoyed reading the posts from you and all of the other contributors. I've learned so much over the years and this site is instrumental in keeping me in good health and in good spirits.

Best wishes to you and all of the Earth Clinic family!

Replied by Pr
(Houston, Texas)

Thank you so much for your beautiful words of love and gratitude. And reminding us to keep our eyes on the goodness of God and not our sickness. Having been faced with suffering and death several times I know how easy it is to get fixed on the pain or doctor reports. But I also have learned if I can fix my mind on the goodness of life, God, family, and friends I get better - dispite the pain and depression I am in. Not an easy task in the mist of suffering.

There have been times I was so sick that the only thing I could think to be thankful for what the air I breath. It was amazing in those dark times as I look back how powerful that very hard and feeble effort was in our Father's hands. Like you I am thankful for all those who post EC and the love with which the post contains.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Everyone, I too would like to give gratitude to everyone who comes on here to give advice, encouragement, feedback and personal stories of triumph. I have been coming here since 2008 and am always learning from the EC family. Even some of the posts that don't necessarily pertain to me often peak my interest and spur me on to learn about ailments/ remedies.

2012 was an amazing year for me because of my discovery about stem cell therapy which I first heard about here on EC! Had I not read it here, I would still be in the belief that they were only in the research stages! I was so desperate for an answer and after a very heartfelt cry for help to the Universe/ Spirit, that post went up and then was quickly followed by a book I picked up that validated how much was being done with stem cells. My prayer was answered and gave me renewed hope!

My thoughts are with everyone who comes here looking for answers and my belief is there is always an answer, we only need to ask... Thank you to everyone who comes and gives tirelessly of their time and wisdom often incurred through their own hardships and endurance. May All be blessed in this new, upcoming year of 2013! Lisa

Replied by Wendy
(Columbus, Oh/usa)

I too would like to express my gratitude for this earthclinic site! I discovered it last year when I was searching for a homeopathic remedy for seasonal allergies. The organic ACV literally stopped the itchy eyes & throat within 2 hours of taking it.

Since then, I've been regularly researching holistic remedies for numerous ailments, not only for myself but for my dogs.

I sing EC's praises to anyone who will listen! Here's to a healthy 2013 to everyone!

- Wendy

Website Comments
Posted by Lynn (Reno, Nv) on 12/18/2012

No question today -- just want to say thank you for all your hard work, keeping the site honest and spam-free, probably the very best site of its kind.

Happy holidays to you all and have a wonderful 2013.

Replied by Moi
(Seattle, Wa)

Yes, thank Deirdre for this site. Merry 2013.

Website Comments
Posted by Bri (Roseburg, Oregon, Us) on 11/23/2012

I would like to express my gratitude to your website and Ted of course;-) I have become slightly obsessed with reading about health and holistic modalities;-) I have read may books and I still think Ted needs to write one! I know he helped with one on here, however I wish I had a paperback form to reference. I absolutely love this websitemand I hope it is around for a long time! I wish I had time to read more of Teds posts, unfortunately I have to work too much:-) I wanted to express how greatful I am to this website!

Website Comments
Posted by Wayitis (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 10/22/2012

It both saddens me, and brightens my heart, to find such healing agents so readily available. Why did we not know before now? Why did the medical establishment, our learned ones, choose profits over being prophets of healing? How did we lose track of the healing methods of the ancients, only recently recognizing their great stores of knowledge about plants and their value?

Thousands upon thousands have suffered and died, through forgetting what really matters. May we live to help one another to be transformed and renewed. I am grateful to Earth Clinic for this forum. It has helped my family more than I can possibly say, and through everyone involved here.

Welcome to the awakening, the remembering, the revealing..... --T.

Website Comments
Posted by Cindy (Beverly Hills, Fl) on 10/21/2012

I have to add my 2 cents after reading some of these comments. Regarding the use of Natural Supplements in our animals (or ourselves), An Example being the use of Garlic. Its annoying when someone asks advise (what worked for YOU??) and uninformed people want to give it. If I tell you I have a 50 lb. Dog and I want to know how much of a particular supplement (EXAMP. Garlic) to give it please do not respond with the comments that you have heard from 3rd party hearsay. I am expecting a reply of "Hello I give my 50lb dog a garlic clove everyday during the summer/flea season and he is very healthy". Please do not give me a response of how your friend gave his dog ONIONS and he died. I am assuming good hearted people that are looking for advise or can give advise of what did work is the reason they came to the Earthclinic site. We do not need to create a panic when one animal had a reaction to something. Use common sense, If I take 1 antibiotic it is helping me, If I take the whole bottle at once its going to kill me. If I drink a few beers im good, If I drink a whole case I might get alcohol poisoning and die. Are we going to stop selling some things because 1 person had a reaction? Should I no longer eat peanuts because Johnnie ate 1 and died?? Please say I gave my animal this amount or type of med and it worked or ? and it fell ill. Please use common sense and do some research on a subject if you do not have a Dr.s orders to try something yourself. My thought about this debate of natural versus a pharmeceutical med, is in 1 treatment or the other too much or for too long of a dosage is going to create an imbalance in the body. I prefer to try something natural 2 or 3 months of the yr, than to have my animal taking chemicals on his skin everyday of his life to prevent fleas. Do the research on the harm of these chems. Yes all kinds of organ illness. Now do the research on natural cures intermittently, maybe some organ damage but with the ability for your body to reheal itself? (These are my thoughts on this versus that). If you are here to give advise please be knowledgeable about the info you are offering. I am looking for advise on what YOU did, NOT a friend of a friend and I dont know how much he gave him but he died type response. Please use common sense and get opinions from several people before you make a choice.

Website Comments
Posted by Bill (Philly, Pa) on 10/11/2012

I know I've asked this before, but I never heard back. There's no MSM under the "M" section, yet if I put it in the search a whole lot comes up. It's the same thing for Hyaluronic Acid. These are two great things that I'm afraid people are missing out on. Thanks-Bill

EC: You'll find both of those under "Supplements"