Diatomaceous Earth
Health Benefits

Maximize Your Health: Unveiling Diatomaceous Earth Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


10 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Rachel (Flagstaff) on 10/10/2015

I have also been taking DE for about 2 weeks and am feeling tried and breaking out and experiencing headaches and dizziness. I want to know if this is just part of the detox and if you're still taking it. Does it get better? Thanks! Rachel

Replied by Steve

Those side effects are fairly normal to have when detoxing with DE. Drink lots of water and perhaps take 2-3 days off to give your body a chance to clear out all the toxins and dead pathogens.

Posted by Tamie (Fresno) on 06/03/2015


I have no medical insurance and have always done what I could to "cure" my own ailments. I have high blood pressure, possibly thyroid issues (2 aunts an uncle and a cousin had thyroid cancer) eczema, and I have also experienced years of constipation and hemorrhoids with only 2-3 bowel movements a week. At times I have used enemas as a last ditch effort to remove the feces. I have been having severe chest congestion and phlegm suspecting that I have bronchitis or some other malady. My dad had recommended DE to someone for the bugs around their house and I decided to look it up myself. I read that it worked on the lungs and alleviated bronchitis. I also used drugs about 10 years ago. From what I understand through researching DE that drugs and other heavy metals will attach to fat and when you consume DE you go through a detox process. I have a lot of fat so this might take a while ... lol.

"DE detoxes mercury, cadmium, lead and other heavy metals; removes poisons from chemtrails, radiation and may alleviate the effects of GMOs. DE possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties."

So ... I went to a local pet store and bought FOOD GRADE DE.

I decided on 1 tablespoon in 4-6 ounces of water each evening and I have given the same amount to my fiance who is a diabetic with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and hemochromatosis.

I immediately started going through the detox process.

My body aches, I have a dry cough, and we both have increased urination, and a slight headache each evening.

The bronchitis appears to be getting better as the severe congestion is gone.

A week into the detox I found that my body hurt too much and I decided to give myself a 3 day break. I just started back and my body is hurting again.

My fiance just started going through the detox and his body got real sore last night and he said he felt like he was getting the flu (a complaint of many DE users.) We talked about the issues we were having with detoxing and decided that we would stick with it as it must be doing something.

I did reduce my dose from 1 tbsp to 2 teaspoons and tonight I will reduce his as well. I have read that it could be that we are detoxing too fast. I really can't wait to get past the detox so that I can enjoy healthy blood pressure levels. We will know more about how well DE has worked on my Fiance when he does his next labs.

I am also hoping that DE removes the fungal infection from his toe nails. I am however, enjoying the regular bowel movements... I am hoping that the hemorrhoids heal up as I read that DE can normalize and reduce hemorrhoids. I hope this helps with your choice to use or continue with DE.

Posted by Smokeypokey (Ironwood, Michigan) on 06/13/2013

Hi. I just started taking DE about 2 weeks ago maybe. not sure exactly...

my integrative doctor suggested it. I suffer from food allergies that keep my body from absorbing nutrients and my hormones are being thrown out of balance. I have acne, which is my main consern right now. Also my hair sheds more than usual. Mood swings. Delayed periods. migraines.

So ive had my acne and other symptoms somewhat under control for about 5 months. I started breaking out and having the mood swings again before I started the DE. Well my break outs are getting worse and I feel terrible right now. More migraines. When will I start seing clearer skin? im out of town and trying to enjoy myself but I feel miserable and gross. My head hurts. I just dont feel right. I do get migraines from the weather changes and it is spring and thats the worst time for me with the migrianes. But if anyone can give me some advice or encouraging words that wud be great!!! Im so tired of this acne problem. I had it under control for a while and was looking forward to summer and enjoying my nice skin, but now im just sad and dont wana do anything...

Replied by Lottie
(Cornwall, St Austell, Uk)

Try to cut down on gluten, gluten stops the absorption of nurtrients and vitamins from your food.

Replied by Te
(Charlotte, Nc)

For the headaches and mood swings I use PMS Tea by Traditional Medicinals or some Organic Dandelion Root tea. I havent gotten the hair loss under control yet. Please let me know if you find something that helps. GB

Replied by Claudette
(Exeter, Missouri)

I am sorry for your present health issues. What you eat and rest is essential to healing. Depending on the severity of your condition, you will usuall feel worse before feeling better due to the detox effect. It is good to go to bed each night before 10 p. M. Your immune system starts to clean out and build up you body at 10 p.m. at nights. If your body is not given the chance to clean out and rebuild during sleep you will not get well no matter what you take or do. Water is very essential in flushing out the toxins and exercise a must. Here are the eight laws of health--water, fresh air, sunshine, good nutrition, rest, exercise, abstemiousness(keep away from harmful foods and habits) trust in divine power (prayer) and temperence in all things.

Replied by Saraaa
(Paradise, Narnia)

Thanks. I've been off gluten for over a year and I cut way back on dairy and eat very little grains. Doesn't seem to be helping all that much. I was doing a lot better for about 4 months or so, periods were starting to get more regular and skin cleared and my hair wasnt falling as much. I was happier and less stressed out. But for some reason it all fell apart. I knew I wasnt being super strict on my diet but I wasnt eating gluten still. I just dont know. Im hoping im going through a detox, but from what ive read others have had much faster results with DE than I seem to be having. I'm late on my period right now and symptoms are worsening. Hair falling a lot, face is breaking out terribly! And I'm emotionally insane feeling. Not literally insane. But very emotional and stressed out feeling.

I research a lot and can only find the good things DE does for skin. Why would it not be helping me? I just don't know why I deserve this. I never had acne growning up. It started when I was 25 and now I'm 30 and it's making me more and more depressed. I don't want to see people or go out anymore. I hate putting makeup on my greasy zit covered face. It just makes it feel even more gross and I dont think I'm fooling anyone with it anyway.

I hate this. I thought I had figured it out and was getting better and now im dealing with it all over again.

Replied by Dakina
(L.A., California)

To Saraaa from Paradise, Narnia on 6/24/13 -- My heart goes out to you. I felt that way when starting my health journey many years ago. For some reason, many people get introduced to the holistic path through detox. Having tried every experiment out there for various issues over the years, I came to understand that the so-called "healing crisis" isn't necessary or even good for you. From what you describe, I would like to suggest you skip over all this and go straight to an acupuncturist for your issues. Now, everyone says "oh acupuncture is great" – as if it were some generic thing you can just go down the street and there it is. But the reality is, you need to find someone really good or you won't get the amazing results promised with Chinese medicine. Specifically, you need to find someone really, really good – someone who has done it for a looooong time (like 30 years) and has true mastery of the art. And you do that by looking them up online and looking at their bios or their background. If they just graduated a couple years ago, say no thanks. They should be working with a mentor at that stage. If they are directly from China and have practiced for a long time, that is a really good scenario.

On rare occasions, I have had American-born acupuncturists who were excellent, but they had also been in practice for a loooooong time, were on the board of the acupuncture college, etc. So find someone who has mastered their craft and get better NOW. There is absolutely no reason you should be suffering this way. Also, sodas with caffeine can cause acne, so if you're drinking soda, STOP. As for detox, it is a good idea once in a while, but some reason people can get really carried away with it and it all sounds really good – you'll just go through it to the other side kind of thing, and you'll be great on that other side. But the body isn't a garbage can that you can just purge out all the icky stuff. Be aware that detoxing can harm organs and systems in the body (very hard on the spleen especially) – people will tell you it's just "die off" or just "detox" or "healing crisis". Your body doesn't need that. You are having real symptoms and you need to know what is going on and get relief. Chinese herbs and acupuncture address the unique patterns in your body, the imbalances that are causing these symptoms. And the knowledge is 5,000 years old and backed up far more than any other medicine available. When you're having lots of painful and extreme things going on with your body, that is NOT the time to do experiments (such as detox). Hope this helps. There is no reason you should be suffering like this!

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc, Canada)

Dakina from LA Calif. What a wonderful reply. I agree totally with it. Ayurveda too, thousands of years old agrees, that crisis should not be allowed in healing. It has to be gentle and knowledgeable. My own experience with TCM is very positive except I could not the herbals. Diet plays a major role. All the best. Om

Replied by Karen

Like Lottie said... Cutting back on gluten. I once ran into a lady at the produce store and she began to tell me her transformation story. She was so sick and the doctor suggested she test for gluten intolerance. He then put her on a gluten free diet. She said immediately she began to come back to life. It took the better part of 3 months until most of her symptoms subsided.

Allergies are the culprit in a lot of case studies that I read up on. Once you can eliminate the allergies then you can allow for the body to heal on its own. If you don't then it would be like putting watered down Draino into your pipes. It does some of the job, but not enough to unclog the pipes. Same with our health.

I also am going to a doctor who also uses natural methods. She tests all her patients to see if they have inflammation markers in their blood work. If inflammation is present.. You are open for a whole lot of diseases. Once you get this under control... healing is quicker.

Replied by Leticia

Dear Smokeypokey from Ironwood, Michigan-

Your symptoms sound alot like PCOS and therefore may not be alleviated by Diatomaceous Earth. You may want to look up the remedies for PCOS on this site.

What I found to help me personally was to go on a strict Paleo diet. You can also go on an organic vegetarian diet. There are lots of natural supplements that you can take. Exercise and detox also helps. Good luck and I hope you feel better!

Replied by Mary
(Tomball, Tx)

Going on 6 months now GMO free only eat whole foods that are organic, my itching skin went away, I lost 25 lbs I feel 20 years younger, all the pesticides in our food is making us sick. I had back aches all the time with these 2 cyst in my lower back, back pain is gone and the cyst is way smaller, started on Diatomaceous Earth to see if it would help and so far I see that it is making my real thick and ugly toenails shrink back to normal. You need to get off white sugar and white flour they are fulled with pesticides only eat sugar cane sugar which is found mostly in organic foods. 80% of the food in the grocery store is poison to our body, but look for the Non gmo list on the internet and start getting your health back.

Replied by Grace

Do you drink milk or eat any dairy products? I once read that dairy products can cause acne so I started paying attention to my body whenever I ate cheese, ice cream or milk. Sure enough, my face breaks out any time I eat any dairy products. I've switched to soy milk and all is well.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

The only soy that is healthy for you is fermented soy. Make sure milk is a brand which is fermented.

Replied by Donna
(Escatawpa, Ms)

To Saraaa from Paradise, Narnia on 6/24/13

Based on your symptoms, try going wheat free, (gluten free), and research fully Lugol's iodine, (5 to 7 percent solution). I took 3 drops a day for 9 months and then went to 2 drops maintenance dosage. Try it to see if it won't clear up your skin and cysts, and stop your hair from falling out. Good luck to you.


Replied by Nicole
(Fayetteville, Ar Usa)

Hi! Don't know if you will ever get this, but the following have really helped my skin -

Beef gelatin
Diatomaceous Earth (Its full of silica, and a great detox)
Magnesium oil, magnesium citrate supplements, epsom salt bath (I've heard some people get migraines from a magnesium deficiancy)
High quality fish oil supplement
Or eat lots of fish

Hope this helps! - Nicole

Replied by Tony
(Missouri, US)

I am amazed of all the greater change in my life now on week 4. Make sure you drink water try to lesson sweets and you will feel like a new person.

Replied by Susan

Hello, I'm sorry to hear you're out there feeling so low. I hear you ....but I have raised a - many children....and I am going to let you in on a little secret and that is: quit the junk food ... deny it all you want ..pop sugar french fries - or at least cut down to very little junk food ...it going to kill you internal and external ...

if you quit the bad the DE can start to do its job.....With DE you will go through a detox part of it ..cleaning out your system ... so it will get worse before it gets better ...and don't tell me you're not eating junk ..hahah your in that age group ...just be honest with yourself ....okay there is another factor if your on certain medication or any sort of liver malfunction can attribute to the acne ...so if the last two are not the issue... it would than have to do with junk food or..milk has been noted as a cause of acne to especial if you have ADHA too...

also what are you cleaning your face with ....wash your hands faithfully and don't touch your face as it will irritate the acne ..well unless your cleaning it out and use an astringent to close the pours ..and don't mix chemicals like acne pads and astringents that would hurt you bad ...do you use a steroid for medication on your face ....it really is simplistic

If it's not caused by a medical issue.

All the best sweety and don't give up

Replied by Mal
(Fort Lauderdale, Fl)

Do a face mask and add Diatomaceou earth to it!!!

Replied by Renay

For the headaches and hair loss try pure black seed oil. You can get it on Amazon.

Replied by Anne

You may have copper overload? Try reading: why am I always so tired by Ann Gittleman. High copper can do all those things you spoke about.

Replied by Elly

Reading about all your problems I can see what I went through the past 7 years. My health just kept declining and begin getting life threatening health problems, when the source of my problem become apparent. I have Candida overgrowth that even my Dr ignored as significant when I mentioned it. I went on a Candida diet 6 weeks ago and started DE, Candigest and Colostrum 2 weeks ago. This week I finally started to feel better, had more energy, brain fog lifted, headaches finally gone too and my period is stabilizing among many other things. My advice is to you is get yourself tested for Candida or read upon it and start your own journey, because truthfully you can't loose by trying. Hope you will get better soon, kind regards...

Replied by Vc

Sounds like parasites. Billions of people all over the world are infected. There are many natural herbs and treatments. Some people take borax. 1/8 teaspoon in 1 litre of water. You should use very little. Search the benefits of borax. and get the testimonies. Countless people say it works. It is an old product and some people have been taking it for decades. They urge you not to take too much. Or you can try a combination of many herbs. I hope you choose a winning regiment. Just remember to drink lots of water. You must get the dead parasite bodies out of your body. Many people use coffee enema's. Organic coffee only. Checkout Gerson therapy. Many people swear by it. Be blessed.

Replied by Liz
(Kitchener, Ontario)

I think you are very wise!! I totally agree with what you write!!

Replied by Clarity
(Sebastopol, Ca)

You may have estrogen dominance! Try DIM. Best of luck.

Replied by Anon
(Salem Or)

Fuji water has silica, so do bananas. Do a temporary stop on DE until you've used the water and had one or two bananas a day for a couple of weeks. For you, DE may have been a shock to your system. If you resume, start slow, very slow. 1/4 tsp for a while. If things get worse, stop. Increase by 1/4 tsp at monthly intervals. Don't know if this will work as everybody is different. Some people never get past 1 tbsp and do just fine. BTW, what's in your tap water? Not all tap water is the same. Reverse osmosis or distilled may be a solution, too. Good luck.

Replied by Cindy VR
(San Diego, CA)

For the acne, try removing all sources of fluoride. Toothpaste, mouthwash, city water, etc. In her book The Hidden Cause of Acne Melissa Gallico traces the science that proves a huge percentage of ance worldwide is caused by fluoride. It made a massive difference in her health and skin when she was able to remove all fluoride from her diet and cosmetics. According to the reviews a lot of other people have had the same results.

Posted by Dede (London, Ont., Canada) on 09/02/2011

In response to the Detox with DE, I can personally say that after 2 weeks on DE I feel great, it has detoxed me and is working on my energy level as well as some other ailments I suffer with. I found the first few days I was going to the bathroom more frequently.... But that only lasted a short time.... this product is amazing, I use it everywhere, for insects, in my garden, and around my home....

Diatomaceous Earth Tips

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Anon (Salem, Or) on 06/06/2018

DE will settle if not consumed immediately. Some people and pets will not take it down immediately, so mixing it well with food, to me, is a good solution. After all, one brand of bottled water has Silica in it, as do bananas, and I haven't seen any warnings about these products. However, do not overdo the water as the body can't tolerate more than 800 mls at one time. Moderation. If you eat bananas regularly without a problem, you're introducing your system to Silica. Adding some water now and then helps, too. Start slowly with DE. Some people go full out and survive, but it's not recommended. And some people never go beyond 1 tablespoon and get results too.

Diatomaceous Earth Tips
Posted by Ashley (Florida, US) on 04/21/2015

I've just started taking DE and I read up extensively on how much to take and what to take with it.

First and foremost. Water. Lots of water. That is probably more of a given. The other two things I take with my DE are a multivitamin and a pro-biotic. Since DE is removing things from your gut, you want to regulate it with a pro-biotic. I've also heard to take Omega 3 with it, but I haven't purchased any to start with it.

Hope that helps some.

Diatomaceous Earth Tips
Posted by Autumn (Louisville, Ky) on 06/13/2014

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) should be started slowly at about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon daily and work your way up to 1-2 tablespoons daily. Sometimes when you start out with the higher amounts too quick, it will cause a lot of 'die off' for any parasites you may have in your body which makes you feel sick with flu like symptoms. So most people start off with less and work up to the full dose daily. It's better to start slow, so that you know how your body will react to the 'die off'. I am on my 9th day and am just now up to 1 Tbs daily now. I hope this helps some one.

Diatomaceous Earth Tips
Posted by Clara (Youngstown, Ohio) on 04/30/2014

DE works excellently. However, needs to be started slowly!


4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Karen (Toronto, On) on 11/16/2013

DE for Fibromyalgia

My feeling is that people with REAL fibromyalgia (70% of "sufferers" are misdiagnosed) THAT'S A LOT!! If they take it long enough WILL see the results! You need to take at least 4 tablespoons a day for 6 or more months to see what your hoping for...(little to NO pain) Healing takes time. I have had fibromyalgia (tested 18/18 for trigger points) for almost 20 years! In horrible pain and terrible chronic fatigue with many food allergies that went with it - like the nightshades and sugar. I began the DE 1/2 year ago. Started at 2tbs a day and upped it a few weeks later to 4-8 tbs a day. I now have such little pain anywhere in my body that I have to concentrate to see if I can feel anything! AND along with that the food allergies dissappeared as well as the chronic fatigue. I can even eat nightshade vegetables...and anyone with real Fibro knows how painful the slightest amount of one of those are.

If you've been told you have fibro but your doctor has not done the 18 point pressure test....then he doesn't know what he's talking about. You could very well be suffering from something else and not getting the proper treatment. People ALL the time are being told they have fibro when the doctor just can't figure out why they have pain. A pain in your hip is not fibro, you have to have at least 11 different spots to have mild fibro. The reason I mention this is b/c people try to cure themselves of fibro who don't really have it - then tell others it doesn't work! IT DOES WORK. Drink it only with water on an empty tummy - do it right and be patient. It CAN work for you too! =D

Replied by Prioris

... "Estimates are that 60% to 70% of us with FMS have symptoms very similar to costochondritis. No one is exactly sure whether it is true costochondritis or why it occurs with FMS, especially since FMS doesn't cause inflammation."


Notice the contradiction in FMS definition says FMS does not cause inflammation while costochondritis which most people with fms is ignored. Costochodritis inflammation was the most painful part of the fms condition. The sleep disorder is caused by the physical pain.

Tiredness or difficulty exercising is not distinguishing. Stiff muscles - what does that mean. People can get stiff muscles by just being inactive.

They have fms - "classified as mild cognitive disorders". many fms labeled people would not agree with the word "mild".

One person talking about fms may be world's apart from someone else who has fms. I think the fms label needs to be broken down further. I think infections (inflammation) vs non-infection groups may need to be separated especially symptom wise along with cognitive aspect.

Posted by Laura (Asheville, Nc) on 09/14/2011

I have fibromyalgia and have been taking Diatomaceouls Earth for almost 2 weeks. It is definitly doing something positive for me. First I noticed a huge change in my foot problem that has plagued me for 4 years. I have woke up stiff, but that is different too. I don't know how to describe it except that the stiffness is not to the bone and all encompasing as before. I am so hopeful that I may continue to improve. If it is possible different factors contribute to Fibro for different people, I guess different results could be experienced from individuals also. My experience would lead me to suggest, try it and see how your body responds if you suffer any joint or fibro pain. Good luck to you all!

Posted by Pamela (Houston, Texas) on 11/22/2008

I have suffered with fibromyalgia for years. And I have takens lots of Diatomaceous Earth. The DE works great for parasites but does nothing to relieve or get rid of fibromyalgia. I also know several others with fibromyalgia who used DE with no relieve. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and keep up the good the good work.

Replied by Sabata

You are not drinking enough DE for your body. I'll bet you haven't drunk DE long enough to see improvements or even enough DE.

Let me give you an example. Although I don't have fibro I suffer from body pain immensely without DE and Boron. Not sure what so have as I do not trust Dr's and haven't been to. Dr's in over 20 years. Nonetheless, I have to take at least 8-10 tablespoons of DE and waited for a few weeks and my pain was almost gone, about 90% of it. Then when I added boron and reaching to about 1 teaspoon daily the rest of my body pain was gone in literally a couple of days. After 8 months I noticed my hair was growing something I have been suffering from for r over 10 years, I almost went bald as a female 😞 but thank the Lord for DE my hair is now back to about 95% when I added boron my head started to itch the feeling of needles poking my head which is hair growing all at one time. I still have inflammation problems and know it will go away within time.

Everyone is different and requires large dosage to even start to address deficiencies in their bodies.

Now I know you have fibro and need to take a much larger dosage to even begin to feel a relief. You haven't given DE enough time and or taking enough of it to address you body issues. So you give up 😞 I would rethink what you are doing and try again only this time keep on upping your DE dosage until you start to feel a relief. I would highly recommend adding Boron at least 2 full teaspoon of the powder not the watered down liquid crap, that won't touch you at all. Don't give up and trust that DE along with Boron will help you in a big way and will eventually heal you. Boron (the 20 mule team) brand only.

Fleas, Bed Bugs

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Gloria (Chicago, Il) on 08/06/2011

I have used diatomaceous earth now for a couple of years. It is incredible and safe (as long as you don't use the pool-grade stuff), and works.

I have used it for fleas by just applying it on a wood floor and sweeping it to get it in the cracks and along the baseboard. I also applied it gently to one of my cats.

Believe it or not, I also used this particular DE product to get rid of bedbugs by applying it along the baseboards in all 3 bedrooms. Bedbugs gone - permanently. I used a really small paintbrush to apply and spread it (it was time-consuming and difficult - furniture had to be moved, etc. but it was worth it), and I shaked it as little as possible to prevent any dust flying.

It also got rid of an ant problem I had - I hate killing anything, but I had no choice and over the course of several days the ants diminished until they were completely gone. I applied it in 2 places - where they were coming in my house, and the threshold to my kitchen that they were crossing over.

Fleas, Bed Bugs
Posted by Melissa (Kamloops, Bc) on 06/17/2011

Diatomaceous earth is amazing! It works wonders as a dust bath for fleas on my dogs and I even had a friend that used it for bed bugs! Bed bugs is apparently a huge epidemic right now and so I thought I would share what my friend learned from her experience. As everyone has suggested make sure you use food grade d.e. but also make sure that it is in a powdered granulation... Not fine! And most importantly she was told not to put it right on top of the matress but rather to put it in the cracks and crevices, in the boxspring, on the headboard, etc. Where the bed bugs will hide!

Food Grade Vs Industrial Grade

4 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marya (Vermont, US) on 04/02/2015

I am reading a book on Diatomaceous Earth by Tui Rose called "Going Green Using Diatomaceous Earth How to Tips." She says that straight food grade DE is not sharp like glass, it actually works to kill pests through dessication, or dehydration. Industrial grade DE is heated and the heating process makes it sharper, like glass. If you are using food grade DE it is not glass and not the sharp edges that are killing the pests.

Food Grade Vs Industrial Grade
Posted by Marsha (Wichita Falls , TX) on 10/24/2008


I lost a beautiful German Shepherd and the sweetest kitty because they ingested pool grade diatomaceous earth. Keep it away from your beloved pets!

Replied by Lorie
(Richmond, Va)

Yes the stuff for pools is hazardous. But the Food Grade DE is 100% safe! It is put in grain to keep bugs out. It is fed to livestock and it is 100% safe flea powder for pets.

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