Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Sore Throats

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Posted by Victoria Marie Homen (Eagle Mountain, Utah) on 01/27/2008

Ok so I have had a slight voice change for the last oh i suppose three days, with no pain no congestion and pretty much healthy feeling despite the fact that i sounded like a chipmunk. I initially thought something like lyeringitis ... but last night I started having a runny nose and a stuffed up head, So I thought decongestant. Well I woke at about four this morning and boy was my sinuses all dried up, so dry in fact that it was uncomfortable. So I made some tea and tried to go back to sleep. well the same situation happened when I woke for the second time. So I got online and looked for sore throat remedies and found this site, well I read that garlic can help with strep and since my little nephew had recently been diagnosed with step I thought I didnt want to take any chances. So i went to the kitchen and melted some butter added some minced garlic cloves, and made some garlic toast. Instantly my sinuses released and my head felt 100% less stuffy. It says to repeat for a couple of days, and I think that I will be greatly satisfied with the result... thanks for the idea ...and the relief!!! ... Victoria

Sore Throats
Posted by John (Panama City, FL) on 01/20/2008


re: Raw Garlic for Sore Throats. This remedy DOES provide a certain "numbing" effect but for those unaccustomed to hot, spicy foods, BE WARNED: raw garlic IS hot! I had no idea just how hot it would be, never having eaten it raw, and my tongue was ON FIRE! Luckily, I had a cup of hot tea handy and this seemed to help soothe it. (Ice water was also handy and this did NOTHING to help.)

Replied by Jocelyn
(Los Angeles, CA)

I have found the best way to keep the garlic from burning you is to put it in a spoonful of yogurt!

Replied by Doddie
(Lawrenceville, Georgia, Usa)


Yes, garlic burned me too! I put it in the back of my throat, burned like heck!! I fortunately had some water near by. Throat is kind of sore but I can swallow!

Sore Throats
Posted by Zach (Vancouver, Canada) on 11/30/2007

When i have a sore throat, i usually go straight for the hot liquids, but this time i tried to research all cures. I came across this site and tried the cayanne pepper and apple cider remedies. I have to say, both of them tasted terrible and only provided up to ten minutes of relief. I then came accross a post about raw garlic, i was skeptic, but willing to try almost anything. I took two garlic cloves from my fridge and chopped them up into cylinders. I slowly ate each piece one by one, apart from the burning sensation on your tongue, the garlic coats your throat and soothes teh soreness. I have absoulutely no pain now!

Replied by Doddie
(Lawrenceville, Georgia, Usa)

You are brave!

Stomach Pain

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Posted by Will (Houston, Texas) on 03/22/2008

Two days ago, I was having sharp pains in my abdominal. I swallowed a whole clove with cranberry juice and the pain went away.

Stomach Ulcer

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Posted by Gregg McKenzie (London, UK) on 12/27/2007

Raw garlic virtually instantly cured stomach ulcer! Once I knew I had a duodenal stomach ulcer I check the net and read of many cures but none so obvious as garlic. The nausea of five weeks went away in two hours and the next morning my appetite had fully returned! Eight crushed cloves a day for eight days (on bread under humus or pesto) - miraculous!

Storing Garlic

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile , Tn) on 06/19/2020

ORH here,,,,,,,, as all know, I's kinda wild and strange. We harvested our garlic bulbs, 1/2 bushel, and have dried them. My dilemma is where to store them as my choices in the past were to too sporty. Know they need to be cool, dry, dark, and in open air. Research showed the the garlic odor will kill bacteria and fungus. Being SJS, here is my solution. I am going to put them in a mesh bag and hang them in front of our central A/C unit. That will meet all the fore mentioned conditions and maybe improve our log cabin air. So, this is another tale of mine, but all use garlic and have quandered where to store. Don't think this will change the smell and it may not work on the toxins in the air. But, I needed a story to tell. ====ORH====


Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 03/04/2011

A suggestion for those afraid to use garlic cloves for a suppository. Instead of threading the clove, thus puncturing it, use a teabag. Snip off the top of the teabag, empty out the tea and drop in the peeled clove. Thread or tie around the top of the teabag with dental floss. Don't forget to lubricate.

Take Crushed or Juice Garlic

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Posted by Dave (NY) on 12/02/2005

Hi, garlic is so versatile that if you do not get a desirable result examine your protocol. When garlic is crushed alliin and allinase combine to form allicin..... this is the useful chemical in garlic, apart from the minerals. Heat destroys allicin! Juice or 'osterize' garlic and ginger.... and drink to your health! Do not cook garlic. Of this family, only onions can be cooked and retain its healing properties.


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Posted by Neil (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/29/2007

I get tonsillitises frequently (every 4-6 weeks) and it usually takes 1 week to recover. I have tried prescribed antibiotics with no effect. However, after reading about garlic on this website, I gave it a shot and I was totally amazed at how fast I recover. There is a dramatic difference the following day after I take a clove of garlic soup before going to bed and I make total recovery within 3 days. With prescription antibiotics, it used to take about 1 week, including gargling every couple of hours. Even when I am ok, I take garlic soup about 2 times a week, and this is the first time ever that I have gone through winter without getting a cold!! I peel a clove of garlic and cut them in half lengthwise. Then I boil it for a couple of minutes in 1.5 cup water and add a pinch of salt, teaspoon of butter, a pinch of pepper and sprinkle with nutmeg. I take is as a soup as the garlic is soft enough to be eaten. Works wonders for me.

Tooth Abcess, Infection

5 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by Drugfree (Trenton, Nj, USA) on 12/21/2009

just 2 days ago i was in pain all day long. it was keeping me up all night. even advil wasn't working. had 4 fillings done at the dentist and even a month later i couldn't drink cold drinks because it would hurt right away and i couldn't drink juice without brushing right away because it would hurt really bad 30 minutes later. noticed a bubble on my gums. found out it was an abscess. started researching tooth abscesses. while searching the web found earthclinic which helped me before with hypothyroidism, for that i used coconut oil. noticed that garlic really works for infected teeth and abscesses. at first i just rubbed half a clove of raw garlic sliced in half on the abscess. didn't really help. so i chewed 1/4 clove of garlic and let the garlic juice sit on the infected area for at least 10 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes. by the 3rd night all the pain was gone. now i can drink cold juice without the pain like before although if i do drink cold juice and don't brush its still a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 for pain. thanks to everyone who posted their testimonials. can get back to my life now. earthclinic is a real lifesaver.

Replied by Paul
(Stamford, Ct)


I had a toothache caused by a filling that came out. At first it didn't hurt, but I must have gotten food stuck and it really started to hurt... a dull throbbing pain. After reading about the garlic remedy, I cut a clove and put it between my gum and cheek. It was painful at first, but eventually (5 minutes or so...) the pain went away... only issue now is my right cheek is swollen... the area between my nose and my cheek is very puffy and has been for about 12 hours now. it doesn't hurt, but not sure what happened???

Replied by Shun

Can you use garlic powder instead of fresh garlic for a tooth abcess?

Replied by Jessie
(Riverdale, Md)

It wouldn't hurt to try. Fresh is generally strong, but powdered is good, too. Try charcoal powder and clover powder, too. (Clove is good for pain.)

Tooth Abcess, Infection
Posted by Leila (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 03/03/2009

Garlic cured my jaw infection! One of molars in my upper jaw broke off about a year ago, all the way down to the gums. I don't have insurance and am mortally afraid of going to the dentist, so when my cheek swelled up yesterday, I panicked. I tried green clay, bit it didn't help much. After sleeping 3 hours and not knowing what to do about the pain (painkillers didn't help much either), I decided to do a search on the Internet and stumbled across your site.

Garlic worked wonders! I chewed it and pressed the pulp against the 'hole' between my teeth.It stung so badly, I had tears in my eyes, but after 5 minutes the pain had subsided. Am absolutely overjoyed! Will continue to treat with garlic, I have a really good feeling about it. Thank you!

Tooth Abcess, Infection
Posted by James (kent, uk) on 08/23/2008

I used garlic for my tooth abscess and within 3 days they has cleared. Before i knew about garlic i had to take anti biotics which had unwanted side effects like tummy cramps. Now i always take garlic when i have problems with my gums or any other infections such as ear infections. I had one nasty ear infection and it went fast after i had taken 500mg of odourless garlic a day for a couple of days.

Tooth Abcess, Infection
Posted by Chanana (Aubrey, USA) on 02/06/2008

My mom had a severe absessed tooth a few months ago (almost a year). It was so bad she could not sleep at night. She used garlic and it cleared the infection and it has not returned. She cut raw garlic and rubbed the cut edge on the tooth and gums a couple of times a day and also ate a whole clove a couple of times a day and then gradually reduced the garlic intake as she felt it healing. She also used whole cloves (the spice you use in pumpkin pie etc. )as a local pain killer. If you bite down on the whole clove it releases a potent pain killer. just wanted to chip in some info that can hopefully help others, this is a great site...

Tooth Abscess, Infection

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3 star (1) 

Posted by Aumber (Desert, Ca) on 09/30/2012


Hi, I read all the post about raw garlic and tooth infection and yes even how it really burns, but I did not think of it burning as what I have received. I thought maybe like some really hot --- hot sauce, or hot drink. I would like to let everyone know just how bad raw garlic can REALLY BURN. I was only able to hold it for about 15 minutes and unable to do again. The rest of the day I used Oregano Oil, (50/50 with castor oil) I also swallowed some (fresh not swished) Oregano Oil, I am not sure which remedy helped. This was on a Friday and my mouth was pretty sore from both the tooth (which pain was going down my neck also) and now the raw garlic burn. Saturday I woke to a REALLY, REALLY BAD cheek. It was so sore I could not even hardly chew, even though I was chewing on the other side, the action of movement was still hurting my burned cheek, even drinking from a straw hurt bad. Others have said it feels like they may have drank or eaten something to hot.... Type burn but this is not the case here. I have been holding salt water at the burn spot off and on all during the day, swishing hurts to much. It is really swollen and red. I am guessing the cheek tissue is more sensitive then the gum line because the cheek tissue is what got so badly burned while the gum tissue is just fine. Today is Sunday and my cheek is still sooooooooo sore and angry, the trauma has come more to the surface. Today I am going to add some Oregano Oil to my salt water in hopes this will speed up the healing. I was told by some one (after the fact.... Of course) that they also had gotten a really bad burn from raw garlic and was told to do this instead.... If they choose to use garlic for healing again. It works just as well as raw garlic with less danger of burn. Take a 6 - 8 oz glass of warm water and add to this 2 - 4 cloves of crushed garlic (a garlic mincer works best), let this sit on the counter over night to infuse, (or all day, which ever will be longest). In the morning take a 16 oz glass and add warm water and some infused garlic water (very little as this infused water is very strong) (you can always add more but can not take away) also add (optional) salt. This infused 16 oz. Glass of water will last you all day, swish around the infected area as often you feel the need. If your water gets cold DO NOT boil or microwave it as this will kill the "live" action which is needed for healing, you want to warm it with a water bath. For those who do not cook much here is how to do a water bath. Find another small bowl, cup, etc. That your 16 oz glass can fit inside with room all the way around the glass and up to the top or close to the top. Heat some water to HOT not boiling and pour into this other container, set your 16 oz glass inside this water (with your garlic/salt water in your 16 oz glass) and let it warm up. That is all there is to it. Swish or hold this infusion (only if comfortable) for about 1 minute, your going to be doing this all through the day so no need to hold longer. DO NOT SWALLOW this infusion as you have been swishing an infected area and do not want to swallow any infection. Be sure to drink plenty of clean water, at least 64 oz. If you have just swished wait at least 30 minutes before drinking or eating anything. Hope this helps so others will not get the side effect that I did. This is a great site and I visit often. Good health to all.

Replied by Mellybell

I've never heard of the infused garlic water. Will that also help canker sores?

Replied by Mike
(Surrey, Bc, Ca)

When using garlic you want to mince it to get the oils out of it, this oil is called sulfenic acid and is the reason for the serious burning, it will break down in about 15 minutes into allicin, which is more potent, and fyi using ceyenne pepper helps increase the potency of antibiotics, pinicillon, painkilles and any natural remedies as well, hope this helps someone, ( by-the-way, garlic didn't work for my tooth absess, but oregeno oil with olive oil worked for oil pulling and on top of the skin, olive oil actually absorbs into bone). thanks earthclinic I share this site with as many people as possible

Trigger Finger

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Posted by Chin (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 06/05/2010

Hi everyone. About 2 years ago, I was diagnose with trigger finger (on my left middle finger). My doctor told me there was no treatment for it except if it gets worst, a rather painful injection of steriod would be needed. I decided to do some research into home remedies and came across a website (sorry i can't remember the url now) but it did mention about how garlic can help. So I started taking about a few pips of sliced raw garlic together with my dinner every night. What happen about a week after taking raw garlic with my dinner was that I noticed the pain on my middle finger had gone away and the triggering effect had also gone away.