Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Organic Garlic and Sulphur

Posted by Patrick (Murray, Utah) on 04/29/2008

We are currently studying the effects of returning sulfur to our diets. Organically grown garlic has roughly 39% sulfur and is a good source of sulfur. When grown with chemical fertilizers we have not have benefits reported. All of the results reported regarding garlic have been seen with Organic Sulfur, pure crystal MSM with no anti caking agents and in its crystal form. We believe that the sulfur may be the most important aspect of the garlic. We also believe that most of us are sulfur deficient and Linus Pauling's concern for mineral deficiency as the cause of many of our current disease processes. But how we become deficient makes us question what we feed our food, what types of fertilizers are used.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

You're on the right track, but if you want to google monosodium glutamate and aspartame, you will find the worst problems with our food supply. You can also google sodium fluoride, which is found in most toothpastes, and in too many of our municipal water supplies. It is also a neurotoxin. My niece tells me she hates me because it now takes her 4 hours longer to grocery shop because she is now reading ingredients on all food purchased.

Replied by Hillary
(Ft. Lauderdale, FL)

Well tell her to buy whole foods. It'll cut her shopping time dramatically since there are no labels. She'll have to cook them herself!!! ;D

Peeled Garlic Vs Fresh Garlic

Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 03/05/2012

Use a wide knife. Place your garlic clove(s) down on your cutting board; cut off the rough/blunt end(s) of the clove; turn your knife on its side, and use the blade to press/smash the clove flat; pick up the clove and it will have almost peeled itself!

Peeled Garlic Vs Fresh Garlic
Posted by Richard (Wilmington, Delaware) on 05/08/2011

Is there much of a difference between peeled garlic you can buy at a supermarket, and fresh garlic bulbs? Thank you -- immensely!

Replied by Kate

I'm not sure how helpful a comment published six years later but a. firstly I'm amazed that peeled garlic is a thing, we haven't become quite that lazy over here yet! and b. I would think you're better off with something with its skin on, and ideally local and organic if you can get it. In at least some parts of the world garlic is irradiated for supermarkets so it won't sprout - I *think* that doesn't happen unless labelled in the UK, but seems to in Canada (eg so might well be in the US. Something raw with the skin off must've gone through some process to stop it rotting (like enzymes or chlorine baths that don't need to go on the label). In the UK, garlic I get from the organic shop has got loads more of a kick than the stuff from the supermarket - sometimes you can't track exactly what is doing what (freshness? farming practices?) but just follow your nose.

Can I also recommend Joanna Blythman's book Swallow This, which is very enlightening about 'clean labelling' - ie putting foods, including apparently raw, fresh simple vegetables through all sorts of food processing that is invisible on the label. For instance, those fresh fruit salads in supermarkets don't go off for several weeks because of an enzyme dip, and harmless and 'natural' sounding words like 'beetroot extract' on a label are actually the same stuff that would have had a long chemical name in the 90s. Only at some point it would've been waved in the general direction of a beetroot. So even if you're a committed label reader, you won't necessarily be getting a very clear picture of what's happened to your shopping, because there's a whole culture committed to hiding it. If you want to get round this, garlic unpeeled and ideally from a local foodchain, not a major supermarket is probably your best bet.

Rabies - Mad Dog Bite

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/15/2024



The following letter was written by Dr. Rush to a patient who had been to the South for his health and was returning to his family in New York. It was reprinted from The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal (Dec. 30,1909), to whom it came from the descendants of the patient:

Garlic taken in substance, that is, a bruised clove three times a day, or in infusion, that is, eight or ten cloves bruised and put into a pint of peppermint tea, of which a wineglassful should be taken three times a day.

From the book; The Medical Standard, Vol. XXXIII, February 1910, page 59 – 60.

Plinius (Pliny the Elder), the Roman Naturalist (AD 23/24–79), states that Garlic is an excellent remedy for mad dog bite. Dr. Holuby in his works on “Slowakischen Volksmedizin” relates how a woman having been bitten by a mad dog become raving and no remedy was known. She was thrown into a cell in which there happened to be hanging a wreath of Garlic and in her mad furor she bit into the garlic and ate it. Presently she fell into a deep sleep and awoke completely cured.

Raw Garlic Side Effects

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Posted by Junebug (Pasadena) on 08/29/2020

I had an interesting experience with raw garlic yesterday and am wondering if anyone has an idea. I chopped up garlic and ate a couple of small cloves with heirloom tomatoes for lunch, not something I normally do (raw garlic, that is). About 10-15 minutes later, I felt very light headed and a little dizzy, like mild vertigo. It lasted for about 5 hours and I was fine after that. Do you think it was my blood pressure plummeting from eating raw garlic or a high histamine response? Thanks for your thoughts. Am thinking about doing a before and after blood pressure reading next time I eat raw garlic, but didn't think about it in time.

Replied by Gertjr

I know that when I eat lots of raw garlic, I will bleed more than usual. If I'm getting bloodwork done, I avoid it for a week prior. If I don't, the simple gauze pad on the site doesn't stop it from bleeding and I need to apply pressure for quite some time or it'll bleed right through the dressing. So, for me, it thins my blood. Who knows what that does to my blood pressure.

Repels Insects

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Posted by Judy (Concord, NH) on 06/02/2005

My husband and I use garlic in just about everything we eat. We have just started juicing (vegetables) and have found that garlic helps to tolerate the taste better. Also my husband works outdoors and he is finding that he is being less bothered by black flies and other nagging insects. Also for you dog lovers.... we crush about 4 or 5 garlic cloves and boil them in approximately 1 gallon of water. You strain and let cool down. Then put in a spray bottle and lightly spray your dog (as often as needed. Helps keep fleas and ticks away. In a more concentrated form, works great as a flea dip. I'm thinking that whereas garlic has antifungal and antiviral properties, it would also be great for animals with ear yeast infections etc. If anybody has any input on that, I'd be very interested. I also want to say that my husband has slightly high blood pressure as well as his cholesterol levels are high. At the end of june he gets retested, and if he has been able to lower those, we will owe his success to garlic and of course a healthier diet. Hope my input helps someone out there. Judy

Replied by Cindy
(Smiths, Bermuda)

I accidentally came across the mosquito-repelling effect of eating garlic. For days the sumer mosquitoes have been biting me, especially after eating or drinking something sweet like fruit juice. I made a plate of cooked brown rice, butter, minced garlic, and parsley flakes, microwaved to heat it up and there have been no further attacks after eating it, even though I had some dessert after that. I am wondering if the effect lasts as long as you can taste the garlic on your breath. In any case it has made life more comfortable.

Roasting Garlic

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Posted by Marie (GBG, PA) on 02/19/2007

Garlic is my friend! I agree with all the testimonies on the wonders of garlic. I do disagree however that roasting it is bad. I roast a whole bulb (roasted with olive oil) and eat it with my main meal and I have experienced the same amazing results as what I am reading on this website. The trick might be that I don't usually over roast it-- at least several of the cloves have retained firmness when consumed. Since studies has proven garlic to be a natural anticoagulant, some people might need to be careful about the amount they consume at one time, especially if they are taking aspirin,or are on prescription anticoagulant drugs. Yet, it is my personal belief that if they transition off of methods such as, blood thinning prescription drugs and aspirin, and embrace garlic as a preventive alternative, they will come to know and love the hidden benefits as well.

Runny Nose

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Posted by Toma (Chicago, IL) on 09/16/2007

Running Nose Remedy: Cut 2 pieces of garlic that it would fit in in the nostrils, and stick one in each nostril. If it hurts in your nostrils and you sneeze a lot, it's good, it means that there's infection and garlic is killing it. If in some time you stop sneezing, blowing your nose, and it won't hurt in your nostrils any more, put new pieces of garlic into your nostrils. But don't overdo it, otherwise, your nose may start bleeding.

Sensitive Teeth

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Posted by Nina (Jonesboro, GA) on 03/30/2007

I just returned from the grocery store and spent $26 on Tylenol rapid release, aleve, oral gel powder, toothpaste for sensitive teeth and something else that you you put in your cavity to temp. fill it. Any how after trying the powder and 2 aleve, the pain is still here. I don't know why I didn't try the internet first. Anyhow I tried the only thing that I had on hand---RAW GARLIC. I peeled and sliced it and rubbed it on my gums and tooth but I didn't stop there I got a really big piece of raw garlic and peeled it. I cut all the sides off so that the juices were flowing then I placed it on the tooth and bit down on it I couldn't even hold it in my mouth for a whole minute, it burned that bad but that was o.k. because I read that if it burns its killing the infection. So I spit it out and tried it again. IT'S AMAZING IT STOPPED HURTING. But this is the thing I also have a cavity on the tooth right above it to the top side when the pain went away it seemed to move up into the other tooth so i tried it again and it seemed to dulling the pain I'm about to repeat the process again because it seems to be coming back again But now as bad as it was!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for this web site. I'm going to make my husband try it his mouth has been hurting really bad lately, just until we can go to the dentist.

Replied by Jan
(Southern Utah)

My lower right back molar had a piece of tooth break off. Right cheek had a swelling and under the right lower jaw down neck a little had a swelling and stiffness. This is what worked for me for pain relief and reducing swelling. Cut off of the garlic clove a small piece of garlic the size of the tooth. Put the raw side on top of the tooth. The outer uncut skin of the rest of the garlic doesn't feel hot and burn-ish to the tongue or gums. The tooth absorbs the cut side of garlic and you can feel a warming pleasant sensation to the area of abscess. You can leave garlic piece on tooth as long as you like one hour or overnight. It helped my tooth abscess go away. Don't eat anything with sugar or it will flare up again. Use re-mineralization toothpaste or tooth powder to brush teeth with; add a drop of clove oil to also help with sensitivity. Try herbal natural mouthwashes.

Serbian Tradition

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Posted by Mary Simon (Stoneham, MA USA) on 04/24/2009

Here's an old Serbian tradition for the New Year and a great way to take garlic - dip a peeled garlic clove into a dish of honey and scoop as much honey as you can with the clove- pop in your mouth and chew. If you need a little more honey - sip on an extra teaspoon or so. It's actually quite tasty, and even as kids, my brother and I never minded this mixture at all. Also, for some reason, the garlic odor seems to be a little more "contained" in the honey and seems to fade away sooner. Try it! You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Sexual Disorders

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Posted by Laci (Oxford, MI) on 11/02/2005

Garlic has worked wonders for not only me, and my friends but my pets too. I don't believe in using lots of prescription medicine, with all those crazy side effects, when I start feeling a cold coming on, I eat garlic, my friend came down with chlamydia , I told her to eat garlic, and the next time she was tested (2 weeks later) IT WAS GONE. My dog got intestinal parasites, the whole family started on garlic, no problem. Not only can this amazing plant prevent, but it can also cure infections and diseases. I recommend it to everyone and I have been illness free for 2 years. I have been studying wild edible medicinal plants for 6 years now, and I am a true fan of this wonderful herb.

EC: Garlic is said to be a tonic for impotence. It also treats sexual debility caused by over indulgence in sex and nervous exhaustion from dissipating habit. It is said to be especially useful in older men.

Replied by Mellissa
(Conyers, Georgia)


Replied by Breianna
(Suitland, Md)

Hi, I had a question how many times a day did she had to take it 2 get rid of the chlamydia?

Sore Throats

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Posted by Megan (Nashville, Tn) on 01/21/2011

Hi, I recently had strep throat about 3 weeks ago and feel it is coming back again. I'm not really thrilled at the idea of taking another round of antibiotics (because it doesn't appeared to have worked the first time), and instead was wanting to eat a couple of crushed, raw garlic cloves a day. Also, I feel that I may be pregnant. Would it be safe to consume garlic in this manner if I am indeed pregnant?

Replied by Brenda
(Ashtabula, Ohio)

I am brand new to the garlic remedies. I had woke up a few weeks ago with my glands in my throat swollen so much that I almost couldn't breathe. I had mixed garlic powder in water. I had mixed a thick mixture of these two. Then I had gargled it until the mixture was gone. My glands cleared up within hours and I have had not one problem with them since. Amazing! And thank god cuz I don't have medical insurance.

Replied by Jrod
(Boston, Ma - Massachusetts)

I get strep every year. heres what works for me. Mix this well:

1 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp cayene pepper
4 crushed or microplaned cloves of garlic.
take 1/2 tsp for every waking hour.

Don't wash down with water, tea, etc. Honey helps to suspend garlic in affected area. Cayene helps to bring blood to area to get immune system going. cured in 2 days- true story

Sore Throats
Posted by Dana (Phoenix, AZ) on 04/11/2009

I was coming down with strep throat, ealy stages, extreme sore throat, plem build up in I made a Ms. Grass chicken noodle soup, brought it to a boil, sliced up 9 cloves of fresh garlic, put them in the boiling soup, I then let it simmer for 2-3 minutes, and put in a massive amount of black pepper. I then let it cool a little and ate it. It burned quite a bit but it opened everything up, I mean everything. I then went to bed and could actually FEEEL the garlic in my blood working, seriously, it was like my blood was burning, in a good way...killing the virus. I woke up and the fever was gone and I hacked up some extremely large chucks of phlem from my lungs, all of it...the infection was killed, it all came right out witha few coughs...I was really shocked, and cured 100% no joke. For those of you who have had strep throat then you know how horrible it if garlic did this in one night for me I hope others read this and perhaps it will help with you in a similar situation...if you can handle smelling like garlic for a week....the side affects are worth it.

Replied by Susan

I'm drinking garlic tea, tonight I have a bit of running nose n a cough, annoying cough. Anyway I made garlic tea with 4 cloves of garlic chopped with boiling water except I dont know if I have to swallow the garlic too. Help.

Sore Throats
Posted by Marilyn (Cherry Hill, US) on 03/28/2008

My 27 year old son was so sick with strep throat. He couldn't swallow or talk much. I boiled a cup of water, once the water came to a boil I put one garlic clove cut in half in the water and let it continue boiling for 2-3 minutes more. Now I let it cool and let him drink it. This way you hardly taste the garlic. I did this twice every day for a week. He got better. My son never wanted to believe in the old remedies but now he can't deny the reality. I hope this helps someone.

Sore Throats
Posted by Jessica (West Brookfield, Massachusetts) on 03/16/2008

re: strep. THANK YOU THANK YOU! I used raw garlic for my sore throat and although it burned at first, it took the pain away. After six days I am finally comfortable!

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