Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Broad Benefits
Posted by Crystal (VA) on 10/20/2020

Yes, my Grandmother used it and I use it for everything that ails me. 3% Food Grade!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Barbara (Ontario) on 08/16/2018

Hydrogen Peroxide is an amazing solution for pretty much everything. I've ingested so much of it that I've heard a buzz in my head. I cure my ear infections, sinus infection. My eye sight is sharper than before. Spent lots of time bathing in it submerged my entire body or just soaking my feet while watching tv. I can go on and on. So thumb up for the best med ever.

Broad Benefits
Posted by G (Sydney, Au) on 06/10/2016

Editor's Choice I love food grade hyrdogen peroxide. Kids and cats can = ringworm, so as soon as a spot appeared, several times a day we applied undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide directly to the affected area and the ringworm was dead within a day. Continued to apply to the spot once daily after that. A week later, there's no sign ringworm ever existed - not a mark, scar or even discoloration, nothing. It's brilliant.

As for inner ear infections/colds/bugs/flu - we bought a big box of disposable 3ml pipettes. We fill one with food grade, undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide, squirt it all into the ear, lay on our sides and let it fizz, bubble and tickle away until it stops (20 mins or so) and feel incredibly normal after that while people around us are dropping like flies with whatever's going around.

We also add 2 capfuls of food grade hydrogen peroxide to a humidifier if one of us is feeling a bit congested or wheezy and leave it on while we sleep - sleep like babies and are able to breathe freely.

Hydrogen Peroxide is amazing stuff.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Annie (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 06/08/2013

I am so grateful to have found this 3% food grade H202. I prayed and prayed for healing and suddenly I came across this valuable piece of info. Before going on H202, my pee stunk like it had garlic or iron in it. The toilet was so smelly even I could not stand the smell. Now after a few days taking the H202, there is no smell at al. I used to suffer from horridly painful cramps in my thigh and calf, now they are a thing to the past. I sleep better and have a bit more pain to clear in my legs, hopefully that too will be gone as the days go by. I heard that so long as the Hydrogen Peroxide has no stabilisers, you can pour it into a food grade plastic bottle and freeze it. Then when the water in it is frozen, pour the pure liquid, which is 35%, into a smaller containers and keep it frozen. Just take out enough and put that amount into a smaller bottle with a dropper in the fridge. Replenishing it as you use it up. Hope that helps. Careful, this pure form will and can burn your skin on contact. Annie Low

Broad Benefits
Posted by Leizel (Bacolor, Pampanga Philippines) on 06/08/2013

Hi! I'm so gratefull that I've found this site. H2O2 really a big help for me and my kids. My kids always on medicines for coughs and cold, antibiotics and non stop nebulization for their asthma before. I thank God that He let me discover H2O2. Every time my kids have symptoms I just put 3 drops in each ear and drain. It really works now and no more meds. More power to your site and God bless!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Susan (Vermont) on 05/22/2013

Editor's Choice I am 49 yrs old and had painful periods, along with heavy flow and migraines.. All at the same time. Plus, I have asthma. UNTIL NOW. I no longer have ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS since I started using 35% food grade H202 diluted with distilled water. I use the recommended drop dosages and now I'm up to 20 drops 2x daily and have been using it now for about 3 months. I have never felt better in my life. My asthma is almost completely gone and I have no symptoms related to my periods. I went to the OB/GYN today and she told me I may have a uterine cyst.. Then she asked if I had heavy periods, etc... So I told her 'no' since I no longer have them! I wonder if my cyst shrunk or what, but since I'll never know, I wanted to share my story.. It really changed my life completely. I'm even more awake in the morning and can exercise now without breathing problems. If anyone would like to talk to me personally, please feel free to email me.. I'm very happy to help anyone out there that can benefit from my experience.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Paul (Port Charlotte, Florida) on 05/07/2013

I take 35% food grade HP every day, 1 drop per 5 0z of pure water. I have 16oz glass bottles and add 3 drops per bottle. I take 3 to 6 bottles a day and have been doing so for last 2 years. I use this as a prevention from disease. I am very healthy, take no medicines at all and walk min 6 miles to max 9 miles a day. Will be 71 in June. Never get colds, head aches, flu nothing. I suggest you take bottles of pure water with 1 drop per 5oz of water to work if you have a fridge... needs to be kept cold. Drink any time and as much as you want. This dose is very safe. Energy galore too. Hope this helps.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Justin (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 03/06/2013

Editor's Choice Hi everyone, Few years back, I was diagnosed with Asthma, Sinus and chronic fatigue, so I was sent to hospital specialists for treatments and was given a lots of medications and pills, but the conditions only improved a little after few months of treatments.

Quite desperate and with God's help, I found Earth Clinic about 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. After going thru the forums/testimonies, I took a bold step to start with 1 drop together with a glass of filtered water (about 250 ml), taken 2 times per day due to work constrains, gradually increased 1 drop per day. At any time when I feel terrible bad on that particular day, I will maintain my dosage for few days, then continue to increase it when I felt a bit better. After reaching 25 drops, I taper off by taking 25 drops once every other day for 4 days, then 25 drops once every 3rd day for 2 weeks. Then I taper off gradually by 1 drop off per day, until I reached 7 drops as a maintenance level until now. Sometimes I do forget to take it for 1-2 days, but that did not affect as I already walked off the illnesses I mentioned earlier. What I can tell you is that I feel great. Since then I always feel energetic and in excellence health every day, as if I am going to live forever (just a joke). Since then on I never visit any doctors, no do I have any flu/cold or any sickness at all.

I always believe that good things must be shared, so I tried to share with my friends and relatives. You know what! At first they all are skeptical about it and even make a joke on me, saying that I'm trying to be a doctor without a license.

After few weeks, few of my friends tried and are astonished with the results they have had, so words spread, now many of them did tried and most have tremendous results. The sicknesses that they have tried on are : asthma, acne, sinus, chronic fatigue, arthritis, bad breath, teeth-whitening, as a fountain of youth (we call it "young water") etc..

Now, one of my friends are trying it on cancer, once I have the reports from him, I'll write to you.

Thank you and all the best to everyone.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Earl (Middleton, Wi, USA) on 10/13/2012

Bill Munro's Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy:

I have used HP for several medical problems (A very bad back problem; irregular heart beat.. "atrial fibulation; and precancerous prostate.. High Grade Pin.

I used 35% food grade diluted to 3% ( 11 ounces of DISTILLED water with 1 oz. of 35% food grade); get this right. The back problem is COMPLETELY GONE; MY GIRL FRIEND ALSO. I am 69 years old she is 59. I drink about 90 0z of water per day with a 1/4 tsp full of CELTIC SEA SALT for each quart of water, eat lots of green veggies (juicer) and now spray about 50 sprays a day (one inhale while pumping 5 times). I worked up slowly, starting 2 pumps twice a day, same with my girlfriend. I can't tell you the relief we have received.... No back pain at all.

I also had an irregular heart beat ( it is now completely gone); I used food based magnesium as well ( no synthetic supplements). Also had a precnaceerous prostate (high grade pin) my PSA went down from 7.8n to 3.8 4 points in 9 months. The Urologist couldn't believe it.

Lastly, My girl friend has a Bernice Mountain dog who got cancer. He is about 8 yrs old. The vet said he will be dead in 3 months due to the tumor on his leg. 98% percent of these dogs die of cancer. It is now 3 1/2 months later the dog is VERY much alive...... Lots of energy. We sprayed HP 5-6 times a day directly on the tumor( it shrunk and and looks dead). Also we gave him green veggies ( partially cooked) and add it to his food/water (worked up to 8 cap fulls each day; 4 in the morning , 4 in the afternoon with meals and water). I hope this helps many of you. I owe so very much to Bill Munro; he has changed my life. Talked to him on th ephone over a year ago.... Wonderful man.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ali (Swansea, Wales, UK) on 09/09/2012

Yes use 35% food grade HP, but make sure you dilute it enough. One capful of 35% is not the same as one capful of 3%! It is far stronger and should be used in drops rather than caps - starting at 1 - 3 drops in a glass of non-chlorinated water.

If you do not know the protocol, check it out on page 1 of this section. It is repeated many times throughout the section, but it's amazing how many people don't read it all through and keep asking the same questions!

Broad Benefits
Posted by William (San Jose, Ca, USA) on 03/30/2012

I am 33 years old, 150 pounds, caucasian, male, healthy, and active.

In January 2012 while researching oxygen and its use within the body for another project, I stumbled upon hydrogen peroxide therapy. I was instantly fascinated and drawn to claim of use of hydrogen peroxide within the body. I found enough evidence through various testimonies and information to support that this therapy was valid and safe. Although I didn't have any real serious medical complaints, the detoxification effect claim was reason enough for me. I began the ingestion treatment protocol outlined by an article by Dr. David G. Williams and the book "The One Minute Cure".

I experience the positive effects such as: more energy, mental clarity, better moods, and the feeling of better health. I also experience what they called "healing crisis" or medically known as Herxheimer Reaction. My symptoms were mild, but definitely noticeable and initially concerning. After a day or two of feeling ill, I began to experience a positive wellbeing and confirmation that hydrogen peroxide therapy was real and valid.

I experimented with going off the treatment and back onto the treatment, while doing so… I remembered (became stricken) seasonal allergies.

I moved to California in 2008 from the Midwest and discovered the joy of seasonal allergies. The past few years without fail have given me symptoms of runny nose, sinus pressure, and a stuffy head. The usual treatment route was over the counter drugs such as Zertec and Claritin-D.

It may have been a coincidence that I stopped the treatment and allergy causing agents had just started (probably). When I got back onto the treatment, allergy symptoms faded to none within a few days.

This effective treatment was a bonus to me as I normally forget about the allergies until they hit me each year (Not used to them). I also use the inhalation method using a spray pump (nasal spray bottle with tolerable solution of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and distilled water) and discovered that it is very effective as well. With about 4-6 pumps and inhale, my symptoms go away in about 20 minutes, and a repeat every 3-4 hours to keep them gone.

Additionaly, I have found (as many others have) that using a 1.5%-3% solution is a great mouthwash. I believe that it has increased my oral health and makes my mouth feel much cleaner and refreshing (better than scope/listerine).

I have created a blog of my experiences.



Broad Benefits
Posted by Pippa (Picton, New Zealand) on 09/28/2011

I use Hydrogen peroxide, 3% foodgrade, in my household in ears, to stop flu like symptoms and it works a treat. My children like the bubbling sound and it often soothes them into a slumber. Empty ear out after 10 minutes or so, or when it stops fizzing.

I spray h2o2 foodgrade 3% in my throat. It gives me energy. It does not interfere with eating time, because I spray little but several times a day.

It is also great as a rinse for cleaning your mouth/ teeth. A very good way to see how healthy your mouth is. Infections are cleared up in a jiffy. Tongue gets cleaned properly. Leave it in your mouth for a while, then spit out. Do not swallow.

I happily suggest this to people with bad breath. It will work in getting rid of bacteria.

Acne. A cotton ball or qtip with H2O2, touch the acne, it will bubble and clean and will dry the acne fast.

Thank you earth clinic for all the info and all the time you put into processing the results. It is awesome!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Otosan_04 (Diamond Bar, Ca) on 06/04/2011

Four months ago I went to visit my friend and out of blue he mention about this hydrogen peroxide first I was sceptic and I start checking it online and when I visit him again he gave me small bottle that he pre-mixed from a food grade that he bought online, I went home and still scare to use it... Before I went to bed I took a small part and gargle and inhaling the bubbles and still scare to ingest but the next morning no bad breath and no body ache... Mmm from then I start spraying it to my mouth just every morning and night. I never felt this good and strenght when I was in the 20's I'm 47 now and I feel wonderful , no more stuffy nose in morning and no body ache...... PS before I was to afraid to make love w/ my wife because every time we do it the next day I'm too sore and cannot even move but now the young man is back

Broad Benefits
Posted by Peter (Slate Hill, Ny) on 07/21/2010

Had been using h202 after showers, would pat dry then spray on h202 and air dry then from my hand pat some on my face.

My allergies were annoying: scratchy throat, itchy ears, nose and eyes throughout the summer.

One day I sprayed h202 liberally on my face with my eyes closed but not squeezed tight, in my ears (not too close), up my nose (not too close), behind the ears, in my throat, on top of my head (will dye hair) and neck. Then I rubbed it all over my head and face so the beaded h202 droplets would blend and cover my entire head/neck area.

Within minutes the itching stopped and not returned. I am retired so I do this several times a day because it feels good on a hot summer day, keeps me squeaky clean and my skin is looking better and tighter than younger men, especially around the eyes which were puffy and old looking, especially in summer.

Lately I've taken to spraying even more liberally around the eyes and allowing some of the h202 to seep into the eyes and my eyes feel stronger than they have in years. It burns somewhat like Visine does but I am not recommending shooting it directly into your eye, but merely some excess. The first spray in the a.m. I follow up ten minutes later with eye/saline solution cleansing to rinse any mucous out that h202 may have dislodged. It could be my imagination but those black dots and squiggly things on the eye surface seem to be lightening or disappearing, and I'll know for sure in time.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mike (Hendersonville, Nc) on 03/06/2010

Hydrogen peroxide, 35% food grade - three drops in 8ozs water cured many ailments by oxygenizing my blood more. Stopped all joint pain, stomach and back pain gone, healed!