Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Broad Benefits
Posted by Brenda (Bear, DE) on 01/18/2006

If I was stranded on a deserted island and could have 3 items, the first would be a bottle of peroxide. I have used it for years to brush my teeth and gargle with. I put a drop or two in ears every day, I use it on "old age spots" every day and in time they dissappear. Any kind of scratch, pimple, Etc., out comes the wonderall, inexpensive proxide. I am 65 years old, have all my teeth, never have colds, and have beautiful skin. It's excellent for nails, cleaning my jewelery, stains on white countertops and I could go on and on. But the health benefits are amazing!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Shelly (Louisiana)

I have often used peroxide in my ears for ear infections. My mom used it on me as a child and I have since done so. This week I had a severe bought of what I suppose is the flu. My jaws, ears, and throat ached extremely bad. After using peroxide in my ears, my symptoms would ease up. It did the same for my husband when I did this for him.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ricardo (Denver, CO)

I've been using hydrogen peroxide for oral hygiene my entire adult life with no mouth disease, cavities, and sparkling clean teeth. I was concerned because I was feeling a pain in my left ventricle (I think), perhaps from stress and/or lifelong consumption of animal fat although I'm in pretty good shape for 45 yrs old. I felt that 3% store grade was ok and began inhaling it using an old perfume spray bottle. After only one week of therapy, the pain in my heart has gone away, my joints feel better, my muscles aren't sore anymore, and I don't feel like taking a nap during the day.

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