I have used HP for several medical problems (A very bad back problem; irregular heart beat.. "atrial fibulation; and precancerous prostate.. High Grade Pin.
I used 35% food grade diluted to 3% ( 11 ounces of DISTILLED water with 1 oz. of 35% food grade); get this right. The back problem is COMPLETELY GONE; MY GIRL FRIEND ALSO. I am 69 years old she is 59. I drink about 90 0z of water per day with a 1/4 tsp full of CELTIC SEA SALT for each quart of water, eat lots of green veggies (juicer) and now spray about 50 sprays a day (one inhale while pumping 5 times). I worked up slowly, starting 2 pumps twice a day, same with my girlfriend. I can't tell you the relief we have received.... No back pain at all.
I also had an irregular heart beat ( it is now completely gone); I used food based magnesium as well ( no synthetic supplements). Also had a precnaceerous prostate (high grade pin) my PSA went down from 7.8n to 3.8 4 points in 9 months. The Urologist couldn't believe it.
Lastly, My girl friend has a Bernice Mountain dog who got cancer. He is about 8 yrs old. The vet said he will be dead in 3 months due to the tumor on his leg. 98% percent of these dogs die of cancer. It is now 3 1/2 months later the dog is VERY much alive...... Lots of energy. We sprayed HP 5-6 times a day directly on the tumor( it shrunk and and looks dead). Also we gave him green veggies ( partially cooked) and add it to his food/water (worked up to 8 cap fulls each day; 4 in the morning , 4 in the afternoon with meals and water). I hope this helps many of you. I owe so very much to Bill Munro; he has changed my life. Talked to him on th ephone over a year ago.... Wonderful man.
Colds and Flu
It's midwinter here and everyone in the office came down with a cold, and shortly after I woke with a headache and a sore throat.
I checked on earthclinic that others had tried this first, which they had, so that night after work I syringed warmed hydrogen peroxide into my ear canal, (probably more than 3 drops as a pretty much filled the ear canal) lay down with a timer for 10 mins on each side, drank down a large dose of vitamin c, and the next day no symptoms of a cold what-so-ever. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't tried it myself. It's a fantastic remedy and over 3 weeks later I still haven't had a cold. I've tried putting the drops in since but they didn't bubble like the first time which I assume means no infection was present.
I would recommend trying this if you're in the first stages of cold symptoms as you have nothing to lose.
Broad Benefits
In January 2012 while researching oxygen and its use within the body for another project, I stumbled upon hydrogen peroxide therapy. I was instantly fascinated and drawn to claim of use of hydrogen peroxide within the body. I found enough evidence through various testimonies and information to support that this therapy was valid and safe. Although I didn't have any real serious medical complaints, the detoxification effect claim was reason enough for me. I began the ingestion treatment protocol outlined by an article by Dr. David G. Williams and the book "The One Minute Cure".
I experience the positive effects such as: more energy, mental clarity, better moods, and the feeling of better health. I also experience what they called "healing crisis" or medically known as Herxheimer Reaction. My symptoms were mild, but definitely noticeable and initially concerning. After a day or two of feeling ill, I began to experience a positive wellbeing and confirmation that hydrogen peroxide therapy was real and valid.
I experimented with going off the treatment and back onto the treatment, while doing so… I remembered (became stricken) seasonal allergies.
I moved to California in 2008 from the Midwest and discovered the joy of seasonal allergies. The past few years without fail have given me symptoms of runny nose, sinus pressure, and a stuffy head. The usual treatment route was over the counter drugs such as Zertec and Claritin-D.
It may have been a coincidence that I stopped the treatment and allergy causing agents had just started (probably). When I got back onto the treatment, allergy symptoms faded to none within a few days.
This effective treatment was a bonus to me as I normally forget about the allergies until they hit me each year (Not used to them). I also use the inhalation method using a spray pump (nasal spray bottle with tolerable solution of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and distilled water) and discovered that it is very effective as well. With about 4-6 pumps and inhale, my symptoms go away in about 20 minutes, and a repeat every 3-4 hours to keep them gone.
Additionaly, I have found (as many others have) that using a 1.5%-3% solution is a great mouthwash. I believe that it has increased my oral health and makes my mouth feel much cleaner and refreshing (better than scope/listerine).
I have created a blog of my experiences.
Broad Benefits
I have, and I'll share some of it with you. After reading about oral and IV hydrogen peroxide therapy several years ago and the results obtained, I tried the oral route. Yuck! & my stomach rebelled. Not wanting to go the IV route, I quit it. After reading about Bill's inhalation route and realizing that if he was still around to write about it, (my thanks to you Bill) it wasn't likely to kill me outright), I tried it. Again, thanks to you, Bill, no untoward effects, and it did loosen up and thin the glue (mucus) in my head and chest so I could get it out. Now that I have found it to be safe and somewhat effective, I won't hesitate to recommend it to anyone else, nor will I hesitate to continue using it. How I wish I had known about this a few years back when I caught pertussis (whooping cough) and my favorite cough syrup (half ACV/half honey)wasn't as effective as it usually was. I must have drank 3 pints of it- can't say that it wasn't working since I am still here to tell you about it- but there was several times times that I came very close to dialing 911 and hoping they got here in time.
I remember when my now grown son developed a simple ring worm in the right temporal area which wosened with use of an ointment that had worked in the past. I took him to the family doctor, told him what I used that just worsened it - passing that one up he tried several others with the same results, over next 3-4 weeks, then referring us to 2 of Nashville's prominent prominent dermatologists.
By the time we got to the derrmatologists, his ringworm had developed into a kerion (much bigger and with some hair missing, and pus pockets through out the affected area. After both of them looking at it, one of them said "a cat ringworm or I'll take down my shingle". Several weeks later, still going to the dermatologists, and still worsening with their treatment, I received a culture report from the state health dept. that said "no pathogenic fungi". You just don't know how close I came to putting a hammer in my purse for the next scheduled appt. and telling him I was going to help him take down his shingle!
Upon returning home, my lovely neighbor who watched the other 3 children while we made another expensive trip to the dermatologists, looked at his kerion and said, "the old folks just rubbed ring worms with green walnuts. (meaning the green hulls on black walnuts). Although it was late fall, we managed to find about 3 walnuts with green hulls. Immediately after they came in the door, I sliced a little bit off one walnut and rubbed the open area all over that kerion, repeating it a second time before putting him to bed. I could see a big improvement the next morning. On his next derm appt. a couple of days later, the dermatologists looked and said "well, its finally looking better" to which I replied "yes, green walnuts work real well, don't they?" Looking surprised, he remarked ("yes, but they burn real bad". Angry by now because he apparently knew this and hadn't bothered to tell me about an effective treatment, I said exactly what I thought - "Hellfire man, haven't you ever noticed the tears rolling down this child's face when you were poking around in those pus pockets with needles. He didn't do that while I was applying the green walnut". We weren't told to make another appointment. I long since forgave him for not telling me, becaused I now realize that the strongest union in the country (American Medical Assn.) goes after any MD found recommending something they have no control over. Neither will the pharmaceutical companies tell you about anything they can't patent. It's job security! You have to go to places like Earth Clinic or lovely neighbors to glean such useful information.
Several years later, this same neighbor told me I should take take poke berries for severe joint pain. I then asked her if she was trying to kill me because I had always been told that they were poison. She replied that they never hurt her aunt who had been taking them for years, still getting about in her 80's. When she didn't back down after I reminded her that if anything happened to me she had to finish raising my children, I decided to try them. Very effective and no side effects at all. Very remarkable, as you know, if you have been keeping up with the class action lawsuits to get damages for the strokes, heart attacks, etc. from the makers of Viox! Everybody I have told about this and tried it has had the same improvement without unwanted side effects.
I will warn you that if you decide to try it, swallow them whole - they don't do your taste buds any favors! If you want to research this, a good place to start is the federal government's data base on plants- don't use poke sallet for the common name - type in pokeweed. You find some amazing things are contained in these so-called weeds that God and Mother Nature grows wild for us to pick and take for free. You might also be surprised at the people who have been and still researching this lowly weed and what they have found. The pharmaceutical companies can keep their preparations that they have isolated from the plant extracts and developed a synthetic version that they can patent & make a fortune on - thanks to pokeberries, I am still able to get out and gather my own pokeberries, keeping the failsafe ingredients, that prevent the unwanted side effects that the synthetic versions cause! I am thankful for the results and I don't care whether it may come partly from the placebo effect or whether its all from the chemicals in the plants or HP. It works, and I never argue with success! Nor do I argue with the creator of that plant, for he/she is smarter than any one scientist or any group of scientist.
Have fun researching those plants, Tom. I did and still do!
Colds and Flu
How Peroxide Works
In 2019, it was discovered killing bacteria and removing toxins is only half of the job white blood cells are tasked with. The other half is brick and mortar rebuilding of tissues!
Peroxide was supposed to be 'Holy Water' but the pope was drunk or something.
EC: Wow! Everyone should read that peroxideman page.
(1) Our human cells have lots of catalase, and this enzyme decomposes h202 right away when the chemical enters the body, releasing oxygen and water.
(2) Also, the h202 stimulates the enzymatic system in the body to produce many more times oxygen than that released by the intake of h202 alone.
(3) Read more brother on the scientific studies behind h202 in the body, and do not just use logic and frighten the masses with your chemistry knowledge of h202 being a powerful corrosive oxidant.
(4) But you are right in your logic for some animals though. Some domestic animals have low catalase in their bodies and will die quickly if they drink even a bit of 3 percent h202.
Read the book and find out which animals. Do your homework.
Broad Benefits
I spray h2o2 foodgrade 3% in my throat. It gives me energy. It does not interfere with eating time, because I spray little but several times a day.
It is also great as a rinse for cleaning your mouth/ teeth. A very good way to see how healthy your mouth is. Infections are cleared up in a jiffy. Tongue gets cleaned properly. Leave it in your mouth for a while, then spit out. Do not swallow.
I happily suggest this to people with bad breath. It will work in getting rid of bacteria.
Acne. A cotton ball or qtip with H2O2, touch the acne, it will bubble and clean and will dry the acne fast.
Thank you earth clinic for all the info and all the time you put into processing the results. It is awesome!
Earth Clinic Report
To quote from the article: "The idea behind ingesting hydrogen peroxide stems from a now-discredited theory that cancer and AIDS thrive on a lack of oxygen in the body."
Ummmm, discredited by what studies? Show us!
According to the FDA, when taken orally H202 might cause gastrointestinal irritation or ulcers. Hey, so does ibuprofen, which also causes acid reflux in people. We seriously doubt there are many people foolish enough to swallow large quantities of peroxide and suffer these purported side effects. (The standard dosage for food grade peroxide is 3-4 drops per 8 oz of distilled water.) If there are indeed people suffering side effects from these minute dosages, we'd like to see the reports.
4/1/2007: Below is one case sent to us today by Anonymous from New York City, NY. Here is the link to this abstract.
1: J Emerg Med. 2006 May;30(4):403-6. Hemorrhagic gastritis and gas emboli after ingesting 3% hydrogen peroxide.
Moon JM, Chun BJ, Min YI.
Department of Emergency Medicine, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital and Chonnam Medical School, Gwangju, South Korea.
It is well known that ingestion of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide is usually nontoxic; this does not produce gas embolism and is only a mild irritant to the gastrointestinal tract. We report the case of a 25-year-old woman who ingested one mouthful of 3% hydrogen peroxide and presented to the Emergency Department with persistent vomiting and epigastric pain. The radiographic evaluation found portal venous gas emboli. In addition, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed 2 h after ingestion revealed diffuse hemorrhagic gastritis. She showed a decrease of hemoglobin concentration and a positive test result for occult blood in stool. She was observed for 14 days and discharged. Follow-up endoscopy showed erythematous gastritis. This case illustrates that a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide can cause portal venous gas embolism and severe gastrointestinal injuries even if only a small amount is ingested."
4/2/2007: Ted from Bangkok writes, "No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
Tumours completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission.
A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase. Ted
He should be ingesting once a day diluted with distilled water 3% food grade h2o2.
He never mentions the strength either.
He also does'nt mention if it was regular or food grade h2o2.
Why in the heck would he take it again if it caused abdominal pain, let alone spray it in his nose..honestly not to be mean ..but come on man..
3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
The world governments have aerosolized the atmosphere at the higher level with heavy metals and possible bacteria and molds to create rain, snow, droughts in selected areas with military craft and contracted civilian aircraft. thus the people with lowest immune response are being affected the most. Find out more go to geoengineeeringwatch.org.
Long story short, I ended up in the ER as I collapsed to the floor. My blood pressure had dropped so low that my kidneys shut down. Was diagnosed in Hosp with acidosis, nuetropenia, parvo virus B-19, pneumonia, and my body was so full of bacterial infections, it almost killed me. 9days on strong antibiotics that it took several weeks to get my strength back. (A couple of things ..found microadenoma with brain MRI although non secreting and have watched it..along with very tiny nodules in neck and chest...were too small to biopsy.)
Since being released I changed primary docs. A year and 2 months after, my symptoms returned. Begged my primary to not let this get to where it did before. But here my glands in my neck have been swollen now for months and have had ultrasound of carotid artery, several chest CT'S..blood work etc and just antibiotics again.
So 2 months ago I was told about this therapy. I started it and informed my doc about it and he said he had no problem with me trying it. The first day 3, drops (of 35% FGHP), second 4, third 5 and 4th 6 etc. On the 5th day I threw up just yellow bile. Felt fine after I threw it up. Kept in increasing drops (btw I had more energy than I'd had in a long time), and when I reached 14 drops, I threw up again, only this time I couldn't shake the nausea. Took myself down to 13 drops...still nauseated pretty bad...then 12. Couldn't seem to stop the nausea so I actually backed off to 1 time per day at 10 drops. That seemed to be OK.
Then I read about the inhalation method so I started doing that 2 x a day along with the one time a day drinking it. Breathing seemed easier as I am a smoker , (trying to quit), and no more nausea. Stayed there for awhile (maybe 4-5 days), but now noticed the areas that were swollen glands and lymphs again, seemed like they were almost tingling and seemed to be opening up of some sort. Feeling like this was an positive sign, I now am going back to drinking 8 drops 2 x a day and 1-2 inhalations. Since I started feeling like these areas were opening up (from feeling clogged or stopped up with constant sinusitis), I am now feeling my neck and throat swell it feel like it is swelling and has raises my concern now that possibly all song this problem was in my neck or throat and is definately alarming me. I am not giving up in this therapy...whatsoever as I believe in it and up until I started using it I was on my way to another hospital stay like before. (They say I have a challenged immune system), put me on plaquinel for the last 5 years but the mayo took me off it and 5 months later is when I was in Hosp).
I am awaiting CT scan results of my chest from last week, and now I am certainly going to call my doc today and ask for ultrasound of my neck again. Been a year and a half since last one...or some test that reveals what might be going on in my neck and throat. This therapy has been my only feeling of saving grace. I had nothing to lose as the docs were not finding anything . I have been reading all the stories and this site has given me hope that I will soon find out or be rid of, what has come back to make me I'll again. I'm going to try to get back up to 3 x a day drinking this...but my question is...what if I can't get passed the 14 drips again, will staying on a lessor amount still do what 25 drops can do for you, or am I hindering the treatment by...like the h202 book said...you don't want to stop it cause u have stirred up all the bacteria in your body and by stopping it could cause other problems because now it has no where to go. Any feedback would be helpful and very comforting.
Thank you, this site and all of you are my daily dose of hope. Lisa
Dental Care
Broad Benefits
The first thing I noticed is that it seems to be stronger than store bought 3% even when diluted to 3%. So I now only use it from 1%-1.5% (22:1)only.
I am an ex-smoker of 1 month, and would not recommend that smokers use the inhalation method in the back of the throat as smokers have usually done quite a lot of damage to their lungs, not to mention oxidising the 4000 odd chemicals lodged in their lungs, whereas people who have never smoked have a better chance of benefiting by using this method.
I tried this method for three days and found that I had all the benefits of clearness of mind and more energy, but the downside was odd pains in my chest. I then tried using saline solution that you can buy from a chemist (I.V.drip clear bottle) and made up my 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide with this.
This felt a lot better and seemed to buffer the Hydrogen Peroxide, but I still had a slight uncomfortable feeling in my lungs so decided to use a nebuliser (1 drop to 90 drops water). I loaded my nasal inhaler with just pure saline solution before I nebulised, sprayed directly into my lungs (8 squirts) so as to coat them with some kind of buffer and to hydrate them.
Then I Nebulised for 5 minutes and felt absolutely amazing afterward. I have done this twice a day for three days and feel very comfortable with this method. I have had a very strong flu like virus that gave me a very bad cough for 6 weeks with yellow then green mucus but the Hydrogen Peroxide has cleared it all away.
I also had been snoring heavily for the last two years and this has completely stopped, and only after two days!
Thank you Earth clinic and everybody for planting the seeds to better health for everyone.
Colds and Flu
I'm continuing because I saw that the peroxide has a cleansing effect much like the fasting does, except I don't have to lose weight in the process. I have a few little matters that I mostly ignored because they don't HURT (nothing like some pain for motivation to change!!)....so decided to deal with them via the peroxide. I have a slight bit of tinnitus (which I mostly don't think about, but it's there so could get worse?), my eyesight (I wear reading glasses), my hearing (I miss some conversation), my BRAIN (ach! "senior moments" are not funny, really)...might the peroxide help in those????? I'm hoping! :-)
A couple days ago I had some cold symptoms develop, ( a LOT of sneezing and MUCH clear nasal discharge) which I know were just to be expected...but I seem to be past that. I have a couple questions!? About day nine I was nauseous after taking the peroxide in the morning, so thought to put four drops of my orange-flavored liquid stevia in each time, is that OK? Some places said use juice or milk, but other places said just water, and I hate to go through all this and not have it as effective as possible! AND for a while now I have put sea salt at the rate of a teaspoon per gallon of drinking water, as that is what Dr. Batmanghelidge says we need...is that OK with the peroxide? (He didn't say put it in drinking water; that was my idea since I don't like to salt my food much...and the water doesn't taste salty, just good) I'm using reverse osmosis water by the gallon from our local health store. I'm thinking of getting a reverse osmosis system for under my kitchen sink: they seem reasonable in price. Can anyone un-confuse me about the 3/4/5 phase systems in them, which is adequate?? I'll let y'all know how this peroxide regimen treats me in days ahead! I do believe my brain is slightly more clear already. :-) Oh, and I have for years had irregular sleep (I hate to call it insomnia)...hope maybe that is a problem the peroxide might help. Am I expecting miracles?! Well, that arthritic pain gone in two days was a miracle, wasn't it?!
2/16/2009: Jean from Somerset, KY writes, "I have another question. I read we should build up gradually to taking the peroxide AND decrease gradually, but I haven't read WHY the gradual decrease. What would happen if some morning I am tempted to think, I CAN'T DO THIS ONE MORE DAY!! (??) I might deal with that thought better if know ahead of time why I should and can decrease gradually???"
I had trouble finding food grade H2O2 locally, but was able to order 12% food grade H2O2 from amazon.com. for about $12 a bottle. I did mention H2O2 to my local health food store and noticed recently that they are now carrying the same brand I purchased online. I'm happy to see them offering this product to their customers.
A few months ago I began working at a hospital. Of course I was concerned about exposure to illnesses, especially the varieties of flu that seem to be so contagious and hard to rid the body of. One particular strain of respiratory flu keeps people ill for months.
I can tell I'm being exposed to respiratory illness because I feel it in my chest first in the form of congestion and pressure. (One of my co-workers had the same symptoms after we worked together one day and did contract the illness!)
Quite often I take a pint of diluted food grade H2O2 with me to work and drink it periodically throughout my shift. By the end of my workday I can tell it has cleared my lungs of any congestion I might have felt earlier. So far I have made it through winter without suffering flu symptoms.
The bottle has instructions for diluting the H2O2 and gradually builds the ratio of H2O2 to water. However, I have stuck with the 3/4-1 teaspoon H2O2 per quart of distilled water, as it seems to work well for me.
(I also give it to my cats as their drinking water and they love it! They also love ACV water...animals are so smart!)
I have also read, I think here at earthclinic, that it's important to use distilled water with H2O2 because H2O2 can bind with heavy metals in tap water and create toxins.
This autumn, before purchasing the H2O2, I did fall victim to the respiratory crud, but managed to recover from it within a couple of weeks, unlike many people I've seen at the hospital who say they have suffered symptoms for months without any relief. I take a lot of herbal supplements and home remedies, including a product called Swedish Bitters which has helped my immune system tremendously, so I'm sure this helped me recover.
I also use store-bought H2O2 for use in my ears. I did have trouble with it leaving behind liquid and causing earache. And a couple times after using H2O2 I had sharp pains in my ears. I remedied this by putting a small amount of coconut oil in each ear after draining the H2O2 and it helped pretty quickly.
Now if I use H2O2 in my ears I add a drop of alcohol and only use a drop or two of H2O2 (full strength). This seems to be enough to ward off any virus-related earaches.
I also use H2O2 mixed with distilled water as a nasal wash and this is very effective in immediately ridding me of sore throat issues and any kind of infection I might feel at the back of my palate and upper portion of my throat where sinus drainage occurs. It burns a little, even with using distilled water, but I've come to recognize it as a good burn because I know it's killing the infection.
At times I also gargle with H2O2, usually diluted food grade, and then swallow. Very effective in clearing a sore throat.
Because of my work at the hospital I've also begun spritzing myself with a store-bought H2O2/distilled water mix (probably a 1% solution) after work. Ted recommends this somewhere as a preventive method after he visits hospitals, although I think he might mix his with baking soda and use it as a scrub. I've only just started using this remedy, but it makes sense that it would help rid my body of anything I might have carried away from the hospital.
I also use H2O2 for one of my cats who has been plagued with earmites since I found him abandoned as a kitten. I've never been able to completely rid him of the problem, probably because I have not been diligent enough, but the H2O2 definitely helps. As you know, it dissolves ear wax and earmites thrive in those waxy conditions.
Thank you earthclinic.com for all your wonderful remedies. I have learned so much from this site and continue to do so. Thank you Ted for your contributions!