Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Multiple Cures
Posted by Erik (Erie, Colorado) on 08/16/2007

I wanted to let everyone out there know i'm 35 yrs old, work on a shipping dock, and have the most energy of all my employees who are at least 10-15 yrs younger than i am. i have been using these techniques for sometime now and it's just amazing h202 also replaces mouth wash and kills mildew in showers, I have stopped using chemically treated house hold cleaners and know use H202 3% grade for now i had a stain on my carpet for yrs i sprayed some H202 on that stain let it set for a few minutes then just wipe it away -- it was amazing. i also use it in my water 4-5 drops per glass and use it to clean my ears of wax and it even helped clean up a very bad infection i had on my foot. i wish people would see it's the effectiveness of the product and not the price and how well it works. Just let everyone know that is so much more than a temporary solution. it is the solution to cure most all viruses and so called diseases. I've had family members die from cancer who could of been saved just from this vital information. so please no matter how much people say it's impossible or you're wrong, keep it up and don't give up telling everyone you know. I will have to try the baking soda technique as well. thank you.

Bad Breath
Posted by Jean (Los Angeles, Calif) on 07/09/2007

I use drug store hydrogen peroxide full strength as a mouth wash to fight bacteria......cavities.

Sun Spots
Posted by Janine (Atlanta, GA) on 07/01/2007

I have started to use H202 on the brown sun spots on my left cheek after reading on Earth Clinic that it would fade them. Last night was the 2nd night. I took a cotton ball and soaked it in h202 and then held it to the area for about 15 minutes. Can report that after 2 nights they look like they are fading. Will report back.

Age Spots
Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park, CA) on 03/31/2007

A nevus is little black pigmented spot on the skin, sometimes called a beauty spot. Mine was flat, about 6-7 mm in diameter and near my neck and slightly elevated. It's been there for probably 20 years.

I dipped a q-tip in 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and applied it to the nevus only for a few seconds and then mopped the excess with the dry end of the q-tip. It burned a little, especially on later applications. I applied liquid vitamin A a few minutes afterwards to decrease the burning and promote healing. I did 3-4 applications over a period of a week. It fell off completely after a week and has not returned. My wife was very impressed. I'm not recommended this approach, but simply reporting my personal experiment. I've been experimenting with Bill Munro's inhaling approach for a little over a week. It appears to be working well. My energy has just about doubled and I'm breathing much better at night.

Posted by Ben (Portland, OR) on 01/25/2007

Great site here. It reminded me of the "accidental" cure I gave myself using H202. I had warts on the bottom of my right foot for months. The doctor would freeze them off and I was given cream. They would always come back. One day in the bathroom I was looking at them and said, "what the heck!". I poured H202 (the 3% drug store variety) over my foot. I didn't wash the peroxide off - I left it dry on. The next morning they were gone and never returned. That was 6 years ago

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Baynurse (Sausalito) on 01/27/2017

Maybe she used chlorinated water instead of distilled. Chloride and peroxide are no Bueno! it causes a bad reaction, like bleach n ammonia!

Earth Clinic Report
Posted by Mahatma Muhjesbude (Wisconsin) on 02/18/2018

Straight 35% food grade h202 that you can only get delivered by UPS because it's considered a hazardous oxidizer as in 'rocket fuel' so the post office won't handle it... could kill you if you tried to drink a glass full of it. And would certainly put you in the hospital for a while with a burned throat and who knows what else internal organs?

If you buy a bottle of 35% food grade (the least tainted with other chemical additives made for different industrial uses) if you take a drop right out of the bottle and drop it on the top of your skin on your hand, it will turn white and begin to 'burn' the skin into a blister and then a wound, which will heal cleanly at least.

I believe there are some topical applications, for some kinds of warts or skin diseases/cancers where full 35% concentration is used... but NOT for ingestion.

You take a couple drops of the 35% right out of the bottle and into your glass of purified drinking water, stir it up and that should be a daily o2 bloodstream oxygen maintainer if you use the finger oxygen/pulse meter. Then for sicknesses, you work it up adding a drop a day until you reach about 25 drops which you stay on for a few days and then reverse the sequence cutting back slowly.

By then you should be feeling (they have a clinical name for this) a little tired and maybe flu-like for a few days which will be the dead illness bacteria cells/virus toxins being eliminated and flushed from your system.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Daniel (Spokane, Wa ) on 03/29/2010

Daniel from Spokane, Wa writes: "Just a simple update on my post from three years ago:

I have not had an ear infection or cold for three and a half years now. The H2O2 gets used in each ear twice a week, and I simply tissue and Q-tip my ears dry each time I shower. That's it! Hydrogen peroxide is the most effective and CHEAPEST supplement I've ever tried. Thanks again for this website--three years free! :) :) :)

Toothache and Tooth Abcess
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 02/14/2016

I started to feel a little bit of pain and had some swelling around one of my bottom teeth. After reading on this wonderful site about HP for cavities, I decided to give it a try. I simply gargle with the HP one time for about one minute - and the cavity was stopped in its tracks! Unbelievable to me is the fact that cavities can be stopped like that. I grew up believing that cavities had to be drilled and filled, but thanks to this site and its posters, I now know that is just not true. As a beautiful side benefit, my bad breath is gone now, too. Thanks to EC for that!

Dental Care
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO) on 10/07/2005

Plaque removal: use 1/2 capful hydrogen peroxide in a little bit of water and swish around in your mouth after brushing.

Posted by Susan (USA)

04/18/2006: John from Sault Ste Marie, MI writes, "I'd be very wary of recommending that anyone use 35% hydrogen peroxide unless they've had HAZMAT training or the equivalent. At that concentration H2O2 is extremely corrosive and causes severe burns; in other words, it's a very hazardous chemical that even professional chemists (and I am one) must handle using appropriate safety equipment (rubber gloves, safety goggles, protective lab coat). I know this from experience because I was badly burned by 35% H2O2 while carrying out chemistry research. It's irresponsible to imply that this stuff is harmless and to recommend it to people who have no experience handling hazardous materials."

04/10/2009: David from Tampa, FL writes, "I have used food grade H2O for years and if you do spill it on yourself just rinse with water for a few minutes - it will turn your skin white and it is temporary and there is no prolonged damage. Yes, you do have to be careful but not afraid."

Please be very careful when transporting food grade hydrogen peroxide after the bottle has been opened. Make sure you keep the bottle upright. Once the seal has been removed upon opening, these caps can leak. Food grade will cause the skin to burn and turn white. Yes, we learned the hard way! Luckily, skin will return to normal after 30 minutes or less if you rinse off the peroxide quickly. By the way, the same whitening of skin effect happens when you dip your fingertips in drugstore 3% H202 for a minute or more. It too goes away within 30 minutes...

Posted by Swhit (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/04/2012

To Yannick, This site http://drinkh2o2.com/ has very good info about H202 and will explain what is going on.

Posted by Christine (British Columbia) on 02/05/2017

Hi Kate...when you take it 3 times a day, is it on an empty stomach? I am going to put a few drops into the water bowl for my dog, Zeus. He has lumps throughout his body. I've been treating him with Stem Cell supplements with some success, but want to try the food grade H2O2 in his water (well water). I am going to start taking it as well as my body hurts from arthritis. Any suggestions from you or anyone please?


Posted by Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 01/06/2016

Food grade hydrogen peroxide is available at 3% concentration; it is certainly much safer to handle than the 35% version. Some health food stores carry it, including Whole Foods - DS

Checking for Stabilizers in H2O2
Posted by Claudea (Washington) on 07/20/2016

Rich, I had a fast growing, beginning to choke lump in my throat that scared me into searching fro non-invasive ways to reverse it. That led me to HP, which I then soaked my mouth with 90 days several times a day, at 3% with the stabilizers. The lump disappeared in that 3 months and never returned.

The oxygen entered my blood through my thin mouth skin and that extra oxygen attacked the lump cells destroying them.

I found Medline sells HP through Amazon - 4 gallons at about $33 and shipping is cheap. I take it as a diluted drink in water.

Get Flood your body with oxygen by ed McCabe to see how to take internally for whole body health.

Colds and Flu
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA)

We heard about this practice years ago. It is reportedly a common practice in India and Germany... During flu season, fill the cap of a bottle of hydrogen peroxide with the liquid, lay down on your side, and pour it into one ear. After a few seconds, the liquid will bubble. Lay with the peroxide fizzing for 5 or 10 minutes, then shake the peroxide out. Repeat on the other ear. This remedy is supposed to cures colds that are already in progress - causing the symptoms to begin to clear up within a few hours. Note: If the virus has been in your blood for some time, this will not work!

Cold and Flu Reader Feedback

H2O2 Side Effects
Posted by Art (California) on 02/18/2023 2165 posts


Regarding your question of whether inhalation of hydrogen peroxide(HP) can cause opacities of the lungs, the answer is yes, HP inhalation can cause them as outlined in the following research paper link below. I know it is not a popular opinion on EC and I have not previously brought it up for that reason, but you specifically asked the question and HP is a potent oxidant and when inhaled, it can do damage and much more than just opacities as further described in this 2019 research link about case reports :


Here is a relevant quote :

' Chronic inhalation of hydrogen peroxide is described in case reports as causing interstitial lung disease with radiographic images demonstrating septal line thickening, honeycombing, and traction bronchiectasis with associated ground glass opacification. '

I think it is important not to use too strong of a percent of HP solution and not to do it for too long because of the potent oxidative potential of HP. In the case report described, the patient had only used the HP inhalation for about a week.


Hydrogen Peroxide Injection and Enema
Posted by Dort F. (Brooklyn, NY) on 05/14/2021 3 posts

Responding to a post about Hydrogen Peroxide for Cancer:

Posted by Tj (Alberta) on 11/04/2015: "Can anyone assist me in how to use DSMO and Hydrogen peroxide together for cancer treatment. I would appreciate any assistance on how to use these two products together. How much of each/ what kind of method/when etc. Thanks so much."

Hydrogen Peroxide Taken Internally,

This is a very dangerous thing to do, but I have taken it by enema as well as an injection into fat.

After researching, I found the internal dilution % or rate. Hydrogen Peroxide is very caustic and can burn your insides out if not diluted to .3% or a .003 dilution rate. It will kill slowly and with a lot of pain. A person is literally playing with death here and should use extreme caution. This is why I use a .3% not .5% dilution. It is always best to err on the side of caution when your life is in the balance.

Remember disease cannot live in an oxygenated alkaline environment, especially cancer.

So, if you're going to try to introduce oxygen into the body through other means than just breathing. Perhaps a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Facility or injection of Ozone by a clinic would be best.

If the decision for using a (HP) hydrogen peroxide solution has been made to be taken internally (absorbed through the skin or passing the blood barrier). The HP must be FOOD GRADE (FG) using 1 part 3% FG Hp to a 10 parts water distilled solution. Get a measuring syringe and for every 10 parts of water use 1 part 3% FG HP.

At this point you're ready for your carrier. Be it an enema contraption, a syringe (please don't inject directly into a vein), or a DMSO application. Each carries the solution into the body. DMSO is not a dilution substance, it is a carrier.

When breaking the blood barrier as in using a syringe into the fat, or DMSO. Extreme cleanliness must be strictly adhered to. This is probably the reason the FDA will not allow it to be used.

Enema would be my personal recommendation for internal administration of FG HP. I know it sounds dirty and gross, but compared to someone else shoving things up your anus the alternative isn't all that bad. Besides, once you get used to doing it the feeling of being clean within the lower intestines is quite liberating.

If I was to be, DMSO and HP is my decision and that's final. I would mix just 2 or 3 drops 3% FG HP with 20 or 30 drops of distilled water mixing with DMSO and applying to an area on the stomach around the navel but staying away from the liver (right rib cage) after using an alcohol bath for the area prior to administration. If I know where my cancer is then I would apply to that area too. Just keep in mind that cleanliness is key, not only the body but everything that comes in contact with the solution.

I'll continue, this is only 3 ml. per liter if using 30% Food Grade HP to distilled water. I used an empty syringe without the needle for an as close to exact as possible dilution. This was for an enema solution. I did 2 enemas first to cleanse out the lower intestines (1 liter plain body temp water). Then I put in about a cup of the HP solution and held it, my body took it in on the 3rd try and I soon got an extreme rush from the oxygen entering my blood through the intestinal wall. This method is 10 times more potent than drinking the same solution.

For the injection into a rouge STAPH Infection, I used 3% HP from a local pharmacy because there was no time to waste getting food grade HP.

I had been kicked out of the hospital for the 2nd time. The first time I wasn't admitted but was fed one dose of IV antibiotics and walked with a week's supply of oral antibiotics after walking in with an inflamed softball size bleeding scab that was a black mark the size of a standard paper hole just 2 days earlier. After the week had passed and I was out of ammo (antibiotics) the infection came back with authority. After 2 days more the infection site under the skin and in the fat looked like a rash around the softball (command center) and measured 10" x 12".

On my second admittance to the same hospital, they kept me for 3 days at which I fought verbally for another dose of the IV antibiotic cocktail and was denied. In fact the doctor said he could give me no more antibiotics without the possibility of severe adverse side effects.... Crohn's Blah blah blah, and a host of other immune disorder diseases.

I could literally feel the infection in the command center just waiting for the withdrawal of the antibiotics so it could reinvade the rest of my body. My wife looked at the softball the next day and said it looked worse than the night before. The site was on my back and I couldn't see it well at all.

I took a 1 cc syringe.

Filled it with .46 cc of bacteriostatic water (blood barrier use water) which I had on hand.

Then finished by putting in .04 cc of 3% HP.

Put in a total of 5 injections into the softball size inflamed purple mass

4 (.07 cc doses) around the site and 1 (.22 cc dose) into the center

From the very beginning until that moment it never stopped hurting or itching. In a matter of maybe 5 minutes all was gone (hurting/itching). The purple mass took months to heal of which I still have a scare.

Remember also that when using FG HP or Ozone therapy you create a lot of free radicals in the body. So it's important to use some of the many free radical scavengers available. This site will help you there also if you need help in this area.

I would also like to say that I am not a doctor to anyone other than myself and would not recommend any of what is written here be used for any purpose other than education.

Colds and Flu
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/10/2021

Nebulized Peroxide — Dr. Mercola

Source video: https://vimeo.com/517836362

Multiple Cures
Posted by C. J. (Bellville, Ohio) on 12/14/2021

I would very much like to hear more of what you did, Barbara if you are receiving this..... Or anyone else willing to share if, and how you've been interested in hydrogen peroxide for any reason. I am now using a 3% solution (about 1/4 tsp.) with a trickle of DMSO, both good grade, (the DMSO as a counter to excessive oxidation), and I am feeling a rejuvenation in my entire body. And my joints are "returning".

But I am having severe dental problems wherein it is inflamed up and down the side of my face, and I can't easily eat hard things. I have brushed with peroxide. I've also used tea tree oil on cotton as a compress on the infected gums which has spared me of dentistry for years.

This time tho is seeming more severe and stubborn. And yes, cavities. I'd like input on peroxide usages and such. I know ît is a masterful liquid! any info, testimony, suggestions and advisory help would be very appreciated!

Blessings, C. J.

Ear and Sinus Issues
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/10/2015

Dear Karri,

Hydrogen is so widely used in the ears...I would tend to think the problem with your ears is a complication of your cold and not the peroxide.

Either way, a clove of garlic may do the trick.

You can peel a clove of garlic, being careful not to prick it. Just get off the papery part. Find a clove that is big enough to put at the opening of your ear but that is not small enough to go into your ear. Use a bandana or something to keep it at the opening to your ear for an hour or two. Garlic (and onions) tend to draw out fluid. They also help inflammation and infection.

A warm rice sock would be an alternative to the above. Or your could alternate.

I hope it feels better soon!

~Mama to Many~

General Feedback
Posted by Mymindisnotme (Spain) on 07/12/2014

I'm taking H2O2 Peroxide 35% Food Grade, 25 drops in juice for 12 days, going into 13. Where I live there is no distilled water.

My problem is that I struggle to keep it in my stomach for the last 5 days, my body...? or my stomach doesn't want it and I spend all day agonising as I think of it and my stomach turns.

I started taking it due to a debilitating allergy that kept me congested 24/7, itchy sticky eyes, constant sneezing, perhaps sinus problem...? Doctors prescriptions didn't work, and they put it all down to hay fever. Since taking the Hydrogen Peroxide, I have noted a slow but definitive improvement, my eyes are not itchy but somehow still irritated, hardly any sneezing, less congested than before.

What can I do? I don't want to stop but this is weighing on me all day long and I feel I can't continue. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.

12% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nancy11 (Florida) on 08/23/2020 3 posts

I suggest the book one minute cure, I am on day 5 7 drops 3x a day with 35% the book will explain everything in conjunction with h2o2 n the body n how everything works I find that morning at 3:30 am 1 hr before I rise for the day then at 8 am before I take my morning break at 9:30am then at 3:30 on my drive home from work work great for me you just have to make time for the right time

How to Purify Peroxide
Posted by Annie (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 06/08/2013

I am so grateful to have found this 3% food grade H202. I prayed and prayed for healing and suddenly I came across this valuable piece of info. Before going on H202, my pee stunk like it had garlic or iron in it. The toilet was so smelly even I could not stand the smell. Now after a few days taking the H202, there is no smell at al. I used to suffer from horridly painful cramps in my thigh and calf, now they are a thing to the past. I sleep better and have a bit more pain to clear in my legs, hopefully that too will be gone as the days go by.

I heard that so long as the Hydrogen Peroxide has no stabilisers, you can pour it into a food grade plastic bottle and freeze it. Then when the water in it is frozen, pour the pure liquid, which is 35%, into a smaller containers and keep it frozen. Just take out enough and put that amount into a smaller bottle with a dropper in the fridge. Replenishing it as you use it up. Hope that helps.

Careful, this pure form will and can burn your skin on contact.

Annie Low

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Airzone (Hernando, Mississippi, Usa) on 10/01/2012

Food grade Hydrogen peroxide- This sounds off the charts but I had to test a different way to take peroxide. I went to the health food store bought some emty capsules seperated and filled with 8 drops Hydrogen peroxide replaced cap and started to take the pills went from 8 drops to 15, I was prehypertensive in 150 over 85 I am 51 years old. After taking for week my Blood pressure dropped. Been taking for several weeks now my Blood pressure is 117 over 74. This is no lie. I also have arthritis. No more pain- this totaly works for me. At first I was nervous thought it would upset my stomach no problems. But it is wise to use probiotics as well :-)

Dental Care
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, USA) on 06/17/2012

I use HP in my water flooser (Water pik). I fill it almost up to the top with water, and put a splash of HP in the water pik cistern - that is the receptacle wtih the water in it. I do this about 2-3 times a week. Also keep the pressure setting at 50% or below. Don't focus too much on one tooth, move around quickly, and don't do this much more often, because eventually it will erode your gums if you use it to excess. I use my orthodontic tip to splay the pressure out more so the stream is less pointed. Doing this a few times a week keeps my teeth in great shape. Great before upcoming interviews, big social events etc. It is like the water jet in the dentist except better! You can add your own stuff to it, and change the pressure. I use non-alcoholic mouthwash in my W. P. On the off days. This is also brilliant if you have braces or other orthodontics and can't floss normally.

Posted by Claudia (Tulsa, Ok) on 03/04/2012

I recently went to the doctor to see what was growing on my tounge it was white and did not seem to bother me except it was a abnormal growth of some sort I was confused and a little worried since I'm in my 50's and never had this be before. To find out it was a wart called papillion it is a virus and she said I need to to see a oral surgeon to get it removed. I went home did some research started treating it with ACV on a q-tip and I used a nasil spay of hydrogen Peroxide food grade deluded as Bill describes and sprayed it several times a day and at night before going to bed in a matter of two weeks it has shurnk and is disappearing before my eyes. I now can cancel my appointment with the oral surgeon and saved my self a couple of hundred dollars and the stress of having my wart cut off. So happy it is going away. Thanks for all the info I hope this helps some one else too.

Posted by Zo (Pattaya, Chonburi) on 06/24/2022

My 89 year old father had bedsores that he had contracted while at hospital. They were really deep wounds, about 1 cm deep. My sister treated the wounds with hydrogen-peroxide. Unlike many elderly people, my father made a full recovery. I believe what I see, not what I am told of the dangers oh HP. However qualified the person might be.

H2O2 and Medications
Posted by WYNN (ny) on 03/22/2023

Cholesterol is not a bad thing, the cholesterol panic was designed to sell statins. Your own body produces cholesterol so don't freak out. Eating eggs does not increase your levels, junk science at its best.

Dechlorinating Water
Posted by Marla (Atlanta, Georgia, Usa) on 02/25/2011

We all know that chlorine is in most tap water, and that it's not good for us. Furthermore, when chlorine meets water or H2O2, it generates chlorine gas, which is deadly and was used as a chemical weapon by the Germans in World War I (this is the awful smell you get when cleaning with bleach water and why you should use it in well-ventilated areas emedicine.medscape.com/article/820779-overview). Because of this, it is not safe to add hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to chlorinated tap water and drink it right down for your oxygen therapy.

However, if your water ph is 7.0 or higher, H2O2 can be used to dechlorinate the water first, allow the chlorine gas to escape (www.h2o2.com/industrial/applications.aspx?pid=107&name=Dechlorination), and then the water will be safe to use for oxygen/hydrogen peroxide therapy.

Further, it only takes a single drop per gallon to dechlorinate most drinking water. (See below for math ) I have not been able to discover the time necessary for the chlorine to be fully liberated, so to be safe, I would agitate the water periodically and not use it for 24 hours or so.

How I calculated 1 drop per gallon:

1.8mg/l Cl common post-treatment level (check with your water provider for specifics)

100000 gal H2Orequires 0.2 gal 50% H202 to dechlorinate (www.h2o2.com/Calculator.aspx)

There are 90840 drops in a gallon

0.2 gal = 18168 drops 50% H2O2 to treat 100000 gal H2O with Cl

Moving the decimal gets us 1.8168 drops for 10.0000 gal

3% H2O2 is 16.666% strength of 50% H2O2, so 3% hydrogen peroxide requires 6x amount of 50%

10.9008 drops for 10 gal = 1 drop per gallon

Simple and cheap to dechlorinate your tap water at home!