Juicing: A Glassful of Health and Home Remedies!

General Feedback

Posted by Elaine (Oakwood, Ga) on 05/24/2011

We just bought a $200.00 Breville Juicer, Yes its a lot of money but we did want a really good juicer. can anyone tell us how to get started juicing the right way.. I have heard you can get sick if you go to fast... please help.

Replied by Texas Buffalo
(Lubbock, Texas)

Juice once a day 80% green vegetables 20% vegetables did this remedy for 90 days lost 27lbs and they took away my cholestrol meds, juiced 5days a week.

General Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 03/09/2010

Have you ever thought of having a section on juicing? My husband and I started doing it at the beginning of December when we ordered a masticating juicer online and we feel that it has improved our health. We really crave our juice every day and our nails are growing stronger, my hair stopped falling, a problem I had had all my life and there are I suppose many other benefits. It would be great to be able to exchange experiences and also know what others think about their juicers. I know that one is not suppose to mention brands but it would be very useful to be able to compare notes especially because the good ones are not cheap. Maybe also about books with recipes we bought and love? I am on my first one day juice fast today. So far so good, not really hungry. Next week, as my husband won't be home for two days I will try a two day one.

EC: Hi Francisca, we do already have a page in the remedies section on juicing!

Green Lemonade

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Posted by Belladonna (Toronto, On) on 11/17/2009

I hope you liked my favorite smoothie !

Here is my favorite juice recipe"Green lemonade"

*** 4-6 celery stems
*** 3-5 kale leaves
*** 1 green apple
***1/4 of ORGANIC lemon ( do not remove the skin)
*** 1 inch of ginger

Please do not add carrots, beets or any other vegetable - they will spoil the juice color.

This vegetables combination allow you to drink kale juice with all its benefits but without its taste.

Replied by Jamie
(Nescopeck, Pa)

What is the green lemonade for?


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Posted by Nugo (Brentwood, Ny, Usa) on 01/15/2010

Vegetable juices great for inflammation!!

I've been suffering from inflammation all my life, there is no diet that make lose weight, I have noticed however that all grains: corn, chicken peas, all beans, rice, wheat, potatoes make me to gain from 4 to 6 pounds easily during the night!! My meal doesn't even weight that much! So I just don't eat them. But lately I started juicing and I have noticed big changes in my body. Hands, arms, knees, ankles are now a lot better. I can feel my bones now.

I drink a big glass of vegetable and fruit juice in the morning as a breakfast and that's all. My diet is the same so it has to be the juicing! I don't have a recipe I just put on the blender what I have in my refrigerator that day (carrots, apple, pears, strawberries, banana, any fruit and cucumber, celery, spinach and any other leaves I got. I would say I'm impressed.

Juice Fasting

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Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 11/11/2009

if you need info on fasting.. google "juice fasting" and read alot of testimonials and dr. articles. Knowledge is power. this is not something to go into lightly. I'm moving towards this as well to deal with some health issues. According to a doctor article, he stated that juice FASTING is kind of a misnomer as traditional fasting means "no food", technically juice fasting is liquid food. Your digestive system remains at rest while your body is still recieving nutrition.

---Warning-- I recently put myself on a cabbage soup diet and took the advise of a poster to take the hot soup, and for a change of pace, puree it in a blender. It was DELICIOUS. Unfortunately I didn't know I had gallbladder issues and a gallbladder attack ensued. It was a wake up call to how ill I am. NOT GIVING UP! If this is a possibility for anyone else simply, go to gallbladderattack.com click on the diet link and you will see a list of do and don't veggies. there are plenty of do's for a juice fast. Also, many will try to sell you on their plans. those differ as well. some docs say x amount of glasses/day, others say drink as much as you want because you can't OD on good nutrition. Personally, I am diabetic so my rule of thumb will be to add equal amounts of purified water to the juice and to stick to vegetable over fruit juice to maintain blood sugar levels. Some tell diabetics not to juice fast at all while others have been totally healed of their diabetes. You will see that ultimately it's your decision. read read read and decide. I am w/o insurance and have no money so I am using natural remedies for detox issues combined w/ the juice fasting. I'll update later. GOD BLESS!

Replied by Andrea C

Add powdered Cinnamon to any fruit or starch stuff like beets and carrots. This will stop your blood sugar levels from spiking. Love Andrea C xxxx

Juice Fasting
Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, USA) on 02/01/2008

I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis almost 25 years ago and was suffering on and off with painful inflammation in my hands. After taking all the usual prescribed medicines for about a year, I had enough and went on to cure myself. I did 4 weeks of juice fasting and afterwards ate only vegan and mostly raw foods (all organic). I also let the dentist remove all my amalgams. Over the years when my diet got poor and my stress levels high, I would get inflammation again. Whenever I went back to juice fasting (the ultimate detoxification, I would do this for all kinds of diseases) and eating RAVE diet (google it) foods, I get symptom free. Stress in life is often unavoidable, but we have power over the foods we eat. Juice fasting and RAVE diet are my cure for Rheumatoid arthritis. If I find myself eating too sweet (sugar is poison, I use Stevia and Agave syrup only), I counteract with greens. (alalize again). Industrial food (all prepared food) is poison. I don't eat it.

Juicing for Untreatable Health Problems

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Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 02/22/2016

I have an encouraging story to share with you all! My husband was repairing a roof for a 74 year old lady, who is also a friend of a friend. This lady ended up telling my husband a story about her restoration to health.

Apparently, several years ago this lady was having constant itchy skin and her hair was falling out. She was in a lot of pain. Doctors thought it was because of her thyroid, so they were going to take it out, but were unable to do so because of a genetic issue she had. In the end they said, "Sorry, there is nothing we can do for you."

Well, this lady is a go-getter and wasn't going to give up that easily. She took charge of her health. She found a reputable naturopathic doctor. She ended up juicing and using essential oils. She started drinking 96 ounces (that's 3 quarts or 12 cups! ) of freshly juiced juice each day. That is a LOT of juice for anyone, and this is a petite lady. She was juicing carrots, celery and I think kale. She was also using essential oils, though I am not sure how.

Well, over time, through her regimen, she was completely healed of all of her health problems.

There was some recent discussion here at EC about attitude and health. I think this lady's positive attitude and motivation to take charge of her own health also went a long way to her healing. Healing is sometimes a lot of WORK! Juicing and drinking 96 ounces of juice a day would be a pain! Sure, it is easier to just take a pill or whatever, which is why some don't bother with the natural route. But her hard work paid off.

This lady also cares for her pet dog and volunteers at a local women's shelter. I think staying involved to the level at which you are able and doing for others in some way also affects your health in a positive way.

This story was inspiring to me and I hope it encourages you, too! Take charge of your health, don't give up, and have a positive attitude. :)

~Mama to Many~

Juicing Tips

Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 09/06/2009

Slice Stringy Vegetables for Easier Juicing...

If you've ever tried juicing a hunk of burdock root you know that stringy vegetables can be nearly impossible to juice. If you slice the offender into lengthwise strips about 1/2 inch wide it will be much easier to juice.

Lemon Ginger Blast

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Posted by Jonathan (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 06/10/2012

Hi everyone! This is the most helpful discussion on the topic of parasites that I've found on the internet. Thanks!

I want to share a raw juice recipe called "Lemon Ginger Blast" that I'm pretty excited about. It's supposed to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-mucus, anti-parasitic, enhances circulation, stimulates digestion, neutralizes free radicals, oxygenating, detoxifying, energizing, and anti-aging. It has habanero peppers so I'm pretty sure it's all of those things! Here's the recipe:


  • 2 apples
  • 1 - 3 inch piece of raw ginger
  • 1 lemon (unpeeled if organic; peeled if not organic)
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 1 bunch arugula
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 habanero hot peppers


  1. Wash all veggies (I use apple cider vinegar)
  2. Run all the ingredients through a juicer
  3. Pour into a glass mason jar
  4. Drink it daily for breakfast!

NOTE: For more information google "Lou Corona" "Lemon Ginger Blast". Also see Dan "The Life Regenerator" MacDonald's website.

Replied by Kk
(Seattle, Wa)

So, how do you wash all of this in ACV. What are your proportions of water: ACV, how do you know this works cleaning wise?

Replied by Koko
(Lagos, Nigeria)

Please what is BHT?

Replied by Susan
(Hailey, Idaho Usa)

BHT stands for butylated hydroxytoluene

Replied by Andrea C

Add a few drops of lemon juice to a bowl when washing fruit and veg, it kills any mold and other nasties. Love Andrea Cxxxx

N/a Beer for Juicing Abdominal Pain

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Posted by Robert (Orlando, Florida) on 03/10/2008

Non-alcoholic beer remedy

Years ago I began to drink large amounts of fruit or vegetable juices like grape or V-8 or tomato juice, but the acid content eventually began to irritate my bowels. At one point my body could no longer tolerate those juices getting severe intestinal pains if I took any amount.

Then I began drinking juices together with non-alcoholic beer and found that, amazingly, I could drink unlimited amounts of juices that way without any problem whatsoever. I don't know what it is about beer that mitigates the effects of the acid in juices but I have been mixing the two and drinking them for many years now with no ill effects whatsoever. In fact, I find the taste of the combination to be superior to the taste of either one alone. The best way to do it is to mix the juice together (maybe about 25% to 50% beer) but they can be taken separately too.

Replied by Kathie
(Houston, United States)

I have read several studies that show that alcohol opens your cells up to better absorb whatever you are consuming. That is why smokers that drink are more prone to throat cancer that non drinking smokers. But I would assume that juicing with alcohol could be beneficial if you do not have alcoholic tendencies. My husband will sometimes do a tequila shot in the evening when we juice. I would not recommend it, but it does make you wonder if he is getting more benefit...

Replied by Dan
(Perth, Wa, Australia)

Except that Alcohol is one of the most potent carcinogens known to man, and that one serve of alcohol a day, dramatically increases your risk of numerous cancers and diseases.

Replied by Jacko
(Vancouver, Bc)

NA= Non-alcoholic beer

Onion Juice

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, USA) on 02/01/2008

When I had a cold or the flu in the past, my body could never get rid of it. I always got bronchitis and always had to take anti-biotics to finally stop it all. One day I said to myself with TOTAL determination: I will not allow to get a cold again, because my body can't fight it. Since then I have had only one cold (in 10 years). That one I cured with the juice of one large organic onion per day(made in the Champion juicer) and mixed with fresh orange juice. I had to drink this for 2 days only and was fine again. I regard onion juice as a natural anti-biotic.

Replied by Connie
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA)

How would you describe the flavor? Can a nice mild Vidalia be used or are the massive hot yellow onions better?

Replied by Carmel
(Essex, Uk)

Onion is from the same family as garlic, chicory, leeks, and can help with many things.

Onion Juice
Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, USA) on 02/01/2008

I have had pinworms for almost a year. I tried unsuccessful at first to treat it naturally. I spent $ 300.00 for an internal parasite cleanse (DR.Natura) which did absolutely nothing. I was told it is NOT possible to treat them other than with allopathic medicines. Pin-Ex didn't work. As here on a remote island, I don't have access to a personal doctor, only to a clinic where little time is at hand and only 1 medicine is prescribed(Mebendazole). If that doesn't work, bad luck. After I was sufficiently angry and determined to help myself, it worked again as it always has in the past. I find that this TOTAL determination to help myself is necessary to find my cure. First I drank the juice of one big onion mixed with sweet orange juice (fresh) for 2 days (to alkalize my system). This is my personal first aid with almost ALL illness. Then I ate 3-4 bulbs of garlic during the day. I added Epazote to my herbal teas and meals (one tablespoon over the day). And I drank 2 ginger teas and ate all the cut up ginger (about a table spoon full) at the end with some agave sirup. At night I used one quarter tablet of pin-ex as a suppository to kill the worms in the anus and be able to sleep without squirming worms and stop them from laying more eggs. I had to do this only 3 or 4 nights, then I was symptom free. I hung bedsheets and blankets all day in the sun, every day for a week. Changed towels and clothing daily.

Potato Juice

Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 09/06/2009

Anyone who has juiced a potato knows that a paste collects at the bottom of the glass. This is probably potato starch. Anyone disagree? In that case, not drinking the paste would conceivable reduce the carbohydrate value of the beverage. Anyone know if it would affect other nutrient values?

There is a brand of organic russet potato here that tastes sweet, rather than bitter when eaten raw. Even garden potatoes taste bitter in comparison. Do organic standards rule out genetically modified crops? Why do these taste sweet?

Side Effects

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Posted by Carleen (Brooklyn, U.S.A) on 12/12/2008

I would like to know, can I be allergic to juicing? I recently purchased a juicer and began juicing. After having my first glass of juice, which comprised of grapes, apples, spinach, clery, and sweet pepper my face and head started itching. The next day I eliminated the grapes, (becuase I remembered before I started juicing the day before i had a few red grapes, and a little itching started), so I figured I was allergic to red grapes. I then added carrots to my juicing concoction, and after having the glass I still itched. The following day I decided to get rid of the carrots this time, so I juicied spinach, lettuce, clery, peppers and an apple. This time I was still itching but it was less intense. Is it possible for me to be allergice to juicing? Just to let you know I juice first thing in the moring after having a workout, also, I am not allergic to fruit and vegetables if eaten.

Replied by Sarah
(Hackensack, New Jersey)

You could be allergic to Bell Pepper because Bell pepper is one of the common grocery ingredients that causes allergic reactions. Why don't you skip it and continue with the rest?

Replied by Facundo
(Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz)

It is because the molds and fungis, you could be allergic to them. They are in overripe fruit, tomatoes, celery, old carrots, etc.

Replied by Dimensioncarrier
(Bridgtown, Barbados)

Blessed love and greetings, you said that you mixed a couple fruits and juices together, but when you really looked at what you juiced together, you juiced a concoction, .. You see, certain fruits and vegetables don't go together, this is why there is the vege kingdom, and the fruit kingdom, they are distant relatives, and should not be mixed together unless you know for certain what you are concocting, as certain mixes with the wrong concocs can be very harmful, and in your case this was the result, so don't be dismayed... Keep on juicing and blessed health!

Weight Loss

Posted by James (Liverpool, Uk) on 03/30/2015

Looking for a delicious way to slim down? This Banana, Carrot, and Orange Smoothie with a bit of Spinach and seeds enhances your way to losing weight.


1/2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 tbsp ground flax seeds

2 cups spinach

1 orange peeled

1 carrot

1 banana halved

1/2 cup greek yoghurt

low fat milk to fill line

Directions: Add all ingredients to your large nutribullet cup, saving low fat milk for last.
Once you have filled the cup with low fat milk to the fill line, puree ingredients to desired consistency.

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