Magnesium Oil
Health Benefits

Magnesium Oil - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Magnesium Oil. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Magnesium Oil Applications Tips

Posted by Art (California) on 05/05/2023 2356 posts

Editor's Choice


My experience with using topical mag oil is that it requires application on an as needed basis in order to obtain the pain relief aspect of mag oil. Same for muscle cramps, apply as needed. I do not find the relief that mag oil offers to be cumulative. Like most topical pain relievers, reapplication is needed in order to maintain the effect. The relief is usually felt within 5 to 15 minutes in most people. I have seen in one or two cases where it took longer, but the effect is usually felt in 15 minutes or less. When used for muscle cramps, the relief is usually felt in 5 minutes or less. Sometimes combining topical magnesium with oral magnesium offers a slightly better effect, but the topical mag oil offers the highest local tissue concentration and best pain relief and muscle relaxation when compared to any oral magnesium product. Max pain relief from mag oil is usually felt within 20 minutes. If that does not offer enough pain relief, something stronger is needed such as Stopain topical pain reliever.

One thing that I have noticed is that, when the effects start to wear off, I have a spray bottle of water which I can spray on the area where I applied the mag oil and rub it in a little and it reactivates the residual magnesium on the skin and works as if I had applied another application of mag oil again. This would be important for people with sensitive skin because mag oil can be mildly irritating for sensitive skin. I don't use it myself, but I understand that a little lotion can be substituted for the water spray application.

For those with more sensitive skin applying a little lotion right after applying the mag oil can also make it less irritating. Mag lotion does the same, but doesn't allow you to alter the ratio of lotion to magnesium.


Magnesium Oil Applications Tips
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 05/12/2018

Editor's Choice

I make my own magnesium oil. I have used vodka and magnesium flakes, as I believe Art has recommended, to make it and it does feel less sticky. I use it on my lower back or shoulders for tight muscles, pain, nerve pain, etc.

However, in the colder months I found that I was hesitant to use it because I didn't like spraying something cold onto my back; that makes me tense up. When it is cold I have found that spraying the oil into my palm and then applying it makes it much more tolerable. It is easier to apply it to my back this way anyway. I follow up with a homemade Tiger Balm type salve and this prevents it from making my skin itchy and I think contributes to pain relief.

~Mama to Many~

Magnesium Oil Application Tips

Posted by Art (California ) on 08/24/2017 2356 posts

Editor's Choice

Mag oil is great for the human body and it has many health benefits which have been mentioned often on EC by many posters over the years. Mag oil also has some downsides that are not mentioned often, but two important issues are the fact that higher percentage mag oil can have a burning or stinging effect for some people, especially when applied to the neck and shoulder area. This is unfortunate because mag oil is very good for helping to relax the muscles in those areas and is often used for that purpose. One way to minimize this bad effect is to add MSM to the mix when you make your mag oil solution from flakes. I like to use 5 grams per ounce of water for this purpose.

Another downside to mag oil is the fact that even though it is not an oil, it does "feel oily" and can stay feeling oily for hours after you apply it, especially as you increase the percentage of flakes in your mag oil solution. One way to help reduce this sticky oily feeling is by using vodka in place of distilled water to make your mag oil with. The vodka reduces the oily feeling and also lessens the time that you feel oily or sticky by a very significant amount.

So these are two ways to make it easier to use magnesium oil which could also help with regular application compliance which should be better for your overall health!


Muscle Pain

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 05/05/2016

Editor's Choice

I have had a lot of muscle pain this week. I have been working in the garden using muscles that I guess I don't use that much. I also have a spot in my back that troubles me often, I think it is a muscle that gets "off" because of my scoliosis.

This morning after working in the garden I was wondering how I was going to do what I needed to do all day in pain. I decided to give magnesium oil a try. I have used it a couple of times but never on specific trouble spots, just as an effort to get magnesium into my system. So I sprayed the oil wherever I hurt. I only left it on 10 minutes and took a shower. Many hours later I realize that I am NOT in pain and haven't been all day!

I take 400-500 mg of magnesium every night and am maxed out on what I can do orally. I am thinking that magnesium oil in a spray may be a better option when your muscles need magnesium. It makes sense, the magnesium is going right where it is needed in the muscles.

~Mama to Many~

Broad Benefits

Posted by Craig (Victoria, Australia) on 10/14/2014

Editor's Choice

I have been reading with interest the different ailments on this Earth Clinic site and the amazing remedies on offer as passed on by the readers of this wonderful website.

I was constantly suffering from Knotted Muscles and occasionally Muscle Cramps which I found hard to understand as I do not work physically hard like I used to any more. I have been working in an Office based role for the last 5 years but had to have a regular massage of at least once a month and sometimes more. This was very puzzling and I decided to find out more to address this problem when I stumbled across this amazing website. I spent a lot of time researching the problem I had and discovered it was a lack of Magnesium that was causing these issues. It all made sense.

I decided to use the Magnesium transdermally as it was the quickest way to absorb it into my system. The results have been astounding. I have been taking the Magnesium for 3 months now and these are the results I have found so far -

1. The Muscle Knots and Cramps have dissapeared almost completely - I still get the odd Cramp but it is very rare now and have not had a Muscle Knot in my back or legs since.

2. I have suffered from a bad back for about 15 years now in which the Doctors wanted to operate on (I refused to let them do it). Now I can work as long and as hard as I want to without worrying about being laid up in bed or suffering from days and days of back pain. (Including Medical Bills etc) I simply have a warm bath with Magnesium Salts added to it - no more problems.

3. For 15 years I have had a pinched nerve in my back resulting in numbness from the top of my left calf all the way down and right through my ankle - 70% of that has dissappeared and I now have feeling back in that area again. I could not believe it and it keeps getting better.

4. I had a build up of solid excess Calcium on a knuckle on my right hand which was the size of an Olive - it has almost gone completely. I have since found out that a lack of Magnesium prevents the body from getting rid of any excess Calcium.

5. My neck was starting to freeze up and I could barely turn my head at all - it has now reversed that problem and I can now turn it both ways just like I did before.

6. The most impressive part of using Magnesium was a side effect which I was trying to find another cure for - Excessive Sweating. For 40 years I have had to put up with this embarrasing issue. It has dried up and I no longer have to suffer from this any more. I am still working on that and cannot say yet whether it is permanent but the signs so far are very encouraging.

All I did was mix Magnesium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts) together and place a handfull or 2 into a warm bath. I also work away a lot so made Magnesium Oil from the same batch and rub it on where ever it is required and as needed. It seems my body needs a lot of Magnesium to sustain its required needs and it is still a work in progress but I have been impressed with it all so far. I am telling people this so as to give you all hope that there are alternative natural treatments out there that do work and never to give up.

I am also working on other Remedies from this site and will keep you all posted.


High Blood Pressure

Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa) on 02/27/2010

Editor's Choice

I have a very exciting report for Magnesium Chloride oil from my husband. He is 63 years old, diabetic, high blood pressure, heart problems etc, a Dr. Dream you might say. He is disabled/retired, and I came home from work to find him in bed saying I might have to take him to the emergency room. He told me he didn't feel sick so much as he felt weird, his blood pressure was 179/113. I went and grabbed my ready made Magnesium Chloride oil that I keep on reserve because it is so expensive, and put 10 drops in a shot glass, added a few drops of water, told him to swish it around his mouth a bit and swallow. I also sprayed his body with the oil, within an hour his blood pressure dropped to 149/90. I gave him another dose before going to bed increasing the dose a couple more drops.

Every day this week, I increased until I gave him 20 drops per dose 2X a day with a little water. He swishes in his mouth a few times before swallowing. He took his blood pressure again this evening, and it is now 125/69. He said his blood pressure hasn't been this good since he was a teen.

He also wants to contribute the fact that he really cleaned up his diet this week, cut out all bread, and no alcohol. Other wise, he eats pretty healthy. He also wants to mention how much better his gum's are, and don't bleed so much when he brushes them. We think the swishing before swallowing the Magnesium oil contributes to this as well. I love Mag oil,

Peace, Rena.

Heart Palpitations, Poor Circulation

Posted by Dorthy (Vancouver, BC) on 08/23/2009

Editor's Choice

I have been applying magnesium oil to my chest once a day for heart palpitations.I haven't had any palpitation since the day I started. I also noticed one day that my palms and fingers were turning pink after applying the oil. I usually wash the oil off my hands right after application. But since I suffer from cold hands and feet, I decided to leave the magnesium on my hands for a good 10 minutes. The improvement in circulation to that area has been astounding! It only lasts about 12 hours before I need to do it again, but I am very pleased with the results so far.