I went this route because of my recent heart arrhythmia, which so far the Cardiologist has yet to address. I figured that I had over done the procedure and my body was telling me to stop.
One word of advice to you young whipper snappers, don't wait until you are 70 to try to recover your health. You too far down the shady side of the mountain to do this. For your best health you need to treat yourself as a diabetic and that's ATS . Control your sugar regardless. As my Russian author says, eat right and you will live 10 years longer, breath right and you will live 20 years longer.
Easy peasy 'fix', Robert, is to rub coconut oil on all areas of body mg spray.This ME/CFS diagnosed mechanic/mbike racer has been doing it for 10 yrs, with nary an itch...Give it another shot...Your heart needs mg!
Articles of Interest
"Dr.Delbet performed a lot of "in vitro" and "in vivo" experiments with this solution[Mag Chloride] and he became aware that it was good not only for external applications, but it was also a powerful immuno-stimulant if taken by injections or even by mouth. He called this effect "cytophilaxis". In some "in vivo" experiments it was able to increase phagocytosis [white blood cell production] rate up to 300%."
"He credited the immuno-stimulant activity to the solution for this result,and he tested it in some other diptheric patients. All the patients were cured in a very short time (24-48 hours), with no after-effects. As Magnesium Chloride has no direct effect on bacteria (i.e. it is not an antibiotic ), Neveu thought that its action was aspecific, immuno-enhancing, so it could be useful, in the same manner, also against viral diseases. So he began to treat some cases of poliomyelitis, and had the same wonderful results. He was very excited and tried to divulge the therapy, but he ran into a wall of hostility and obstructionism from "Official Medicine". Neither Neveu or Delbet (who was a member of the Academy of Medicine) was able to diffuse Neveu´s extraordinary results. The opposition was total: Professors of Medicine, Medical Peer-Reviews, the Academy itself, all were against the two doctors."Official Medicine" saw in Magnesium Chloride Therapy a threat to its new and growing business: vaccinations.
Dr.Neveu wasn´t discouraged by this and continued to test this therapy in a wide range of diseases. He obtained very good results in: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, common cold, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, "children diseases" (whooping-cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever...), alimentary and professional poisonings, gastroenteritis, boils, abscesses, erysipelas, whitlow, septic pricks (wounds), puerperal fever and osteomyelitis.
But the indications for Magnesium Chloride therapy don´t end here. In more recent years other physicians (and I among these) have verified many of Delbet´s and Neveu´s applications and have tried the therapy in other pathologies: asthmatic acute attack, shock, tetanus (for these the solution is administered by intravenous injection); herpes zoster, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, rheumatic diseases, many allergic diseases, spring-asthenia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (even in cancer it can be an useful adjuvant)."
You can find the article here, and its well worth a read because it gives specific working oral concentrations and dosages as well as injection doses for Mag Chloride:
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi The_phoenix...Thanks so much for all your supporting evidence on MgCl. My own deeper research into MgCl was triggered when I noticed, from looking at many of Ted's remedies on this site, that he regularly recommends Mag Chloride for so many apparently unrelated ailments. And from what I can understand about Ted's remedies, simple body-friendly chemicals like Magnesium Chloride, Iodine, Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide as well as the likes of Aspirin, L-Lysine, betaine hydrochloride, protease enzymes etc. all seem to be our prime defense against many conditions of ill-health and disease.
My fascination with MgCl was hugely increased from the above article, where I discovered that, amongst all its other myriad of health uses, Mag Chloride can help or cure a large number of dangerous viral and bacterial diseases on its own. I was never aware of this until recently.
I also wonder why Mag Chloride is so much more effective than all the other magnesium salts. Perhaps it is the Chloride part of this molecule that gives a different and more advantageous structure, or maybe the way MgCl is absorbed and gets changed by ingestion or by transdermal absorbtion. This is a bit of a deep biological/chemical question which I cannot answer. It would be wonderful if Ted could explain this.
(San Luis Obispo, Ca)
Here may be a partial answer to your question. Heard a guy talking online about magnesium oil and detox. He was acknowledging how life began in the sea. The basic chemical composition of the blood is identical to sea water with the same elements and appear in the same proportions. So magnesium in the ocean takes the form of magnesium chloride which means that that's the form that our cells would recognize and accept. He went on to talk about how this is part of what makes mineral springs so healthy and why animals love to roll around in the mud :) Makes sense.
Body Odor
Body Odor
(Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
I noticed that magnesium oil helped in eliminating body odor as well. Don't worry about applying too much, the beauty of transdermal therapy is that the body only absorbs what it needs. It's one of the beautiful design features of the human body.
(Lakebay, Washington)
You can't really get too much magnesium chloride. I've been using it for 20 years. Try Boron, I take 15 mg a day. Between the magnesium and Boron it helps balance your hormonal system
Brain Tumor
(Bangkok, Thailand)
I had an inoperable brain tumor case where there is calcium shells protecting the cancer tumor. The magnesium displaces the calcium and normalizes the tissue calcium when the magnesium was taken. The worsening of arthritis that I have found that increases the calcium deposits turns out to be the use of Celebrex and Vioxx, that actually worsens or deteriorates the joints. In sceintific terms, Celebrex only inhibits COX-2, which reduces the pain, but leaves the prime cause of the arthritis, which is an arachidonic acid available to convert to a joint destroying LTB4 by the lipoxygenase pathway. FDA has written to both Vioxx and Celebrex about this issue, but to date, most people don't know about it.
As to the issue of Magnesium the arachidonic acid is reduced following magnesium supplementation,which leads to reduction in arthritis problem. The whole issue appears to be excessive calcium intake that leads to deposition in calcium as well as acid forming foods which leeches out calcium from the bones into the tissue itself. Hence I used magnesium to apply to arthritic areas to reduce arachidonic acid which is what causes arthritis.
(Vancouver, CA)
Karl, your doctor is misinformed. In fact, transdermal magnesium chloride dissolves and negates calcium deposits, which are the cause of so many diseases including heart disease. It does not increase calcium intake, it is, in fact, just the opposite, it mediates the harmful effects of calcium overload.
What you're describing is typical in people who are very deficient in Magnesium (Mg). As your body starts to normalize, the "side effects" will subside and then cease. When Mg gets into the cells, it pushes out excess Ca+ and other cellular imbalances which, in turn, creates a detox situation.
Fluoridated water is a huge problem because it binds Mg, and so many city sources now force this poison on the public. If you live in a city that fluoridates, get a Berkey filter. Do not use fluoridated toothpaste or anything else with fluoride in it.
Assuming you do not have kidney disease (if you do, do not use Mg in any form without discussing it with your doctor first), a suggestion is to use the foot bath methods for five minutes a day at first and then build up as the detox symptoms subside, and they will.
Read the works done by Dr. Carolyn Dean on this subject. (This is not a recommendation for her products, but her research is solid.)
How do we know Carolyn Dean's research is solid? I read a couple of articles written by her, and while she does quote some clinical studies on the effects of magnesium, I don't see where she has done any research of her own. She says she has had good luck with magnesium herself, but one person's experience is hardly a basis to make some of the sweeping claims she makes about magnesium. If you look at any kind of homeopathic remedy on the internet, you will find plenty of people willing to swear by it. Her singing the praises of magnesium is no different than any other person who swears by something. Why would it be? Because she is a doctor? That leads to the little matter that she has built a very profitable business from selling magnesium products. Seriously, that is a red flag if ever I have seen one. I doubt her sales would have been nearly as high if she had not been pushing magnesium as a miracle cure for almost everything. Don't get me wrong, like you, I want to believe magnesium is as effective as she says, and I have started a regular regimen of magnesium malate powder and topical magnesium for myalgia pain, migraines, and Raynauds, but the effects have been minimum. I seem to be having less migraines for sure, but I can't really see a difference anywhere else. There are few miracle cures out there, but you wouldn't think that from looking on the internet or reading the "research" of businesswomen like Carolyn Dean.
In reply to Wendy (Arkansas),
You don't need to take anyone's word for the value of magnesium for people, just look up the hundreds of studies that document the value of magnesium to human health.All of these researchers can not be wrong! Some people clearly get more benefit than others when it comes to magnesium and that is probably partially dependent on the amount of magnesium in the tissues and blood of individuals, but once you revue a significant amount of studies, it is clear that magnesium is good stuff to help maintain human health in many ways!
Broad Benefits
I was constantly suffering from Knotted Muscles and occasionally Muscle Cramps which I found hard to understand as I do not work physically hard like I used to any more. I have been working in an Office based role for the last 5 years but had to have a regular massage of at least once a month and sometimes more. This was very puzzling and I decided to find out more to address this problem when I stumbled across this amazing website. I spent a lot of time researching the problem I had and discovered it was a lack of Magnesium that was causing these issues. It all made sense.
I decided to use the Magnesium transdermally as it was the quickest way to absorb it into my system. The results have been astounding. I have been taking the Magnesium for 3 months now and these are the results I have found so far -
1. The Muscle Knots and Cramps have dissapeared almost completely - I still get the odd Cramp but it is very rare now and have not had a Muscle Knot in my back or legs since.
2. I have suffered from a bad back for about 15 years now in which the Doctors wanted to operate on (I refused to let them do it). Now I can work as long and as hard as I want to without worrying about being laid up in bed or suffering from days and days of back pain. (Including Medical Bills etc) I simply have a warm bath with Magnesium Salts added to it - no more problems.
3. For 15 years I have had a pinched nerve in my back resulting in numbness from the top of my left calf all the way down and right through my ankle - 70% of that has dissappeared and I now have feeling back in that area again. I could not believe it and it keeps getting better.
4. I had a build up of solid excess Calcium on a knuckle on my right hand which was the size of an Olive - it has almost gone completely. I have since found out that a lack of Magnesium prevents the body from getting rid of any excess Calcium.
5. My neck was starting to freeze up and I could barely turn my head at all - it has now reversed that problem and I can now turn it both ways just like I did before.
6. The most impressive part of using Magnesium was a side effect which I was trying to find another cure for - Excessive Sweating. For 40 years I have had to put up with this embarrasing issue. It has dried up and I no longer have to suffer from this any more. I am still working on that and cannot say yet whether it is permanent but the signs so far are very encouraging.
All I did was mix Magnesium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts) together and place a handfull or 2 into a warm bath. I also work away a lot so made Magnesium Oil from the same batch and rub it on where ever it is required and as needed. It seems my body needs a lot of Magnesium to sustain its required needs and it is still a work in progress but I have been impressed with it all so far. I am telling people this so as to give you all hope that there are alternative natural treatments out there that do work and never to give up.
I am also working on other Remedies from this site and will keep you all posted.
Broad Benefits
I am having no foot or leg cramping ever since I started. My sleeping has been so heavy and so sound, I like to call it a near death sleep, it's that deep. A pain/stiffness I had in my left shoulder down to my elbow is easing up (will report further in the future on this). My heart palpitations are steady, no more jumping around of beats which get kind of scary sometimes.
Several years ago I did buy the magnesium chloride oil that comes in a jug and cost an arm and a leg. I still have a little left because it cost so much, I never used it unless I was having several problems. The oil that comes in the ready made jug is yellow in color, and the solution I make from the flakes I make is clear. I wonder if there is a difference, if anyone knows please let me know why one is yellow and the other is clear. Thanks, Peace, Rena.
Broad Benefits
(Dubois, Pa)
That is a good point, so it probably is better to throw the residual Mag Oil away, even though it erks my skinflint side to do it, LOL.
Calm and Mellow
Love it, love it, love it. 30 minutes after applying it, a fantastic feeling of calm sets in. Mellow as can be. I am not as affected by the hot and humid Georgia weather outside.. Find it easier to walk in this humidity. Lungs and heart feel great. This stuff is the cat's meow!
Can taste the magnesium chloride in my mouth sometimes, mostly at night. Like turmeric, makes me somewhat dehydrated. I have been reapplying a few times a day and plan to keep it up for a while.
(Atl, Ga)
Magnesium Oil Update: I applied (or rather slathered) magnesium oil to most of my body for 3 days, twice a day, but last night I felt I had enough magnesium in my body and stopped applying the oil. When I first started the therapy I felt I couldn't apply enough magnesium! My body was just eating it up. But amazing after just 2 days my body feels fully saturated. From my research, I was under the impression that I would be applying oil for a couple months before my body got up to speed with the magnesium, but apparently that is not the case. I still very, very relaxed. Curious to see how long the magnesium stays in my system before I feel the need to apply it again. Very interesting!
P.S. Those two 7 pound bags of magnesium chloride flakes that I bought are going to last me a couple of years! I certainly did not need to order so much. The 1/2 cup of solution that I made will last about 2 weeks, at least!
(Atlanta, GA)
Magnesium Oil update:
It takes exactly 20 minutes once I apply the magnesium oil to feel the calm effect in my head. Takes the same amount of time to relax any sore muscles. I have been leaving it on 20 minutes and then showering it off.
Okay, here's one of the best things about the magnesium oil beside the calming effect-- it causes the skin to glow and become unbelievably soft. I started to put it on my face, first to see if it would relax the tension in my jaw (it does), and then to see what effect it would have. Quite amazing. Looks like I've just had an expensive facial... that's the glow you get from it. My nails are not as brittle and have been growing like gangbusters. I have to trim them every few days.
Since I bought enough magnesium chloride flakes to last for a decade (see my other posts), I have been giving it away to friends at karate. One friend has told me that he wakes up in the morning with lose muscles if he applies the oil the night before. This is fantastic because my friend is a personal trainer and also trains very hard as an international karate competitor. Another friend who has been applying the oil absolutely loves the glow it gives her skin. She never misses a day!
I imagine the skin product manufacturing companies will be all over this if more people report back about the glowing skin effect. Hopefully they won't feel it threatens their business and try banning magnesium oil!
I have possible (as in not sure yet) side effects to report, but will do that in a separate post later today.
(Earth Clinic)
Thanks to Rena for reminding me to send in an update about possible side effects. I was waiting a while to make sure it absolutely wasn't the magnesium.
More magnesium oil updates:
I have started to soak my feet in magnesium oil a few times a week. A friend of mine in Los Angeles turned me on to this technique. This is a great technique for those who can't stand having the oil slathered all over them. I do small amounts of magnesium oil at a time since it's just the bottom of the feet you want the oil to reach.
I use a small-ish rectangular pyrex baking dish that fits boths feet (lengthwise) and add 1/4 cup magnesium chloride flakes and 1/4 boiling water. I also lay a small wet towel beside the dish so I don't get oil all over the floor after I am done soaking.
After the mixture cools down slightly, I put my feet in the dish and wait for at least 30 minutes.. I find that soaking my feet when working at the computer is the easiest. What's amazing is that I can feel the magnesium (heat? energy?) moving up my legs after about 10 minutes of soaking. I do feel the calming effects faster when I put the magnesium oil on my face and neck, however, but the foot soak works well too.
On the face: sometimes the magnesium oil makes my face slightly red and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know why. I slather a good moisturizer on afterwards because it tends to dry out my skin a bit. People who are trying it on the face for the first time should proceed carefully and wash it off if they feel it burning. Probably not a good idea to try magnesium oil on the face if you've been out or are planning to go out in the sun.
I've also discovered Magnesium oil is fantastic for eye fatigue. I massage a little in around the temples and then dab it on my eyelids. Do not apply it underneath your eyes! Ouch!! I've accidentally gotten some in my eyes, but washed it out with cold water and was fine.
One last thing: I think magnesium oil should be stored in a glass container. I worry a little bit about the chemicals from plastic containers leaking into the oil. I have been keeping mine in a glass mug covered with saran wrap until I can locate glass spray bottles. It may not leak, but just in case, better to be on the safe side.
That's it for now! Thanks for reading...
(Northland, New Zealand)
I also noticed after applying Magnesium Chloride to my face that it really stung and went bright red like bad sunburn. It was really burning, so I applied milk to neutralise it which worked and my face went back to a normal colour within an hour. I had been putting it on my face everyday without this happening, so I am unsure why it decided to burn that time. Unless I had put something on my face prior? I can't remember. But I am very cautious about putting it on my face now.
DIY Magnesium Oil
Magnesium chloride flakes (1 cup - preferably Ancient Minerals, avoid most of the others as they contain heavy metal toxins)
Water, filtered or distilled (1 cup)
Enameled cast iron, stainless steel or glass saucepan (do not use aluminum)
1. Bring the filtered water to a simmer.
2. Add the magnesium flakes and stir until dissolved.
3. Remove from heat and let cool.
4. After the mixture has cooled, transfer it to a spray bottle or a plastic travel bottle.
One teaspoonful or 5 ml or 5 grams of magnesium oil contains about 600 mg of magnesium. This is the same amount of magnesium as in one rounded teaspoonful of magnesium chloride flakes. Magnesium chloride flakes contain about 1800 mg of magnesium per 15 grams (? oz). In general, for a large adult, spraying 2 tablespoonfuls (an ounce or 30 grams) or more of magnesium oil a day all over the body is recommended for magnesium deficiency problems, with that dosage adjusted downward for children depending on their age and size. This needs to be coupled with oral intake, especially for adults, to get the maximum effect from magnesium.
Frozen Shoulder
Yes I also went to doctors and got shots and ex-rays at first to no avail. Tried all types of therapy, vitamins and minerals. I can not take Magnesium of any sort orally without Diarrhea. So reading these wonderful forms on have been a blessing.
Later I was able to purchase Magnesium Clo-ride and am using that now. I don't really feel there was a great difference.
The MC also helped the bone spur in my husband neck almost immediately. He was amazed and is telling all his friends. And is giving out samples. LOL
My nightly leg cramps, charlie horses , foot and hand cra'smps have been so greatly reduced I'm ecstatic.
Burning Nerve pain in my lower back and down my legs has lessened but I still occasionally use my roll on DMSO from Farmers Co-op. It works quickly. I've used since the late 70's. It was only approved for livestock. Please read about it before using it.
Share and Get Well everyone. Annette
Frozen Shoulder
I have been suffering with frozen shoulder for two years, this coming May. The regular doctors just told me to do my pt exercises and if it didn't get better, I could get a cortisone shot or perhaps surgery. I haven't been back. They gave me ibuprofin and I was taking it a lot but started to worry about liver overload and other effects.
This FS condition has severely impacted my life in so many ways! I was gettting so sick of the constant pain and sleepless nights. I found "Frozen Shoulder Friends" page on Facebook and it has been a lifesaver--just to connect with other people suffering with this. (I recommend other FS sufferers to check it out--great group of folks with lots of humor which helps when you are in agonizing pain.)
A few days ago, I read up on transdermal magnesium here. I then scooted down to my local health food store and purchased a bottle. I came home and began applying it, massaging it into my shoulder and then to my arms, legs, and feet.
First, I am a chronic insomniac and had the best sleep I've had in YEARS (even before this Frozen Shoulder s****.
Second! Within an hour or so, my Frozen Shoulder went from OW OW OW! To mildly achey. I could NOT believe it. My range of motion (before I hit the pain mark) increased a good 12 inches upward.
I have rabidly devoured any information on the internet about transdermal magnesium therapy and there is a LOT of information out there. This is GOOD STUFF.
I shared with my fellow Facebook sufferers. There were some who, naturally, scoffed. (I would too--I am skeptical of such miracle cures myself.) But one women in England went out and bought a bottle right away and SHE IS HAVING THE SAME BENEFITS!
I can't say enough about this therapy except it WORKS. I am totally sold on its benefits and wonder why doctors aren't prescribing this, both for my condition--and so many others!
Thank you SO much, earthclinic. You have literally changed my life. I love you!
(Boston, Ma)
hurray for you!! - magnesium changed my shoulders as well, almost as quickly. I know I've posted on here before about it - the pain in the middle of the night, not sleeping - it truly is a miracle cure and could help so many. I hope many others find this site and can benefit from magnesium in other parts of their life. My boyfriend used it on his heel spurs, fixed them too. He was a total skeptic until then. It's awesome stuff!!
General Feedback
Can I use magnesium sulfate in place of magnesium chloride for thansdermal magnesium therapy?
Dr R.K.Khatri
Heart Palpitations, Poor Circulation
(Miami, Florida)
Hi dilute the oil and for increasde circulation, add some drops of quality hot cayenne mixed or a formula of contaning cayenne or habaneros etc..
High Blood Pressure
Every day this week, I increased until I gave him 20 drops per dose 2X a day with a little water. He swishes in his mouth a few times before swallowing. He took his blood pressure again this evening, and it is now 125/69. He said his blood pressure hasn't been this good since he was a teen.
He also wants to contribute the fact that he really cleaned up his diet this week, cut out all bread, and no alcohol. Other wise, he eats pretty healthy. He also wants to mention how much better his gum's are, and don't bleed so much when he brushes them. We think the swishing before swallowing the Magnesium oil contributes to this as well. I love Mag oil,
Peace, Rena.