A chipped tooth with a lose filling, not treated resulted in a serious abscess and excessive (scary) swelling in my face.
Visited the dentist who prescribed 500mg Amoxicillin 6x/day for 10 days. Frequent salt water/sodium bicarbonate rinses/brushes were in place and continue The antibiotic had zero effect on the swollen site and after 2 1/2 days, I went to urgent care where I was prescribed Amoxicillin 875 with CLAV…time released every 12 hours. Because the antibiotic was not able to reach the site due to swelling and poor circulation to the gums, I was advised to apply heat therapy 5 minutes at a time to encourage blood flow to the site. I also massaged the area. 2 days later, the jaw was still swollen.
I was told to go to the ER if fever, throat tightening or lymph swelling occur. None of these things occurred, so I did not go to the ER.
My dentist and most medical offices were closed for an extended holiday. In an attempt to stay out of the ER and keep the infection from spreading to bone, brain, lymph…blood
With a very clean mouth, I began using DMSO with H202 and DMSO with silver alternately…2x/day at the site, inside my mouth. I also rinsed mouth with salt water/sodium bicarbonate and took silver here and there. There was a slight reduction in the swelling.
After 5 days of taking antibiotic with infection still clearly present…I decided to venture into the world of methylene blue. I had ordered pharmaceutical grade powder some months before (after Mercola interview), and (though VERY new at this) figured out and prepared a 1% solution and ordered ascorbic powder to mix. 
I searched for info on dosing (50-300 range) and found nothing specific to my condition, much less for use with infections.
So I had to guess and took 27 mg total in 2 doses, 12 hours apart. I was still taking the AMOX-CLAV. The idea initially was to assist the absorption of AB, and reap mitochondrial benefits.
In a Brave search, I found that for UTI infections 30mg 2 or 3x/day could be dosed. On day 2 of taking MB, I took 3 doses totaling 67mg/day. I added cayenne pepper to the mix (filled 0 capsules) and took 2x first day. Used cayenne with coconut or castor oil inside of mouth, all with the idea to stimulate blood flow to the area.
All along the way, I consumed 3-5 cloves of garlic in food and chew-juiced slices of ginger in mouth over the course of the 7 days;The time it took for the swelling to reduce to a reasonable level.
On days 3,4 5 I dosed @65,100,90, respectively. Don't ask😅…was uncertain and trying to learn and figure out as I continued to do battle with the scary infection.
Now that the swelling is gone (2 days)…AND the The AMOX-CLAV prescription finished. There is no way that I am out of the woods with the infection. I would like to have an idea as to what a good MB dose would be to keep the infection at bay until my appointment with a dental surgeon…10 days from now, and if there is anything that might assist the healing that I haven't considered. My thought is to continue with the MB…at site DMSO/silver/H2O2, cayenne, sodium bicarbonate and keep taking D3, zinc, boron, magnesium, garlic, ginger, with hot/cold stimulation, natural ferments and brisk daily walking.
Just discovered EarthClinic site in my search for info on MB.
It is SO hard to navigate the censored net these days to find good information. Wow, what a community resource. Those who believe that we are given what we need in the earth to heal and remain healthy are truly blessed.