Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bluebelle (Various, EU) on 03/04/2011


what I'd like to know is why I never get any sort of effect, bad or good, after oil pulling.

I have been doing this on and off (mostly "off" :)) for five years now. I've used mostly cold pressed sesame oil for periods of 10 days or so, and coconut oil for periods lasting a week or so.

I kept swishing it around my mouth for half an hour every day.

Now, I know that a week or 10 days is an awfully short time... But after reading many testimonies, here and elsewhere, I've noticed that people started noticing effects right away or after a few days, at the latest.

In fact, the only reason I stopped doing it was because of a total lack of effects, bad or good.

I am very attuned to my body, so I would have noticed even subtle changes.

And I always buy high quality oils (and everything else), so it couldn't have been that.

It is true that I appear to be very healthy. I haven't had a cold since 1999, haven't been to a doctor's office since the early 1980s, have no aches or pains, very good skin and hair, and apparently look more than 10 years younger than I am (I know this because I've actually overheard people talking about me ; )).

But I find it difficult to believe that there would be no toxins in me, because I've been smoking 30 cigarettes a day for years now. :)

I do not cough or anything, my skin looks fabulous, but I am sure there is something that could come out in the open, if oil pulling really works, even after only a week or 10 days?

Anyway, I am going to give it another try starting today. I'll be using unrefined coconut oil. I intend to post again in a few weeks.