Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Dental Issues
Posted by Eveline (Toronto, Canada) on 02/14/2010

I have been oil pulling for about a year now, switching oils between sunflower, olive, grapeseed. Sometimes it's only about which oil is at a better price. I was quite dismayed to see my dentist this week to find I have an infection in the gum around one tooth. There is a gapping there larger than they like and she said there is some pus in there. She also said that I have less plaque than most people. I would hope that is from using my special toothbrush that I bought last year that is supposed to zap the plague . But this infection thing has me really bothered. I would think that with my religious o/ping there shouldn't even be a remote possibility of this happening. I have been following another famous health practitioners advice and spitting the oil every 4 mins. He feels that keeping the oil in longer will allow the toxins to reabsorb. But reading all the testimonials here and seeing that most everyone pulls with the same Tbs. of oil for 15 - 20 mins. I think I might change that practice. Having been out of work now for 3 months anything that will help save money is a bonus. Using 3 - 4 Tbs. a day makes a bottle of oil go rather quickly.

On an unrelated note, I have been working with a Naturopath to deal with stagnant blood in my system. Not with much success yet but it's been hard to see the Naturopath consistently lately. There are indications on my tongue of liver stagnation. I desperately want to clear that up and since having a very stressful two months moving my aging parents into a seniors home I have had a relapse with very bad pain in both knees (seems to happen whenever I work too hard lifting and schlepping boxes as in a move). They hurt standing from sitting, going down stairs, and when I walk it just feels like the knees are not connected properly and are wobbling all over the place, like a broken marionette. Long walks make it worse. I have tried castor oil packs, take D, E, Omega 3's, ACV, bentoninte clay, drink a green drink every morning with aloe juice, eat lots of raw. I have a suspicion I need to get back off wheat products. I was doing really well on an alkaline diet before Christmas and avoiding wheat but since Christmas have been off the regime there.

Mostly I would wish to have the success many people write about. They oil pull for some weeks and now everything seems cured. As I said, I was shocked and dismayed to find this infection in my mouth. I told the dentist I would work on this and see her again in 3 months. They, of course, wanted to do costly laser repair including freezing etc. I like to have as few "procedures" as possible. But about 2 years ago I lost a back tooth to infection. The dentist was amazed that I wasn't sick from how bad it was when she went in there to extract it. So I was happy to have that out and thought I was on my way to full health. Now another area has got an infection. I just don't get it.

Thanks for any helpful hints. I love this website and have recommended it to many people.

Dental Issues
Posted by Rebecca (Bronx, NY) on 10/01/2007

maybe i am doing this wrong (oil pulling) but for over a month i would swish seseame oil in my mouth for 20 minutes in the morning, made sure to brush my teeth before and afterwards too... the reason? i have a tooth abscess in the top right side... did my teeth get whiter? no. did the abscess go away? no. did my skin become less dry? no. did anything other than nothing happen? no. so i am confused... is all of this bullcrap? should i continue oil pulling longer, for a year perhaps, but people make it sound like it works overnight, you know miracle cure! now i am a believer in alternative medicine... but ones that work... so what i would like to know is if everyone on this is just crazy gullable, or am i just the only freak that oil pulling does not work work wonders on? what would really be interesting is if this is actually put up, considering this is not a favorable testimony.