Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Catinthebag (Fort Collins, Colorado, Usa) on 06/05/2012

I started oil pulling about 6 months ago due to some health issues and wanted to give it time to see how it went before I posted my results. I used Unrefined Organic Sesame Oil and oil pulled every morning for 20 minutes.

Immediately I noticed that my teeth felt 'fresh from the dentist clean', my breath also seemed fresher and my teeth were whiter. This hasn't seemed to reduce any in the past 6 months, my teeth still feel & look good, in fact I just had my 6 month check-up and my dentist said "everything looks great, keep doing what you're doing" -- mind you, last time I had 4 cavities that had to be filled! Speaking of cavities, I have a lot of fillings in my mouth and have not noticed any problems with them coming loose.

The other thing I noticed is the actual act of oil pulling makes my sinuses drain like crazy which is inconvenient since my mouth is full but I make it work.

As for noticing any reduction with the health issues that I've had, I honestly can't say that I have noticed any improvement -- or any unimprovement -- either.

I've read different theories for why oil pulling works from it 'pulling nasty bugs from your body', to 'massaging acupressure points on your tongue' to simply 'swishing out the the mouth bacteria'. Personally, I think the swishing of bacteria out of your mouth makes the most sense, why it works, I don't know, maybe having your own saliva mixed in there with the oil helps break stuff down. I did find out that if you put a small amount of oil in a bowl and whisk it, it will turn white so I don't think waiting until the oil turns white to spit it out has any credence, I think some people are probably just better swishers than others .

As for me, I will continue to oil pull because I enjoy the routine and it seems to have some benefits and no detriments thus far.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Traxxxi (San Jose, California, United States) on 06/09/2011


I recently started OPing every morning with Organic Sesame Oil and noticed immediate positive results: my skin softened and pores shrank dramatically (I actually got many compliments on my skin), my dry eye symptoms were completely gone after 15 years of suffering, my eczema started to disappear, my Chronic Fatigue lessened and I had more energy, and my chronic sinusitis started to clear up. I was truly amazed and in such relief!

After two weeks of OPing, some of my symptoms have returned and even worsened. My skin looks tired and dry again, my eyes are extremely dry, bloodshot and in pain, My fatigue is worse then ever and I have barely enough energy to get out of bed, my eczema is back, and suddenly I'm having dandruff. Luckily my sinusitis has not returned. What is happening??? I was so hopeful that I had finally found a cure for the ailments that had plagued me for so long. I have a myriad of other health issues, in addition to the aforementioned, that I was also hoping would eventually improve from OPing. I can't help but feel frustrated and heartbroken. Any insight and/or suggestions will be so much appreciated. Thank you!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jerry (Florida) on 08/01/2009


Hi. I recently started Oilpulling, (EVOO) before breakfast. For the first 2 weeks it was fine, I felt, more energetic, my skin started looking new, dewy, soft to the touch. Plaque started falling off my teeth, which looks whiter, gums healthier. I started to sweat, (which I havent done in years, no matter how much outdoor work I did.) I wasnt aware the sweet cravings had gone away, untill I went to my snack pantry and saw it filled.

After that I started getting chest pains, (I do have a mitral valve prolapse, which I was told, will repair itself after a period of time.) The first night with chestpains, I just laid down and waited to die, the pain being so severe. I stopped the OP because I was scared to try it again. I do want it to work because of all the positive results Ive seen so far.

Do you think that the pain was part of the detox process, or should I switch oils, or do you think its not for me.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Patricia (Gatesville, Texas) on 06/12/2009


I've been OPing for about four months now. I've noticed some definite improvements, such as clearer skin and less hair shedding. But I'm having a problem with my tongue. For the last month or so, I've been aware of deepening fissures radiating from the middle of my tongue. Also my entire tongue seems to be somewhat raw (I made some popcorn tonight and the salt stung it a bit). I've been using EVOO [extra virgin olive oil] and Flax oil, both recommended for my blood type, twice a day. Has anybody else had this problem? I've heard that cracks in the tongue can be an indication of vitamin deficiency. Could the OPing be leeching vitamins and minerals from my body?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Francine (Playa Del Rey, CA) on 09/14/2007


I started oil pulling almost 4 weeks ago, I started seeing results of hair softening, teeth and gum health improving, but I after 2 days of the pulling my lungs started filling with mucus and turned into full blown bronchitus, this has gone on for 3 1/2 weeks now and finally I stopped the pulling, the mucus seems less. I started with coconut oil, switched to sesame and then to sunflower (which seemed to be the worst) as far as mucus escalation. The mucus never turned green but it continued to get worse and I was so lethargic I had to stop the pulling. Any advise? I liked the other benefits and my husband is having success.