Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Dental Issues
Posted by scrambled (Hillsborough NJ) on 05/30/2022

I recently tried oil pulling - for about a week and it really cut down on my tooth sensitivity a great deal to the point where I didn't think about my toothaches. I did it with olive oil. So glad to see all of the positive comments.

I was wondering where oil pulling ends and going back to the dentist begins again, though. I have a cracked tooth that I was advised needs a route canal. It is edgy and feels rough on my tongue. I know I'll have to revisit for this at some point.

What else can be done? I have read people dealing with these types of issues themselves especially if there is anxiety involved.

Also, how do people ultimately deal with the pressures that the dentists usually put us through in that chair when we get a checkup/cleaning?

It is sometimes hard to get around...especially if you really need their care for a dental emergency down the line.

Thanks ahead for commenting and advising!

Dental Issues
Posted by Danielle (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 10/15/2009


Hi. I have been oil pulling for approximately three weeks with coconut oil. At first with a little more than a tablespoon, more recently I have been measuring a tablespoon exactly. I do it in the morning once I get up before brushing teeth or eating breakfast. I rinse my mouth out afterwards and spit a few times.

Although it seems to be draining my sinuses, and the health of my gums have improved (better shade of pink, no more bleeding) and the white coating on my tongue has disapeared, my tooth sensitivity has been getting worse and my teeth have been turning more yellow. I can also see a line in one tooth now that looks almost like an internal crack and it feels like the outer layer of another tooth, near the base of the gumline has been scraped off. This seems to be the opposite of what most people experience.

I know that sometimes there is a worening of symptoms for a bit, but I haven't read any accounts of this happening with teeth, usually more with rashes, sinues etc.

Has anyone else had this problem? Did it get worse or better in the long run? Did your teeth become damaged? Should I stop oil pulling or continue on? I am afraid that my teeth are deteriating in front of my eyes due to some strange reaction that a rare few may have.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Dental Issues
Posted by Victoria (Sacramento, CA) on 07/24/2009

I started OP with VCO for 2 weeks ago; 1 tbls, 20 mins, twice per day (first thing in the morning and before dinner). I have been keeping a log of when I OP and how I feel about the experience of this. Reading peoples comments about this OP thing has been wonderful and helpful however I have not had these "remarkable" results as many have claimed. After doing much reading about the positive healthful results from using coconut oil and palm oil, I am convinced that using these oils is better than not using them. I am obese, diabetic and will be turning 54 this November. I have not seen any changes in my blood sugar levels but I do love the way my mouth feels after OP. The small amount of gum bleeding after flossing has completely disappeared and I do believe the OP has corrected this condition. I will continue with this form of treatment and keeping my log of experiences with it and I think I will try another type of oil after about a month of doing this. Does anyone else have similar experiences such as mine and can you tell me what other results you might be having? Are there any other suggestions people have?

Dental Issues
Posted by redd78 (Plymouth, Indiana) on 07/10/2009


I started oil pulling about a week ago.I used safflower oil the first 2 days , then switched to sesame seed oil. I have had a terrible pain in my upper left teeth for over a year. had all kinds of dental exams, x-rays, panorex x-rays and a c-scan. Nothing could be found that was causing the tooth pain.I have also have constant sinus drainage on the left side for several years. I am extremely sensitive to almost all allergy medications, anti-biotics, medications of any kind.I am also hypothyroid, and have a lot of problems regulating my thyroid dosage. I started the oil pulling in desperation to try and find some relief from the tooth and facial pain. I am using 1 tablespoon of sesame seed oil 3 times a day. Morning, at 4 p.m. and at 10 pm. I follow the oil pulling treatment with a netipot treatment using purified, boiled salt water.I have had copious sinus drainage, it is milky white , thick and foamy. No sign of infection, just the foamy white color. The pain in my face and tooth is about 80 percent improved. this is the first tme in over a year that I have not been in constant pain from the tooth. I have had some side effects, have had spells of dizziness and some nausea. my appetite is not good, and on the 4th days, I had colon cleansing.This morning I am having some dizziness and nausea. anyone else doing this that is hypothyroid and on medication? I would love to hear feedback from you . Did this interfer at all with your thyroid medication? I am hoping to get past the dizziness and nausea, hoping this is just temporary.....Wanda