Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Posted by Kate (Glasgow, Scotland) on 03/30/2010



I have been oil pulling with virgin coconut oil for just over 4 weeks, to try to address the chronic allergic rhinitis and CFS that I have had for the last 10 years. (I have tried unrefined sesame and sunflower oils with no results in the past). I have been using one teaspoon of oil (if I use one tablespoon, I have to spit out constantly as my mouth gets so full of saliva) and using wild oil of oregano on a 2 week on 2 week off basis, and OPing 2-3 times/ day. Ever since I started, my symptoms of chronic sinus pain/ headache and general exhaustion/ aching limbs have worsened considerably. I have the odd flash of exhilaration and huge energy but this is quickly replaced with having to slog through exhaustion and sinus pain again. After about 4 days the symptoms were so bad that I had to stay in bed for several days before I could function again. After 26 days I have now developed a severe head cold, with a huge, constant downpour of clear mucous, sore throat, swollen glands, and, of course, aching limbs and sinus pain, with continual fits of violent sneezing. I am on my 6th day of these symptoms. This is the first cold I have had in 16 months, and I was beginning to feel quite smug about how well my immune system was holding up while everyone else was getting sick.

I did not expect chronic problems to be resolved quickly. After all, I have had these problems for 10 years, so why would they disappear overnight? However, I am beginning to wonder if it is normal to have quite such an extended healing crisis. Has anyone else experienced anything quite so prolonged?

Any advice or shared experience gratefully received.

Posted by Ranjana (Arlington, Tx Usa) on 09/02/2009


I tried the oil pulling for bleeding gums and a tooth that had started to feel loose. I did 10 minutes two mornings with unrefined sesame oil followed by brushing with baking soda. The results were amazing for my tooth and sums. The tooth was not loose anymore, no bleeding and I could chew on that side after many months. However, I started to feel sore with serious headaches and neck pain, and fatigue. I have chronic fatigue, and I really try to avoid doing anything that would trigger this. So, I stopped the oil pulling. Things got worse, I had to go see my doctor, he said I was badly congested and that was causing the severe headaches and neck pain. Now I am on 3 different medications with no relief. Could this be due to the oil pulling? Did it bring out all this mucus without getting rid of it?

Any comments would be appreciated. I would like to go back to the oil pulling for my teeth, but cannot risk the sinus congestion. One episode last year led to 5 months on 2 different antibiotics, and I really wish to avoid a repeat. Thanks.

Posted by Sydy (Staten Island, New York) on 07/14/2009


I have been doing the OP for a week today now with cold pressed olive oil --I noticed from day one so much flem coming from my throat as the days went on I now have lots of flem -a migraine which I always get and want to get rid of due to hormonal changes and a nausous stomach-- my tongue is coated with thick white stuff and my v----- smells exactly the same as my underarms like a metal weird smell--I know I am detoxing right now through my pores and all areas of my body= also my glands in my throat are swollen and my neck seems stiff--I have detoxed other ways before and have delt with the same symptoms--wow I say this is so cool --with me symptoms I have seem to get worse as the healing process takes action---people who do it for a couple of weeks and give up should just change oil and keep going--natural health take a longer time for healing to happen but when it does happen it is permanant unless you go back to the lifestyle that cause you feel crappy to begin with..good luck to all who cherish their bodies enough to heal----sydy