Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Posted by Lee (Lake Wylie, Sc, Usa) on 01/04/2012

I would like to thank Earth Clinic and Ted for such a wonderful site. Earth Clinic has changed my life literally! Thank you!

I started Oil Pulling about 5 days ago and let me tell you immediately My clogged up sinuses cleared up drastically! I have lived with stopped up sinuses and all the misery that comes with it for years! Not breathing, constantly trying to clear my throat, just awful. So when I started oil pulling, I could not believe it, I can breathe again! Everyday it has gotten better and better! I started with Coconut oil and alternate with sesame and sunflower oil. I oil pull 2 times a day sometimes 3. I do not take prescription medicine, never ever! I do not believe in the traditional methods of healing anymore. Because the side effects of the medicine are worse than the benefits. Any prescribed medicine I have ever known about is just to treat the symptoms not heal. Home remedies heal! I have not been to the doctor in years because everything I take is natural. I have completely converted over to a hollistic natural way of living.

I recently took my daughter to the emergency room because she hit her head and I was concerned. The nurse asked if she had her flu shot for the season and I said no we do not get flu shots, we choose natural methods. She looked at me like I was crazy. That is ok because we never get sick! By the way, after the doctor looked at her for 20 seconds and did not allow me to ask any questions, the emergency room bill was 1200.00! Ridiculous!

Remember the body is designed to heal itself!

Posted by Camille (Houston, Tx) on 02/07/2010

Hi! Oil Pulling with extra virgin olive oil cured the congestion in my chest and helped me breathe easier! I was having trouble breathing when I wake up in the morning. I could not take a satisfyingly deep breath- my chest was too congested (I am a smoker, hopefully a non-smoker soon). I read about oil pulling and tried it this morning. I used olive oil this time but I am going to pick up coconut oil later today. I swished a tablespoon of evoo for 15 minutes. As I swished, I felt the congestion in my chest breaking up. After spitting out the evoo into the toilet, i was able to cough up some unwanted phlem, thus allowing me to breathe!!! I am going to keep oil pulling!! THANKS EARTHCLINIC!!

Posted by Elliotsmum (London, United Kingdom) on 05/17/2009

I have just started oil pulling in a bid to help my gum disease. I tried olive oil 1T for the first time as that was all I had. I went out and bought some avacado oil with lemon as I thought that would taste a little better. It does.

I am currently using 1/2 a TBSP as I find it hard to keep in a whole TBSP due to loads of saliva.

I will update regarding my gum disease when I have visited the Periodontist in July.

I have however noticed the following: the bags under my eyes have flattened down considerably and strangely enough my sinus's cleared so well - I was not even aware how congested I was until they cleared. Will keep you updated.

Posted by Angie (Newark, DE) on 03/21/2009

Try using a netti pot to clear your sinuses before you proceed with the oil pulling. You may have to fill the pot 2-3 times for each nostril if you are badly plugged up. I used to suffer from severe sinus infections until I started using a netti pot.

Posted by Celleste (Penang, Malaysia) on 02/09/2009

I tried Oil Pulling for the very first time 30min. ago. Been reading about the great results it brings, so I was really curious. I tried it with 1 TSP. EV Olive Oil; when it first entered my mouth the taste was horrible. I almost spitted it back out but told myself to hold it. Then 5 min. later I really couldn't stand the taste anymore, so after gagging repeatedly, I spit it out. Was rather disappointed at myself for not keeping it in long enough. BUT...interestingly, the oil already turned white & frothy (I'm down with flu, so I guess I must be really toxic now). Then as I was brushing my teeth, I blew out a significant amount of mucus from the left side of my nose (which had been stuffy all night), & after I finished brushing, as I was checking my teeth (do this every morning by habit), I again blew out a significant amount of mucus from the right side of my nose. So now my nose is clear & I'm breathing so much better. As I was looking in the mirror, I happened to notice that my teeth are whiter already & my tongue has a prettier pinkish shade (it had been coated for the past week coz of my flu). I have to say I'm pleasantly shocked. I didn't expect any of this after just 5 min. of what I thought to be a 'failed' OP. One thing, though, the after-taste of Olive Oil is still there, & I don't find that pleasant at all. So I'll definitely continue OP to find some more surprises, but I'll try other oils. Finally, my heartfelt thanks to Earth Clinic for running a true site like this without any gimmick of promoting certain products & to all of you out there for sharing your experiences.

Posted by Deborah (Denison, TX) on 01/25/2009

I have been oil pulling for several years and I have noticed the longer I pull the oil and even do it multiple times has great results. If I feel congested in my chest or head when I pull longer say 15-20 minutes then I can feel toxins and mucus being pulled from my nose and chest. It literally tickles my throat and nose when it pulls the junk out of me. I have spit up some awful looking green globs that are very thick and dense. So while one minute you might see some results when you pull for longer you will pull deep into your body for toxins and disease. i can really tell when I miss my daily oil pulling sessions. My nose becomes stuffy and my chest feels congested. When I first started it only took one pull to get results but as I kept doing it I would not feel as if it was working so I then started doing it 2 to 3 times before breakfast and I feel 100 percent better. I also change my oil type every month so that I don't build a resistance to it. I prefer sunflower oil that I purchased at Krogers and Virgin coconut oil that I purchased in the Wal-Mart pharmacy. I have SL, RA and a multiple of health diagnoses. But I feel as if I am cured because of the oil pulling and ACV tonics.

Posted by Sri (NJ) on 12/19/2008

I always had Sinus issues as far as 12 years now. Allergies manifested as really quickly. Oil pulling is a god send for people with any of these issues. It became a routine for me before brushing and makes my day a whole lot better. It loosens up the phlegm in the sinuses that accumulates overnight and make it easy to sneeze it out. It seems to also take care of the stubborn plaque and teeth cleaning. Sometimes, if the brushing in the evening does not make me feel clean on teeth, i get to another round of oil pulling to clean up.

However, do not oil pull without at least 3-4 hours after eating and 30mins after drinking anything. This is also mentioned elsewhere. Please follow the instructions meticulously. One thing i noticed is that the amount of time you swish it in mouth depends on how stuffed you are. If you are good, oil takes a while to liquify and if you are stuffed, it liquifies quickly and you can feel it thinning.

This also helps me manage my allergies and I stopped using the sprays and now i am on accupucture treatment to completely get rid of these problems.

If you have that feeling of phlegm stuck in your lower sinuses even with oil pulling, you may want to use netipot. Use kosher salt and warm water. That should give you relief for atleast 24 hours, free of any stuffing what so ever. There are advanced techniques with neti pot (drug stores call it sinus rinse) which can effectively clean every part of sinus over time. Good luck!

Posted by SB (London, UK) on 06/22/2008

I've just started oil pulling with olive oil. It's only day 3 but I am just amazed .What I do is I oil pull for 20 or more minutes then I wash my mouth out and then brush my teeth with a mix of turmeric and bicarbonate soda (this I was already doing before I started oil pulling). After a few seconds juices start seeping out endlessly from inside my mouth, nose continously runs and eyes keep watering. I presume this is a detox and built up toxins seep out.Then I cough up masses of phlgem from my lungs. It's white, thick and this morning there must have been about half a glass or more . These effects come when I brush my teeth afterwards with the turmeric and bicarbonate of soda and not with the oil pulling alone nor was this happening when I was brushing my teeth with the turmeric mix before I started oil pulling. So this must be the effect of the two combined. Thanks earth clinic because I can breathe much more easily now.

Posted by Diane (Minneapolis, MN) on 11/29/2007

I thought it sounded crazy. But I am always game for a healthier me. This morning was my first try at "Oil Pulling" and I had Immediate Results! my sinus cavities cleared up Immediatley. I can't wait until I reap the benifits from the Mollasses and ACV.. I'm turning everyone I know onto this site. thanks Earth Clinic

Posted by Pooh (New York, New York) on 10/27/2007


I was curious about trying this oil pulling that everyone was talking about on the website. So, I went to the store and bought Organic Unrefined Sesame Oil (cold pressed). I oil pulled today. I wanted to spit it out after a minute or two. I don't know why! I hung in for just barely ten minutes and spit it out. I was rinsing out my mouth with water when all of a sudden, I felt sick. I started coughing and gagging a little bit. I then spit out a tiny gob of gray phlegm. Ugh!! Where did that come from?? I feel a little tiny ache in my stomache and throat and, I have a bad headache now. But, my mouth feels clean like I just brushed my teeth. My nose was stuffed up before and, I felt a little congested. BUT, now, I don't feel like that. I can breath fine. Maybe that was what that gray gunk was!! I'm definitely going to keep trying this out to see what else happens. I'll keep you updated. : )

Posted by Gracie (Pasadena, CA) on 02/04/2007

I went to health food store twice yesterday looking for correct oil; the only cold pressed oil that they had was olive. I could hardly sleep with excitement of my first oil pulling... After 2 minutes I had to spit out oil because of mucus in throat. Yellow. Again for maybe 3 minutes I swished oil with mucus in throat, spitting out white substance. Another try for about 2-3 minutes, I spit out white substance and coughted up 2 globs of white thick mucus. Dry heaving and wanting to vomit over toilet bowl. I could have swished the oil around for the full time but for the draining mucus in throat. It was not unpleasant having the oil in my mouth at all as I was using a nice fine olive oil. I'll continue tomorrow morning and trust that with time I'll be able to manage 20 minutes. In the meantime, I am most grateful for this information.

Posted by Darla (Tomball, TX) on 02/03/2007

I read about oil pulling on your site, we were looking up benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar, tried the pulling two days ago because everyone at work is getting sick. The first morning I did it, I could tell immediately during and after it was really helping to bring up the phlegm, I was alot more clear. Today was the second day and I am 100% clear and feel somewhat more energetic. I am using expeller pressed organic sesame seed oil for 15-20 mins each morning while bathing. I think its going to be great -- I will let you all know.