Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Posted by Elle (America) on 04/01/2021 56 posts

As stated by Steve in Vegas, "sounds like you both are experiencing some detox symptoms"... In this case it's best to dial back and approach this gently. I would trial (*EVOO) pulling for 4 minutes and see how your body tolerates that for one week. When well tolerated proceed incrementally, adding 4 minutes each week g.e.n.t.l.y. Slowly increasing to 15-20 minutes. Additionally, I would also recommend adding 1-2 Activated Charcoal capsules with a full glass of clean water while you're body is detoxing. Charcoal is an excellent aid in assisting our bodies eliminate toxins and reduce the detoxing symptoms. It can cause constipation so be sure to drink extra water. The combo of reducing the pulling time while including the activated charcoal maybe necessary & supporting approach.

*EVOO - Many olive oils have been found to be badly adulterated now, mixed with other cheap, garbage, even rotten olives and non-olive oils. Problems plaguing the olive oil market has become a huge issue. I highly recommend knowing that your oil is pure. One that has been tested clean is found at Costco. Kirkland Signature organic extra-virgin olive oil is a very secure & reliable as pure.

Posted by Gail (US) on 10/02/2014


I started oil pulling with coconut oil 5 days ago . After my first pulling, I was nauseated, but my teeth were whiter and less sensitive . The next morning I awoke with a dull headache that lasted for 3 days , and I was nauseated again after my second op with co . The 3rd day I broke out with blisters around my mouth and I felt very hot but not like a hot flash kind of hot also the third night after I did the op I was getting ready for bed and I started feeling very stressed and depressed . The next morning when I woke up I felt okay . I then read on this site that it could of been because I was detoxing copper from my brain which made me feel relieved . Also on the 3rd day my jaws started hurting and on the 5th day I notice my tongue has turned white not coated white but actually my tongue is white . My jaws still hurt . Will continue although I think I will try sunflower and olive oil I will still use co too . Like this site so very informative . It's nice to hear from people who have some of the problems I do .

Posted by Bee (New York, NY, US) on 10/02/2014

Hi Gail ;; (U.S.)

I am oil pulling and the first few days I felt like I had the flu.... Its def. detox or die off symtpoms.. They are less now and I have been oil pulling for a month....A lot of plague came off my teeth... gums are better and teeth are whiter. I use organic safflower oil.

Posted by Malismjau (United Kingdom) on 10/26/2013


Hello! I'm 24 years old female. I started coconut oil pulling about 4 days ago. At the beginning only 10 min in the morning whilst taking shower and didn't notice any particular changes. Last two days I have been doing it 20 min in the morning before breakfast and 20 min before bedtime. I had root canal done on two of my molar teeth 4 years ago. To start with I had infections and I couldn't get rid of them but than it just stopped and I was getting jaw pains every now and than.... yesterday my gums swell around the two teeth, my jaw pains are constant, I had sore throat. This morning I woke up with less swelling. Still feeling horrible. Also noticed that I stink of sweat and it was so intense I had to run to shower straight away. I feel so unwell. I smoke about 6 cigarettes a day. Today I could barely handle one. Feel like I have no carvings at all. Smoke makes me cringe. I am convinced that all toxins and bacteria is leaving my body and I feel very unwell. But happy at the same time and wont stop. I cannot believe I haven't fond this cure before.

Posted by Steve (Las Vegas) on 08/13/2013

It sounds like you both are experiencing some detox symptoms. This does happen with oil-pulling sometimes. Some of the side effects can be racing heart, nausea, headache, flu-like symptoms, rash etc. Take some time off allowing your body to clear the toxins, drink lots of water and start again when you feel good. It's worth doing since you are clearing so much junk from your system.

Posted by 2bconscious (West Des Moines, Iowa) on 03/31/2012

I have been using Coconut oil to Oil Pull every morning now for 6 days. The first day I had pain in my left shoulder, arm and upper back. The pain and concern caused me to go to the Urgent Care Center. The doctor diagnosis was inflammation, prescribed pain pills. I never took the pills. The next morning the pain was gone! I noticed my gums are getting pinker in places where they were dark in color. I also notice my energy level is higher!! I did also start walking on the treadmill every morning for 30 min. 1 1/2, 5 days ago!! I also use Coconut oil for my toothpaste and deodorant!! I love it!! Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil is a winner!!

Posted by Brian (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 08/08/2011

First time oil pulling although been winning the battle with other detox methods I figured why not try another along with them it couldn't hurt alternating. Just tried olive oil, and let me say olive oil doesn't taste bad however that being said after swooshing it through my teeth and around my tongue I started vomiting and nasal drainage was pouring out so fast I had to blow my my nose and cough much mucous up. After vomiting a few times I felt better so I went another round hoping to make it more than 15 seconds and I did for near a minute although I hit that point again and when spitting out the oil it was foamy with still a yellow tinge although this was my limit for the day.

I noticed instant results and will keep you updated as I feel over the next couple weeks, btw I had to mouthwash afterward from vomiting and to get the oil residue out and using listerine was more painful than I have ever experienced the past 40 years. I'm winning the fight of having a brain tumor, abdomen tumor, and foot tumor, along with lead and mercury poisoning over the years that left dense metaphesial lines on bones in my wrist. I'm still waiting to see doctors for treatment after diagnosed last February. I'd be dead if I hadn't taken matters in my own hands. Since my several month on off detox regimen with pectosol, chlorella, selenium, ALA, and a couple others I have felt abdomen gummed getting smaller by 60% and look like I'm 27 and not 38 in this short time. Winning as Sheen would say!

Posted by Tech Man (Western Nc) on 09/29/2010

I started oil pulling with coconut oil 2.5 months ago with great results. Plaque disappeared from teeth, gums stopped bleeding after 2nd day, intestinal health improved, much better digestion, etc. The only die off symptoms I experienced were a mild candida die off in my throat and tongue, which wasn't severe at all. The other day I decided to try Olive oil. I read that by most accounts, coconut oil seemed to have the most die off reactions so I expected the olive oil to be mild in its effect. Well, after pulling with EV organic olive oil I had a healing reaction with the most die off I've had in years! The symptoms were intense intestinal duress, swollen glands and throat, body aches, extreme fatigue, severe flu, fever. This was hiding in my body and remained unaffected by the coconut oil. I will continue pulling with olive oil until the toxicity is gone. It seems that in my case, switching to another oil flushed out some unhealthy life forms living with me that the coconut oil did not affect. After these symptoms disappear, I will test out another oil to see if there is anything else lurking there. If you are interested in cleansing your body of toxicity, I highly recommend trying different oils after any die off symptoms subside. Also, for those new to cleansing, make sure your organs of elimination are working properly and assist them with herbal formulas so the toxins that are stirred out of hiding do not get reabsorbed. Three areas of focus that come to mind are the liver (coffee enemas help dramatically), kidneys, and colon.

Posted by Map77 (Grand Prairie, Tx) on 09/22/2010

I appreciate you posting this, as I have been OPing for 3 days now, I have also noticed that I have had MORE frequent trips to the bathroom.

Posted by Maria De Suecia (London, United Kingdom) on 09/15/2010

I started oil pulling 3 days ago, 3 times/day, using Cold pressed Sesame Oil. I eat well and do Bikram Yoga 4 times/week and I run a couple of times per week. I don't drink and I don't smoke. I drink plenty of water with, always with apple cider vinegar for dinner, and I take Virgin Coconut Oil for my underactive thyroid. So I am doing what I can to stay healthy. Anyway, I think I must have a huge bladder because no matter how much water I drink (quite a bit daily) I rarely have to urinate, and I NEVER have to go during night.

This is what happened the night after oil pulling day 1: I had to go and empty my bladder twice! No, I did not have more or less water/tea/juice than usual. This is unheard of in my case. The 2nd day I had to urinate frequently throughout the day and the same went for day three. So I began googling "frequent urination" and read that it is a classic detox symptom. Ha! Is what I say to all narrow minded cynical sceptics. Morover my teeth have never been so white and I feel more mental clarity, more refreshed upon waking up. I'll keep doing this to see where it will take me!

Posted by Kelly (Atlanta, GA) on 05/19/2009

I have been oil pulling for almost a week now, twice a day with 1 tablespoon of expeller pressed organic sesame oil. So far I have experienced a pretty serious "cleanse" it seems... (Men don't read this if you are squeamish about female situations.) I had been having mild yeast infections on and off for a long time, and trying to keep things under control with yogurt and acidophilus supplements. Well I actually became interested in oil pulling for my bleeding gums and bad breath. So I was shocked after my first oil pulling when not only did I have to blow my nose for an hour, getting rid of loads of mucous that I didn't even know I had, but by the end of the day I had a very extreme yeasty vaginal discharge happening. It all came out. It took probably two days and then ever since, my vagina has felt healthier than ever and very clean, if you are a woman reading this then I'm sure you understand what I mean. SO all I can say is be prepared for a CLEANSE if you try oil pulling, and I personally am very happy to have gotten all that out of my system! Looking forward to experiencing more benefits as I continue to oil pull at least twice a day. Thanks so much for all the feedback on this website, it is so empowering to feel like my health is in my own hands.

Posted by Laurie (Decatur, Georgia) on 02/24/2009

I just discovered this site today, but wanted to share my experience. I read about oil pulling two months ago and thought it would be good to try for painful tooth that 3 dentists gave me 3 different diagnoses on. Bought a large bottle of pure sesame oil and pulled three mornings in a row with one tablespoon of oil. On the third day I noticed I had a slight sore throat. Two days later that was followed by what appeared to be the flu for four days (I now know that was the Herkximer reaction). The curious thing is I had no fever or digestive compliants the entire time of said "flu" - bad nasal congestion, eyes hurt like a headache and horrible coughing. When it was over I noticed that I was able to chew on the left side of my mouth which I had not been able to do for a few months! Was it the oil pulling? I seriously suspect so. If you were a bad microbe and could not produce your own food, where would you choose to live in the human body? Close to where the food comes in, right?

Posted by Tonya R (Okinawa, Japan) on 11/10/2008

Hi, My husband and I just started OP and have been doing it for about 3 days now. The first night I did it something very strange happened. When I woke up the next morning my pillow case which is usually hunter green, had turned yellow! It was as if it had been bleached by amonia coming out of my pores! My shirt had even changed colors like it had been bleached as well and when I washed them, it did not come out. The sheets set is now ruined and has to be replaced. My husband did not experience this at all. Is this normal? Is this just my body's way of detoxing? Has anyone else experienced this? In the morning I use Peanut Oil and at night I use Saaflower Oil. My husband and I both have noticed that we feel better overall, it seems to give us a boost of energy and I've noticed that our teeth are getting whiter. I originally started this because I've been having acne problems, but honestly I haven't noticed much of a change in my skin from OP. I've heard all these stories of other people ending up with beautifu skin from OP and I'm hoping that will happen to me. My acne is not that bad, but I am willing to do anything to get rid of what I do have. Meanwhile, I've been using Hydrogen Peroxide and an Apricot Face scrub along with Clearasil cream and that seems to be helping. My husband and I also drink ACV 3 times a day and I'm hoping that along with the OP will help my acne as well. If anyone has any other suggestions please feel free to email me. I am all ears and will take ANY advice! I love Earthclinic! This site has been wonderful! Good luck to all! ~Tonya and Bobby

Posted by Jane (Greenfield, Iowa) on 09/25/2007


I have been oil pulling for about 4 months and have noticed results. Just this week I started to get a metal taste in my mouth and it takes a great deal of water to get rid of it. The oil is not turning white like it always has. I'm not doing anything different. I use Sesame oil - somethimes olive and coconut but mostly sesame. Any ideas what the problem is? I'm going to eat seaweed all week to get rid of toxic metal but why all of a sudden is this happening?