Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

High Blood Pressure
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/13/2017

I have not posted for a few days so you may be thinking I have died and gone to Heaven!? Not a bit of it. I have just had my blood pressure checked and YES, there IS some pressure there-yes indeed siree I Even though said BP was taken by a pretty, young nurse, I am 136 over 81 and you may be asking "What the heck has that got to do with me oh my gosh by crikey?". Nothing whatsoever maybe.

Well here's the thing, I used to be much higher than that! When I was working overseas I was in a fairly high-stress occupation in arduous conditions and not on an ideal diet. I had the occasional trip to see my favourite Indian Homoeopath, who lived on the tenth floor of this dilapidated, old building in which the lift had broken down way back in 197?, so I had to climb all the stairs. She insisted on taking my BP when I reached the top and started to tut tut her way through my diagnosis. She recorded my BP in a card system only she could operate. It was indexed by First names I think, like the telephone book in that country. I would have been listed as "Mr. Michael" had I had a land line. The Indians have a finely tuned sense of humour. I pleaded for ten minutes by her fan after braving such a climb and the 45 degree centigrade heat outside. Never mind.

To-day I have just returned from a visit to the A & E Department of our local hospital which is an hour away from here. Although there were only a few people waiting (I made sure I got there at opening time) we had to wait almost two hours to get as far as the Good Doctor. In the mean time the nurse had checked my BP and filled in the usual form. She seemed genuinely surprised to see that my BP was 136/81 for an older guy who might be expected to be above that. Not the BP of a twenty year old but still not too bad. The two hour wait, reading articles on the British Royal Family's scheming and in-fighting, as well as the various and many latest disappointments of Jennifer Aniston, must have served to calm down my fevered brow from my usual agitated state. Tough love is the story Jennifer.... if I may be so bold. I was a naughty boy and tossed my dummy and my BP pills away about a year ago and vowed to henceforth lead the Monastic Lifestyle to boot. Although not World Famous for being consistent (more like a butterfly really), what I have done is the Oil Pulling with Coconut oil in the morning first thing for many months now. That and doing the early flush with Lemon / Lime juice, the ACV, then the ACV AND Bicarbonate of Soda, Molasses drink, MSM, Alfalfa, a broad-spectrum Multi-Vitamin, plus occasional Magnesium Chloride Liquid and two or three Vit. C tablets (1000mg) per week and Ted's Borax Protocol.

I usually take weekends off to give the bod a rest......!! ( I was tempted to change to Sesame Seed oil instead of CO but all they had at the local health food store was toasted stuff so I steered clear of it). I too have suffered from Sinus problems my whole life. I seem clear at the moment but I am waiting for the wet weather, when I might have to use the Nettie Pot again. Alfalfa tabs have really helped "unclog me". Try them for a week. Sensational relief for me. I was interested to learn about the swishing with Salt and BS. Might try that one. Is there any harm in just swallowing the CO after one has been doing this pulling for a few weeks I sometimes wonder? Pity to waste such good stuff!

Moral to convoluted diatribe above? None! Only (1) that the CO may have helped to lower the BP. I admit to taking a spoonful whenever I remember to do it. Also, (2) thanks to M to M for the Turmeric poultice recipe and I tried Avocado oil, Turmeric and Black Pepper as a paste. Gave relief on the knee overnight. Whoopee! I will be running soon. And (3) Try the Alfalfa to unclog the Tubes. Hooray. More from Down Under from one who is not yet "Down Under"!

Cheers, Michael