Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Hip Pain
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca) on 08/04/2009

Hi everyone, I have been using this site daily since November 08. I have tried so many of the remedies from this site too numerous to list and each has been effective. No negative results. I have tried all of them for at least one month if not more. I have used them on all of my kids ranging from 10- 24 and my husband as well and sent many people here to check this amazing site out.

My biggest issue has been incredible hip pain. I have been a ballet dancer my entire life and 3 years ago I suddenly could hardly move my legs in my hips. When I say suddenly I mean within a weeks time- from being able to dance, take class and show steps when teaching. It has been a long journey with taking Chinese herbs (I highly recommend them especially over any medicine as they are healing rather than masking), acupuncture, chiropractics, massage, energy healings as well as remedies from here. At any rate, I avoided trying the oil pulling as it sounded to simplistic to be effective and tried many of the others.

Finally, after minimal results to my hips from the many remedies (which helped other issues) I decided to go for the oil pulling with organic sesame oil after reviewing so many wonderful testimonies about it. I have used Aryuvedic therapies in the past so I figured why not and recall Deepak Chopra recommending this in Perfect Health when I read it many years ago. Well, I started doing it in the morning for 20 minutes for one week with no real results to speak of and then I decided to step it up to twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. For me the results have been nothing less than miraculous after 3 long years of excruciating pain. At first, after two days, I was skeptical questioning if it was some fluke! But no, each day gets better and better. I have kept up this practice for almost 2 weeks now encouraged by my results. I went from not being able to stand up without incredible help from my arms or being able to get up the stairs without someone either pushing me from behind or using my arms to pull and prop myself up to being able to just stand and walk up the stairs with very little pain. I can now sit down to the floor and get back up. Many friends have asked me if I would consider hip replacements but I was determined to see if I could find a different answer believing that there are answers other than medicine, surgeries, no hope other than western medicine, etc. Well, I am ecstatic to say I have done it! Please give this a try if you have joint issues. And to everyone, I say never give up hope. Believe the answer will be given and have faith. I understand that there will be days that you will feel hopeless but don't give in to that.

Blessings to all, Lisa