Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Increased Energy
Posted by Tay (Richmond, VA) on 12/02/2007

I heard my sister talking about the result she was seeing of OP, so I decided to read up on it and came across this website. I can testify within ten minutes of me OP on the first day, my body starting detoxing and I had this pimple come up on my face, I knew that this OP was working on my body that fast, my energy level has skyrocketed and I no longer feel sluggish in the morning when first getting up, b/c that the first thing I do as soon as I get up... it works for me and I will continute this journey for about 30 days, then maybe bringing that down to 2-3 times a week. I will keep you guys updated on how things are looking up!

Increased Energy
Posted by Patricia (Montreal, Canada) on 08/23/2007

I am 22 and have membranous glomerulonephritis. I have had it for 6 years. I have been on TONS of different medication and nothing has worked. Recently I decided to go off all of my medication, since it wasn't working anyways I figured whats the point of me being on it then.I see a naturpath and homoepath and am very into natural health. My protien levels in my urine are the problem, I am now at around 3.mg protein a day in my urine. Over the past few years I have gotten better and better with other symptoms (water retention) and the oil pulling which I started about a month ago has really helped my energy.I am now able to work part time. A couple of years ago and I was taking 2 naps a day. It is just the darn protein!I had severe stress in my life before I got this, for sure this was the cause. Do you have any advice to get my protein in my urine down? Thanks! I love your website!