Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Posted by Jeffrey (Hartly, Delaware) on 03/12/2013

I have been oil pulling for several weeks, sesame oil, one tablespoon, each morning for 20 minutes. Before I started my facial skin was flaking severely. Now it doesn't! No flaking, period.

Posted by Kim (Champaign, Il) on 10/28/2010

To Emily from Turlock, CA: you should be using Sesame (not toasted) Oil. You will find a big difference! Good luck.

Posted by Phaedypants (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/24/2010

I`ve been oil pulling for 4 days, in hopes to reap all the great benefits... i haven`t visited the dentist in a very very long time, and was internet researching to find a safe natural way to keep my mouth clean and healthy....

I am using 1TBS of sesame oil, and pulling for 20 minutes each morning. i have no problem with it...sometimes I lose track of time and pull for 25-30 minutes....

Maybe too soon to notice anything major, but my skin looks AMAZING! even the skin on my back, which is prone to acne, is clear and smooth....i don`t think i can remember a time in the last 15 years that i didn`t have a spot on my back. I don`t know if this is just the oil pulling, (i also tone my back with apple cider vinegar) but i`m pretty pleased!

My teeth look white, but they always are pretty white, and my gums look pink, but i think they always are too...i do notice a little less bleeding when i floss, and the general smell of flossing isn`t so unpleasant.

mostly, i cannot wait to get into some slinky summer dresses and show off my glowing skin!

p.s. for those of you with alot of ayurvedic knowledge...i`ve been told on two seperate occaisions by two people who studied ayurveda that i have a vata imbalance. (way too much air...i sense instinctively that this is true.) are there any other natural health methods that might benefit this?

Posted by Craig (Round Lake, Il) on 02/02/2010

I just started (4 Days)the 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in the morning, with diabetes the first thing I notice is that my skin became smooth like I have been putting lotion on. No longer dry and scaly, I think it is the coconut oil.

Posted by Eunice (Nairobi, Kenya) on 08/04/2009

I have tried oil pulling with sesame and sunflower oil for the last one month. my skin looks younger, softer and the age spots are quickly disappearing.I have also been taking EVCO now and then and have been using it as a moisturiser. In addition, I have used baking soda for brushing my teeth. They are whiter and firmer and when I wake up in the morning my breath is fresh! Thanks for this website.

Posted by Michele (Wolcott, Connecticut) on 04/03/2009

I oil pull with Cod Liver Oil. It is a popular brand that has lemon and mint added. I can't taste the fish at all. I love oil pulling with the cod liver oil. My mouth is clean and healthy. And it is great for my skin. I don't injest any cod liver oil. I do take Omega 3 fish oil caps though. I feel that plenty of the vitamin A gets into my blood stream with the oil pulling. I also oil pull with Avacado oil, and extra virgin coconut oil. The avacado oil is great for your hair. Makes it healthy and shiny. And they are all good for your skin.

Posted by Thelma (Baltimore, Md) on 08/01/2008


I tried the oil pulling method and I must admit that the first two weeks my skin was unbelievable. I could not stop looking in the mirror. I am 44 years old and I swear I was looking at least ten years younger. The pores around my nose had tightened and the laugh lines had started disappearing. I used one tablespoon of sesame oil every morning before brushing and flossing. After the first two weeks I ended up with a sore throat, pink eye and skin rash. I have never suffered from pink eye before. I know this was from the O/P. I beleive it was the toxins finding an escape route. I started again this week but I am only O/P once a week and then I will gradually work my way up to daily O/P again. If anyone has any suggestions or any similar experiences can you please post. Thanks.

Posted by Candy (Riverdale, NY) on 09/06/2007

I started oil pulling with unrefined sesame oil 2 months ago, the inital results were great. My skin glowed exceptionally well. Then I read Ted's opinion on which oils work best, one of them being refined sunflower oil. I switched to sunflower oil and the results were unfavorable, my skin did not glow at all, as a matter of fact it looked quite dull. I stopped used sunflower oil and switched back to unrefined sesame oil. And my skin is glowing once more. I have been acne free since oil pulling and I've been sleeping soundingly too. I have recommended oil pulling to my sister who's had a loose tooth and the oil pulling has since reinforced her loose molar.

Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 08/23/2007

I have been oil pulling a little over a week now with sesame oil and my acne has improved. I would recommend anyone having acne to give it a try.

Posted by Pavithra (Hyderabad, India) on 09/15/2006

Oil pulling made my skin smooth.