Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Carlos (Barcelona, Spain) on 10/23/2011

Ok I just want to report after few days I have those white teeth that when I look in the mirror I'm amazed.

I always had beautiful big teeth but yellow in color so my smile wasn't such a remarkable thing. I don't smoke or drink coffee but they were yellow no matter the toothpaste I used. I don't know if I should keep doing it cause people will really notice it's getting to be a hollywood smile lol!

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Teck (Las Cruces, Nm, Usa) on 01/29/2011

I've been OPing for at least four days with extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil, about 15 - 20 min in the morning after I wake up. I noticed an immediate difference after the first OP, just in my teeth being slightly whiter and the clean feeling all over my teeth. Each day, my teeth have gotten whiter and stayed white throughout the day. I've been having some MINOR sinus drainage, but it also seems my face has gotten clearer (I'm pregnant, so I've been having facial issues with pimples and dry, itchy, red splotchy areas). After a full 30 days I will post again my results.

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Sue (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 10/25/2010

Hi There,
The best oil to oil pull with is coconut oil by far. Coconut oil is anti-inflamatory, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antivirus. It truly cleans your mouth, literally. It's the only oil I used that whitened my teeth. When I started using coconut oil, my teeth visibly turned white within a week. My gums looked healthier and plaque disappeared. If you research coconut oil you will know yourself how beautiful an oil it is. I would never used anything else for this or for cooking. It is also the best moisterizer as well. I look ten years younger since starting to use it as a moisterizer and adding it to my diet, truly. Good luck and keep oil pulling, you are doing your body a lot of good.

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Tibby (New York, NY) on 07/29/2009

Oil Pulling And ACV. Stumbled upon your site searching for skin care products... Anyway spent a few days reading the feedback and decided to try ACV and Oil pulling. Only three days into it but my teeth are whiter from the oil pulling and I have noticed a significant loss of appetite for the ACV. Very interesting, I thought it was all BS lol.

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Kerry (Ibiza, Spain) on 05/08/2009

As I sit reading this information from the Earthclinic I'm oil pulling! I first started it back in February 09 for a 3 months stint, just pulling oil very first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. Apparently this is because the mouth becomes extremely toxicated during the night and the oil is eradicating those toxins. I must say it sounds a gross thing to do but actually love the clean feeling my mouth has afterwards, my first cup of tea tastes better and my teeth have become whiter. I'm doing it to see if it will help reduce my fibroids but I won't find that out until my next scan. Thank you to my friend for passing on this web link this morning because now I can see other natural therapies that could help - yeeha!

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Claudette (Memphis, TN) on 02/08/2008

I have done OP for about 2 wks now. I had a brown discolored tooth and after 2 pulls the brown is gone. I have had my teeth cleaned many times by a dentist and still had that brown tooth. I am really excited that it is now the same as the rest of my teeth. I am now pulling to see if it will help spider veins on my legs. If anyone can give me info on that please share.

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Lucille (Southampton, New Jersey) on 01/23/2008

Hi. I've recently started Oil Pulling treatment and although just a few days, my energy level is elevated and my teeth are brighter. I am hoping for result in lowering blood pressure. My question is, would OP help relieve pain from Interstitial Cystitus? A chronic pain problem for the last year. Doctor consultations/meds have not helped. Please post this question on the website. thanks!

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Barbara (El Paso, Texas) on 01/19/2008

All I can say is Wow! Oil Pulling really works. My dentist wanted to whiten my teeth,to the tune of $600.00, I refused and told him I had just started oil pulling (he didn't know what it was) and it is suppose to whiten teeth so I would wait to see the results. My husband and I were both amazed. After only 3 days my teeth had whitened at least 4 shades, and my tongue was pink and healthy, the coating disappeared! Along with the ACV treatment for my rheu. arthritis and the oil pull, I feel better and have more energy than I've had in years. When I went to the store to buy the oil I bought Sesame oil (could only find the toasted)and Organic Virgin Olive Oil. When I tried to open the sesame oil it flew out of my hands and broke all over my kitchen floor. So, I used the olive oil and have had all these wonderful results from using it. I am a "new person" thanks to this wonderful site!! Thank you!

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Lorelei (Utah) on 01/11/2007

After more than 2 months of oil pulling, I am ready to comment. I wanted to make sure I gave it enough time to see what would happen.

First, do NOT use unrefined oil! That was a big mistake! I spent the whole day trying not to barf. I used refined sesame oil after that. I swish for 10 mins, rinse, and swish for another 10 mins, then rinse with baking soda and salt in water (about a half tsp each in a few ounces), then rinse with just water. I only have the patience to do it once a day.

Within a few days, my teeth were white! This is amazing, because despite not drinking coffee, tea, cola, etc, my teeth stain very easily. They are also mostly plaque-free. My mouth is very healthy overall. Gums look healthier. I haven't had any canker sores either. I can't say that this has helped any other problems though. Still tired and have bags under my eyes. Still had an outbreak of cold sores. Still have psoriasis. Still have terrible periods. Still have dry feet! It has possibly kept me from catching my kids' myraid colds, etc. But that could also be due to cold(ish showers), echinacea, apple cider vinegar, or any other healthy thing I have started recently! I would recommend oil pulling though, just for mouth health alone.

Whitens Teeth
Posted by Margaret (Florida) on 09/24/2006

I used coconut oil for oil pulling. My teeth are whiter. I find the info on this site to be the best. Thanks