Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Posted by Vee (Texas, Usa) on 08/13/2013

I am on day 2 of oil pulling with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and its doing something-just not sure what. I do have questions though. This morning right after swishing I had a bowel movement. Then a small one again when I came home for lunch. About an hour and a half later I was at work & had to rush to the bathroom where I had a loose (and somewhat explosive) bowel movement that kind of scared me-sorry for the gross details. I suffer from constipation often & don't go this often & haven't eaten anything different so I guess I can contribute this to the oil. The most noticiable difference is my energy-I have none! Today I have been deathly tired-more tired than I've been in some time. I also experienced what seem to be faster heartbeats today. Is this normal? And I'm not using organic EVOO-is this ok? I have sesame seed oil in my cupboard but it's not organic & just says pure-can I use this? And what I'm most confused about is brushing afterwards. Is using your regular toothpaste ok? Hopefully I can get some help with these questions. I'll continue to post updates on my progress. Thanks in advance for the help!

Posted by Tinydancer (Ohio, Usa) on 08/13/2013

The same tiredness and heart racing happened to me too with the oil pulling. After a couple of days of pulling and I realized what was doing it, I stopped oil pulling completely....... Haven't done it in months. I miss it but the increased heart rate scared me. I used olive, sesame, and coconut oil. All organic and it happened with all of them. Oil pulling should not be taken lightly for some people. MHO

Posted by Lasvegasprwoman (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 12/14/2011

I started pulling 10 days ago with coconut oil and for the last 7 days have had bad cold like symptoms of sore throat and lot of blowing my nose. I've read this happens often after op, but was wondering for how long? I blow my nose all day and spit up stuff and most of the time it's yellow. Sometimes it never ends. Also feel fatigued and my contact lenses bother me in my eyes. Should I continue?

Posted by Cruz (Yonkers, New York) on 12/02/2010

When I started to pull olive oil 3 days ago, next morning wake up with a BIGGG HEADACHE! Ok, when to the bathroom and do it again, finish the second day (morning)and some yellow mucus never seen before came out thru my nose. Headache is gone. After that was clear mucus and stuffy runny nose.

Today is the 3 day and have whole day with stuffy (and runny nose), sneeze and cold like, no taste. Dont know what to think. If I still feeling that way maybe I stop pulling and try to massage my gum with the oil (the way my Mom did with babies to clean their (our) mouth.

Posted by Ibiza (New York, Ny) on 07/20/2010

I've been oil pulling for almost two weeks now. I use 1 Tbls. Of Virgin unrefined VCO. I do it first thing in the morning after I clean my teeth but before any food. I read about it here and also read several people's testimonies about cleansing crises. I didn't think I would have one because, prior to oil pulling, I had been on a simple cleansing diet for two months, composed only of organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans, teas and water. However, I have started a crisis. Let me say that, after about 5 days of doing it, I started to have slight pain while urinating. It felt like the beginning of a bladder infection. It cleared up in about 3 days without doing anything special. Afterward, I also noticed that my urine felt "heavy, " and maybe slightly darker. Mind you, I was drinking a lot of water. I just felt like toxins were being eliminated. Yesterday, during yoga class, I noticed that my perspiration tasted different. It actually burned my tongue a little and I had to wipe my mouth! I also attribute this to toxins being eliminated. I take a lot of yoga classes and sweat sometimes gets in my mouth. It's normally slightly salty and not gross at all. But the biggest thing that happened is that my heat sensitivity issue shot through the roof. I had several sweating spells when I just could not stop sweating almost all over my body. It felt like a seizure almost. (I've never had a seizure but I imagine you feel very much out of control). I was working in a tight space and it was awful! I'm lucky to have found a great natural deodorant that worked fantastically but it was still a nightmare. Before I realized that it was a healing crisis, I was so depressed, thinking that I was going backwards. I have been dealing with hormone disruption for over two years due to exposure to toxins that stopped my period, caused hot flashes, which turned into heat sensitivity. Now that I know what the crisis is, and that my body is really cleansing a lot, I feel much better about it. Still, I am going to have to slow the cleansing down. I just can't have sweating episodes. I'm going to not do the OP two days a week when I have to go into work. I also just started alkalizing my water with drops. I imagine that my system is very acidic from the toxins. Becoming more alkaline must help. I am also going to switch to sesame oil, the traditional oil used for OP. I did a lot of reading and I think it's the one I need, even though I like the VCO.

I also started taking a tsp of VCO in the evening. I read that it is really good for high cholesterol and thyroid issues. My theory is that my immune system has been compromised by allergens, both natural and artificial. As a result, my liver is working too hard and my endocrine system has been challenged. I know that my hormones are completely crazy. My inner barometer is broken. I feel like my heat sensitivity is due to that and is also a response to allergens which are not being dealt with efficiently because my liver is overworked. I know that thyroid and cholesterol issues run on both sides of my family. This bad smelling and toxic sweat, I believe, is really a secretion brought about by high cholesterol. Lipids are being excreted through my skin and they contain toxins that are being carried out of the body. The sesame oil will help internally and also externally as a nightly massage. I am going to try scrubbing my skin periodically with baking soda because it actually itches a little (I guess from the toxins) even though I use a peppermint castile soap. The liver produces cholesterol when it can't get it from dietary sources. I'm not sure but maybe VCO and sesame oil ease the production of these lipids by the liver. Eventually, I will also take a tsp of sesame oil daily too. I will report back about the progress!

Posted by Tracylove (Brooklyn, Ny, Usa) on 03/29/2010

I've been oil pulling with Coconut Oil for just over a week...and I feel HORRIBLE. My skin on my face has gotten dry (I also use it on my skin), I have black circles under my eyes, my throat is very sore and I've lost my voice. The worst is, I am constantly bloated and having awful heartburn...I am also eating like crazy, and always hungry. The heartburn only goes away after I've eaten something, which seems counterintuitive.

I am of the belief that this is detox, but not sure what exactly. I'm taking a day off from OP today, as I just don't feel good enough, and am still not feeling well. I'd like to make it through this, but not sure how long these symptoms last, or if I can take it much longer to see any benefits at all.

Any suggestions would help greatly!

Posted by Abby (Chicago, IL) on 08/30/2008

I did the Oil Pulling with Sesame oil for about a week. I took about a tablespoon once a day in the morning according to directions. I swished for about 15 min, to 20min. About a week later I started getting bad headaches. I never get headaches, but these were bad. I also got diarreah that lasted 2 to 3 days. I felt really sick. I thought maybe this was all apart of detoxing, and I must have been really toxic. I wanted to continue to see if my symptoms would subside, but I had an important weekend that I couldn't be sick for. So I stopped. I want to try again but I'm a little afraid. Maybe it was wrong oil for me? Or maybe I need to just keep it up until I'm throughly detoxed? If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. -Abby

Posted by Jivana (Scottsdale, AZ) on 12/02/2007

I have been oil pulling for 3 days now, with sesame oil, and feel very nauseated, and headachey. Wondering if this is related...typical...just detox?