I have been doing oil pulling for about 1 week using sesame oil, twice a day on an empty stomach.
I have been suffering from ezcema since age of 7 and I am now 17. My eczema has been under control with the help of betopic cream, I belive to be a mild form of steroids. Though I do not apply much these days after learning about its side effects. As long as I avoid allergic food, My eczema will be under control.
But after oil pulling for a week, my ezcema suddenly flared up all over again. It is intense and I reckon that is the healing effects. Though what I am wondering now is as to how long will it last. I am battling whether to use my cream though I would prefer not to use it as I want a cure and not a temporary relief. I do not wish to interfere with the effects of oil pulling. But what I really do need to know now is as to how long will these side effects last?
And what actually causes these healings symptoms. I am really curious.
Thx in advance
Merry Christmas xD