Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Spb (New York) on 02/09/2011

I have been pulling with extra virgin coconut oil for the past month and the results are amazing. I have better sleeping habits, suppression of appetite, weight loss, Candida is under control, PMS and hormonal balance (mood swings and pre-ovulation pain are gone! ). Whiter teeth, pink gums, increased energy, colon cleansing and you name it.

I have also been using coconut oil on my skin and as an oil treatment in my hair. My remains moist longer and my heels are softer. My hair is thicker. I highly recommend oil pulling with extra virgin coconut oil.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Metou (Trenton, Nj, Usa) on 01/30/2011



I just wanted to submit some feedback: I've been doing oil pulling for 2 months. In the first few weeks, I slept much better, and had a cleared up feminine problem. This is notable. I started the first month on organic unrefined sesame oil. The next month, I went to organic extra virgin cold pressed olive oil. Just this week I started with organic refined sunflower oil.

I am coming upon the third month oil pulling, and I seem to have some sort of gland issue: I sweat profusely, especially my feet and underarms, and am having a small odour problem.

Just this week, I have had swollen lymph nodes under my arms. It is painful, and I have been trying not to wear tight clothes till it goes down. I have had this a couple years ago, but not as bad as now. I feel some sort of inflamatory pain in almost all my lymph area- neck, groin as well.

I read how for this problem, you can take 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in a glass of water, with some sea salt. I did that for two days, and nothing happened. I then did just baking soda, for three more days, and still nothing. Except that my face seemed to glow after I took it.

I wanted to share these things. I love remedies for health, ayurevedic cures, and "potions". Thanks for the site, it is a gem.


Broad Benefits
Posted by Robanatta (London, Ontario) on 12/16/2010

I was experiencing mild conjunctavitis in my left eye -not red but burning, itching, and mucous discharging. After my first OP with the coconut oil it was almost completely gone! I also felt lighter and had more energy, as well as my sinuses felt clearer. I hadn't noticed that my sinuses were congested, but they're just... Clearer?! ?

Then I did a OP with safflower oil several hours later. I'm finding that my throat is releasing toxins now. I'm starting to hack-up crap from my lungs -I'm an ex-smoker for 5 months now- and they feel like they are REALLY starting to clean out. I do have a mild head-ache, and a mild soar throat (only on the right side (weird! )), but I still feel healthy... I'm going to use the extra virgin coconut oil in the morning -I like the natural anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties of the oil as well as the MC-triglicerides- for a power cleanse in the morning. And then, I'll use the safflower oil with oregano for the other two treatments in before lunch and dinner. I might even try hemp oil before going to bed, as I've read that it makes one sleepy after using it. (I don't have trouble sleeping as it is, but any extra help might be good). GLTA... I'm glad to have heard about OP and this web-site...

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dibraccio (New Brunswick, New Jersey) on 12/03/2010

I was suffering from severe burnout. My health was failing. For the past 3 months, I had shooting pains all over my body, I had dizzy spells, pains in my lower back and lower right abdomen. I started oil pulling and the symptoms started to fade the first day I did the oil pulling routine. Within 4 days ALL of the symptoms vanished!!! It seems like miracle!!! This experience has caused a profound paradigm shift in my consciousness and has caused me to reevaluate many of my beliefs about health care and healing. I am thankful there is an internet where one can obtain vital information like this.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mychelle (Pacific Northwest, Wa) on 11/23/2010

Hi, I am 44 years old and have severe allergies (corn, wheat, gluten, peanut, trees, molds, dust mites, ibuprofen, aspirin, nsaids and the list goes on) I had an allergic reaction in mid Sept 2010 to an antibiotic after a gum graft surgery. I ended up in the ER twice and have now developed chronic hives. I went to a new allergist who was highly recommended and although I really liked her, she prescribed several medications that my insurance held up with red tape. So, I was at home, miserable and nothing was helping.

I got online and found https://www.earthclinic.com and Oil Pulling. I was desperate and even though I have a very sensitive gag reflex, I got the oil (cold pressed sesame) and it has been a little over one week since I have been swishing 1 tbsp each morning. The very first time I swished, my nasal passages opened up while I was doing it. I thought NO WAY, are you SERIOUS?! Yep. Then, by day 2, I was coughing a productive cough and spitting up all this gunk. This is a good thing. My sinuses are now opened enough that I can use my neti pot again, something I could not do before unless I was on prednisone for the crisis my body was in. I loathed taking prednisone and now I know I will not have to take it again for clogged nasal sinuses. My husband reported that I am no longer snoring at night (another thing that happens when I am blocked with inflammation. )

I am still having hives but they are getting less and less each day and part of that is I believe because I am on a restrictive diet that does not include (corn/peanut/gluten/wheat). I have also noticed after just one week that I can chew on both sides of my mouth now because hot/cold does not bother me anymore. I love the way my mouth feels after I OP and brush. I feel like I have just stepped out of the dentist for a cleaning. Oh yeah, my gum graft does not bleed anymore when I floss now (which has little to no plaque since OP). So, I share all this to say, OP is working for my sinusitis and I am enjoying sleeping better because of it. I must admit, I do have a spit bucket because I am still coughing up gunk and I am not sure how long that will last! ? My mucous is thinning and white in color compared to the green/yellow it was before OP. I can't wait to see my doctor on the 29th of Nov. I am not going to tell her what I have taken or NOT taken until after her examination of me. My asthma is still not on track and I researching other remedies to help with that along with my inhaler. Any suggestions anyone??

Broad Benefits
Posted by Amy (Roanoke, Va,usa) on 11/06/2010

I started oil pulling 3 days ago. Using Sesame oil. Miracle of all miracles... My tongue had a thick white coating before op, now it is healthy and red. I had pain in my left tooth that the dentist said there was nothing wrong. I had trouble chewing on my left side for 2 years. Yesterday I was able to chew and the pain was 90% gone. I wake up feeling refreshed and am sleeping well. I have had insomnia and was waking up feeling awful and tired and grumpy... So I think op does work and everyone should try it.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tim (Portland, Oregon) on 10/16/2010

Sesame Oil Pulling - I have been Oil Pulling for 2 years now and I can say, amazing! Oral health vastly improved, no sinus blockage, and I can feel the toxins being "pulled" out of my system. I look forward to 15 to 30 minutes of swishing prior to breakfast.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Summerhaunt (Licking, Mo, United States) on 10/15/2010

Consecutive Oil Pulling Sessions

To Tahiti: Once I did it all day while doing a 6 hour car drive. I kept a BIG cup with a lid next to me for spitting into. I had no problems at all oil pulling that long. I have also done several back to back, with no problems. I know of several people who also have done 5 or 6 back to back who reported a feeling of euphoria after perhaps the third or fourth. I have never gotten the euphoria, but it has helped clear brain fog, pain, keratosis pilaris, softened skin, and given energy boosts.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Karen (Sydney, Nsw) on 10/02/2010

Editor's Choice I have been oil pulling for 6 months now. I have experienced quite a few things. Firstly, the rash on the skin but it went away after awhile ( a few weeks). Perhaps it is removing toxins through the skin also. I have bridge work and was getting a gap between the gum and bridge. After a week, the gap closed, the dark discoloration disappeared and any plaque on my teeth is long gone. I usually rinse my mouth with warm water afterwards. I haven't had a flu or any sickness since oil pulling. I use olive oil and have used sesame seed oil but I prefer the olive oil. My breath is fresh and clean. No morning breath smell. My jawline is more chiseled (had a bit of a double chin before).

My best advice is to keep oil pulling until any side effects leave and they will. I have old metal fillings and if anything, the area around the fillings is cleaner. I originally had a sore gum when I started and eating made it worse. After the first oil pull, the inflammation went away. Oil pulling is the best thing you can do for your body. I have my kids oil pull now and the dentist couldn't believe how clean and plaque free my kids teeth were.. I oil pull usually in the morning before breakfast and then rinse my mouth out with warm water or rinse it with ACV I have in a bottle of water. Somedays I oil pull for the full twenty minutes, some days 10 minutes and 10 minutes later in the day. I only do it once a day. I usually eat or drink after pulling, about 30 minutes later. If it hurts your jaw, pull relax, pull relax, or keep your head down to take the pressure off the jaw. This is Gods miracle cure along with Castor oil. I couldn't live without either. All the best to everyone trying it for the first time. Keep at it and you will soon enough realise how wonderful oil pulling is. God Bless you

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sarah (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/30/2010

Hi All.. I started oil pulling few weeks back. My tooth sensitivity lost, teeth started to feel whiter that usual pale color. But still some clean feeling was missing after sometime. So I used few grains of sea salt and swished oil and lo the mouth felt very cleaner. I have also started urine therapy from yesterday. Other noticeable things are my toe under surface was cracked and within one or two days it was healed and smooth, hair become shinier, now no need to use conditioner after shampooing, skin has become beautiful, earlier there were so many open pores but now they are not. I have sub mandibular tumor in my right side so want to see what this therapy works here. Also taking Vitamin D3 supplements for depression and flax seed oil capsules since I'm vegetarian and can not take fish oil. I have also taken epsom salt bath once to detoxify and have also started taking cold showers..

Broad Benefits
Posted by L (San Antonio, Tx) on 08/30/2010

This is my 4th day of oil pulling 2x a day. After the 3rd day my bad breath was gone. Ive been suffering with this for 2 years despite flossing, brushing and using mouthwash regularly. I had hemorrhoids and the itch and yellow discharge is almost completely gone. I felt the clearing of sinuses and I've noticed a distinct diminishing of the taste for cigarettes. If this were all there was to gain it would be fine. But I'm looking forward to seeing benefits from oil pulling in my neck and low back spine injury as well... Yea!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Iris (Los Angeles, Ca, U.s.) on 08/20/2010

I have been using coconut for oil pullin for 2 days. Today is 8/20/2010.

I was looking for a way to avoid root canals. I had pain in my teeth on both sides of my mouth and just did not want any more root canals. I read in a book written by a dentist that root canals allow bacteria to set up as soon as 24 hours after they are done. And that the bacteria can spread to other parts of your body and cause pain and disease that the medical doctor won't make the connection that the problem is stemming from a root canal whether it was done years ago or just recently. I am happy I found this site. My goodness how can swossing oil around your mouth have such power and allow you to reap such benefits? Here are some of mine:

The first night I found out about oil pulling I just used a cotton swab to massage my gums and teeth with olive oil. The next morning my gums were so sore. I wonder if the oil stirred up the bacteria in my gums. I started oil pulling that morning with coconut oil as I read it killed bacteria. Over a period of some time, my teeth had become yellow, I do not know why as they used to be white, white, white. I oil pulled for 20 minutes. Immediatly I saw that my teeth lightened up tremendously. I was elated. I had used tooth bleach but the procedure would have to be repeated). Mucous began to released as I was doing the oil pulling and continued afterward for probably over an hour (I didn't time it). My teeth are so smooth now (and whiter), only after 2 days of this. When I drink water now, I feel so hydrated and the water taste good just hitting my mouth. This is something I had never even thought of. I didn't know what I was missing until now. The pain in my teeth has lessened. I can still feel a little bit. But it is leaving.

I had pain, first in my right hip, then got tremendous pain in my left hip. Now both areas are almost pain free. Also, I had pain in my neck and shoulders, it is gone. I am feeling twinges of pain I believe in my lung area. I used to wake up practically craving junk food and would have to force myself to eat the healthy organic foods that I always buy. The cravings seem to be gone for the time being. Now I feel stable and want the healthy organic vegetables with no problem. I woke up this morning with a lot of energy and couldn't wait to get out for my morning job. I had gotten to the place where I felt exercise was something I "had to do". Now I am back to the pleasure of taking care of my body. And not only that, my joy of doing things and new ideas are returning. The feeling I have now is: What can I do today. I love this. The relief of these symptoms tells me that bacteria can cast a dreary veil over your life. I am thankful for the founders of this site. Oh, one other thing. My doctor said, I have high sugar but not high enough to be on medication. Sugar is an environment where bacteria can flourish. I believe the cocunut oil pulling has killed a lot of bacteria in internal environment.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Nicole (New Jersey) on 06/25/2010

Editor's Choice This really works - sunflower and sesame oils tried!

I found this site just a week ago after coming home from the dentist extremely frustrated (on top of having a 1/2 numb face for the next two hours). Over the last few months I've been drawn to natural cures actually for my spouse, not myself, to help cure her polymyositis and fibromyalgia (off topic, but magnet therapy is helping). Anyway, after that trip to the dentist I said, "there HAS to be a better way!" Briefly, I'll state my history as having struggled with gum disease for at least the last ten years. It has gotten much worse in the last year. Unfortunately, I had an accident last fall that further irritated two of my teeth that were already slightly loose. When I went to the dentist last Thursday to see what could be done I was really upset that 1) my insurance wouldn't cover a deep cleaning because I'd had one within the last three years 2) I needed to get that cleaning (I agreed) to help keep my teeth clean and 3) that it would cost me ~$500 for just ONE side of my mouth ~ and the total would have been ~$1,600 out of pocket (includes injecting antibiotics directly into eight teeth/gum areas at ~$40/tooth)! Because I thought I *needed it,* I bit the bullet and got one side done but when I got home I was determined to find another way. It was too much discomfort and I didn't want to pay for it if I didn't have to. That's when I stumbled upon oil pulling. I thought it sounded absolutely too good to be true but with all of the testimonials and the fact that it had very little risk why not try it? Well, last Friday morning, 6/18/2010, I started with Sunflower oil. I lasted about 12 minutes. I thought it taste rather bland so I switched to organic, virgin sesame oil the next day and have been using that up until today, Friday, 6/24/2010. My results are as follows:

1-After day one I immediately noticed that my teeth became a little whiter
2-After day two I became really congested and had to blow my nose a LOT. I also had a couple of pimples pop up, which have since cleared. I think the sunflower was better for whitening quickly.
3-After day three I noticed that I was sleeping a lot deeper and had a ton of energy during the day
4-As of last night I noticed that both of my loose teeth are secured. I would say that one is 95% while the other is trailing at 90%!
5-My skin seems a little clearer.

I am ASTOUNDED by these results as I'm 29 years old and was worried to death about losing them. My own sibling who is a dentist in another state told me that something drastic needed to be done or I would lose them. :( Also, a dentist that I was going to every three months up until earlier this year (I've recently relocated) wanted to do a LASER procedure to penetrate the gums and fix the problem. I'm SO glad I didn't do that! The only reason I didn't do it is because the timing was bad with me preparing to relocate and that procedure would have also been ~$1,600 out of pocket. (My sister did tell me not to do laser because it was too invasive and not necessary).

At any rate, that's my report after a full seven days. I'm grateful to not lose my appetite like some others here because I'm underweight and am consuming a lot in order try and gain 10 pounds. That is another journey in itself, but it's coming along now that I'm tracking my caloric intake. OP has made junk food less appealing, which is a good thing. My process is to brush and floss as usual, OP for 5-10 minutes, spit, rinse, brush with water and baking soda and rinse one more time. It sounds like a lot but it's not that bad. Fifteen minutes go by quickly if you just fill it by checking your email. Besides, 15 minutes a day to save thousands of dollars and unnecessary pain is worth it! Oh, I also cut down on sodas tremendously over the last week. I had about three rather than one a day. I drank mostly water - had no desire for soda.

I'm so excited about this I want to tell my family and friends but I'm going to wait until 30 days go by. I know they're going to be skeptical, especially the dentist, but if she can get a hold of my dental records then there will be proof! My wife has now decided to try it. Yesterday was her first day and not more than ten minutes after doing it she felt "different" and had to release phlegm. This morning she woke up with me at 5:00 as chipper as ever, very energetic without the aid of coffee, an energy drink or Adderall. We're both amazed. I do worry that her healing process may be unbearable as she's been struggling with chronic illnesses for at least eight years, but it would worth it if she no longer had to deal with them or prescription drugs with horrific side effects.

Sorry, this post is a lot longer than I intended it to be.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sabrina (Talking Rock, Georgia) on 05/14/2010


I started oil pulling with sesame seed oil last week. I saw changes in my gums and whiter teeth. I also had great results with my joints. On Wednesday the 1 week anniversary, I got the worst headache of my life. I haven't oil pulled since. So only 2 days. Could it be detox?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Amy (Sugar Grove, Va) on 05/05/2010

I've been taking the Virgin Coconut Oil softgels for about a month now. I am type o blood type & have had no problems at all. I also use the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil as a mosturizer, my skin looks great! My cellulite is all but gone my spider veins are even disappearing! I use Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a mosturizer for my face though because I suffer from bad adult acne. The Olive Oil cleared up my acne , took away the begins of all wrinkles & almost all of my acne scars I've had for years are gone. I love it! I'll be 36 next month & I look 10 yrs younger! I love this site! I wash my face with baking soda & water & use Lemon Juice as an astringent.

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