Natural Onion Health Benefits and Home Cures

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mcgyver (Little Rock, Arkansas, Usa) on 07/23/2011

Onion pack is what I have always called this. The correct term is a poultice. This works well for boils, bites, infections and I even used this successfully one time cellulitis of the elbow.

Cut one whole onion into small pieces. With a mortar and pestle, mash the onion into skin and juice. Mash until all juice has been removed; however it is important the skin remain. (Perhaps a blender would work. However, this method is the way my grandmother taught me 50 years ago and I have never tried a blender.)

In a bowl, add the mashed onion. Then add flour, in very small increments, until a paste has been formed, about a medium texture. Not too dry... not too wet.

Cover the boil with a thick layer of the paste and surrounding the boil. It is not necessary to puncture the boil and recommended not to do this.

Cover the paste with a cotton (must breathe) rag, wash cloth, dish rag, gauze, etc. (depending where the boil is located) and secure with tape if necessary.

Allow the paste to completely dry. It usually takes a few hours. It will dry to a very semi hard or firm pack.

As the paste hardens, it will form suction on the boil, drawing out all of the puss. Depending on the size of the boil it may take 2 or 3 applications but usually you will see results on the first. The onion also acts as a natural antibiotic to prevent infection.

Be patient. And don't be too active or you will break the seal. Do not remove the pack prematurely. When you do, you will see the puss in a pocket on the underside of the pack. Where your boil was, there will be a small hole where the puss came through. Put antibiotic ointment over the skin and a band aide. That's it!

During this process you will feel the onion pack working. You may feel some discomfort when the skin breaks, but not for long. Again, I have used this onion pack over the years for boils, infections, bites and even cellulites of the elbow. It has never failed.

Side effects: It smells like onion and it might make you cry. :-)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Wilma (Venice, Ca) on 04/06/2010

My son was stung by a bee and a friend told me to slice an onion and put it on top of the sting. Immediately, the swelling went down. She theorizes that it pulls the venom out. It also works for mosquito bites.

Raw onion also works for burns. I burned myself once by grabbing the cast iron handle. I immediately put a slice of raw onion on for about 2 minutes and then whipped egg whites until they became stiff. I applied it onto the burn and it dried and created a egg white skin on top of the burn. Wrapped a bandage around it and went to bed. The next morning, there was no pain and no blister.

For fevers, you will need to juice a raw onion and drink about a teaspoon every hour. Also, soak a couple of egg whites around a cloth and wrap around your feet and cover with socks. Reapply as egg white becomes crusty around feet. You can also paint Lugol's iodine solution on the chest and throat. My daughter's 104.7 fever came down within half a day using this method.

Onion works with vomiting from stomach flu symptoms as well, but you will alternate one teaspoon of onion juice with teaspoon of spearmint tea every hour.