Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of Onions

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Coughs and Congestion

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Posted by Willowone (Athens, GA) on 05/02/2009

Editor's Choice

Onions for cough and congestion: My first child was colicky and had several colds with congestion. The doctors gave him antibiotics that did not seem to help. I felt like the cold went away on its own. My grandmother told me about the onions. My second and third children never had to take antibiotics. I would take a onion or part of onion about the size of a golf ball and grate up in a bowl.Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Cover and put in the fridge for 45 minutes. The sugar draws the syrup out of the onion. I would then take a dropper full and give to the child. It does not taste bad (try it yourself). It clears their chests and helps them sleep. I never had a problem with using it. Now when I feel like I am getting a cold I always eat more raw onions.


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Posted by Sheri W. (Jackson, Mi) on 06/14/2016

Onions and dial soap for a wound that is infected. You make a paste out of the two together it works, even if you have a red streak just leave it on overnight and the next day infection will be gone, I promise.

Posted by Leriejane (Seattle, Wa, Usa ) on 07/17/2010

If you have a cut, putting a piece of onion skin, the transparent film, onto it will stop it from bleeding immediately. I got this tip from a magazine and tried it when I cut myself chopping vegetables. The onion instantly stopped the bleeding. The cut was no longer than 1 inch, and not seriously deep, just enough to gross one out.

Ear Ache

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Posted by Dee (Brooks, Alberta Canada) on 03/29/2008

Since I was a child my mother would put the heart of the onion in our ear and sleep with it in, by morning your ear will be find, also works on wax build up

Ear Ache
Posted by JJ (Dortmund, Germany) on 03/25/2007

Onion for infections of ear and throat: Chop onions and stuff them into socks. Fasten one to each ear (pulling a hat over the head and socks works well) and keep there for the duration of the pain. This is particularly effective against ear infections. If pain persists longer than a day, go to a doctor (esp. with children). But with this method I have never had the pain persist that long.


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Posted by Nicole (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/30/2007

My 4 year old son woke up with a HIGH fever, but otherwise was fine. I worried after pain relievers were not bringing it down. I went on the internet and typed in break fever and this site came up. I didn't have eggs so I couldn't use the egg white remedy, but I did have onions, ACV, and potatoes. I got socks and placed potatoes and chopped onion with a hint of garlic and placed them on his feet--he didn't like it. Then I got a washcloth soaked in ACV and placed it on his forehead. I checked his temperature every 15 minutes from 3am-6am. it went down from 102.7, droping .1 degrees to 1 degree at times. I am a believer in this and will now try this again. There is something to be said about folk remedies.

High Blood Pressure

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Posted by Ricardo (Hollywood, FL) on 05/17/2009

I'm glad to see you're getting better results, however if all else fails what I've done to really drop my blood pressure rapidly because I've been on meds for over 15 years and I' up to 5 a day, blend a half of a white or yellow onion with about 8ozs of water and drink it. Get some rest and you will get immediate result. It will drop very close to normal. It works for me. I only do it on occasion by he way. Regularly I squeeze a half of lemon in a glass of water twice a day and it works great.


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Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, Hawaii) on 04/24/2009

Onion juice therapy for indigestion

Onion Juice Therapy made me aware what's going on in my body. You are supposed to drink one turkish tea glass of pure onion juice from pungent organically grown onions frist thing in the morning. After a 40 day vegetable and fruit juice fast, my digestion was still not fine. So I tried this remedy.

After the first sip I felt very sick and immediately threw up undigested food. I could drink only one sip that morning. I also spit up a lot of foam. Don't ask me what kind this was. It also burnt slightly in some specific areas of my stomach. I drank the rest of the juice then during the day which was easier as there was food in my system. Next day I could down 2 sips and felt slight burning sensations in different areas of stomach. I read that if you have strong reactions to this medicine you need it the most. So I continued and today I can drink the whole glass without problem. I have to explain that I used onion juice before mixed in fresh orange juice to cure a flu and developing bronchitis. After 2 days of drinking one large onion daily mixed in 32 oz orange juice I was fine. Since then I have great trust in the healing power of onions. I think that drinking the onion juice mixed in orange juice would be a good start for people who simply cannot put up with the pure juice. Then they can gradually decrease the amount of orange juice needed till the pure juice is tolerated. I know there is other remedies out there less difficult. I had problems with indigestion and smelly gases for so long that I really want to eliminate this problem. Undigested food might be the starting point for so many illnesses that it is to me of utmost importance to clean up this mess. I just drank one glass and it feels good when this juice cleans you up from the inside. After only 5 days in which I increased my intake every day by one sip more, I am now feeling really good with it.

I include here now the article with more detailed explanation of this remedy:



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Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, USA) on 02/01/2008

I have had pinworms for almost a year. I tried unsuccessful at first to treat it naturally. I spent $ 300.00 for an internal parasite cleanse (DR.Natura) which did absolutely nothing. I was told it is NOT possible to treat them other than with allopathic medicines. Pin-Ex didn't work. As here on a remote island, I don't have access to a personal doctor, only to a clinic where little time is at hand and only 1 medicine is prescribed(Mebendazole). If that doesn't work, bad luck. After I was sufficiently angry and determined to help myself, it worked again as it always has in the past. I find that this TOTAL determination to help myself is necessary to find my cure. First I drank the juice of one big onion mixed with sweet orange juice (fresh) for 2 days (to alkalize my system). This is my personal first aid with almost ALL illness. Then I ate 3-4 bulbs of garlic during the day. I added Epazote to my herbal teas and meals (one tablespoon over the day). And I drank 2 ginger teas and ate all the cut up ginger (about a table spoon full) at the end with some agave sirup. At night I used one quarter tablet of pin-ex as a suppository to kill the worms in the anus and be able to sleep without squirming worms and stop them from laying more eggs. I had to do this only 3 or 4 nights, then I was symptom free. I hung bedsheets and blankets all day in the sun, every day for a week. Changed towels and clothing daily.

Purifying the Blood

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/24/2024

ONION: PURIFYING THE BLOOD – Safest Way by the Use of Onions –

Sherley Dare, in answering correspondents through the Blade Household, says to " A. E. W., " of Waterloo;

“The safest and quickest prescription for clearing the blood is to eat a raw onion, finely minced, at breakfast; the whole of a common sized onion is enough, and a dose of charcoal or ground coffee, and brushing the teeth, will deodorize the breath. The onion can be taken with salt and vinegar as a salad. Consumptives find this of benefit.”

Remarks. I have much more faith in the onion as an alterative, than I have in the idea that the charcoal or powdered coffee, even with the brushing of the teeth, will remove the odor of onions from the breath; but what of that? let the “bref” smell of garlic; if onions will do what they are here credited

with, they are certainly more valuable than is generally set down to their credit; but I remember of once being told by a gentleman that a moderate sized onion minced and eaten at each meal, with the salt and vinegar, as above mentioned, would cure dispepsia. I have no doubt of their utility, both as an alterative upon the blood and as a tonic to the stomach; not one is eaten where ten ought to be.

From the Book – Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everybody by A.W. Chase MD, page 72-73. 1927.

Staph Infections, Cellulitis on Scalp

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Posted by Tammy (Orland Ca) on 11/22/2013


My friend's daughter had a terrible staph infection on her leg. Her friend told her to cut the onion in half, microwave it for about a minute and put it on the infected area. She did that for about 20 minutes 3x in one day and the infection cleared up.

My daughter got Cellulitus on her head recently. I did the same thing and it seems to be working. The swelling has gone down and now there is only a scab where the infection started.

It may be an old wives tale, but it seems to have worked.


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Posted by Carol (Sea Cliff, New York) on 02/24/2010

I have been fighting nail fungus for about 25 years. I have tried all of the prescription meds. Penlac, which is very expensive, is the only one that sometimes works. The others did not work at all and can cause problems with the liver. I cannot wait to try the ACV treatment.

Regarding warts. My daughter had a couple when she was very young. We went to a couple of dermatologists who used the usual treatments that hurt her and did not work. I looked for a natural remedy on-line. I found an onion remedy that works everytime.

Take a small bit of onion (about the size of the wart)
crush it and place it on the wart
use tape or a bandaid to keep it on for about 24 hrs.
when you take it off, you will see that the onion actually eats through the wart and burns it off.

NOTE: only put enough onion on to cover wart or your healthy skin can get hurt.
Good luck to all
You will get a scab and when it heals the wart should be gone.

Weak Digestion

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Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, HI) on 05/06/2009

I have battled with weak digestion for a number of years now and having read about onion juice therapy for cancer, I decided to try it for my indigestion. I have already a high regard for the medicinal value of pungent onions as it cured my cold and bronchitis in the past. I know onion makes you alkaline, therefore treating one of the causes of illness (acidity). So when starting my onion juice treatment, I also recognized that pure onion juice makes me to see instantly what is happening in my body ( like a mirror almost) and getting rid of it right away. I drank the juice one sip at a time in the morning on an empty stomach and threw up undigested food. I was astonished that I would have undigested food still inside of me after a whole night's sleep. Now I don't eat too late anymore (I try not to eat after 6 pm, only fruit juice) as a result. I eat in more and much smaller portions during the day. I also don't mix carbohydrates with proteins as to make it easier to digest (vegetables with proteins or vegetables with carbohydrates). Together with ACV and molasses which I have learnt here to add to my food and which are definitely wonderful on a daily basis all is pretty good right now. I know it sounds pretty awful to drink pure onion juice but for me it's the fast track to health. I learnt that you use it for 40 days once a year for prevention of cancer and now I use it whenever I have any health problem. I am really happy for this site and hope this may help somebody in need. And what cheaper thing is there than an onion? Available in most parts of the world. Only the juicer might be a problem if one has none.

Replied by Andoy
(Boise, Id)

Drinking slowly 1 teaspoon honey and one teaspoon ACvinegar in a cup of water cures my indigestion.

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