The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
64 User Reviews
Posted by Sunday (Chicago, IL) on 12/23/2008
Cayenne Pepper: Yes, this truly works!!!! I have chronic sinus problems. I tried the pepper, by snorting it, and within minutes it worked. I then put a 1/2 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper in my green tea, and I was amazed the power of pepper! I didnt have to go to the doctor. We need to put this in cans. it works!
Posted by Veronica (San Antonio, Texas) on 11/20/2008
I recently got a sinus infection and I tried many of the remedies on this site with mixed results. My mother gave me a bottle of Sinus Buster- a natural pepper spray- and I tried it.It stings some, but does it open up your sinuses. The sinus infection was gone in two days. I have since had another sinus infection and got the same results the second time I used it. It took about 1 spray in each nostril, 1x a day for 2-3 days.
Posted by Adeleine (Portland, Oregon) on 03/20/2008
cayenne snorting: This crap works! Immediate relief. Lots of blowing the nose after, particularly if you don't manage to sneeze. Huge globs of infection came out after I tried this. However, I think I used too much cayenne. I would suggest using 2 lines, each one just one quarter to one sixth the size of your pinky fingernail (width and length). Anyway, great remedy if you have eyes you can't even move around anymore because there is so much pressure behind them causing pain.
Posted by Tanya (Northglenn, Colorado) on 02/13/2008
Alright Ive got a funny yet true sister and I cought a cold. (And shes the type thats pron to sinus infections) So I was tryin to find any kind of remedies for her(cuz she doesnt have N I came across this page and read what Greg from TN did for his sinus infection. Sniffing CAYENNE PEPPER...So with my sister yellin about how she do anything to get the elephant off her head(sinus pressure), I started cutting the Cayenne Pepper into lines. After cutting 2 lines(one for each side) I watched and by far it was the most entertainingly/hilarious thing Ive ever seen! She jumped around and kept saying "it burns, it burns". Secs after snorting up those 2 lines, the pressure was gone! Greg, your right...IT WORKS!
Replied by Rebecca
(Wichita, Ks)
Posted by Greg (Nashville, TN) on 10/31/2007
I was reading your cures for sinus infections. I had the worst one ever. I read that people were using cayenne, so I decided that mine was so bad I would just snort it. Well, yes it burns quite a bit, but the effects were immediate!!!! My headache went away and the pressure in my eyes quit also. Just wait a couple of minutes, sneeze and blow your nose. It's a pretty good rush and you will sweat, but it worked for me. I keep it in my medicine cabinet now.
Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
Posted by Samantha (Portland, Oregon) on 10/17/2007
I found cayenne a great cure for pretty much everything some time ago. It wasnt long ago that I came down with a bad sinus infection, cough, and fatigue. I decided to boil water on the stove, and add cayenne(open 3 capsules and pour them in), crushed garlic(4 cloves),half an onion, and grated ginger. THIS COMBINATION IS AMAZING. It is SO powerful. The most vital ingredients are the cayenne and garlic, but the onion and ginger are also very helpful. Make sure and boil everything until the onion is mushy, and the garlic is too. Keep a lid on, but every so often inhale the steam from the boiling remedy.. very soothing! Pour it into a glass and drink the whole thing. It is very potent, so what I do is add honey to it and it really tastes like liquid food- like a soup base or something.
Another remedy that I use is cayenne tea- just put a tea bag of your favorite tea in boiling water, and add a capsule of cayenne & some honey. Since I have been using cayenne in tea, and orally, and drinking the onion ginger garlic tincture, I rarely get sick.. and when I do, I can kick it within 3 days maximum. Cayenne is also extremely helpful for menstrual cramps.
Posted by Jen (Toronto, Ontario) on 10/04/2006
I drank a mixture of lemon water cayenne pepper and syrup within a few hours not only was my sinus clear but so was my chest and I could breath much better.