Sore Throat
Health Benefits

Tabasco Sauce - A Spicy Sore Throat Remedy

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Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Gene (Gatineau, QC, Canada) on 04/29/2008


Please post this question on the site. Hi, Having been stuck with a bad flu and an especially sore throat for a few days, I Googled and found this site, read every single post in the thread and decided I should try Tabasco Sauce, which is basically Cayenne but in a liquid form. At dinner last night, I sprinkled a generous amount of the sauce on my steak (20-25 drops) and even though I felt like dipping my tongue in ice water, I could feel my sinuses clearing up and the tenderness in my throat fading away. Mind you, every time I eat spicy food (on very rare occasions), I break out in a sweat and can feel a rush, like my blood is rushing through my body at accelerated speed. An hour after dinner, I sprinkled about 15 drops of Tabasco sauce in a glass of hot water and gargled with it, swallowing a bit at each gargle. A short while after my spicy dinner the gargling session, I experienced a severe panic attack which subsided in about an hour. Capsaicin provokes a rush of endorphins, thus counterbalancing the effect of the Clonazepam (explained below) which I take for chronic Panic Disorder and Epilepsy. "CLONAZEPAM which is a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines belong to a group of medicines that slow down the central nervous system. Clonazepam is effective in treating certain types of seizures (convulsions, Petit Mal) and is also used for a mental health condition called Panic Disorder by working on the nerve cells in the brain to enhance the effects of a chemical called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA slows down nerve cell activity to cause relaxation and decrease nerve excitement." Later on: "Capsaicin helps prevent and heals stomach ulcers and has anti-inflammatory properties" Contrary to the above, I had severe heartburn in the middle of the night. "Cayenne is safe if used in moderation but can cause problems in people with stomach problems and ulcers." Something I read elsewhere which confirms what I experienced last night and is contradictory to the above quoted statement. "Some practitioners recommend mixing a small amount (starting with one sixteenth of a teaspoon, and working up to one teaspoon) of Cayenne powder in warm water to take 3 times a day. This is so the mouth experiences the hot spice and the stomach prepares itself. The mouth also absorbs much of the goodness itself, giving an immediate effect." In conclusion, I would like to try the experience again but I think I'll follow the above paragraph's advice, go easy at first and observe any reaction I might experience. Thoughts anyone? I don't really want to go to a clinic, wait 3 hours in a roomful of coughing people only to get a prescription for an antibiotic whose side effects are worse than the benefits.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Audrey (Minneapolis, MN) on 03/02/2008

my throat has been sore for two days and i'm starting to lose my voice, so i tried the tobasco and honey in hot water, within 5 minutes my throat felt much better! i just put about five drops of tobasco and a drop of honey in some hot tap water.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Rob (N. Massapequa, New York) on 09/12/2012

Well, Im not so much of a Tabasco fan so I chose one of my many hot sauces I have. Its called Sudden Death. This sauce will set your whole body on fire with the smallest drop in anything you eat. I actually put 3 small drops in a glass of warm water and gargled it. Right now, not only is my mouth on fire but as well as my lips. Im waiting for it to really do its job to my throat, but I can tell you. My throat is better then before with just one swig! If you end up buying this hot sauce, I advise you to be careful with it. There is about 3 warning lables on it, that should get the point across.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Kate (Fort St John, British Columbia) on 02/04/2008

I've had a sore throat for 2 days now and today it was the worst it's been. Felt like I swallowed a few razor blades, so did an internet search for rememdies and here I am. Read through the posts and although I do have cayenne pepper in the pantry, it didn't sound too pleasant to gargle it and drink in a tea. So I tried a shot of tobasco sauce ( I wouldn't recomend this if you can't handle hot/spicy foods very well.) I followed the shot with a rather large glass of milk to sooth, and it's been 5 hours now and my throat feels so much better. It's still sore, but not razorblade painful. I think I'll try another shot tonight before bed and see how it goes.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Dave (Missoula, Montana) on 02/04/2008

4 Teaspoons of Tabasco relieved 55% of my sore throat pain in under 1 hour. I looked at all the remedies and didn't want to try Apple Cider Vinegar. I have been sipping Hot honey tea for days and have the worst razor cutting sore throat ever. It gets much worse when I wake up in the morning, so I just put four teaspoons of straight tabasco down the hatch and my throat is 55-65% better right now. Slide the spoon past your tongue so it goes right to the throat. I took 4 teaspoons full tabasco five minutes apart, then gargled with 1 tablespoon of cayenne, 1 teaspoon of tabasco, warm water and lemon juice-which also helped. I am not cured yet, but the pain is cut in half! Thank you all for posting on this site, thank God I found it because i DESPISE gargling with forsaken warm salt water-I hate salt!

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Sophia (MU, USA) on 01/19/2008

I heard about the Tabasco thing and tried it becuase my throat was hurting for 4 days and I was sick of it! No medicine would work for me..So as I said I tried Tabasco..Heres the thing I just took a little sip of it out of the bottle and I just HAD to take a drink of water and after I was done drinking I was like O MY GOD! My sore throat was all gone and my nostrils wernt clogged I felt like a new person! It even settles stomachs! I know it sounds weird u would think it would give you heart burn but it didnt. just a sip thought i'm not saying drink it! Anyways, Try it. It works like a charm!

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Gina (Baltimore, Marland) on 01/17/2008

I started getting a sore throat yesterday, and like i always do, i slept with a halls in my mouth. It got worse today and nothing soothed it. So I googled sore throat remedies and came to this site. I didn't have the honey, so I decided to do the tobasco. I poured tobasco on a hotdog (which just so happened to be hot wing flavor) and a little apple cider. The first bite was hell in my mouth. It burned back in my ears. I have completed the hot dog, my nose is incredibly runny, my mouth is on fire, but my sore throat feels better- maybe I burned off all the nerves!

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Sarah (Wollongong, Australia) on 01/11/2008

Have had a sore throat for over a week, tried everything except antibiotics. Looked on the net for home remedies for a sore throat. O my god, i had tabasco in everything even coffee. Starting to feel a whole lot better.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Alyssa (Cranston, Rhode Island) on 01/01/2008

I've been sick for about three days. I try to avoid medications and doctors visits because I don't really have the money to spare, and I'm not a fan of over the counter medicines like DayQuil (nature never intended anything to be that orange!) Today is my last day of vacation before I have to return to school, sad story, I know. And my boyfriend is home from college so I want to see him, only natural. But the last thing I want to do is get him sick, or feel crappy while I'm with him. I usually just wait out a sickness, let my body fight it off. I don't have time to waste in bed any more though. So I came to Earth Clinic and read about the Cayenne Pepper but I don't have any of that. Then I read about TABASCO! Funny thing was while I was sifting through the medicine cabinet I looked at the bottle and though "I bet that would clear my sinuses" but I didn't want to irritate my throat. So I mixed it with hot water, lemon juice, and honey. It's sweet with a nice spicey kick I love it and in five minutes I can breath out of one side of my nose and my throat doesn't hurt anymore! I really hope that this helps long term as well but if you need instant relief, try this!

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Teigs (Qld, Australia) on 12/07/2007

i don't have any of that Cayenne stuff but i did have the tobasco because i like hot things. anyway last night i was going to bed and i could feel a cold coming on. i had some medicine and i went to bed hoping that by morning it would be gone. three friends are coming over for a christmas party and i have done everything to get it. then finally mum and dad said yes. and then i came down with this. i woke up this morning and it had only gotten worse and i had a stuffy nose. i hated to swallow. i got up and typed in home remedies for a sore throat into google and it came up with this site. i had never heard of Cayenne and it took me a few stories to realise what it was. and then i got the tobasco sauce and added drops to my already made honey, lemon hot water and i sipped it and then gargled it and sipped it again. it is very tasty. my friends are coming at 2pm and it is now 8:01am so i hope it cures fast. p.s if anyone has any faster moving remedies please tell us.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/18/2007 392 posts

Tabasco sauce or Hot sauce in would generally work better than a cayenne pepper due to their vinegar content.

However I would still much before to use baking soda 1 teaspoon with a couple of drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 1/3 glass of water or just potassium bicarbonate 1 teaspoon in 1/3 glass of water in sipping down slowly, 5 cc at a time, every 5 minutes for about 10 times. They are generally less irritating to the throat, especially for people with the acid reflux. Tabasco and hot sauce is not generally recommended for people with acid reflux or a terribly sore throat conditions where it is inflammed.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Pablo (Westminster, California) on 07/01/2011

yes, the hot sauce will work, as will the chicken soup. Together, it's great. The only problem is some of the hot sauces have a large amount of sodium and with the chicken noodle soup already having a ton of salt in it you get an overdose of salt and it's just really nasty. find a mostly pepper-based sauce with as little salt in it as possible.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Becky (USA) on 03/16/2007

Hi, I couldn't find any cayenne pepper in my spice rack so I substituted Tabasco far so good. It was easier to just drink it slowly, mixed with a little water, and coat my soar throat on the way down. I think my sore throat is much better now.

Tabasco Sauce
Posted by Jessica (Escondido, CA) on 09/30/2004

I don't have a remedy to cure allergies, but I do have one for a sore throat. It won't cure the sore throat. but it will cause it to not hurt. It will also take away the tickle in one's throat. when an allergy attacks. It is a teaspoon of Tabasco Sauce, taken maybe 3 to 4 times a day. Most people can't handle it, and so you would have to built up the dosage, but I had a chiropractor recommend it to me, and I have never suffered the pain of a sore throat since, not even when I had strep throat.

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