Topical Melatonin Lotion for Pain Relief: Recipe + Success Stories

Where to Buy
Posted by Dave (Ontario, Canada) on 11/16/2023

I visited the Amazon site for powdered melatonin and confused about what strength to buy. There are bags with 3mg strength, 10mg They are different price from $20. To $40. Depending on size and strength and then there was a choice of laboratory grade 99.9% pure strength for $200. + or -?

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Leesa (Arkansas) on 11/16/2023

I was wondering the same thing.

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/15/2023 2165 posts


I have an idea to simplify making the melatonin lotion since you don't use a milligram scale. Make just 3 ounces of lotion at a time instead of 4 ounces in the following way :

  • Take your four-ounce jar and add one level full one-quarter measuring teaspoon of melatonin powder into the jar.
  • Add one ounce of gin to the melatonin in the jar. Replace the lid and shake well until the gin looks clear again.
  • Add 2 ounces of Cetaphil lotion to the jar. Replace the lid and shake until well-mixed.

This is the simplest I could figure out for using measuring teaspoons. The 3 ounces will still last a very long time. Remember that my friends said that they apply sparingly.


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/15/2023 2165 posts

Hi Hollyhock,

Your feedback will be very useful since I have not tried it for hip pain yet.

Thank you!


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 11/15/2023

Art, thank you for the recipe! I put it together today and will try it on my back and hips before bed. I will give it a few weeks and then give feedback!

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/15/2023 2165 posts

Hi Rusty,

Oral melatonin at higher dosing had no benefit for my three friends as far as their spinal, muscle and joint pains as all three were already taking oral melatonin. The lotion was able to help them in a way that the oral dosing could not and this is likely because the lotion allows significantly higher local tissue concentrations of melatonin that their higher oral dosing could never achieve as the oral dose is essentially dispersed throughout the body whereas the lotion gives a higher tissue concentration in the specific area where it is applied.


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Rusty (Lewistown, mt) on 11/14/2023

I take melatonin tablets-10 mg, for a sleep disorder along with numbness & pain in my back, feet, and hands(carpal tunnel) Would the tabs be just as helpful as your mixture?

Thank you (looking forward to a sucessfull outcome)



Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2165 posts

Hi Mary,

I just now had time to measure out a gram of melatonin powder. This is a very inaccurate way to measure because measuring spoons vary by country and by manufacturer. I have several measuring spoon sets and all of them are different from each other, but this is what I found with one of my sets and using a digital milligram scale. A one quarter teaspoon at level full equaled 760 mg. I added a one eight teaspoon at level full and this brought the total mg up to 1, 120 or 120 mg more than my friends used for their mixes. If you divide the one quarter teaspoon of 760 mg in half, that equals 380 mg which should be very close to one eighth teaspoon. So when you add that 380 mg to the 780 mg, that equals 1, 140 mg. So the 1, 120 mg is close to the 1, 140 mg suggesting that this is about as close as I will be able to get using measiring spoons to get close to a gram. It takes 1000 mg to equal one gram, which is the desired amount of melatonin that my friends used in a 4 ounce mix.

So if your measuring spoons are similar to mine, It will take one level full quarter teaspoon plus a one eight teaspoon that is just shy of being level full to get to the desired one gram or 1000 mg area.

Because this is not an accurate way to measure, I am not recommending that you do this just letting you know what my level full one quarter teaspoon and level full one eight teaspoon weigh on my digital milligram scale when weighing melatonin powder.


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2165 posts

Hi Jan, The dose of melatonin you are taking is pretty low at just 2.5 mg per night to help you sleep. It might be better to skip the oral melatonin while you are testing topical melatonin so you will know clearly and exactly how you are reacting to the topical lotion. Once you understand how you respond to the topical melatonin, then you can resume the oral melatonin if you feel you still need it. Art

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Jan (Ga, Usa) on 11/14/2023

Melatonin Lotion plus oral melatonin?

Question for Art please. I usually take 2,500 mcg capsules of Melatonin at night for help sleeping. Do you have any suggestions or advice for using some Melatonin Lotion for neck and shoulder aches?

Thank you. I appreciate your information.

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Mary (NEW YORK) on 11/14/2023

Hi! Can you or anyone put this recipe into spoons… I don't know grams.. 1/2 teaspoon???? Thanx I want to try it!!!!!!

Where to Buy
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2165 posts

Hi Hyacinth,

I didn't actually add any links for ingredients in the article, but I believe this is the link that EC put into the article for melatonin powder :

This bag will be enough for 25 four ounce jars of the mix described in the article.

This is the common lotion that my friends used to make their melatonin lotion :,hpc,183&sr=1-3

This bottle will make approximately eight 4 oz. batches of the lotion.

This is the gin that they used that cost under $20 for the bottle at Costco:

This bottle will make approximately over 23 of the four ounce mixes. They chose this gin because of the number of listed botanicals (9 botanicals) in it as well as the price.

I am not recommending these three products, just showing what my friends used for their mixes. I would think that similar products would work similarly.


I will ask EC if they can add these other two links to the article.

EC: Thanks, Art. Links added to the bottom of the article!

Where to Buy
Posted by JenE (NC) on 11/14/2023

Hya, Hyacinth!

I noted this in the links above --- maybe it was a later addition?

Am doing research for my brother and a couple of friends, and maybe for myself before too long since 69 y/o knees feeling the stresses now.

Where to Buy Melatonin Powder

Bulk Supplements sells a large bag of pure melatonin powder reasonably priced.

Melatonin Powder Bulk Supplements - $18.96 for 25 grams - 8,333 servings

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2165 posts

Hi Karen,

I am only reporting the mix that my friends found useful for their issues, but this is not carved in stone. If you have a lotion that you feel is safer, please try it and let us know how it works for you as I am sure others will want to know also.


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2165 posts

Hi cy,

I have not tried it so I don't know.


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Karen (NSW) on 11/14/2023

Yes I am questioning the use of the chemical ingredients of Cetaphil as well. I'm finding it's so hard to find ANY product that has safe ingredients??!! My skin is so dry as I've given up searching as it's a mind field of so many companies claiming their products are all natural, but they're not!!! I use a little coconut oil and olive oil sometimes but I get over the greasiness of them.

Where to Buy
Posted by Hy (Florida) on 11/14/2023

My name is Hyacinth. I receive Earth Clinic emails. I particularly want to find out about the email sent today regarding Topical Melatonin Powder and the Cetaphil Moisturing Lotion to make to recipe for topical pains in lower back, neck and shoulder.

I called a Homeopathic Pharmacy but they did not have it, as I bought two other items related to Earth Clinic's email. I am really interested to know where the Pure Melatonin Powder and the Cetaphil Moisurizing Lotion could be bought as there was no note of this on the link. Thanks.

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by cy (usa) on 11/14/2023

Can castor oil be substituted for gin in pain remedy with melatonin?

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2165 posts

Hi Marlena,

Since you feel Cetaphil lotion is not too bad, the gin is essentially diluting the lotion which means that you are getting less of the bad in the final mix, but if you have a preference for another safer lotion in place of the Cetaphil Lotion, you can try that and let us know how it works for you.

The Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion is readily available, not too expensive and many people are already familiar with it.

Regarding the use of gin, it is because of the juniper berry and botanical content which imparts a fresh scent and may offer other benefit imo. Here is a link discussing a few of those important benefits :

Here are some relevant quotes from the article :

' Juniper berries are high in vitamin C, flavonoid antioxidants, monoterpenes, and coumarins, all of which may offer various health benefits.'

' Juniper berries contain essential oils and flavonoids that offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.'

' Some rodent studies indicate that juniper berry extract may improve high blood sugar levels, though research in humans is lacking.'

' Some animal research suggests that juniper berry extract may improve heart disease risk factors, but studies in humans are lacking. '

' Test-tube and animal studies indicate that juniper berry extract provides strong antibacterial and antifungal effects. However, human studies are needed to confirm these benefits.'

Again, for me the importance is in the effects of the lotion as unobtrusively as possible as well as the ease with which it can be made by the majority of people at home and not so much in the fine tuning to personal tastes.

If you do try VCO or another lotion, please come back and let us know how it works for you.


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2165 posts

Hi Diana,

Thank you for saying so!

Actually I consider melatonin powder relatively inexpensive as it applies to this lotion which only requires one gram per four ounces of lotion at a cost of roughly one dollar of melatonin per mix which does not seem like much for an active component imo.

Usage rate will vary by the amount being applied and the area being covered. If you are only applying to the neck or lower back, the lotion should be fairly long lasting as my friends mentioned in their answers to my questions. All three reported applying sparingly which would also add to the lifespan of each jar.

None of the three have used up their first four ounce jar yet. Lydia is the one I consider to be using the most as she is using it on her lower back, neck, shoulders and muscles that are impacted by her disease and she is still using her first jar.

Very importantly, all three are finding significant benefit with their lotion with only two applications per day with benefit beyond what Stopain was able to offer them with regular use. Melatonin has a very good safety profile. All three have told me they enjoy the simplicity of making this lotion themselves at home.


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Art (California) on 11/14/2023 2165 posts


1. As regards the safety of Cetaphil lotion, I chose it for its longevity as it has been around for many many years in thousands of users which should have well exposed safety issues with it. I am not saying it is the only lotion that can be used, but it is readily available online and in stores. I think most lotions will also work if an individual has a preference.

2. Coconut oil is a natural product that has a known safety profile, but I would never have considered it because many people do not like the smell of coconut oil and some people already consider Cetaphil to have a less than desirable smell, even though the fragrance is extremely light to me. Some people do not like the oily feel of coconut oil until it is absorbed fully. If you try a coconut oil mix, let us know how it works for you.

3. Vodka will work similarly to the gin. I chose gin because of the juniper berry content and botanical content and it seems to have a very mild alcohol smell that essentially disappears once the mix is complete.


Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Marlena (Oregon, USA) on 11/14/2023

Thank you for writing out your questions to Art. My questions are similar. Cetaphil lotion is not too bad, but not good either. I agree with your coconut oil suggestion as long as it's organic. I wonder why Art specifically adds gin as an ingredient. Higher quality gins do have natural botanicals in their formulas.

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by Diana (MA) on 11/14/2023

Interesting article. I make lotions including one with magnesium and Naproxen for pain. Usually I use a rate of 1st of each. Melatonin in powder is pretty expensive. Any idea what the usage rate for a lotion is? Thank you.

Melatonin Lotion Feedback
Posted by S (Sterling, USA) on 11/14/2023

Thank you, Art, for sharing your recommendations on Topical Melatonin Lotion and the positive effects it has had on your friends! I, too, have back & shoulder pain as well as knee osteoarthritis, so I would like to try the lotion. I just have a few questions:

1. Is it safe to use Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion long-term, given its chemical make-up?

2. Would using virgin coconut oil be a safer alternative to Cetaphil?

3. Since we use vodka in place of alcohol, would substituting vodka for the gin give the same positive results?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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