About Ted from Bangkok, Thailand

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

About Ted

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 09/24/2015

Dear Wonderful People of Earth Clinic,

Today I visited Ted at his nursing home, which is 1.5 hours outside of Bangkok. Many of you might not know this, but even though Ted has long written remedies on Earth Clinic, we have never met! My showing up in his room today was a total surprise and it was a very happy meeting. He had absolutely no idea who I was when I walked in, but beamed when I told him. He couldn't believe I had come all the way from Atlanta to see him. He immediately wanted to know how old I was and so we shared our ages. It was very very sweet.

I am extremely relieved and thankful to finally be able to share first-hand with you how Ted is doing.

Ted is totally paralyzed on his left side. However, his mind is quite intact and improving day by day. His memory is incredible; he remembered things about me and about Earth Clinic that even I had forgotten! I thought he started posting on EC in 2003, but he told me today it was actually 2001 when he first posted. He told me he found the early Earth Clinic site to be "way out there" but he was still inspired to post his remedies on it. He remembered that Earth Clinic was called Healers-Network for a few years and that I changed it back to Earth Clinic (its original name) in 2003.

One of the first things he said after meeting me was that dogs really like him because of his mange cure, which he thinks is the most popular cure on Earth Clinic. I told him that was true, he had saved the livesof tens of thousands of dogs around the world with his H202 and Borax Remedy.

Ted did most of the talking today and it was nonstop! He wants to update all of his remedies on Earth Clinic, but tells me that will take a few years. He did repeatedly mention the importance of L-Lysine and Methylene Blue. He also went on about the pancreas.

Ted is very soft spoken and still absolutely focused on curing people. He spoke very fast and I couldn't understand a lot of what he said. However, it is remarkable how good his English is after the stroke. Occasionally, he would repeat the same sentence over and over again.

The nursing home he had been in since August is basically a newer private home that was turned into a nursing home with a few beds. Ted is in a private room on the ground floor with A/C. I think it's the only private room in the home. There are another 3 beds in the living room area. He is receiving P/T 3 times a week. He is constantly shifting his weight around on the side that is not paralyzed. His sister Nok told me that Ted took a few steps during P/T last week, according to the owner of the nursing home. Frankly, I don't know how that's possible given that he can't move his left leg or arm. He told me that the shoulder on his paralyzed side was dislocated in P/T a few weeks ago. Ted is eager to try stem cell therapy. He also talked a lot about the book The Body Electric.

Ted's family is trying to move Ted back to Bangkok ASAP, where he will be less isolated. At his current location, he doesn't have many visitors. He is very social and I think having more social interaction will be key to his recovery.

Questions seem to be difficult for Ted right now. When I asked a question such as "Would you like me to move the pillow", he would stare at me for a few seconds and then talk about something else. He did answer a few questions when we were in a conversational flow and understood my answers to his questions like, "How long did it take you to fly from Atlanta to Bangkok". (Answer - 24 hours).

I will visit Ted a few more times while I am in Bangkok and update everyone again! Normally I'd tell you to send in your good wishes so I could relay them to Ted, but now that I have seen him, I know Ted really only wants to talk about remedies. LOL! If you have a question about a remedy, send it and I'll try to ask him about it.

Signing off from Bangkok, where it is now Friday at 12:40 am.

Replied by Paula

Thank you so much for your detailed update! It's a relief to hear what's going on.

I have been very interested in Ted's method of stem cell creation using colloidal gold and silver that he mentioned quite awhile ago. If you could get any more details on that, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Replied by Rsw

Hi Deirdre,

Wow! Such good news to hear firsthand about Ted. A 24 hour plane trip cannot have been a lot of fun, but we are so grateful to you for going all those miles! I am sure your visit may start the endorphins flowing and more healing will follow for Ted. We can only smile when thinking of the look on his face when you walked in and introduced yourself. A real day brightened! Thank you for all you do every day and for being so caring and gracious to all of us at Earth Clinic.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Dear Deirdre, I wish Ted all the best and hope he will be back doing what he loves and enjoys. What a kind person you are to go and visit him, if you could ask him what I could use on my dog instead of m.om. milk of magnesia as it is unavailable here in Australia, if he able to answer, I don't want to bother him too much.Thank you

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U DEIRDRE, , , , , , , , , , , , , wow, what a story. We are indeed lucky to have you as our leader. You keep us civil. Folks don't know that you flush my posts that are offending. I now know to count to 10 if I want something posted.

Keep up the good work that is bringing the world together to help one another.


Replied by Dawnmosley
(Nashville, Tn)

Thank you so much for your update. I don't post often, but I'm such an advocate for Earth Clinic, and such a fan of Ted's. I'm so glad that you two finally got to meet.

Thank you for your work, this website, and for enduring that long trip and updating us on Ted.

- Dawn

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Ted's condition;

Does Ted have an opinion of what might have caused the stroke. I read about some kind of fall he had; does he think that is what caused the blockage?

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

T Y Deirdre for visiting Ted. I am sure your time with him will be uplifting. The picture in my mind as I was reading your report was concluded with your positive energy hands holding his and maybe alternating to the wounded areas.

Also in the area of healing, if it is possible, try and get Ted a portable I-Pad or less expensive MP3 player loaded with a variety of Love 528 Music/Harmonics. 1-2 hrs per day listening to these healing tones (w/ headphones) will be one more item on the healing recipe list. If this seems like a good idea, I can send you some MP3's (that I often listen too) Love 528 tracts by e-mail at your request.

Double or triple strength Fish Oil softgels comes to mind as a great adjunct w/ the music to promote healing, along with Chlorella Extracts.

Replied by Tina

Hi Deidre,

Thank you for the latest update on Ted's health. You must have shocked him so pleasantly, casually walking into his room and introducing yourself! I am sure your visit boosted him up tremendously. Thank you for taking that long trip for all of us. I also want to add that if Ted does not have an IPad he can listen to healing binaural music via his phone, using headphones.

Replied by Deirdre

Thank you everyone for your kindness and support. It is appreciated!

TimH, your healing vision was quite correct. Ted let me treat him yesterday. He knows a bit about energy healing apparently and grabbed my hand at one point to show me that he can run energy too. He of many talents -- we only know but a few.

Dave, I think I can answer your question. I don't want to ask Ted this as I think it will distress him.

Everyone, please be forewarned - the below details may upset you.

As you will read somewhere in the EC archives, Ted had an "accident" about 5 years ago. He didn't want me to write the details of it on EC, so we referred to it as an accident. But really it was no accident. He was deliberately thrown head first into a thick glass hotel window and suffered a massive concussion on the right side of his head.

I paid my respects to his mother and sister yesterday and privately asked his sister about the window incident. She confirmed what he had told me and added a few additional details. Ted refused to tell anyone who did it to him, but did warn his family before it happened that there were some locals in Bangkok who didn't like that he was curing people with his remedies. Ted went to the ER after managing to get himself home in a taxi with his head bleeding, face swollen and right eye almost popped out (sorry for the graphic imagery, but now you can get an idea of how bad the concussion was). His mother, a retired nurse, insisted he get a brain scan right away. Apparently he had bleeding in the brain but the doctor at the time said it wasn't "bad enough" to operate on. However, the brain trauma was quite apparent after that according to his family. He walked more slowly and no longer wrote long emails/posts.

Prior to his brain surgery this past June, which occured only a couple hours after he collapsed, they took a brain scan. The neurosurgeon, who was retired but brought in to operate on Ted because he's one of the best in Bangkok, rushed in to where the family was waiting and asked them if Ted had a prior stroke because the scan indicated a past bleeding in the brain. They said no and he replied, "Are you absolutely sure?" They then told him about the concussion. The sister said after that, the neurosurgeon and his team literally ran down the hall with Ted on the gurney to get him into surgery.

Sorry for the grim details but hopefully this answers your question about why he had a stroke. Very sad.

Replied by Janet

Thank you, Deirdre. I am so thankful to hear you have seen Ted and have given us an update. Thank you, thank you. Janet

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Hi everyone,

I got back last night from Bangkok. Sorry I didn't post another update while I was there. It was an extremely sad and distressing week, which I will tell you about in detail soon. Just need a little time to recuperate before I write an update.

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

I would like to ask everyone to please direct their kind & loving energy to Ted. He could really use it right now, as could his dear 85 year old mother and sister, who are dealing with enormous amounts of unnecessary stress.

As you know, Ted was moved by his wife to a nursing home 60 km outside of Bangkok away from his friends and family into a nursing home where a p/t dislocated Ted's shoulder the first week he was there. Ted is very aware of everything going on. He is enormously depressed about his situation and told me repeatedly that he is being held against his will in the nursing home.

I don't want to enrage everyone with all the horrible and stressful details, but I will tell you that when I went to visit Ted on the last day, I found a woman hiding on the floor by his bed who had been hired by his wife at midnight the night before to record every visitor that comes into Ted's room and to report it immediately to his wife. Yes, sadly, when Ted's wife found out I was visiting Ted, she hired someone to spy on poor Ted. Moreover, she also enlisted the nursing home staff to secretly videotape everyone (i.e. me) coming into the nursing home to visit Ted. As if he doesn't already have enough on his plate, Ted now has someone sitting on an air mattress on the floor of his room monitoring him every second of the day. And to further his agony, Ted told me that she lies on the mattress right next to his bed and texts all day.

I have now been told by Ted's sister that Ted's wife called them last night to insist that we immediately send her all the funds raised by Earth Clinic and the GoFundMe campaign into her own bank account. If we do not do so, she is threatening to send in "negative posts" to discredit EC and me.

I hope to post some positive news about this situation one day, but in the meantime, please send comforting and loving prayers to Ted. He feels utterly powerless and abandoned and really needs our personal and collective help.

Thank you so much.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn.)

HI U DEIRDRE, , , , , , , , , , , , , , here is what I get from your post. First, Ted's wife is in charge and wants a monetary gain from his exercise on EC. It appears that she is not dumb.

EC is dealing with a foreign country and we are helpless to help under the current circumstances. It appears that the EC members can only help if a lawyer is on this situation.

I have good vibes for Ted, but I think his time on EC is over. You are dealing with a different culture.

That is my take and as all know, I speak plain. This is truly sad, but so is life, least EC would not exist.

Myself, I 'd tell Ms Ted to stick it where the sun does not shine. If EC cows, then I'll be disappointed.


Replied by Joy

Hi Diedre, how sad to read your recent report regarding Ted. I'm so glad you managed to visit him though and I'm sure he is happy to have met you too. This type of blackmail ( regarding wife wanting cash) and threatening to discredit e.c. and yourself is fairly common over here especially where cash is involved and I wonder if she (wife) would actually be educated enough to post on e.c. Myself and family are so sad to hear about this and I really hope Ted's mother and sister can sort out this mess for him? ORH suggests a lawyer but I would recommend an American or EU lawyer who understands Thai law and hope the situation wouldnt come to this as the funds would diminish quickly with a Thai lawyer on the case. Let's all hope for a positive outcome for Ted.

Replied by Rsw

Hi Deirdre,

Maybe we should use some of the money from Ted's Earth Clinic friends to hire a good lawyer to help him get a divorce. His medical POA should go to his Mother or sister.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Dear Deirdre, I can't believe what I just read (unbelieveable). Poor Ted. I only hope he can make a quick recovery and get home. Best wishes

Replied by Whensoulmeetsbody
(Seattle, Wa)

I just wanted to say, I stumbled upon this website from trying to find cures on Dermodectic Mange for my SO's 11 year old dog, who suffered from it since a puppy. I found a site charging $160 for the solutions, then I stumbled upon "Ted from Bangkoks Remedy"... Which was basically a few dollars! I then did more research on him and Earth Clinic, and found out the saddest news on the state of his health right now and his condition! My heart aches deeply for him, since I see he is a very good man, who just wants to help others, and is not a greedy person.

I am sending out Prayers from God to heal him, and to be with him by his side. I am SO grateful to have found this site and will be reading all of his blogs. I pray that he gets taken care of, and is in good hands, and is protected by light from any darkness!

This site, and "Ted from Bangkok" should be put in the spotlight, and not hard to find, as I have been into natural cures for a few years now, and never seen this site :(. The media and Western Medicine, and "Big pharma" do not want the public to know the massive benefits of Natural cures, and it is not right. I pray that these type of remedies spread out to everyone, and that Ted recovers quickly and painlessly and he is protected from any bad people in his life!

Replied by Yellowbird
10 posts

I'm finally a new member today but have been a regular lurker on EarthClinic for many years- this entire site is a treasure trove for me of knowlege and shared experience.

Most especially Ted's wisdom & life experience has been so very helpful in teaching me how to help my chemically sensitive family to successfully manage our assorted health difficulties without resorting to chempharma.

I've just been reading the new member guidelines and saw the notice of Ted's sudden illness back in June, I am shocked and very sad to hear the bad news and hope you will pass forward these condolences from a long-time student who always sat in the back of the class, as it were.

The Creator does truly work in mysterious ways... I don't understand *why* this happened, but wish to offer my encouragement and prayers for Ted's recovery. one thing I do know from all my own years of struggling for good health, is that The Great Creator is very near to those who struggle and are in pain... and HE cares for every bird that falls.

EC: Thank you, Yellowbird. We will send your post to Ted's sister so she can read it to Ted. He's very happy to hear messages like this.

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Hi everyone,

Just sent out an email to our EC subscribers with the latest update on Ted. Finally, some positive news to share!


Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

After finishing a 30 day stint at Dr. Torsak's famous Bangkok clinic, funded by amazing and generous Earth Clinic contributors, Ted arrived back home this morning at his mother's house. I spoke to his sister about an hour ago. Ted has improvement on his left side, but needs months more of strenuous rehabilitation.

I am sorry to report that unless Ted takes legal action of his own accord, his wife has found him a bed in a free state nursing home 3 hours from Bangkok. He will be placed in a crowded dorm room and have very little access to care, rehabilitation, his wife and his family and friends. Ted will be departing for this nursing home within the next week or two unless he chooses a different course. Ted is fully aware of what is about to happen to him; unless he chooses to divorce his wife, Ted will spend the rest of his life there.

Sadly, we are forced to pause our medical fundraising campaign for him unless circumstances change and Ted decides to stay in Bangkok with his mother and sister, who have found a wonderful new rehabilitation facility for him.

Ted's sister and mother want everyone to know how grateful they are for your incredible generosity and ongoing prayers of healing and support. They are still hopeful that Ted will change his mind.

Replied by Carla
(Bangkok, Thailand)

I'm American currently teaching English in Bangkok. I just learned about Ted's health problems yesterday and it's made me very sad to read about it. I did not know Ted was from Thailand. I wish there was something I could do but I don't think there is. I hope that you will keep site users updated about Ted. I really hope he can stay in Bangkok with his mother and sister. He is in my prayers. Carla

Replied by Donna
(Austin, Texas)

To Ted and family members, I unfortunately just learned about Ted's health situation. It's also the first time I got to put Ted's face to the person I've been reading about for so long on earth clinic. I myself have had an aneurysm several years ago and am doing well recovering. People wouldn't even know if I don't tell them. I share that with you to let you know that amazing and miraculous recoveries can and does happen, so keep the faith.

Know that I am hugging you from the other side of the world and I am praying for all of you. May the healing light of the Medicine Buddha and healing energies from all that are praying for you shine upon you all and help you all pass through this crisis. Thank you to all those who have been there by his side to help him as well as contributing from afar to his medical bills. Should there be another fundraising event, staff from earth clinic please notify me via e-mail, I would like to contribute. Get well soon Ted!

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Latest email from Ted's sister Nok..


Hello Deirdre,

Thank you for your email and thank you for sending me the nice messages from your readers for Ted. I read them to him before he left for the state owned nursing home yesterday morning around 6:30 a.m. He smiled when I told him people from all over the world were praying for him and were sending him good wishes and love. He said to say hello to you and that he wants to fully recover so that he can continue helping people with his remedies.

When he arrived at the state owned nursing home, he didn't like it. He kept asking to go back to Mother's home. Considering the circumstances, he is much safer at the state owned nursing home. They have a daily physical therapy session over there. We will also send Ted's physical therapist and acupuncturist over there on a weekly basis.

Since Ted's stem cell injection, he is speaking louder and clearer. He smiles and laughs more often. His left leg is still jerking sometimes.

A day before he left for the state owned nursing home, we got a Buddhist Nun to perform a protection ceremony for him, that included chants for his full recovery and healing. She said he will be allright.

We have arranged for relatives to visit Ted often at the state owned nursing home.

Uncle is negotiating with Tina for her to allow Ted to come back to Mother's home after his two months at Sirinthorn Nursing Home is finished. We hope he will be successful in his negotiations with her.

Uncle had a dream that Ted was walking again and Buddhist spirits were surrounding Ted, and giving him blessings. I also had a dream, that he was walking around, and in good health.

Thank you for your concern, kindness and friendship for Ted.

Warm Regards,


Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

From Nok, sent on 2/15/16

Hello Deirdre,

I and my relatives went to visit Ted at Sirinthorn Nursing Home a few days ago. He is in Bed Number One ( Men's Ward ). As you enter the door, he is on the far left side. When he saw us, he cried. He kept saying he wanted to go back to Mother's home. He has his own Private Doctor and Private Nurse. He has a daily Physical Therapy session at the Nursing Home for an hour a day. The Nursing Home has activities for him to do, such as throwing and catching balls, Memory Games and they have a Speech Therapist who helps him to speak clearly and encourages him to speak ( even without this Speech Therapist, Ted speaks clearly and quite a bit anyway. We brought him a lot of snacks and drinks ( low fat milk, fruit juice drinks, chocolate milk, etc. ) I think he was very hungry because he was happily chomping nonstop on the big fish sticks we bought him. He looked very cute chomping on the big fish sticks.

We were with him for about two hours, and his caregiver told us that Ted fully cooperates during the Physical Therapy sessions and daily activities there. His new friends there told us that Ted is very smart and has excellent memory during the Activities time ( we already knew about his intelligence and excellent memory. The staff are already fond of Ted ( we aren't surprised about this ). He gets three meals a day. Yesterday, they made him pineapple soup, and rice congee. He loves pineapples, and his caregiver makes sure he gets pineapples often. Usually, we buy pineapples and his caregiver cuts up the pineapples into small pieces. Sometimes, he eats them fresh but he loves pineapple soup.

Ted's friends at his former work places and at the University he used to teach at have visited him. They told us that he loves talking and he sometimes tells them jokes.

There are no shopping centers or mini marts near this Nursing Home, so we have to buy stuff for Ted and his caregiver from outside. There is only the Food Court Building, which is opposite of the Men's Ward building where Ted is at. There are lots of trees and plants surrounding this Nursing Home.

Mother calls up Ted and talks to him on the phone on a daily basis. Ted told his Mother that he misses her, and wants to come home. Mother asked Ted what he wanted, so she can buy it for him. Ted told her that he doesn't want anything from her - he just wants to see her and be at home with her. Ted asked Mother if she was okay, and how is her health now. Ted kept telling Mother over and over again that he wanted to come back to Mother's Home, that he missed her and wanted to be with her.

I will let you know of any further updates concerning Ted.

Warm Regards,


Replied by Joan
(Wareham, Uk)

Like so many others I have every reason to be so grateful to Ted for all his advice and guidance in the past as my husband suffers from prostate cancer. Please can someone convey love and best wishes to him for a good recovery as we all need him and his kindly gentle completely unbiaised advice - he is a wonderful man and I would like his family to know he will be constantly in our prayers. With regards Joan

EC: Thank you, Joan. We will send your lovely message along to his sister Nok.

Replied by Earth Clinic

Update on our famous contributor Ted from Bangkok regarding his recovery from a stroke just received from his wonderful sister, Nok. Very positive news... Yea!

See http://ted.earthclinic.com/

Replied by Earth Clinic

8:30am in Bangkok on Monday, August 22nd and it's Ted's birthday today! Please send him a happy birthday message on our Facebook page here. You can see the latest photos of Ted, including an email update from Ted's sister on our Facebook page.

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Wow, Ted is looking really great! Very good to see, especially for someone who has done so much good for the world!!!


Replied by Isabelle

Hello! Happy Holidays, merry Christmas and happy new year to all!

Please can you tell me where can I find the last update on Ted health where are his sister letter reporting his progress, I cannot find the page any more. Thank you!

EC: Hello,

Here is the link, which you can access at the top of the "About Ted" page at ted.earthclinic.com.

About Ted
Posted by Dharma (Uk) on 06/30/2015

Ted is in hospital unconscious with a blood clot from 29th June 2pm local time. Prayers and well wishers needed.

EC: Dear Dharma,

Thank you for letting us know. We will all be praying urgently for his recovery. We have posted this on our Facebook page and will send out an email to all of our subscribers immediately.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear God be with our great leader Ted in his time of need. He has been there for us these many years. God have mercy amen....Oscar

How is Ted

HOW IS TED?? Why posts stopped in 201five? HOW is he?? Why no updates??? I don't know how or where to post here, it says comments will be deleted?? TWF??

EC: You're replying to an old post vs. reading the main article at the top of the page. See https://www.earthclinic.com/ted-from-bangkok-thailand.html; the overview is at the top of the section. Skip the posts.

P.S. No further word on Ted since the latest 2021 update.

Replied by Tina

My prayers for Ted's speedy recovery. Like so many others here, I have benefited from his wisdom. God bless him. People like Ted are rare.

Replied by Lokismum
(Shotteswell, England)

All my best wishes to Ted for a speedy recovery. He will be in my prayers. What a wonderful selfless man he is. He has contributed so much to Earth Clinic and I am sure all of us who love Earth Clinic will pray for him. I pray for his relatives and friends for strength to get through this anxious time.

Replied by Johnetta

May God bless him with a rapid recovery.

Replied by Earth Clinic

Below are replies from emails and Facebook posts that we received minutes after sending out an email about Ted. We'll keep refreshing this thread with new messages as they come in. We hope his family or friends will see this and read these messages to him.



Elise: Pray this blood clot dissolves & he's on the road to recovery.

Sheryl: Praying.

Diane: Thank you for letting us know! We will keep him in our prayers....so grateful for him and to all of you at earthclinic...

Leanne: Prayers being sent.

Jan: Received your distressing news re Ted. My pleas to a higher power already dispatched.

Kathleen: Sending much positive and healing energy....

Jody: Please keep us informed. Ted is in my prayers.

Susan: My prayers and blessings are on the way.

Christian: I pray God help him to get well soon

Cindy: Praying.....

Desiree: To Earth Clinic and Ms.Layne: My prayers are for Ted's recovery and I know many other members are praying for him also. Is there any other way we can assist Ted and family members? Would a contribution of money or goods/services be helpful in some way? Ted has been kind and helpful to all of us. His generosity for us can be supported by the generosity and prayers of the Earth Clinic family. With continued prayers and thoughts of healing,

Claudia: SO sorry to hear that! Prayers being lifted for his healing!

Sharon: Thank you. Please keep us updated. Prayer immediately.

Monica: So sorry to hear that! Definitely praying for a fast and full recovery.

Luis: Almighty God: You know Ted from Bangkok well. You know he is a person all his life dedicated to the service of others. Ted knew early on that true spirituality is to break the shell of the ego, out of oneself, to stand at another, while still being oneself. I ask You let him recover fully, without any sequel, so he can continue to give witness to their faith and enriching the health of all who know him from his knowledge, which is like pure gold, it comes from You. God bless Ted today and his beloved family.

Lynne: Sorry to hear that prayers sent.

Carol: Thank you for letting me know. I will pray for this precious man.

Linda: Seriously praying for him. The site earth clinic has been a source of great help to me and my family. May the buddhist gods watch over him and bring him back. We still have need of his compassion and generous contribution.

Megan: Prayers up !!

Elaine: Sending healing energies.

Arlette: Prayers and positive healing vibrations are going to Ted,,, bless him,,, and all the wonderful work and help he offered to all ,,, love and light

Sandhya: So sorry to hear that. Praying for Ted's quick recovery.

Antonio: May The lord help Ted in this time of need. God bless Ted.

Jonathan: Definitely praying. Would love to meet the guy! He seems like quite the truth loving genius.

Gail: Sending love and light to Ted for a speedy and complete recovery!! xxx

Eric: Thank you for sending this. Prayers & positive vibes going out to Ted.

Susie: We will pray for his recovery! Aloha

Colleen: Thank you for letting us know, Deirdre. Sending lots of prayers and healing energy to Ted--there are so many of us who love him. Blessings to Ted and everyone at Earth Clinic for all the good work you do!

Barbara: My prayers going out to Ted, wishing him the best.

Molly: I have added my prayers. Thanks for the email.

Linda: Prayers and healing sent to Ted!

Kathy: Sending pure source energy love and light to Ted. He has been so giving and thoughtful in his posts and has contributed to natural health in so many ways...

Roz: Oh no, so sorry to hear this. Sending healing light to Ted, dear Ted.

Nancy: We pray that this wonderful servant of humanity is healed in the most perfect way so that he may completely recover and continue his invaluable service. So grateful to Ted for his unselfish sharing with all who ask for his help.

Dick: Dear Deirdre, I will pray for Ted's recovery. What a great man!

Ellyn: Have read many of his comments. Our best to him and his family.

Linda: Dear Deirdre. I am so sorry to hear that news about Ted. That man has saved so many people's lives. I prayed and sent him a distance healing. If we all pray for this wonderful man I know we can make a difference. Dissolve that clot and allow his blood to flow freely. Love, Linda.

Denise: Praying!

Silvia: This is really sad news thanks for the email we will pray for his recovery.

Patty: Dear Deidre, I've added Ted to our prayer list. Peace, Rev. Patty

Kristi: Sending prayers

JY: I put her/him into prayers almighty God is able

DDH: We wish him a speedy recovery.

Jane: Praying.

Grace: Can't say I know him but prayers sent. I'm sure he will appreciate the love you guys are sending out for him. This kind of emails restores my faith in humanity, thank you. Thank you for your kindness.

Annamae: I pray for his speedy recovery.

Cynde: Praying. He has blessed my life, praying his life will be spared.

Joel: Praying! Be healed, Ted!



Melanie: Praying for Ted!! His works helped me starting 11 years ago.

Sandy: Prayers and positive thoughts for Ted.

Sutfen: I'm so sorry to hear this...Prayers and all best wishes for your recovery, Ted.

Frances: Prayers for Ted...God Be with you!

Kuldeep: My prayers are always with you Ted. We don't want to loose you, you are really a saint who has come to help others. My prayers and best wishes to Ted.

Debbie: Healing prayers heading your way Ted.

Ken: Sorry to hear this news ...Praying

Kathy: Sending pure source energy, love and light. May Ted receive triple the healing that he has provided others.

Deborah: Adonai Abba Father, Kum Arain come in, we call on You as Jehovah Rapha the Lord our healer and Jehovah Shammah the Lord our present. As we lift Ted to You, we ask You accept our prayers for him as a sweet incense to heaven. Please and thank You in Jesus name, AMEN.


Relly : Sending prayers for Ted!

D'Ebrar: Praying

Aledria: Praying!

Monette: May you be blessed Ted!

Diane: Praying for Ted

Karen: Prayers to Ted for a fast recovery, I read a lot of his posts.

Joanne: God Bless Ted

Michelle <><

June: Ted from Bangkok is a wonderful and wise person. Holding prayers for him and sending hugs and all good wishes for a good recovery! Please keep us updated. Thank you!

Jeanie: God bless Ted sending healing prayers up.

Kayama: Bliss Adding my prayers for Ted's health and healing!

Shari: Prayers Ted.. May the LORD light your way..AMEN.

June: So very sorry to learn of this. Ted from Bangkojk

Chere: Will keep Ted in my prayers! Please keep us posted on his progress? God bless!!!

Rachelle: Light light light to Ted

Linda: Prayers and healing sent to Ted. You saved my husband's life.

Jimmy: Prayers going up for this man that has helped so many.

Susan: Blessings to this man that has helped many.

Lesley: Get well very soon Ted. Big hugs from the UK.

Rose Mary: Healing prayers for TED! Fast recovery!

Patti: Sending healing prayers to Ted.

Becky: Oh no praying for Ted to get better soon.

Cheryl: Prayers.

Deedra: Praying in agreement

Tahonni: Praying! Ted is a genius!

Donna: Praying!

Dot Constant: Sending prayers & hugs!

Maddy: Sending lots of love to Ted!!

Frank-Debie: Praying ~D

Julie : Praying for your recovery!

Shelly Sue: prayers sent

Lynn: Praying Ted

Jacqueline: Praying for Ted

Sheila: God bless Ted.

Janet: Prayers coming!

Rachel: Prayers for Ted

Karen: Prayers from Michigan

Lisa: Bless him & keep him, O Lord!

Janet: Praying for this wonderful man

Rhonda: Rub hands together ,feel the energy ,imagine it a ball of good healing energy ,send .........

Sylvia: Prayers sent.

Replied by Maureen
(Etobicoke, Ontario)

Dear Deirdre, Thank you for notifying us through a special newsletter e-mail as a lot of us would have missed the post about Ted being in hospital. My prayers are with Ted and his family. He is an amazing man so caring and so giving! Maureen

Replied by Deb

Please Dear God, guide Ted's doctors so he gets well soon, so many people love and need him!

Replied by Jasmine
(Vero Beach Fl)

Thank you Dharma and Earthclinic for letting us know about Ted. My prayers are with you Ted, that you will heal quickly, that you are protected always. We love you.

Replied by Andrew

Praying for you Ted, your knowledge and kindness will never die. I have been mostly a lurker on this site and owe you so much and your love and knowledge humbles me. If you upset the powers that be by this then all the more credit to you as they hate love and truth and you refused to be bullied into silence which takes great courage. You are in fine company.

May God bless you.

Replied by Jac
(Maryland, U.S)


Replied by Daniel
(Toronto, Canada)

I am not sure of the hospitalization policy in Thailand. If Ted is being charged money for his stay, perhaps Earth Clinic can start a fund. I would gladly contribute for a man that has contributed so much to us.

Of course my hopes and prayers are with him. Thank you,


Replied by Bernadette

Our prayers and thoughts are with you, Ted. So many of us have benefited from your amazing knowledge and generosity. Stay strong.

Replied by Sunita

Ted, you will be in my prayers.

Replied by Baldev
180 posts

Dear Ted,

You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. Wish you a fast recovery, and this time will also pass and you will come out of it.


Replied by Beryl
(South Africa)

Get well soon Ted, my thoughts are with you.

Replied by Lou

My prayers for Ted for a speedy recovery. God is with you in this trying times.

Replied by Terri

Our thoughts and prayers are with Ted!

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Ted, you are in my prayers this morning and every day until you are completely well.

Enclosing Ted's own advice for blood clots in case someone near him is able to administer any of his own remedies to him, especially when he regains consciousness.

Best wishes always to a true humanitarian with a superb understanding of the true mechanisms of our bodies, and more importantly, willing to share that knowledge with everyone.


Replied by Stephanie
(Long Valley, Nj)

Get well Ted! I wish you a fast recovery! I hope you feel better soon! Steph

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Hello, Deirdre --- to know how Ted is doing. Any chance for Info??

Namaste, Om

EC: Hi Om,

No update yet, unfortunately, just the one post from Dharma yesterday.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Dear Ted --- we are with you as a wave of love will enfold you. One thing, the Lord must be very pleased with you. You are an inspiration for all.

Praying and being with you. Namaste, Om

Replied by Earth Clinic

Many thanks to Bill Thompson, who emailed us that he communicated with someone using Ted's Skype account in Thailand today (July 4th).

According to the person Bill was Skyping with, Ted is out of the coma, but is having difficulty communicating.

We are creating a Get Well section to put on the home page of ted.earthclinic.com. All the prayers and well wishes from hundreds of EC posts, emails and Facebook posts will be posted on this page.

Thank you so much for your well wishes and prayers for Ted. We are certain they are helping in his recovery.

Replied by Earth Clinic

Below is an email we received from Charlotte (UK) this morning with the latest update regarding Ted:

Dear wonderful Earth Clinic,

Today I have helped Ted's dear friend Lux Cochrane to set up a JustGiving page to help raise the much needed funds for Ted's operation to relieve his brain haemorrhage.


I have been blessed in recent years to be introduced to Ted and of course to my #1 resource EarthClinic. I have met him many times in Bangkok as I work with Asia and have come to know many affiliates of his - all incredible people. Today I received the below concerning update and felt the need with Lux to step in and help create a platform that we hope you will also share. Ted's friend confirms:

"Today I spoke with Tan. Tan has been watching over Ted at the hospital. According to Tan, Ted collapsed on Thursday and was taken to Bumrungaard hospital. The Diagnosis was a blood clot in the brain and required immediate surgery. The surgery was performed by Dr. Yot. As I understand it, Dr. Yot is a well respected Brain surgeon who was retired. K. Tan was confident Dr. Yot is a good man and well respected surgeon. The surgery was apparently successful and Dr. Yot was confident Ted could re-cover with therapy and that Ted was showing signs of responding positively to the surgery.

There was no money to pay the bill at Bumrungard, so Ted was taken from the comfort of a private hospital to a government hospital. I will attempt to reach Dr. Yot directly myself and report back after I visit the hospital tomorrow. According to Tan we cannot expect much assistence from Ted's family at this moment. Everyone who possibly can are going to have to help on Ted's surgery and convalescent and recovery costs. I hope one of us can set up a page where Ted's friends and former patients can contribute to help Ted out with these costs...apparently surgery and hospital costs are over 700,000 baht. K. Tan so far has been the only person dealing with this and she has minimal resources. I will try and get a full accounting on this tomorrow.

From Tan's report, Ted's status as of 3pm this afternoon (Sunday) was that he was conscious was possibly understanding what was being said to him but could not respond which for Ted and his infinite medical knowledge will be understandably frustrating. He is paralyzed on one side of his body. Has been physically restrained as he has kicked and struck at the bed frame with his one moveable arm and leg. Please stand by to help where you can and solicit assistance from all friends and former patience of Ted that you might know of who would be willing to help. Lord knows there are thousands of us out there that Ted helped and tried to help without asking much from any of us......Now it is our turn?.."

I hope EarthClinic will also do all you can to support Ted in helping collectively relieve this financial burden.

Warmest regards from London, Charlotte

Replied by Al Hudson
(Homestead, Fl.)

This link is not working

EC: Sorry about that: The GoFundMe campaign for Ted's recovery is: http://www.gofundme.com/help_ted

To all:

Please visit ted.earthclinic.com for updates regarding Ted's condition, information about how to donate to help pay his hospital bill, and to read all the wonderful prayers coming in for Ted from around the world. We will be updating the Get Well section later today with another 100 emails!

Replied by Earth Clinic

Thank you so very much to everyone who has donated to Ted's campaign. You guys are wonderful.

Ted's dear friends, Lotte and Lux, have recently updated the GoFundMe campaign with additional details about Ted's condition (including the hospital information), for anyone who is interested. http://www.gofundme.com/help_ted

Replied by Linda
(Sf, Ca, Usa)

Sending Many Blessings for Dear Ted's complete and rapid recovery...

Deirdre, is there an address of a friend of Ted's or ??? (Possibly his Mother?) over there, where those who wish can send non-perishable care packages or gifts to be safely held for him until he can receive them?

Thank you Dierdre, for all your work with the Earth Clinic and for keeping us informed about Ted :-)!


Linda :-)

EC: Hi Linda,

Thank you for your caring email. Ted was just moved today to a new nursing home facility where he will receive much more extensive physical therapy. He will be there at least for the next few weeks. Then I believe he may be moving again to another nursing home. You can look it up at http://kluaynamthai2.com/index-eng.php. He's in room 405.

You can also contact his amazing friend K Tan on the Facebook page here for more information.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Replied by Rhonda
(Lakewood, Ca)

I have been waiting and praying to hear more good news about Ted. I wonder if he has access to External counterpulsation (EECP).

EC: Hi Rhonda,

Thank you for your prayers for Ted!

I will ask Ted's friends K Tan and Lux about External counterpulsation (EECP). I rather doubt it from the photos I have seen of his nursing home facility. I have heard that he is getting some of the supplements he needs, however.

I will try get an update of Ted's condition this coming week from his friends in Bangkok and let everyone know.


Replied by Frances
(Cabarlah, Qld.)

I can't find the link to make a donation to Ted; it comes up blank.

EC: Hi Frances,

Thank you so much for letting us know there was a problem! The page was overwritten with blank code yesterday evening (very strange), but has been uploaded again and is working fine. Please see ted.earthclinic.com

Replied by Barbara
(Glastonbury, Uk)

I have only just read of Ted's Illness. I will have a quiet time wishing him a full recovery.

I come to this site often but didn't see this news on the front page. I am sure more people would donate if they knew.

Sent with healing love, Barbara

EC: Thank you for the suggestion, Barbara! We will add something to the home page soon.

Replied by Jenny
(Chiang Mai)

I have been followed the Earth Clinic website for quite a few years and found all the information so useful and especially Ted's remedies. I just read that at the end of June he had a blood clot on the brain and had surgery. I cried and I don't even know him.

I would like to know his present condition please. May the angels surround him with their healing light and love.. I am Australian and now live in Chiang Mai.


EC: Hi Jenny,

Thank you for your kind thoughts about Ted. We are all very sad about this too. You can read updates about his condition at ted.earthclinic.com.

Replied by Earth Clinic

We learned today that Ted has been put back on a feeding tube, strapped to a bed 24/7, and is being given powerful sedatives through his feeding tube. The docs had put him on sedatives since his surgery, but even though he told his family and friends to stop the drugs, the new care facility that Ted was moved to last week has increased the amount of sedatives. Ted is coherent for only 2 minutes at a time because of these drugs.

Please, if there is anyone who knows about sedatives and patients recovering from a stroke, can you please write in with information about how this may be harming Ted's chances of recovery? Unfortunately, we don't know the name of the drug being given to Ted.

Additionally, if one of your relatives has ever had a stroke, can you please tell us what was done during the first few months of their recovery? How many hours a day of P/T, what medications, supplements, stem cell therapy, etc. The more details you can provide, the better!

We will try to send the information to Ted's wife (whom he married only in February) to see if we can help this sad situation improve.

Thank you so much.

Replied by Earthling

It disturbed me to read that the requests for more sedatives came from Ted's wife. Disturbing, because she probably has more power than anyone in the family in advocating his course of care.

The doctors will take her orders over that of other family members and that's troubling, since he made it very clear that he did NOT want such measures used, and she's not respecting his wishes.

Ted will remain in my prayers.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

I am so saddened to hear of Ted's condition. I cannot offer any advice but I hope there's lots to come in but I do offer prayers for Ted to make a speedy recovery.

Replied by Lili
(Nashville, Tn)

My roommate's father had a stroke and we were told it was a big bleed deep in the brain and could not be operated on. They induced a medical coma and after some weeks said he was no longer breathing on his own and would be a vegetable if he ever woke. His wife agreed to turn let them turn off the machines helping keep him alive. His family and friends and church were praying for him and I also used Neville Goddard's "New Thinking" techniques. I had imagined vividly he woke and was asking for his favorite "fried fish" and I also imagined on another occasion his son telling me he was going him, etc. He had a miraculous change in a few days just before they were going to pull the plug. He had a miraculous change and started to squeeze family's hands and wiggle his foot when asked and then his wife told the doctors do everything to keep him alive. After they lowered the medicines keep him sedated he was able to wake and open his eyes. Then they were able to put a stent in his head to relieve liquid but surprisingly it was mostly clear. They were slow to start any therapy and moved him out of ICU for neuro patients to some other part of the hospital for another month. Without so many strong sedatives he was slowly coming back but got tired easily. After just over two months he went to a special intensive three-week therapy - part of Vanderbilt Hospital. Around the three month mark his son told me he was going home. His memory was off on some things and he is learning to walk again. His wife started him in water therapy where they do things like walk on treadmills in the water. I heard the other day he walked upstairs on his own. I do believe in the power of prayers and visualization but I definitely felt the doctors lowered the sedative medications allowed him to wake from the coma and along with various therapy and rest helped his brain heal.

Replied by Whisperingsage
(Northern California)
45 posts

Ahhh! Just read about Ted! Soooooo sorrryyyy!

I myself went to the hospital by careflight June 30 about midnight. I had a long term duodenal ulcer that had gotten worse from working nights (stress) and working 80 miles from home (stress). I lost 5 pints of blood and went to ICU also. I learned about orgone and orgonites since being back out and was gifted a small pocket one and am feeling better than I have felt for months ( the ulcer was plaguing me for year as soon as I started working nights).

I got interested in orgonites and ordered some craft materials to make my own. As soon as I can I will send one off. I also have my hospital bill and as soon as I can get back to work (in a day job) I will help with Ted.

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Dear Lili from Nashville, Tn,

Thank you so very much for taking the time to write about your experience with your roommate's father who had a stroke. It is very inspiring. I sent this to Ted's caring sister Nok today and I do think she will share it with Ted's mother, uncles and wife.

Thanks again,


Replied by Leela
(London, Uk)

I have used Ted's remedies for years and they have turned my life around. I wish him well and hope that my gratitude (and I am sure others) will give him the strength to recover.

Replied by Dot
(De Berry, Texas)
1 posts

I came to Bangkok to visit my Son, Brian. For the first 3 days, my Son kept telling me I needed to see Ted. I had been having all kinds of problems. On the 4th day, I did see him and wished I had gone on the first day I was there. I believe that Ted saved my life. It was with such simple solutions compared to our ridiculous government/pharmacy/doctor controlled health system in the USA. I sit here feeling like I owe him so much and yet I feel so helpless. I pray that Ted gets well and has a long happy life that he so deserves. I would love to contribute to his medical bills.

About Ted
Posted by Barbara (Sacramento, Ca) on 01/06/2014

Please tell me what happened to "Ted"? I have used his advice for years, and have referred many people to earthclinic because of him! Like so many "regulars" we came to respect and love the man! Please update us on his condition, and why we hear so little from him anymore. It used to be that I would enter (on the search line) a concern, such as "candida, Ted" and get many posts to select from him. It doesn't work as such anymore.

Please tell me he is OK, and where to find all his posts! Thank you, Barbara

EC: Hi Barbara, please see posts concerning Ted here: https://www.earthclinic.com/ted-from-bangkok-thailand2.html#TA

About Ted
Posted by Mary (Argentina) on 10/23/2013

Hello, this mail is for ANYONE on earth clinic.I have tried to reach Ted and Bill and Erth clinic about my tumor to see if I could get any guidence. Please I have not heard form anyone even thought I have sent so many e mails. Please.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Mary,

Could you share a little more information about the tumor? Where is it? Do you know what kind of tumor it is? Have you had a diagnosis from a doctor?

I am hopeful that someone here will have some helpful information for you!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Mary, read up on Cannabis Oil.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

If you are the Mary who discussed a tumor in her intestines I did respond to you. I told you this is a very dangerous condition that requires surgery. There are times when surgery is the ONLY solution....Oscar

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Mary: Google every cancer can be cured in weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell video.

About Ted
Posted by Wintasada (Arlington, Virginia, Usa) on 01/05/2013

Hi Ted! First of all, I would like to thank you for all Earth Clinic contributors and especially Ted. I have great interest in doing research and studying medicine. I am currently studing nursing, but I would greatly appreciate if you (Ted) could share with us what educational backgrounds helped him to become the person he is today. Is it studying Nutrition, or biochemistry that helps you to know the chemical formula and the reaction of foods. I really like to research in science and medicine especially in natural remedies. Thank you so much for your valuable contribution!! Winta

About Ted
Posted by Linda (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 01/01/2012

Dear Earthclinic good people,

Last thing I heard, Bangkok Ted had had some kind of an accident, was injured and left impaired, requiring funds for medical scans etc, and I haven't been able to locate any more recent information since. Does anyone know how Ted is? Does he need anything some of us could be finding for him? Does everyone know that there is a Donation button for Paypal on the Earthclinic page for Ted

at https://www.earthclinic.com/donations.html ?



PS: Please tell us how he is, and what he may need now...

EC: Hi Linda,

Thank you for your concern!

Ted has been recovering very well as of June, 2011. If you go to the Latest Questions page (https://www.earthclinic.com/latest_questions.html), you will see that he has been answering questions every few days!


Replied by Linda
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)

Ah, Thank You very much :-)!

A wonderful relief to hear this good news! Ted has done so much good for so many people... IMO he deserves many good things in return.

Heading happily over to the Questions page, thanks for the link :-).

Earthclinic, that man is gold, please donate to him, and to this site in return for the good we all receive through them. OK I'm off the soapbox :-)


Linda :-)

About Ted
Posted by Policychecker Or Dudley (Belfast, Northern Ireland) on 12/19/2011

Hi love the site, some weird and wonderful info. Perhaps needs a bit more info on blood type and food though ;)

Who is Ted by the way? :) He is very knowledgeable.

Kind regards, John

About Ted
Posted by Mary (Hyderabad, Ap, India) on 11/21/2011

Dear TED,

You are the best best best of all, God loves you the way you are helping others to get rid of their health problems with your home remedies. I really love the way you are helping. keep it going..sir..

Best Wishes


About Ted
Posted by Shaune (Charlotte, North Carolina, Usa) on 07/20/2011

I have not seen any post by Ted in 2011, can anyone confirm if he is still a contributor for EC?

EC: Please go to Latest Question page and you will see quite a few posts from Ted.

About Ted
Posted by Qaz (Bristol, Uk) on 05/29/2011

whats best way to get a question answered by Ted, to a forum or his address? do u notify me when its answered in a forum?. I am a member. thanks, qaz

EC: You can post a question to him in the contact form and it will be posted in Latest Questions.

About Ted
Posted by Donna (Drexel Hill, Pa) on 05/22/2011

Welcome back Ted, you have been missed. Hope you are feeling better. God Bless.

About Ted
Posted by Clara (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/10/2011

Where do I follow Ted's condition? Can you create a special section for updates, communications, prayers and donations?

He has helped thousands of us in this site... Let's reciprocate. Let's make us followers aware that we can help each other. We all can send small amounts of money, AND we can send lots of loving and healing thoughts.

Ted...I am sending you many blessings. Clara

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa Usa)

I agree Clara -

Ted has given his time to so many of us here, asking nothing in return. If he needs help we should all pitch in what we can. I am not rich, but I can give something. Off to figure it out.

:-) God blesss you Ted, and a speedy recovery to you.


About Ted
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 04/02/2011

Hello Everyone, We just learned about an hour ago that our dear Contributing Editor, Ted from Bangkok, suffered two concussions two weeks ago which have affected his speech and his ability to type in his right hand. Please send him your healing thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Ted told me on the phone that he cannot afford to get any scans done on his brain to see exactly what has happened, so we would like to ask our EC members to join us in sending money to Ted to help with his medical expenses. You can use the Paypal button on our donations page here.. Any amount will be greatly appreciated by Ted.

You can also email him to wish him a speedy recovery. He says he can only type short responses right now, so please don't expect a reply.

Thanking you in advance for your kind thoughts and generosity,


Replied by Stonfieldscianz
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Hope Ted recovers soon. I tried to make a small donation, but the payment form, process and detail are in Thai language (I guess) which I know nothing at all.

Replied by Cc
(Slc, Utah)

With PayPal - On the upper right side click the down arrow next to (Thai) and it will let you switch the language from Thai to English.

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Ted. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for all you've done for us!

The PayPal form is in Thai, but (if you already have a PayPal account), the only thing you need to do is put in the amount you wish to donate, then press the yellow button under it (which copies the amount to the immediate right), then add your email address and password to the box that you normally do (the box on the right halfway down the page where there are two spaces available). Then hit the yellow button under it and that will do it. Your confirmation page will be in English.

Perhaps the Web designer could add instructions to the donation page for Ted's PayPal, including how to donate using the "Send Money" option to Ted's email address.

Thanks, Deirdre, for letting us know!

Replied by Michelle
(Cambridge, Cambs / Uk)

Posting my wishes for Ted's recovery to join everyone elses. Ted has been of incalculable help to me. He is a saint. I will be sending a donation, I hope he collects enough for a head scan, it is the least we all can do. Perhaps the wonderful EC team can show a meter for money collected or pledged ? Bless you all for caring. Mic.

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Thanks to all for their warm wishes of recovery to Ted. I am going to call him in a few days to see how he is doing. Thanks CC and Bess for additional Paypal instructions. We'll add the instructions to our donations page under Ted's name.

Michelle, a fund raising money meter is a fantastic idea. However, since everyone is sending $ directly to Ted, we have no way of knowing how much money he is receiving. I will ask him when we next speak and post the amount.

Replied by Sunny
(Chennai, India)

Dear Ted I wish you a very speedy recovery and hope to see you in good health very soon. you are there in my prayers.

Replied by Tk
(Boston, Ma)

Dear Ted,

I am soooo sending you positive energy in your time of need. Wishing you a speedy and painless recovery. May the angels of light watch over you.



Part of my discovering EC site was purely accidental.

I had recently exhausted all health trials elsewhere and felt at the absolute end in my state of rapid deteriorating health. With nowhere to go, I had an ephany and somehow decided to go into to my own inner light. I channeled my childhood purity and followed the voice I heard from within.

I went to a place where I felt the best health in my life to date... Childhood purity. I worked backwords in memory. I sought out things that made me feel healthy as a child... better foods, more laughter, things in nature, sharing with others, and just daily replacing energies that didn't feel right.

Basically I engaged mostly in positive memories since time was so limited to began with. My great-grandmother came up on numerous occasions since she had cared for me in my primary yrs. Way way back in that memory bank I remembered some of those remedies she dished out when we were kids to keep us healthy. ACV was not involved but monthly line ups by size/age order included molasses doses, coconut rubs, castor oil clean outs, senna pods cleanse, sea moss repelishing drinks, bitters I guess to balance all the sugary stuff, and always good organic foods. Our skins glowed from head to toes. That was all so long ago but most of the memories remain as if it were yesterday. On remedies that I couldn't remember I deciced to surf the web and I somehow ended up on EC.

Wow! How lucky was I. Ted thank you for all of the positive energy you've shared and I hope to share some back to you especially in finding your inner light. Blessings and health again.


Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Just got off the phone with Ted. Thank goodness, he sounds so much better than he did when I talked to him on April 2nd! His speech and energy are back to normal and he said typing in his right hand is at 50-70%. Ted is confident that he will be able to email people next week. In case you were wondering -- he has done all of his healing at home with rest and supplements. Ted asked me thank everyone for all their prayers, emails, healing energy, and donations. As of Friday, he has received $1,000 in donations from our readers!

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

Great news! Thank you for the update on Ted Dierdre!

I will continue to keep him in my thoughts, and can't wait until he feels well enough to post an update on himself. :-)

Thanks again.

About Ted
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 08/11/2010

Important Note! for those who correspond with Ted:

Kindly note Ted's new email address: parhatsathid(at)gmail(dot)com. Please do not send any emails to his old address, parhat(at)yahoo.com, as he is unable to retrieve them.

About Ted
Posted by Royce (Milburn, Oklahoma Usa) on 05/31/2010 1 posts

Worried about Ted, Is he OK?

EC: Thanks for asking, he's just fine! He's logged in to Skype/IM all the time... Will let him know people are asking.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

I've been wondering about how Ted is doing too. Haven't had much chance to read stuff on EC, because I'm feeling so much better! Thanks, Ted, and everyone for all of your wonderful posts!!! Hope you are up and about soon Ted!

Replied by Earth Clinic

Hi Lou,

Thanks for asking about Ted. Please visit ted.earthclinic.com for the latest updates.

We recently sent out a urgent prayer request for Ted, but have been asked not to give any details about what's going on there lest we put him in more danger by doing so.

He's leaving his mother's home and going to a nursing home on Feb 11th for at least 2 months. Hopefully this will keep him from being envenenado.

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