How Zinc Stopped Hair Loss

| Modified on May 09, 2024
Posted by Berry (Florida) on 12/28/2018

I am a female, 37 years old. A couple years ago I began losing my hair. I was constantly pulling strands off of my clothes throughout the day and there was wads of more hair coming out whenever I showered. I tried different shampoos advertised for hair loss and they seemed to help a bit but the hair loss would start up again if stopped the shampoo.

Finally I went to my doctor and told him to test me for several vitamins and minerals. My zinc was significantly low (in the 40s), even though I ate meat. For some reason my body was not absorbing zinc through foods. I began supplementing with zinc sulfate and within a few days the hair loss stopped. I retested my levels a couple months later and it had gone up to 72 (optimal levels is about 90). My hair no longer falls out and the bald patches I was starting to get before have filled in. If you are losing your hair it is most likely a deficiency, like iron or zinc. Get tested.

Posted by Carolyn (Mo) on 12/28/2018

We used to raise dogs and we would put a tbsp of zinc powder on their food once a day. Then we noticed they weren't shedding anymore, so I started putting it on my Cocker Spaniels food. He quit shedding, too. So I can see how zinc would work. I have the same problem, so I'm going to try it. Thanks!!!!

Posted by John (London) on 05/02/2021

hi, how much zinc sulfate you took per day and which exact product?? when you took your zinc doses? thank you

Posted by luma (hawaii ) on 07/07/2021

I noticed you mentioned meat has zinc, abundant sources also include seeds, nuts, legumes and whole grains. a landmark study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found that a plant-based diet would prevent more than eight million annual deaths, reduce carbon emissions by 70 percent, and help save up to $1 trillion annually in health care costs. The staggering findings came as a result of the first-ever study to estimate both the health and climate impacts of a vegan diet, the Oxford University researchers said a plant based diet is the best one for our health and the planet's health.

I've been vegan for 53 years and never suffered a zinc (or any other) nutritional deficiency.

Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 07/08/2021

Hi Ampy,

Like you, I have been taking zinc for a while, and sometimes I doubled up on taking 50 to 100mgs a day during 2020 of the pandemic, so I know I am not deficient in zinc. However, I had noticed that something I was taking during 2020 had started my hair growing and I did not know what it was. When I eased up on my strict regimen, I started getting hairballs again and soon the top of my head was just fuzz and bald again. I put some of the supplements back on my list again trying to reactivate the hair growth again, but no replay.

Then I remembered that I was also taking Bronson Lecithin Granules for something else around the same time, but ran out. So I ordered some more lecithin, I started taking my Bamboo capsules again, I also quit drinking coffee for about 2 months.

My hair has regrown and the center bald spot has hair though not thick yet, but it is longer than fuzz. I do remember putting a couple of drops of iodine on the center spot, maybe two days straight then I forget to keep up with that treatment.


Posted by Sandi (Phoenix, AZ) on 07/07/2021

I'm going to try as well. I get tired of cleaning out vacuum rollers. Had a lot, I mean a lot, of stress the last two years so thought maybe that was the cause. We'll see 🤔🤔

Posted by Ampy (Destin, FL) on 07/08/2021

My husband and I have been taking zinc for a long time. He has been loosing his hair for quite a while and I have started to loose some on the front part, so my question is, how much zinc do you take and what brand please?