Health Benefits

Relieve Gout Naturally with Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment

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123 User Reviews

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Posted by Tandy (Montreal, MO) on 12/20/2006

First thing in the morning I pour a large glass of filtered water (using a PUR water pitcher) with 2 tbls of ACV added. Since beginning this while under a severe gout attack in the base of my left big toe where I had once suffered a break, I have had NO more attacks and have changed absolutely nothing else in my daily life. I not only recuperated faster than normal from the severe attack, but the swelling that was always in that toe knuckle before, is no longer there. Yes it tastes bad, but a few seconds of bitter aftertaste verses excruciating pain is a trade-off I'll make every time.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jeff (Dayton, OH) on 12/01/2006

This was my first experience with gout (in my left big toe) so I researched the internet for natural cures. I found out that apple cider vinegar was one of the fastest cures available. Before bed I took 2ozs. with honey, when I woke up in the morning the swelling was gone and although I still had some pain I could at least walk again. I took another 2ozs. before I left for work and after 2 or 3 hours the pain was minimal to the point that I could curl my toe again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Johnny (Los Angeles) on 11/08/2006

What can I say. This stuff is the bomb. I have suffered from gout for what seems like ever, and prior to taking ACV had what I thought was a gouty knee ( sure enough it was ) which had been sore and swollen for almost two months. At my wits end ( the wife's nagging finally made me go to the quack ) I went and had my knee x-rayed and blood tests taken etc, only to have the Dr tell me that my blood pressure was 192 / something......HOLY CRAP!! Having too many drinks during the week was not contributing to my health, plus not having been hiking for some time was driving me nuts as well. Either way it was a wake up call. So, one night while I sat with my knee up, I surfed the net and found something about ACV. So I had a crack at it. What could I lose? Two days later, my knee was no longer hot to the touch, was feeling better ( but I was still looking at it dubiously ) and I wondered if there was something to this vinegar cure. Well, bugger me. It works. My wife was amazed as she watched my knee slowly lose the swelling ( as was I ) and my tenancy to retain water in my ankles while sitting at work stopped. Just like that. Stopped. My joints in general feel so much better. My skin feels better too. I seem to have more energy and I noticed that when one drinks ACV, well my wife and I anyways, I start to feel hot. If I exercise I start to sweat 10x quicker than I use to. This to me shows that my metabolic rate has increased. Yesterday, we bought a Blood pressure monitor at Costco, and when I got home I gave my wife and myself a hell of a shock. 3 weeks ago, I was 192/ ? ( forgot ) and had the wife almost comatose with worry at how high my pressure was. Last night - 137 / 80 ( taken average of 3 tests ) and considering I had gout that was on the start as well ( left toe ) which had developed just prior to taking ACV - plus a stressful day at work, I was STOKED! So was the wife. I decided I should check this morning though, as its an ideal time to check your true pressure as one is still relaxed etc. Hows this....

127/78- Bloody hell. Its awesome.

My toe with its gout, is on the mend as well and my knee is basically at the 98% mark. All this after only three weeks. I drink a shot glass ( 2 ounce that once hosted my Tequila ) in a glass of Lemonade ( Paul Newmans or any other half decent brand ) with a little diet sprite flung in there as well. Makes a nice tangy spritzer type drink. That's it. We are both sold. It has now become our daily regimen. To the ancients out there that cottoned onto this cure......THANKS!

Replied by Tonyccc
(Limassol, Cyprus)

I have had gout for years, and tried just about everything without success. I reduced meat to, minimum once a week, stopped alcohol altogether. I was having LOTS of fruit and vegetables and my gout was worsening.

Finally I have read something about Excessive fructose increasing uric acid. I experimented reducing my fruit intake to 2 a day, and bingo within days I saw a dramatic improvement. Cherries are the only exception. I eat a lot of them when in season, with no ill effects.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wayne (Umhlanga Rocks, Kwazulu Natal South Africa) on 10/16/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar has cured high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and gout. 2 tbl spoons in a glass of cold water every morning. This is truly God's gift to mankind. You will never need another pill, ever. By the way, the gout was caused by taking the pills prescribed by my doctor. (rosuvastatin 10 mg ). It's such a pleasure to be able to pass on such good news. God bless you all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Placida FL) on 06/23/2006

I was having an attack that lasted between December 2005 and April 2006. The gout slipped in and out of the acute stage several times, but was always present. I limped for almost 5 months. One Sunday afternoon, it was becoming acute so I tried ACV. Two tablespoons in the afternoon and 2 at night worked. I was walking the next day. This has never happened before. Once an acute attack started, it always took several days to subside to the point I could walk and even longer to be pain free (4 -5 weeks). I used ACV three times per day mixed in blueberry or black cherry juice for a month. Since then I reduced the intake to once a day. (I used juice concentrate, ACV and water to make it taste a little better). Here's the result: Absolutely no pain since mid-April and my toe joint swelling has been significantly reduced - the smallest in 10 years. And 2 days ago I ran 5 miles on my treadmill. I have made no other dietary or lifestyle change; this result can only be explained (to me at least) by the use of ACV. Mike
PS: I used the _______'s product. It costs about $5.00 in health food stores.

Replied by Judy From Australia
(Australia, Qld)

Im wondering if Kombucha will do the same thing, its made with a 'Mother' and causes acid to become alkali and it tastes just like vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rick (USA) on 03/17/2006

This is working great for me. I take (6) medicine dropper teaspoons with (16) ounces of water, once a day. I'm confused about the difference between using silverware spoons or the medicine droppers, there's a big difference in the measurements. Thanks for all the natural cures.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (USA) on 01/20/2006

Can someone tell me how much to drink when you get a gout attack? I just got one last week and I drank extra ACV (2 T a day in addition to what I normally drink) plus 30 bing cherries (no sugar added). It helped keep the swelling down some but for 2 days it still hurt like the dickens.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Brooklyn, NY) on 08/11/2005

apple cider vinegar seems to be working for me also. 2 tablespoons in 8 oz of water 3 times a day,i also make a blueberry and strawberry smoothie at night. i stopped taking colchicine because it is poison and depletes your bone marrow,i feel a lot better and haven't had gout in a long time. my doctors don't seem to be any help for my condition. all they want to do is prescribe drugs. i'm tired of them poisoning me. you should also be tired of it colchicine is a pool cleaner in large doses they use it to clean pools and can kill you in high doses why do they want us to ingest poison?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Phil (Wales, UK)

I have been taking 2 Tablespoons cider vinegar plus 1 Tablespoon of honey in 1/2 cup of boiled water 3 times a day for the last 3-4 weeks, plus doing chi kung exercises and have been able to stop taking piroxicam for gout (I've got the tablets nearby just in case!). I use Aspells organic cider vinegar - I live in Wales so _______'s cv is presumably not available.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mae (Maumelle, AR)

ACV is a miracle cure. The whole world should know about it! It's cured my family af allergies, my husband of gout, my dogs of skin ailments...we love it..it's changed our lives.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Al (Big Lake, MN)

I was having the worst gout attack in years, the pain brought me to tears, as my left foot was swollen to the ankle. Ibuprofen did not work even in large doses. My wife gave me 2tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar mixed with 2 tbspn of organic honey (2 times daily); within 3 hours I was walking around with minimal pain and 1 day later I was able to put on my shoes and walk with little pain on the third day it's almost all gone. Amazing, considering it usually lasts for at least 1 week, I am an absolute believer in this remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thomas (Tomball, Texas)

Re: Gout! I have suffered from gout for many years and I eat right. I admit to being a gourmet cook and use cream and rich ingredients on a regular basis, but I get my veggies and other nutrients. I feel this attack was caused by stress, because I did not have any rich foods prior to the attack, and I had to deal with hurricane Rita. I usually have an attack only once per year. I recently found this site when I had an acute attack and could not take it any more. I was ready to cut my foot off because of the pain. I used ACV both internally (4 times per day, 2tlbs with 8 oz. of water) and externally as a pain reliever directly on my foot. I was able to walk on my foot the following day when I could not put any pressure on it the day before. On the second day the swelling had decreased enough to wear a shoe and go to work although by the end of the day the swelling showed. On the third day the pain was nearly gone and my foot was almost normal. This is an incredible remedy for someone who's previous acute attacks lasted for at least one week. Thank you for creating this site and I plan to share it with everyone that I know who is suffering from this painful affliction.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lori (Maine)

My significant other has suffered with gout since 2003. His doctor prescribed the usual pills that didn't work. His pain & swelling got worse. I found info on the web about trying cherries. He ate loads of fresh cherries & it got better. I bought him bottles of organic cherry juice, he drank a quart one night and the next day it was almost gone. This year his blood sugar was high when he got an attack of gout. I read on this site about the apple cider vinegar. He agreed to try it, drank 2 tbsp mixed with a cup of water 3 times a day... got out of bed the next morning and it was almost gone! Amazing. Yesterday, a co-worker was limping. When asked what happened he said "GOUT!". I got him to try the apple cider vinegar and this morning he walked into work without a limp! He said it was 90% gone and the only thing that has ever worked! It's amazing.

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