Hives Treatment

Apple Cider Vinegar

13 User Reviews
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Posted by Crystal (South GA, GA) on 03/27/2008

I break out in hives from food allergies. The last rash of hives was very bad and would stop itching so I rub AVC on it and it burned but the itching stopped and the rash wash gone in about a week. I also have herpes so I though I would try it on a sore and again the itch disappeared and the sore healed in two days. Next I am going to try drinking it and hopefully it will help prevent the allergies and outbreaks. I applied the AVC twice a day with a cotton ball.

Replied by Maicalani
(Minneapolis, Mn, Usa)

Yes! Finally something natural that helped with my chronic hives!! I started getting hives in Feburary of this year, was put on a few different antihistamines; prednisone was the only thing that would suppress my daily, out of control hives. I gained 25 lbs in 2 months, moonface, etc. I tried H202 therapy for a month, mangosteen juice, Vit B... I came across this site and saw that some people had luck with ACV. I went out and bought some with the mother. I took 5mg of Prednisone last on July 8th, started ACV (2tsp 2x day) on the 10th. I've only had very mild hives since then. 90% of the time since the 10th (18 days now), I haven't had any hives!! I am so thankful. Thank you Earth Clinic!!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise

4 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Jeff (Atlanta, GA) on 08/05/2008

For the past two years I suffered from a severe case of chronic urticaria and angiodaema that manifested itself on my palms and soles as well as my legs and face. My particular condition would not respond to the traditional prescription medications of H1 and H2 inhibitors (anitihistamines) even though I was taking twice the daily recommended dosage. I was even put on low dose cyclosporine therapy by my allergist/immunologist in a vain attempt to control this condition. The only alternative that succeeded in temporarily relieving the urticaria was prednisone (which is too dangerous to be considered a long term solution). My condition was so severe that I was unable to leave the house because of the embarrassment of the visible wheals on my arms and face. The hives and swelling kept me from going in to work on more than one occassion, and kept me from being about to go out and socialize as well. It also was exacerbated by exercise as well as hot or cold weather. Needless to say I had exhausted what I thought was all the possible causes and possible means to cure my ailment to no avail. That was until my mother called me after reading a book about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. My further research led me to this site (and for that I thank God!), and my condition has ceased completely! I contine to use raw ACV along with baking soda and don't plan on ever stopping. I am no longer on any medications whatsoever...which I think is Truly Amazing. Thank you Ted and the good folks at earthclinic for the website and the willingness to help people. It really is amazing that something so simple accomplished what literally thousands of dollars of prescription medicine could not.

Replied by Sherry
(Gastonia, NC)

To Jeff in Atlanta, GA. I have suffered from the same condition on and off for the past 6 years. I am in the middle of a terrible time of hives right now. I stumbled across this web site yesterday and I bought my ACV today. Can you tell me how much and how many times you took this per day? Thank You.

Replied by Lulu
(Lafayette, LA)

A friend sent me a link to this site, and I decided to try ACV and Baking Soda for my hives. I mixed 2 teaspoons of ACV, 1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda and 1 cup filtered water. We'll see if they are any better later in the week. I started spraying a mixture of 1/2 ACV and 1/2 Filtered water on my hives 6 days ago. They have "gone down", but seem to come back within a few hours. This stuff smells awful! But the scent does go away after a while and is worth it to me! I have suffered from the hives for over a year now. They cover my back, my torso, and my arms and shoulders. They itch horribly at times. I have been to doctors, who just give me an antihistamine, a shot of cortisone and a cream, but they come back within 2 weeks! I have also gained nearly 30 pounds, and feel it has been from the cortisone. I have tried Neem Soap, Cream, Sulfer, Valerian, and anything else that I have found could possibly heal them naturally. So hopefully it is just a Ph thing and ACV will heal me! That would be awesome! Does anyone know how long it can take to get rid of the hives with ACV?

Replied by Anon
(Whittier, CA)


I have had episodes of hives/rash since the 1980's. I read about L-lysine here on Earth Clinic and I decided to try it. Thankfully my episodes are a lot fewer now with the help of L-lysine. I only take L-lysine as needed and of course if possible at the onset one 1000mg. My hives/rash has not gotten full blown since I started taking L-Lysine.

Before L-lysine my hives/rash would follow a defined pattern (nerve endings) on my upper body, my neck, hairline down to both elbow creases, down to the back of my knees.

I would feel hot to the touch and very fatigued but wouldn't run a temperature or so they told me at the doctor's office. It would run it's course and fade away. I hated wearing mock turtlenecks during the summer.

After several doctor visits I stopped going they couldn't give me any answers one doctor brought out a medical book, one wanted to do a punch biopsy.

I also had a thumb nail that got 100% better after soaking in Apple cider vinegar again I credit Earth Clinic. It really looked bad before treating with Apple Cider Vinegar in fact my mother noticed my improvement and began soaking her finger and she had improvement too it's not 100% yet but it works. It didn't take months to see the improvement.

Hopefully by sharing my story it may help someone.

Thank-you Earth Clinic and to all the contribute their experiences.

Replied by Helen
(Long Island, USA)

I suffered with hives for over a year; they kept coming back. I went to doctors and they gave me prescriptions which didn't work. Believe it or not, I was so desperate that I had heard about toothpaste and I tried it and it worked. I used Aquafresh. I haven't had hives in a few months now.

EC: Allergy to fluoride in toothpaste appears to be a common hives trigger:

Also research "toothpaste and hives" on google to see more search results.

Replied by Helen
(Long Island, NY)

I was not allergic to toothpaste. I rubbed toothpaste on the hives and they went away and didnt come back.

EC: Thanks for clarifying!

Replied by Mackenzie
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Helen, I was wondering if you had facial swelling with your hives as well? If so, did you rub toothpaste on your face?

Replied by Natasha
(Auckland, New Zealand)

I have never had hives before but two weeks ago I started getting them first on my legs. Then on my arms. At the beginning they were small in size. Later they appeared on my upper arm, underarm, neck and even face. It was itching crazy. Immidiately after I scratched them, they was growing in size and was looking like raised flat topped bumps.

I was searching everywhere for some remedy and decided to try using tooth paste. I rubbed it onto hives and minutes later itching disappeared!! Hour later the hives were not swollen any longer and started to dissappear fully.

I don't know if it will help me to get rid of them fully, cos I tried this today, so I just have to wait and see. At least it helps to get rid of itchiness for sure.

Replied by Meez
(Jamaica Plains, Ma)


What they found was that adding baking soda to the wheal (hive) slices actually made the wheals worse by increasing carbon dioxide, even though baking soda shifted the pH to alkaline. They increased and decreased the pH using an acid (similar to vinegar) or base (similar to baking soda) but the hives still flared because of carbon dioxide, CO2.

I've had hives for 13 years. Tried every medicine out there and even experimental ones. The only one that works for me now is Methylprednisolone.

I found this forum when searching for things to treat a minor hive flare up I had recently. I was browsing here and read about ACV and Baking Soda being helpful because it changed pH toward alkaline. I decided to try Baking Soda because it was the only thing I had around late at night. I took 2 tbsp's. An hour later I ended up having one of the worst attacks of hives i've ever had. Racing heartbeat, dizzyness, headache, trouble breathing, itching like mad, weakness. It lasted for 2 days straight. I only slept one day for 4 hours.

When I couldn't sleep, or barely move, I started looking up how Baking Soda could mess up my hives. I read that one of its normal function in the body is to release CO2. Then I found the study above.

My hospital, Mass General, now has an online system where I can check all my records back to 1993 when the hives started. This includes blood tests, xrays, reports, etc...

I started looking through my blood tests and the weird thing is that I found in ALL my blood tests i've always had PERFECT pH. BUT , I've also had high CO2 levels since 1993. Which is strange because high CO2 should make blood pH acidic especially over the course 13 years. The baking soda should have helped becaue I have high CO2.

So.. I browsed around and read that any Vinegar, even ACV and Baking Soda cancel each other out when mixed. That's why they fizz. That's means they can't both have an effect. That must mean that there is something in ACV only that is helping people, even if they take both ACV and BS.

I started looking around and found that there are 3 very powerful Anti-Inflammatories in ACV... Caffeic Acid, Ferrulic Acid and Ursolic Acid. Ironically I have already tried all of those supplements two years ago. I didn't know they were in ACV at the time. I found them when I read in different Allergy and Immunology journals that they help reduce Inflammation and are in trials for different diseases.

Caffeic Acid is in Coffee, but didn't know that until recently. Coffee always helps my hives. I thought it was the caffeine at first, but then tried caffeine alone as a pill and it made my hives worse. Last night I found an article that says Caffeine increases sensetivity to CO2. Amazing.

I bought the Ferrulic and Ursolic Acid as isolated supplements not in any food or herb. They are actually popular in Bodybuilding. They all helped me some, but I needed enourmous amounts which I couldn't afford to keep buying. In the large doses I had some terrible side effects anyways. In the end I just went back on Methylprednisolone.

I haven't read every reply so I probably missed it, but to me it seems like ACV isn't changing pH at all but it is just the delivery medium for the anti-inflammatories Caffeic, Ferrulic and Ursolic Acids. At first I read that people take ACV and BS to make the pH alkaline. Then I got confused because i've read most patients with allergic disorders have high copper levels. Which means ACV souldn't be needed. Then I read that ACV helps digestion but if in order to help digestion it needs to be acidic to break down food. Then I read that it kills bacteria, but if we had bacteria the immune system wouldn't attack us and cause hives, it would be focused on the bacteria. This actually happens to me if I stay out all night and party. I get run down, get a cold and the hives clear up. :)

Do people take ACV because of the anti-inflammatories in it? Or to try to lower or raise pH? Or is it something I missed? Confussed.. :(

Replied by Sara

How exactly are you supposed to use the ACV and baking soda? Do you mix it and apply it topically? I'm breaking out in hives for the first time in my life, and my last outbreak was massive and all over my body. I'm not a fan of medication so I'm trying to find a natural cure.

Replied by Gg

Aloe rubbed on hives helps calm the itch and a friend brought me sublingual Hives (from Hyland) which seemed to help. My mother used baking soda and water paste on mosquito bites; have heard a cool bath withh baking soda eases the itch too, so perhaps. Years ago had a bad case after eating shellfish, the hives were as big as my palm. ER doc injected me with prednizone, antihistimines and steroids. Calmed the hives but the pills caused me to act irrational and crazy. There were even a couple moments of thinking more serious thoughts (that I never had before or after that incidence). Thank goodness a neighbor who was an ER doc recognized the signs; came over to look at the prescription bottles. I was given dosages for 180# person while I'm 106#. She had me stop the prescriptions immediately. As miserable as hives are, I'd try everything natural before using drugs again. Just not worth it.

Replied by Katydid
(Texas, Usa)

THANK YOU for suggesting toothpaste! I didn't have ACV on hand but that would have been my next thing to try. I only have Crest, not the type you tried, but it seemed to calm the itching almost immediately. I'd already tried lavender oil, tea tree oil, eucaliptus oil, peppermint oil, and camomile lotion. (all separately on different days.) Along with benadryl. Nothing was working and the itchiness was so bad I couldn't sleep.

I don't know if this will be cured by toothpaste, but at least I can rest now. I'll try to remember to report back to let you know if it's a cure. If it matters, my hives were caused by an insect bite I was mildly allergic to, and the toothpaste doesn't sting like I assumed it would.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise
Posted by Kenny (Strathclyde, Scotland) on 02/20/2008

I have suffered from Cholinergic Urticaria or Hives as it's more commonly known, for the past 15 years. I have attended Dermatologists galore, tried anti-histamines and all sorts! To no avail. So... I did some research and tried a number of things, natural and herbal, like Quercetin tabs (found in red onions) which is natures anti-histamine, with mixed success. Interestingly though, my ailment appears when stressed, hot - in warm weather or artificial heat, like a sauna, sweating or excercising vigorously and is manifest with red bumps all over my arms, legs, neck and torso which can become itchy - not to mention unsightly. I found the best treatment is an Air Bath - cool or cold air outdoors, minus the clothes, not always possible though!! ;-)I've been on ACV for a while (read my last post on 2/19/08) and decided to manipulate the system I had adopted and over-and-above my two cups of ACV/water solution a day, I decided to try the ACV/bicarb of soda (2tablespns to 1/4teaspn mix in water) about half an hour before vigorous excercise. The red bumps were hardly noticeable, I was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt for the first time in ages, and when I finished, I went for my usual 'sauna, cold shower, steam bath then another cold shower' routine to finish off. Normally,I'd look like I had been stung by a thousand bees! Literally. However, on this occassion, my skin was pretty clear, not red and inflamed looking - very few small red bumps but hardly noticeable, I felt fantastic!! No skin experts, doctors or snake oil salesmen could break the code, but I think I may have. Interestingly though, I beleive wholeheartedly that part of the problem is acid/alkali PH balance in the body and crucially, when out of kilter, renders the body susceptible to all-sorts of conditions. Thanks to Ted for the tip!!!

Replied by Kenny
(Strathclyde, Scotland)

I have been trying ACV for a while now and agree that it's great for improving metabolism and curbing apetite. I use supermarket bought organic ACV. However, for some time now (since before I started ACV), I've suffered red SPOTS/PIMPLES on the face/cheeks and on my head, and since I have little hair, it's particularly unsightly, I also had kind of FLAKEY SKIN on these areas, both would normally be quite itchy. I have recently taken to the topical application of ACV on these areas, speculatively. I have to say, in just a couple of days, the results are dramatic... I tilt the bottle onto a cotton pad a couple of times to saturate it, about the same size as a cosmetic make-up remover and wipe all over my face and head liberally, avoiding the eyes (cos it stings). I leave it on and repeat several times a day (just remember to wash the face with clean lukewarm water before you go out and pat it dry). The resulting effect is no redness, no flakey skin, just a taught, fresh-faced complexion. To compliment that, I have been taking daily sauna and steam bath treatments, interspersed with cold showers,excellent for a variety of conditions I'm sure, marvellous for the circulation, very invigorating and great for the skin, which I read here somewhere - is like the body's third kidney, and when in tip-top working condition, serves the body well to flush-out and detox the system. Try it!

Replied by Beth
(Duluth, GA)

I've been reading about the ACV treatement for hives. I'd love a little more information about what you are doing. Drinking it with water?? just bathing in it ?? Please let me know. I'm dying from hives for about five months now.

Replied by Venkat
(hyderabad, india)

I am suffering from urticaria since abt 7 years tried hell lot of medicines, tired could you please suggest me where can I get these apple cider venegar and and baking soda for curing urticaria.

Replied by Ken

I have emailed Ted with this question but no response. I have chronic hives and tried the ACV + Bicarb regimen. I had no relief after doing this for about 10 days so I stopped. Can you please tell me if I should try it for a longer period of time?

Thank you,

Replied by Lulu
(Lafayette, LA)


ok, I've been using the ACV/H2o and baking soda, as well as 1000mg L-lysine, also spraying a solution of 1/2 ACV and 1/2 filtered water directly on my hives twice a day. I also have been using a brand name Pine Tar soap. I must admit, they are getting better, but they are still there! Not as noticeable on my arms, and they have moved to the inside of my torso, but like I said, not nearly as bad!I don't know which remedy is working, but something is! I'll post again with another update! Has anyone tried the "rubbing iodine on the heels 3x per week" remedy? That is one I haven't tried, nor the Indian spice.

Replied by Zara
(Terryville, Ct)

Do you only do the ACV/Soda once a day?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, B12

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Terry (Vancouver, Washingtron) on 04/16/2008

I went to your site on Hives. I had been suffering with a red rash on my legs, shoulders, arms and middle of lower back for about 2 months and I itched untile I bleed. I had been using a Hydrocortisone cream 1% with Aloe with NO results. I had discovered from your site where people had been getting good relief with ACV and A 90% cure rate with Vitamin B-12 at one milligram a day. I started taking the B-12 and applying the ACV topicallly at least 3 times a day ( just pour on a cotton ball and apply ). I also started taking 2 T. ACV in an 8 oz. glass of water with 1/4 t of Baking Soda. I figured if its good for the outside of the body it couldn't hurt me on the inside. I am happy to say it worked my rash and bumps are almost gone and there is no longer any rash that itches or bleeds., Thank you ALL for your contributions to this site. I was at wits end. Terry

Apple Cider Vinegar, Chia Seeds

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lorrainez (Concord, Ca) on 02/12/2013

In 2012 I started to juice a lot of kale. I beleive that I released too many toxins into my system and began breaking out in hives (entire body) and vaginally bleeding. I went to 5 different specialist and all the test said I was fine. Bendaryl didnt work after a week or two. From this website I found ACV which I bathed in daily (to keep the hives under control). But I wanted to fix the problem not just maintain. A friend of mine who sells chia seeds gave me a bag to try. I took a scoop a day and within 3 day the hives went away and the bleeding stopped. My belief is that I had way too many toxins floating around in my body and my body was naturally trying to eliminate it. The chia seed allowed it to be flushed out through my bowel movements instead of my skin. I am blessed that I found the answer for my body and I hope this helps someone.

Replied by Saiqa

Hi can you please tell me where to get this product as my story is very similar to yours. I ate too much raw spinich and since then I broke out in hives. Like you I too believe that I have too many toxins due to the spinach. I would really appreciate it if you could help.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Saiqa,

Spinach is a very high oxalate food, and in some people this may cause hives as well as other unpleasant symptoms. It's possible that a low oxalate diet may be beneficial, and there is information online about low oxalate diets and also lists of which foods are high in oxalates. Chia seeds, mentioned in the previous post that you refer to for hives, can be found in most health and grocery stores or ordered online. Best wishes.

Replied by Cindee
(Birmingham, Uk)

I'm really suffering with chronic urticaria hives all the doctors and hospital as given me is a high dose of antistimines which is not working. I'm at my wits end I'm getting them in my head on my face an all over my body they go away within 24 to 48 hours but my skin feels so tender where they were. But they come back in different parts of my body. Please can u give me some of your knowledge into this or recommendation.

Replied by Carly
(Wa, Usa)
Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Cindy,

I am so sorry about the hives. They are miserable! I had them chronically for about 6 months many years ago. (They did resolve on their own. I had no idea of what to try.)

I have used nettles for allergies, including hives for my family in recent years. For adults, we use one dose of nettles one to three times a day. (A dose would be: 1 teaspoon of nettle tincture OR 4 capsules of nettle leaf, OR 1 cup of nettle leaf tea.

Some castor oil or coconut oil on the skin may help some with the irritation.

Plenty of water and some daily sunshine may be helpful.

I also find baking soda baths to be great for skin irritations, especially ones that itch - 1 cup of baking soda in a warm bath for at least 20 minutes.

Let me know how it goes.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar, L-Lysine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Hives In AZ (Phoenix, AZ) on 07/15/2009

Thank you, Earth Clinic! I found your website while searching for something, ANYTHING, that would relieve and cure my hives. My first outbreak was July 2008 and they started as a general itching after I'd been in the pool. I was miserable with them until September when I finally went to see a doctor (after trying to take care of them myself--I thought it was eczema). The doctor gave me a steroid shot and told me to use cortisone cream for the itch and that they would run their course. By the end of September they were gone. They reappeared this year in late June. Not quite as bad, but one hive is enough to drive a person mad! I started on Zyrtec which seemed to help and dabbed Witch Hazel on them to relieve the itch (read about WH somewhere on the web). The WH seemed to work well, but soon lost its efficacy.

I started researching again and found this site and decided to try the apple cider vinegar (2 tsp in 16 oz of water as suggested, plus applied topically to the hives). Miracle of miracles, this is working!! I also added 2,000 mg of L-Lysine/day. Not sure if it's because of the ACV or the L-Lysine or both, but I can honestly say that the ACV works topically and they are clearing up with just a little bit of itching after about 3 days of this treatment. And they seem to be clearing in the order of their appearance: legs then arms and lastly underarms and a few on my back.

I'm also back to using the Witch Hazel for the little bit of itching and it doesn't seem to be as harsh as the ACV and is working great again.

Thank you! So glad I stumbled upon this site. I'll continue with the 2 tsp of ACV in my water as a preventative....

Apple Juice

1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by LMB (London, UK) on 01/27/2009

Hives and apple juice: I'm not sure who thought drinking apple juice would help with hives. Most of us who have allergies to pollen are allergic to apples and eating or drinking apples only makes hives worse. Avoid apples if hives break out.

Replied by Lauren
(Mount Laurel, Nj)

I think you may have misread, people are suggesting Apple Cider Vinegar orally and topically, not apple juice. Read the literature on the ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) it has a lot of curative properties.

Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Elle (Portland, Oregon) on 02/27/2008

Have had hives for 4 years every day. My face, lips and eyes would swell shut. I have had to wear sunglasses and scarfs to work to hide these giant welts. Went to dermatologist, medical doctors, Chinese medicine to no avail. I refused prenizone. They wanted me to take all sorts of anti-histamines, etc....didn't work. Finally, I found your website on the internet. I now take 1 Zyrtec 10 mg. morning and night (actually, I haven't tried not taking the Zyrtec yet, because I am afraid the ugly red bumps will appear again) along with the Zyrtec I am taking 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 glass of water morning and night. VOILA! Hives are gone. I have just began taking the liquid licorice that you recommended. Would you please give the appropriate amount of Licorice to take daily and the reason again that you need to take because the baking soda does what, if you don't? Tremendously appreciative.

Replied by Kr
(Roanoke, Va)

So.... why are you posting "yea" for baking soda if you are taking Zyrtec? Obviously it is the Zyrtec keeping your symtpoms at bay.

Banana Peel

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Sarah (Littleville, Alabama, Usa) on 11/23/2011

Rub the inside of a banana peel anywhere you have hives. The itching will be gone in a second or two. You won't be sticky or anything, it soaks in just like lotion, nice and dry, not greasy. You still need to figure out the cause if it's a chronic condition, but you won't itch anymore!

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Liquid starch (the blue liquid) in cool water (use in sink to soak feet or hands, or in bath for whole body, enough to make the water feel starchy) will relieve the itching of hives. Soak for as long as you can and do not rinse.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Michelle Fafard (Riviera Beach, Fl) on 10/24/2013

For two days I was itchy and crazy with hives, on my face, chest, shoulders, back, and upper arms! Was going crazy and then I read:

10/01/2012: Abel from Munchen, Germany replies: "Hello, When I had Hives in the past, Benedryl worked wonders, but now it doesn't seem to help. The two things I found that help are chemical-wise a pill called Cetirizin which is an offshoot of Benedryl, and the second, now don't laugh till you try it... Is Beer! In Germany there is a purity law which Bier can only be produced from Hops, Water and Malt, nothing else. As I was drinking one evening, about two hours later I noticed ALL the hives (welts) were gone! No I don't advocate drinking beer till you drop, but try Hops as a tea, this too has been helping. I boil water, let the hops soak for about 5 min. , add some honey and there you go. For now, it's five o'clock somewhere, so PROST and good luck! =) Abel."

I had not had a drink for over three weeks so I tried beer. LOL, first time in two days, no itching! No redness hives are going away in minutes! I am allergic to so much, think I accidentally ingested soy, or it's too much sugar, via Sour Patch Kids, or caused from too much artificial colors! Beer worked for me. LOL. I usually have Generic Zyrtec have been out for over a week. Just sayin' a few minutes after the beer - - no more itching!!! AMAZING. Went from crazy scratching to fine in minutes. Don't know why only know I am grateful for this website and happy to not be red and scratching!!!

Replied by Viji
(Princeton, Nj)

Please beer could cause severe hives. Please any fermented drink or food can aggravate hives. Please don't say it is a solution.

Replied by Dv
(Naples, Fl)

Everyone is different! I have also noticed beer alleviates my hives! I will try the hops in tea since I usually don't drink at work, although tempting...

Posted by Abel (Munchen, Germany) on 10/01/2012

Hello, When I had Hives in the past, Benedryl worked wonders, but now it doesn't seem to help. The two things I found that help are chemical-wise a pill called Cetirizin which is an offshoot of Benedryl, and the second, now don't laugh till you try it... Is Beer! In Germany there is a purity law which Bier can only be produced from Hops, Water and Malt, nothing else. As I was drinking one evening, about two hours later I noticed ALL the hives (welts) were gone! No I don't advocate drinking beer till you drop, but try Hops as a tea, this too has been helping. I boil water, let the hops soak for about 5 min. , add some honey and there you go.

For now, it's five o'clock somewhere, so PROST and good luck! =) Abel.

Black Seed Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Yazmin (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 05/02/2017

My 14 year old daughter has hives all over her body that won't go away. Especially under hot sun. Antibiotics healed the hives only for a while. She tried the Habatus Saudah ( black seed) oil in capsule, 500mg, 2 capsules a day before sleep and has managed to control d breakouts. If she stops the treatment, slowly the hives will return. She's not fully cured but it has helped her tremendously. Hopefully this can help others too.I bought d habatus saudah from shops selling middle eastern food and alternative medicines in my country.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kelly (Las Vegas) on 09/04/2015

My son has been suffering from horrible hives for a few months every night. Welts the size of tea plates sometimes. I my self drank the borax mixture for five days to be the guinnea pig. After no ill effects, I then gave it to my 19 year old son. He hasn't hived since day two of the treatment. (1/8 of a teaspoon of borax in a quart of water) He would drink this once a day. Borax is a natural mineral. completely safe for ingestion. It is as toxic as table salt.

My son has never had any allergic reaction to anything ever. He went to a lake in Vermont and came home with the hives. We believe it was either the poison which kills milfoil, or a parasite. Either way, the Borax either purged the toxins out of his body or the parasites. Either way, my son is hive free.

Borax and DMSO

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Renee (Boston) on 05/23/2022 41 posts

After reading on here for days I decided to pick and choose several remedies from various people that I thought may seem to work for my arthritis. One of them was the use of a combination of Borax with a mixing cream, rubbing it into sore spots and then adding DMSO on top. So I have been doing that to inflamed areas for about a week. I am not sure if that is reducing my inflammation or the internal use of Borax or the combo but that isn't the reason for this post.

The reason I am writing is because the Borax/cream/DMSO appears to have extreme healing properties! I suffer from chronic urticaria on top of the arthritis. I get giant hives weekly and take antihistamines for it. Regardless of how many antihistamines I take, the hive usually lasts at least 24 hours. The other day I put the mixed concoction and added DMSO to the hive before bed (it had just appeared that evening). By the morning it was gone!!! This has never happened! The hive is always there until about 24 hours have passed.

On top of that, I was stung by a bee yesterday. I usually get a big red itchy swelling for days after. The sting started to itch and burn right away as usual. I ran in, did the same thing I did to the hive and within 5 minutes the sting was gone!!! I find this to be a miracle. I am still amazed by this. I am not exaggerating. This worked really fast!

When I get a chance I will find the recipe I followed and update here.

Replied by Art
2298 posts


I am glad the DMSO/Borax/Cream has been helpful for the other two uses you mention.

On a related note, you might want to review the ingredients in the "cream" that you are using to see if there are any ingredients that you would not want "in your body". Many creams and lotions have ingredients in them that you would not want "inside of your body" such as petrolatum, aluminum starch, fragrance, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, dimethicone, carbomer, phenoxyethanol, etc.

When you apply a cream to your skin and let it dry, many of the ingredients remain on the surface of the skin. If you apply DMSO an hour or 15 minutes later without washing the skin well first, the DMSO may allow those unwanted ingredients to breach the dermal layers and that may not be healthful.

DMSO can often allow the wanted ingredients to traverse the dermal layers and potentially go systemic, but it can also allow unwanted ingredients to do the same.

I would like you to be aware of a potential downside to the method of delivery you are using.


41 posts

Thank you, yes I have read that. The cream I used was almost pure emu so I'm assuming it's OK. It was hand made by a person who suffers from multiply muscular ailments with all natural ingredients, which were very few. I think next time I make a batch I am going to use organic coconut oil because the other stuff was very expensive.

Castor Oil

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Posted by Gail Canto (Colorado) on 08/18/2018

hi, nice post, Della from Karratha (2010). I also have suffered from hives since May 2013 on and off, the first time it was almost unbearable huge symmetrical welts all around my body, and histamine sitting in huge wads under my skin burning, CDs is nearly always symmetrical, it shows up quickly and within minutes you are feeling crazy in your head, so u have to act real quick, I did research fast and did a bunch of different things to help it, I have lots to offer in helping this condition and am just actually dealing with an outbreak this last three weeks or so, so I have several different options to help.

Water either very hot or very cold will numb the hives down. If I had it on the bottoms of my feet I could tame it by resting them on ice packs for 20-30 mins, or a red hot bath with a bit of olive oil and blended rolled oats to make my own colloidal oatmeal, 45 mins bath time. Recommended though, quite tiring, I had 8 baths a night sometimes.

I had hives for 8.5 months straight the first time, couldn't drive to town too risky, if I had an outbreak it would be unbearable, Benadryl was never efficient enough and toxic on the skin, helped mildly, so I bought some ph testing paper and started testing several times a day. My ph was yellow, down to 5.5. That's a dangerous level.

I felt really worn out, so I started taking baking soda, 1/2 tsp in a glass if after, frozen mugs recommended here, it goes down very soothingly and does kill it. Baking soda is 14 pH so alkalizes pretty quickly.

Sugar needs to be cut out and preservatives, I tried all sorts, this time I'm doing black seed oil. It stopped immediately when taking 3 a day. Garlic is also a natural antihistamine, for sore skin.

I recommend castor oil or aloe gel fresh from the plant, I agree in all the castor oil benefits that Della has said below and I use it every day of my life, in eyes, to dissolve warts, even on pets, Palma Christi is a miracle, Gods miracle.

For skin cancer prevention, just rub some neat on the skin, I use it on my face every day. It's great on and around eyes and in for dry eyes, I cured an eye infection in a horse with this. It has the ability to pull lipomas and tumors when used as a wrap with flannel cloth and warmed oil, internally can be dangerous and one castor bean alone can kill a person.

Yes, castor oil also helps arthritis when rubbed in joints and kills skin cancer, warts, moles etc., apply consistently several times a day, tape it on warts at night with paper tape, and praise God for all he created for food, it is good.

In a pinch I take certified cheap 10mg allergy relief tablets, they work within minutes and help for 48 hours flat but wear you out, make you more sleepy and dry you out, drink tons of water, probiotics, stay away from sauces and condiments with soy oil, colors, corn syrup, etc., in, herbal teas also help, nettle tea! Baking soda in the bath works too.

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