Hydrochloric Acid
(Hong Kong)
I confirm that soaking the affected areas in diluted hydrochloric acid works. All the blisters either dry up, burst or become scabs. I have no more itching sensation.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I've been scrubbing with a washcloth soaked with 3% hydrogen peroxide on the hives on my legs and they are nearly gone. The hives on my hips and waist are still there. So yay! for hydrogen peroxide for hives. :)
I also tried mixing colloidal silver with hydrogen peroxide and applying it to my underarms and got hives on the insides of my elbows again. So the wild oregano oil probably was fine, it just did its job. I don't want to needlessly scare anyone away from oregano oil. The hives must be a herx reaction. I've been drinking colloidal silver and that seems to make the hives worse, too. Before I had hives the wild oregano oil and colloidal silver both worked well and I had no complaints. And I still use the same brand of each. So yeah, the hives are most likely herx. Olive leaf tea makes it less itchy. I was mushroom hunting through brush not long ago and happened upon some Virginia creeper, so it could even be something like that.
I had hives appear on my face last year. Major stressors were the cause. I had allergy testing and nothing came up. Went on steroids and this eventually resolved the situation and the major stressor went away. Fast forward a year later and major stress came again. Hives reappeared. Went back on steroids and they helped until I stopped them. Searched here and desperately tried iodine. What a difference. I do 6 drops in a bottle of water twice a day. So far hives are starting to resolve and heal. Will continue until they are gone.
I have a bottle of 2% Lugols iodine in a small bottle with a glass dropper in my cabinet which I use topically for minor wounds and scratches. I've aways found topical iodine to also be a wonderful balm for red, itchy, swollen bug bites so I thought I'd try it for the hives.
I placed the iodine drops directly from the dropper onto the hives (or onto my finger tips) and rubbed the iodine in. Within 10-15 minutes the itch was gone. Within hours I noticed the hives had settled down. I woke up the next morning with a few new hive 'patches' on my back which were large and a few new bumps elsewhere. Everyplace I had put iodine on the night before, the hives were gone. So I proceeded to rub the iodine, direct from the dropper, onto the new hives. Within the hour the large patches on my back were no longer raised and after several hours were starting to 'breakup' in terms of color.
Please note that I did not dilute the Lugol's iodine. I placed drops directly on the hive and rubbed it in. If itching didn't stop I reapplied the iodine on the hive 2-3 times until it did. I applied the iodine on all my hives and did not worry about dosage since dermal application generally allows your body to absorb what it needs (in my opinion). Also, if you look at the tremendous amounts of iodine the Japanese ingest daily and their good health I just don't feel the need to be too alarmed with a 2% solution applied to the skin (again, just my opinion).
Topical iodine was a fantastic topical relief solution for me but it still doesn't answer the question as to what triggered my hives. The day before my hives was very stressful so it could be that but I also tried a few new foods - I may never know. If I continue to have hives in the future I will dig deeper, but for now this is a good topical remedy that relieved my itch and my fear. Getting hives is a little scary.
Note: this is obviously not a remedy for people with an iodine sensitivity. Also note, your fingetips will turn quite yellow/reddish so keep that in mind if your hands need to be presentable.
Apparently iodine is beneficial for every dermatological condition, as it is used by every cell in the body, with increased use by the endocrine system ( yes it balances the thyroid, regulates estrogen production and diminishes cysts in the breasts and ovaries ) and the skin. You could easily substitute iosol iodine and take appx. 6-10 drops twice a day to get a similar effect. I recommend these two products because they have iodine and potassium iodide and the body needs both for optimal health. Iodine has numerous other uses and benefits and I am now recommending it to every one I know... It's well worth the cost and I have had no side effects except some fatigue for the first few days of use. Iodine will displace other heavy metals and I also advise researching "bromism" or bromine toxicity as well.
1. I am taking multivitamins tablets from Holland & Barratt everyday.
2. I am also taking echinacea tablets morning and evening again from Holland and Barratt.
and finally,
3. I also use Kokam (indian spice) soft one.
In a cup, I take 5 - 6 Kokam soft one and pour with half a cup of hot water and then mix it. I use liquid to drink and rub remaining kokam from the mix on hives. I drink this mixer twice a day one in the morning and one in the evening. You can get Kokam from Indian grocery shop.
I hope this will help many of you.
I'm tired of using Prednisone' antihistamine 'fexophndn' desloratadine' zyratec ect' but all useless.
I was thinking of starting her on Vitamin C and L-lysine as I have read that these could be helpful for Hives. The problem is I have no idea whether L-lysine is safe for children to take. I wonder if anyone on this site can please advise me?
Thank you.
(Kendal, U.k)
(London, England)
To Janet from Kendal, Uk. Thanks for your reply. When you say your hives have now gone was that due to bathing in the AVC or Hydrogen Peroxide? If so, what quantity of AVC or HP did you use in the bath? And how long did it take before you completely got rid of the hives? Thank you.
(Kendal, U.k)
RE-bathing in Vinegar I used the plain old malt , much cheaper only used a couple of times a couple of cup fulls to a bath. Was a bit scared to be honest with the HP, but same with that. (and I am still here.!!! Lol. )but the relief I got was instantely felt.
The burn, itch, pain cycle was broken. Let me sleep far more restfully. And help me feel much better all round. I continue to do the above once a week to maintain but but never felt this good in months.
Maybe you can persuade your daughter to drink a little too I do but ACV with BS. it alkalise your systom which I believe was the root of the problem.
Hope she feels better soon , for anyone that hasn, t had this to contend with it, s a blessing because it, s damned right awful.
P.S be great to know if it helps her. :)
(London, England)
To: Janet from Kendal. Thanks for your interesting reply. Just wondering if I've understood you correctly. Would I use both the vinegar and the Hydrogen Peroxide in the bath at the same time? (2 cupfuls of each)? I know what you mean about the Hydrogen Peroxide, just the name of it scares the hell out of me. I think because it sounds so chemical, I have visions of some mad scientist with a test tube in a laboratory with Hydrogen Peroxide bubbling away in it.
I don't know if you will know the answer to this but is Hydrogen Peroxide safe to use on the face? Is it dangerous if you get it near your eyes?
I will also try and bribe my daughter to drink some Apple Cider Vinegar, she tried it once and hated it!
(Melbourne, Australia)
(Kendal, U.k)
I use either or but not both. the HP is so diluted as not to have affected my face, however I did don a shower cap because I didn't want it bleaching my hair.
I would wash the face with a cloth rather than submerging in it and avoid the eyes.
GOOD LUCK. IF YOU WISH TO CONTACT WITH ME.janetwhiteside(at)live.co.uk
Thanks again to the person responsible for this page. All the best to everyone and Blessings!!
(Miami, Fl Usa)
YEA. I've been having hives for 2 months now. After reading this post, I did a search on the internet and went last Friday (July 16, 2010) and bought for $3 a bottle of 500mg L-Lysine. I am taking one at a time on an empty stomach, three times daily. The Saturday I had practically no hives. The itching went away almost completely. Now, four days later, for the first time in two months, I feel something is working. They haven't disappeared completely, but I know I'm getting better every day. I didn't try antihistamine drugs that only mask the symptoms and are not good for the internal organs. I also ordered a blood cleanser on ebay, because I read that according to ayurveda, allergies are usually caused by blood impurities. Thank you for the advice.
I have had episodes of hives/rash since the 1980's. I read about L-lysine here on Earth Clinic and I decided to try it. Thankfully my episodes are a lot fewer now with the help of L-lysine. I only take L-lysine as needed and of course if possible at the onset one 1000mg. My hives/rash has not gotten full blown since I started taking L-Lysine.
Before L-lysine my hives/rash would follow a defined pattern (nerve endings) on my upper body, my neck, hairline down to both elbow creases, down to the back of my knees.
I would feel hot to the touch and very fatigued but wouldn't run a temperature or so they told me at the doctor's office. It would run it's course and fade away. I hated wearing mock turtlenecks during the summer.
After several doctor visits I stopped going they couldn't give me any answers one doctor brought out a medical book, one wanted to do a punch biopsy.
I also had a thumb nail that got 100% better after soaking in Apple cider vinegar again I credit Earth Clinic. It really looked bad before treating with Apple Cider Vinegar in fact my mother noticed my improvement and began soaking her finger and she had improvement too it's not 100% yet but it works. It didn't take months to see the improvement.
Hopefully by sharing my story it may help someone.
Thank-you Earth Clinic and to all the contribute their experiences.
(Los Angeles, California)
I have suffered with chronic Hives for the last 4 years!! Woke up with my eye closed shut or my lips all swollen.... I am so grateful to find this page & all the wonderful information, for the first time I feel that I am not alone & not losing my mind!! Thank you so much to all!
Laundry Soap With Bleach
It was 1970's and Kim was 7 years old. She broke out with a case of hives. Her father started a hot bath and put Tide Powder Detergent with Bleach Crystals (about half of the normal amount used in the washing machine) into the bath water. He had Kim get into the bath and soak. She said to felt like it was burning. After 30 minutes of soaking, she got out of the tube and the hives had stopped spreading. The next day, her mom took here to the base hospital (he dad was in the military). She told the Dr. what her dad did and the Dr told her that daddy saved your life.
Liver Cleanse
When you suffer from allegies and food reactions and skin disorders like hives, often its a sign its time to "clean house". The liver performs between 500 and 3000 functions per day. Therefore I recommend to my patients to do a liver cleanse, but not just any liver cleanse but the ULTIMATE LIVER cleanse which involves distilled water enemas and then the famour olive oil, grapefruit juice with Epsom salts
You will get hundreds of stones out, even thousands of stones, if you do enough cleanses. You will be able to see them and even count them because they float to the top of the toilet. I have got out stones the size of half a walnut. I have friends and patients who have gotten out stones the size of a golf ball without any pain or discomfort, incredible as this may sound. I saw this with my own eyes when a friend showed me his golf ball sized stone.
They are called gallstones by the medical profession but 99% of them are not actually hard. They are waxy plugs that clog the gallbladder and the liver's bile ducts, preventing normal liver function and normal glucose metabolism. They are made of cholesterol which is produced by the liver. Some of these gallstones may be clogging up the gallbladder, often necessitating a visit to the doctor, and sometimes even requiring gallbladder surgery. I have received email from people who were scheduled for gallbladder surgery and who were able to cancel their appointment after doing The Ultimate Liver Cleanse. Even people who have had their gallbladder removed can get stones out because gallstones also clog up the bile ducts in the liver.
Gallstones can slow the detoxification function of the liver by preventing toxins from entering it. They can also prevent normal glucose metabolism. Glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver. Sugar which cannot get into the liver to be stored backs up into the circulatory system and shows up as high blood sugar. This is known as Type II diabetes. The sugar converts to fat, depositing itself in the blood vessels and organs, creating the "complications: of Type II diabetes as the years go by. Cleaning the liver with The Ultimate Liver Cleanse can help prevent Type II diabetes and can even help reverse it, in my opinion. It can help keep the circulatory system healthy. Diabetics who do my cleanse must monitor their blood sugar throughout the cleanse. You will need to devote a full weekend to doing each liver cleanse. This may seem unreasonable, but the results will be well worth the effort. Dr. Hulda Clark says liver cleansing is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health. The results are often dramatic. So, here goes. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
1 measuring cup, 1 hot water bottle,
1 enema bag (2-litre capacity) available at the pharmacy, a 4-litre jug of steam-distilled water, 3 red or pink grapefruit, 1 bottle of Oral Grade Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil
2 pm. From the time you get up in the morning until 2 pm you may drink apple juice or water. Some people say they get better results when they drink a lot of apple juice (non sweetened an preferably homemade apple juice) before a cleanse. No food at all to be eaten. No drink is to be taken after 2 pm.
4 pm. Take 3 enemas starting at 4 pm. It will take about 2 hours to complete the enemas. Here's how to take an enema. Heat half a jug of distilled water in a pot, not a kettle, so you can test the temperature of the water. You want the water to be barely warm. It is going into your body so it must not be hot at all. Put your finger in the water to make sure it is only slightly warm. Hang the enema bag from the shower rod in the bathroom. Place 2 thick towels on the floor of the bathtub. You will shortly be kneeling on them so make it thick enough for comfort. There is a plastic flow-control on the tube descending from the enema bag. Make sure it is shut or the water will gush out when you start to fill the enema bag. Fill the enema bag slowly. Attach the insertion nozzle to the end of the tube. Lubricate the nozzle and yourself with some oil to make insertion comfortable. Kneel on the towels with your feet toward the drain. Keep your head down. Open the flow-control to expel any air from the tube. Gently insert the nozzle. Open the flow control part-way. If you open it all the way the water will flow quickly and you may feel bloated and uncomfortable. You may increase the flow if you like but shut it off completely if you start to feel uncomfortable. Wait until you feel comfortable then continue the flow. This will enable you to hold the water in so you don't have the urge to rush to the toilet. Once you have taken all the water, remove the nozzle and lie on your back on the towels. Put your feet up on the wall to encourage the water to flow through the colon. Massage the abdomen from the left side to the bottom of the ribcage and then to the right side of the abdomen. Lie on your right side and massage the right side of the abdomen. You are encouraging the water to flow from the sigmoid up the descending across the transverse and down the ascending colon. That is the loop the colon makes. Hold the water in for at least 5 minutes. Resist the urge to visit the toilet. After finally visiting the toilet repeat the above procedure twice.
6 pm. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts in 1 cup (250 ml.) of cold water. Hold your nose and drink it all. This will relax you. It will also relax the bile ducts in the liver so that even the biggest stones will pass unnoticed. The most you will ever feel when you pass the stones is a train of marbles flowing up the right side of the abdomen below the ribcage. No pain or discomfort will felt. Lie down with a hot water bottle over the liver which is above and below the right side of the ribcage. The liver is a big organ, the largest organ in the body. Put more hot water in the bottle when it becomes too cool. Repeat this procedure at 8 pm. You may get a colon flush from the Epsom salts. Visit the bathroom when necessary.
9:45 pm. Place 2 or 3 pillows or cushions on the bed under your head in preparation for the main course. Squeeze the juice of 2 or 3 red or pink grapefruit, enough for one full cup. Strain out the pulp. Add one full cup of oil to the juice. Stir the mixture for a minute or 2 until it is homogenous. Put a thick straw in your container and take it to your bedside. Hold your nose and drink the mixture as fast as you can. Your goal is to drink the whole thing. If you can't drink it all after a few minutes, or if you start to gag, that's OK. Lie down quietly on your back with your head up high on the pillows and don't move for at least 20 minutes. After 20 minutes you can change your position. The Epsom salts will make you fall asleep. You may get a colon flush after midnight. Visit the bathroom when necessary. When you start to see yellow and green stones floating on the top of the toilet you have struck pay dirt. The stones float because they are cholesterol and cholesterol is fat. Fat is lighter than water and will always float to the top when mixed with water.
6 am or later. (set your alarm the night before) Mix 2 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts in 1 cup of cold water. Hold your nose and drink it all. You may go back to bed. Wait until you get a colon flush. You may have to visit the bathroom more than once. Then take 3 enemas following the above procedure. The enemas will flush the stones out. Observe their size and color and make notes of approximately how many stones you got out so that you can compare the results with subsequent cleanses. Even if you got out only small yellow and green stones or only chaff the cleanse was a success. The larger stones will come out during later cleanses. If you want to save the larger stones to show your friends and family you can fish them out of the toilet with rubber gloves and place them in a plastic container in the freezer. They will eventually start to melt, even in the freezer.
Afternoon. It will take until late morning or early afternoon for the last stones to be flushed out. You should rest during the afternoon. The effects of the magnesium in the Epson salts will encourage you to follow the body's need for rest and sleep at this time. You may want to break your fast during the afternoon or early evening. It is best to start back with a very light meal. I always prefer a light soup when I resume eating after a liver cleanse.
You may want to do a liver cleanse every 3 weeks or so. People usually like to forget the previous cleanse before doing the next one and 3 weeks allows the memory to dim. Eventually you will get out 2,000 stones or more. This may require 10 or more cleanses. You know your liver is clean when you get little or nothing out during 2 consecutive cleanses. Once all the stones are out you may want to do a liver cleanse every 6 months as a maintenance program to keep your liver clean and healthy.
Ultimate Liver Cleanse is the best liver cleanse available anywhere. Hundreds of people are using it to help detoxify. Liver cleansing with The Ultimate Liver Cleanse promotes detoxification. It clears gallstones out of the gall bladder and the liver. The liver is the largest internal detoxifying organ. The gallstones are a waxy consistency and are made of cholesterol which is manufactured in the liver. 95% of gallstones are not hard stones at all, contrary to what the medical profession would like you to think. For even more effective results you might want to combine some EGT Parasite, Bacteria Zapping with the Liver Cleanse. We use a powerful square wave unit for best results
This Ultimate Liver Cleanse can be done every 2 weeks - Enjoy! - Lloyd