Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Hives - Holistic Symptom Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Castor Oil

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Posted by Dela (Karratha, Australia) on 08/27/2010

The miracle cure for Hives is Castor Oil. The moment you get hives, or feel it coming, apply castor oil to the location. In severe cases you may also take some castor oil internally, like a teaspoonful or so. This will not give you diarrhea, but will help to keep the hives at bay. After suffering with severe hives for 6 months, and trying all forms of natural remedies, I almost gave up as nothing worked, except the doctor prescribed anti-histamines. I had to take Anti-Histamines at least on alternate days to keep the Hives at bay. I almost thought I had to live the rest of my life taking anti-histamines regularly. By Gods grace I kept on looking out for remedies until I chanced upon Castor oil, the miraculous Palma Christi. I tried taking it internally and applying on the bumps the moment they appeared. I am happy to say that Castor oil helped me conquer the irritable Hives. After just a few applications I was Hives free, no anti-histamines or anything else. I was cured. Till today I am free of Hives. It has also helped some of my family and friends who suffered from Hives. Try it. It's miraculous, it certainly acted like the healing palm of Christ.

Chia Seeds

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Posted by Lorrainez (Concord, Ca) on 02/12/2013

In 2012 I started to juice a lot of kale. I beleive that I released too many toxins into my system and began breaking out in hives (entire body) and vaginally bleeding. I went to 5 different specialist and all the test said I was fine. Bendaryl didnt work after a week or two. From this website I found ACV which I bathed in daily (to keep the hives under control). But I wanted to fix the problem not just maintain. A friend of mine who sells chia seeds gave me a bag to try. I took a scoop a day and within 3 day the hives went away and the bleeding stopped. My belief is that I had way too many toxins floating around in my body and my body was naturally trying to eliminate it. The chia seed allowed it to be flushed out through my bowel movements instead of my skin. I am blessed that I found the answer for my body and I hope this helps someone.

Chickweed Tea

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Posted by Aneta (Chicago, IL) on 02/22/2015

I am pregnant and got hives. I was reluctant to use any steroids and looked into alternatives. I tried calamine lotion, zinc oxide, comfrey lotion but one thing helped me and I was able to sleep the first night without itching that would wake me up every hour- chickweed. I bought tea bags, had a tea and applied tea bag to my hives. It is only day 2 but my hives are almost gone. Also, I drink tremendous amounts of water too. I plan on planting it in my backyard this spring.

Replied by KADI

Can you drink that tea also?

Replied by Madelyn

Yes, KADI. You can absolutely drink chickweed tea! I buy a pound of organic, dried chickweed at a time and use it to make tea. I like to boil about a quart of water and add a handful of chickweed. Cover and let steep 4 or more hours. Strain and drink. It's delicious and very nutritious! Totally safe to drink during pregnancy.

Chrysanthemum Flowers

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Posted by Rick (Jersey City, NJ) on 04/21/2008

Thank you all! Great website. I have had hives for 6 consecutives days. Every day without fail at 6.3pm. No matter how many antihistamine I take, to no avail. Steriods given by a doctor even made the hives worse. Much redder and itchier. I stumbled on this website and began taking Ted's recipe, B-12, C and E. 2 days ago. Last nite, I boiled some chrysanthemum flower. Hives was itcher than ever. Took a large cup in the middle of the nite and a lot more in the morning. Continued the vitamins and came back in the pm for more. Expecting the hives to break out any time soon....6.30pm. Nothing happened ! No hives!!! BTW, I the nite before, I took some epsom salt and lots of water and apple juice. I believe combining all these cost effective remedies beats all the OTC medication I bougght over the last few days.Did some research on chrysanthemum flower and found that it is an anti-inflamatory agent, a good stress reliever etc. Here is the link I am chinese by origin but never knew that this herb could help.

Hope this helps someone. GOOD LUCK

Coconut Oil

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Posted by Deborah (Dallas, Texas) on 06/24/2012

Hi, last month my husband broke out in hives for the first time in his life. His entire body was covered so we went to the Dr. and they gave him a shot which he had an allergic reaction too (and also didn't help). So a couple days ago when he broke out again and the dr couldn't help help him I did a lot of reading to try to learn about it. He woke up friday with a few hives and by the end of the evening his back and the tops of his arms where his sleeves had been were basically one big hive, plus other little ones around his body. When he got home from work saturday still no change so before he went to bed I put coconut oil (unrefined organic) on his back and arms. When he woke up in the morning every bit was gone on his back and arms. All that was left was the little hives where there hadn't been any coconut oil.

Colloidal Silver

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/19/2015

I've heard of this a number of times in the past few months...

In most recent case a male, aged 30 reports a rash breaks out intermittently on torso, legs, arms. Very itchy and with small welts. It goes away in a few weeks but a month later reappears in a different location.

This has been going on for about a year and a half. He has been to three doctors and given antibiotics. The rashes continue.

I asked him, if prior to onset, he had had any significant viral infections. Yes, he reported; a very bad and long lasting sinus infection plus some serious dental work that produced a long lasting infection on one side of his face.

With that I wondered if he had a blood born virus infection and discounted a fungal infection. However, I asked a long shot question....have you had any problem with mold in some damp area, at house or work, and ... one more...any problem with infection where dirt might have been involved. No mold...but yes to the dirt! He'd been playing softball and slid into a base and severely tore off skin while sliding into the dirt. Leg became infected and swollen for weeks.

So my thought is a possible double issue...virus plus fungi.

He is now on doses of colloidal silver three times daily. If his energy levels begin returning within 2 weeks, the infection theory might have some validity and he'd continue taking the CS for a considerable length of time.

If anyone else on EC has any other ideas please post.

Oh, also in the past 3 weeks he had begun having intestinal problems...digestion difficulty. My fear...perhaps the infection is not just in the blood but is invading other systems. So now he is also taking Apple Cider Vinegar in the evening...a tablespoon in glass of water.

Cool Baths With Starch

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Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 07/31/2012

When I used to get hives for many years, I took 50 mg of Benedryl several times a day, as directed. They seemed to come out more at night, probably from the heat of the bed covers, especially on my hands on feet which would swell and felt like I was walking on big rocks. To get some sleep, I would fill the bathtub with cool water and pour some blue liquid starch into the water until it felt "starchy. ". A nurse told me to do this and it helps, at least temporarily. Sometimes you need almost a whole bottle of starch but it is inexpensive. If you wake up and don't want to do the bath, just fill the sink with cold water and some starch and put your hands or feet in for a while until your skin isn't hot and you can feel the hives stop itching. Let them air dry. Good luck! By the way, the stress and excitement of the trip may be a contributing factor. I would get them if I was worried and under stress and also when I was very happy and excited.


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Posted by Steve (Alaska) on 02/09/2016

My experience with hives began June of 2015. UV light on a hot, sunny day reacted with the warfarin that I take and caused the typical red welts and extreme itching on my forearms, neck and one ankle. The reaction may have been to the dye used in warfarin.

The dermatologist was useless. What worked for me was apple cider vinegar, activated charcoal capsules, and coconut oil. I also used supplements of DAO Histaminase and Quercetin. Cold ice packs on the affected skin followed with coconut oil helps reduce the itching.

It is my belief that hives isn't caused by a particular food or substance per se. Rather, these things function as a trigger to an overloaded immune system that is dealing with a lot of toxins in the body. I am 67 and have had time to accumulate a lot of toxins. As the charcoal and ACV cleaned out the toxins, the rash and itching went away.

Detox will be a regular practice for me from now on.

Replied by Larry
(Fairfax, Va)

To: Steve (Alaska) - Thanks for reporting on how you overcame your severe hive problem. Can you please give more details as to the amount & frequency of the ACV, activated charcoal, DAO Histaminase, and Quercetin that you had used? Thanks. - Larry / Fairfax, VA

Diatomaceous Earth

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Posted by Audreyb (Canada) on 07/25/2017

Editor's Choice

I have been using 1 teaspoon a day with water of diatomaceous earth. I have developed food intolerances, hives almost every night for 7 months. I also started a colon cleanse and feel better and more regular, but it is the chronic hives that disappear when I take diatomaceous earth at night.

It has no flavour but tastes like clay, but I feel it is very healing on my intestinal tract. It is 10:40pm and normally I am heading for the kitchen to get an antihistamine, but not tonight.

I just discovered it at the health food store. This is day 4 and I can't believe how I feel. My excema has greatly improved as well. It has really helped my skin problems. It cleans your blood and strengthens your organs. It removes toxic waste and harmful bacteria from your system.

Dietary Changes

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Posted by Karin (Ny) on 05/31/2018

Histamine Intolerance and Hives

I am a super "healthy"and fit person with unending skin issues. I have standard contact eczema, pomphlyx/dysdriotic eczema and hives and now also PMLE (sun poisoning after being on antibiotics for an infection.

I've found over the years that I need to have a predominantly organic diet with no preservatives or chemicals to control skin issues. I of course had cortisone (limited length of release), antihistamines (work great- but will eventually cause dementia:( I don't like taking pharmaceuticals unless necessary.

I was taking ACV for a virulent UTI. It worked great for ousting the UTI, BUT, I got hives all over for a month. It turns out I am HISTAMINE INTOLERANT and need to follow a histamine restricted diet. No vinegars, cultured foods like yoghurt, Kim chi, Kombucha, aged cheese, alcohol -especially red wine etc. It's a daunting list of restrictions but I am so thankful I finally know why despite being "healthy" that I am so sick, chronically inflamed, brain fog, Sore joints, allergies, etc.

Being histamine intolerant, most things that I considered super foods and natural healing protocols Made me much more sick.

E.g. These contributed to my hives (and eczema) cacao, sauerkraut, probiotics with certain strains of lactobacillus (which really sucks because all of us with severe skin issues need to heal our guts! ); bone broth (because it is out to long); pulses; turmeric! ; cinnamon; nutmeg etc etc. All of these I thought were beneficial, but they were contributing to my illness.

Leftover food is not good for histamine intolerant people.

DAO enzymes are essential to heal histamine intolerance.

please look up HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE. I was so surprised not to find it on Earth Clinic because this is my go to site where I have discovered many miraculous cures. (Thanks Earth Clinic! )

I found many great sites on this topic. Dr. Jockers and Self Hacked websites come to mind. Mercola only had one article on it.

I'm still in the midst of healing, but I am so thankful to finally know what is wrong with me. Everything I researched fit me to a T, and now I know I can heal completely. Its truly empowering knowing that. But be prepared, it's a very restricted diet.

BTW. I found when my itchiness was out of control, the only thin to relieve the itch was to run my hands, or take a shower in almost scalding water. Immense relief when I was almost crying from the itch. I researched it, and found that many others experienced relief like me. I've been doing it for a long time and put Vaseline or Aquaophor on afterwards along with white cotton gloves on my hands (bought on Amazon).

Good luck to all of you!

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)


Posted by
Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/15/2006 384 posts

"... No, ACV should not help with food intolerances, but it does help acid reflux. A simple citric acid baking soda at 1/4 teaspoon each mixed in 1/2 glass of water, taken once in morning and before going to bed on an empty stomach should resolve at least some initial food intolerances. A small pinch of potassium and magnesium will help, but it should be in the form of citrates or bicarbonates, if you can find one. Take this for a week. On your second week your food intolerances should appreciably reduce. The other thing is to give MSM a try, and on the third or fourth day, you should be able to eat many food. If not, then you probably have a molybdenum deficiency. So take that supplement as a possibility. The secret to make it work is to make sure you take it on an empty stomach, and grind the supplement to a powder, otherwise the body is not going to absorb it. The preferred form of molybdenum is sodium molybdate.

Why does baking soda citric acid work? It is anti- inflammatory. MSM is similar but it works differently by allowing the body to receive nutrients throughout the body by increasing cellular bioavailability. When this happens, the body should be able to tolerate most of the foods... (Continued)"

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Karin: In any case of extreme sensitivity, the first culprit in suspicion is a body deficient in antioxidants. Do start increasing antioxidant nutrients foods as well as supplements, beginning with Quercetin, and you should see improvements.

Heathy oils like Fish or Krill, Flax, Evening Primrose, Borage, greatly reduce inflammation and improve hormone function. Eat Salmon, Mackerel, or Sardines at least 3x per wk. For additional and powerful help in reducing inflammation (which causes increase in Histamine) take a product of Esterified Fatty Acids like Celadrin.

Replied by Karin
(Ny State)

Thanks for your sage advice Tim. Quercitin is now in my supplements 😄

Everything I read about Quercitin is good for histamine intolerance and inflammation.

With Histamine Intolerance, food must be fresh- especially fish. Otherwise, it becomes an extremely high histamine food as the bacteria grow. Histamine cannot be eliminated when frozen or cooked. Once histamine is in the food, it's there until you ingest it. So canned fish is a complete ‘no' and fish that isn't immediately frozen or eaten right after the catch is also a “no.” I wish it wasn't so, because I know Fish oil is usually great for inflammation and joints. I had to discontinue krill oil because the histamine load is too great for my body. I will look into Celadrin. I haven't heard of it before. Thanks!

Replied by All Dogs Go to Heaven

Hi Karin, I have some information that may help you. Sea salt is a natural antihistamine. I discovered this when I researched why salt made me feel better. My sodium levels are always low or low normal. The normal dose is a teaspoon per day in divided doses. I need more. Also, liposomal Vitamin C helps. I take quite a bit. Avoid being dehydrated, as this increases histamine. There is also an “H” block supplement you take with meals. I have found that chocolate and tomatoes increase my need for salt drastically. Of course avoid anything aged or fermented.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Martha (Oceanside, California) on 11/16/2016

I have been suffering from Idiopathic Uticaria (hives) for 3 years. A year ago I had the worse case, I was getting ready in case I went into an anaphylactic attack. No allergist, no dermatologist, no doctor helped. I went for three weeks to Weimar institute in Northern California, I change my diet to No oils, except for some olive oil, no animal fats, (became a vegetarian) no Refine sugars or flours, Cold and hot showers, exercise, clear air and sunshine, lots of water drinking, relaxation and spiritual meditation. I have lost Over 5 pounds and the hives after three months on this diet, or better, life style went away.I did use alovera gel to calm them down, it was the only thing that gave me relief and the antihistamine Zyrtec. I am afraid to leave the Zyrtec although I do not have the hives now. I think I like to try the ACV just in case it can help me to give up the antihistamine. Any suggestions?

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

There are many conditions, like hives, that can be attributed to poor gut health. Thorough cleansing is mandatory in severe conditions but if not too much advanced may respond favorably to adding Milled Flax Seed to diet and taking Oregano Oil Softgels. A good Prebiotic/Probiotic supplement first thing every morning will help. The ACV will help also. The antioxidant, flavinoid Quercetin is a potent anti-inflammatory/antihistamine. A supplemental Digestive Enzymes will help as will fresh Pineapple.

After a few weeks of this begin adding the very healthy fats like Evening Primrose Oil, Borage Oil, Flax, Fish, and Krill Oil. Eat Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines. These EFA's can dramatically reverse inflammatory conditions as well as promote healing throughout the body.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Patty (Farmland, Nj) on 07/16/2015

In my experience, which was over a 9 month period of time having hives on my clavical area. I had went to dermatologist and like many others it did not resolve the issue. I finally went to an Osteopathic Doctor whom informed me I was having a severe allergic reaction to something I was ingesting daily so after 1 month of narrowing down, the culprit was Green Tea & Nuts .. yes, green tea & nuts. I have an allergy to nickel and was not aware that green tea cold or hot contains nickel as well as various tree nuts. I was consuming a lot daily once I stopped it took 2 weeks for all the hives to go away. I did use Calmine lotion to help me deal with them and corn starch it kept them dry and not burn as bad. I used both 3 x a day reapplying. Not sure if what had worked or helped me will help someone else, but if it does then good. Perhaps consider it is a way of the body letting you know something is off..... Best wishes to those who are presently dealing with hives, it is a very unpleasant situation.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lalaland (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/28/2014

Greetings all! Wanted to chime in this discussion in the hopes that I can help someone.

Earlier this year I suddenly started having was super uncomfortable. I would wake up at four with hives all over my body and would get them at various times of the day [they tend to manifest at the same time everyday].

Anyway, I did tons of research as to WHY I was getting these hives! After much trial and investigation I realized that I was GLUTEN SENSITIVE--or at least that I was having this issue because of GRAINS. I stopped eating wheat and also other grains--oatmeal, rice, etc.

It took about 2-3 weeks but the hives went away..until I ate some soy sauce [has gluten] and got the hives again....then went away until I ate flour at a restaurant that claimed there salmon was served with a "butter" sauce...who knew that it had flour in it? Anyway, I got hives again. I called the restaurant and sure enough, they fessed up about the flour. I took a good week for the hives to go away.

Its been about 4 months since I cut out grains and I am happy to report that I no longer have the dreaded hives!!

Now I see the hives as a blessing: my body was talking to me, telling me that grains were not good for me. They were ALSO causing me to put on weight and causing aches and pains.

Since cutting out grains four months ago I have lost about 2 dress sizes [I also later cut out sugar three months ago] and my constant knee pain is also gone!

No way would I consider going back to my old habits! I hope this post helps someone. Consider cutting out all grains for 3-4 weeks, then eat them again. You might find you improve by cutting them out--then a flare up when you add back in. But then, you'll have your solution!

Writing this as I am so sad to see so many people paying their docs good money only to be given meds or topical creams that don't work.

Lastly, grains, nut and diary are very related in some ways...also try cutting out the latter two items...people that have problems with grains can also have problems with nuts and dairy. [you can google this]

Good luck!! :)

""Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Hippocrates

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jose (Salt Lake City, Ut, USA) on 02/27/2012

About 2 years ago, I started having hive outbreaks that completely changed my lifestyle. Initially I and the multiple doctors I visited had a difficult time identifying my body's reaction as hives. They started by appearing as crescent shaped welts as well as targets, or circular welts with clear centers. Not long after, however, these outbreaks became quite severe. Tightly clustered hives formed super hives the size of dinner plates on my chest, back, and legs. I also experienced deep tissue hives that I could feel below the skin and near joints, which caused painful swelling. In addition, as if things were not bad enough already, I also suffered from pressure hives--too much physical pressure actually caused hives! I couldn't even carry a basket at the supermarket without my hands swelling from an outbreak.

Eventually, I found a naturopathic doctor that helped me identify my outbreaks as an immune dificiency. It turns out that I developed an allergic reaction to gluten, which was basically in everything I was eating. At the time all this happend, I was in my mid-thirties and in relatively good health. Cutting gluten out of my diet helped tremendously, but I found a few things that helped with my condition prior to receiving my diagnosis.

If I did nothing, my outbreaks would pass within two or three days, which was just far too long for me, so I found a few different ways to move the hives out of my system within a day to half a day. In some instances, I was able to rid the current outbreak within a few hours.

1. Cayenne pepper. I took cayenne pepper to increase blood circulation. I added 1/4 tsp to a glass of water (8 oz) and chugged it once or twice a day. This might be too much for some people (it was too much for me at times), so I would recommend experimenting with this measurement. As bad as it was at times to drink this concoction, it was worth the relief.

2. Physical exercise. Again, the idea was to increase blood circulation. I joined a local field hockey team and we played 3 times a week. This was better than a treadmill because it was fun, I made new friends, and I got the serious cardiovascular workout I needed.

3. Sea water. I was visiting the Dominican Republic for a wedding and had a breakout every single day that I was there. I discovered, however, that taking a dip in the ocean soothed my outbreaks and got rid of them pretty quickly. I never actually tried it but perhaps an epsom salt bath would also help? Anyway, I include this here in case it helps someone reading this even though I only used it during my visit.

4. Juicing. Hands down this is the best thing I tried for hives AND my gluten allergy. I bought a single auger juicer for about $260 (US). The reason I decided to juice is because I not only wanted the vitamins and minerals, but I wanted to make sure I was also getting the live enzymes that come from juicing. I mostly juice vegetables and some fruit. Initially, I juiced every day for about 3 weeks. I made some form of green juice and had a tall glass of it right away. After that time period, I juiced a few times a week instead of everyday. By the way, I'm not talking about juice fasting. All I did then, and continue to do now, is incorporate juicing into my existing diet.

There are obvious benefits to juicing, and with a little research you can find certain recipes for different ailments. I have a favorite one that I make specifically for heavy metal toxicity, which I suspect is the cause of my pressure hives. The overall result from jucing? I rarely have any hive outbreaks anymore. They're all but gone. I can also have foods that contain gluten such as pasta, breads, ketchup, soy sauce, beer.... The list is endless. Although I can have it again, I'm choosing a cleaner diet. I'm able to carry a basket at the supermarket again and I want to keep it that way.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ravi S (Dallas, Texas) on 12/20/2009

I would strongly urge all Hives sufferers to stick to strict Gluten free diet and check if there is a difference. Gluten is a nightmare for a few people, that throws their immune system crazy. Hives as a side reaction to Gluten allergy has been overlooked.

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