Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Hives - Holistic Symptom Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Malt Vinegar

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Posted by Janet (Kendal, U.k) on 08/22/2011

I too had hives some few weeks back, and there awful I did get rid of mine soaking in a bath containing ordinary malt vinegar. The following evening I used HP. Compresses of diluted vinegar relieved the itch, burn, cycle. That drive you almost crazy, due to lack of sleep. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Good Luck.

Medicated Foot Powder

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Posted by Renee (Boston) on 09/14/2022 41 posts

I started getting urticaria hives about a year ago, around the same time I developed rheumatoid arthritis - so I believe it's an auto immune dysfunction in my body. The doctors only prescribe Zyrtec, which doesn't work. I thought mine were caused from ibuprophen so I stopped taking that but still got hives anyway. I get them 2x a week but can go 2 weeks without so I have no idea what triggers them. I just started lysine this week but woke up with a swollen face today, upper lip and cheeks. So not sure if lysine is working, it's only been 3 days though.

Last week I had giant hives all over my legs and they itched horribly. I tried witch hazel, cortisone cream and aloe, no relief. I remembered that I used medicated foot powder on my dog's itchy skin and it stopped her itching and calmed all the redness down. It worked for my hives! I wish I could stop them from coming in the first place but for now I have a way to stop the itch. My face and lips don't itch, only the other parts of my body that get the hives. I'd rather them there and itch than have such a swollen face that you can't go out in public because you look like a monster.

Try the foot powder or jock itch powder, I think any medicated powder will work. I'm going to try AC vinegar and baking soda to see if that helps. I'll update and let you know if lysine works too.

Replied by Jay

Try borax. Washing affected area with borax as required should provide quick, lasting results with no side effects. Take collagen for the arthritis. Let us know how it goes.

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear Renee,

That was a creative solution! So glad it helped!

We have used nettle leaf for uticaria hives and for autoimmune diseases.

For acute hives I take 4 capsules of nettle leaf. When I need them for chronic allergies, I take 4 twice a day, or as needed.

About 10 years ago my daughter, who was 8 years old at the time, had multiple health issues, including migraines, asthma and suspected juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I started to give her nettle leaf capsules twice a day as well as home made milk kefir with L. Caseii probiotic (and others, but I think that one was important.) After doing this daily for about a year, her health had improved dramatically. She still has a touch of allergies, but hasn't needed albuterol in years. She has no joint problems and is a runner.

Nettle and Milk kefir would be some simple things to try...

When she was little our house was surrounded by fields that were constantly sprayed with roundup. I have sometimes wondered if her health issues started with toxic air and water back then.

I trust you will continue to find solutions that work for you!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by RW

Hi Renee,

Your post brought back memories of having giant hives for many years! My doctor, back then, gave me a refillable prescription for 50 mg of Benedryl that I took for many years. Now, I have memory interruptions that I believe came from that and other statin and sleep meds prescribed, but the Benedryl works fairly quickly. Another thing that helped was a suggestion from a nurse to use liquid starch (comes in a quart or gallon bottle, I believe) and pour it into a cool bath until the water feels “starchy, ” and just soak for a half hour or so. Not sure if this is available at grocery stores still since people seldom starch their clothes any more.

I hope you get relief soon. Best wishes.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Sunshine (Montreal) on 07/19/2019

Have had problems with chronic Urticaria for 4 years mainly because at first I was fermenting and eating A LOT of veggies, yogurt and whatever I felt like fermenting (had a period!) Alcohol was also part of it for often, summer equals COLD BEER!

After all this time my face was pretty messed up, had the hives all over, to a point where it looked scary!. So of course I started reading about it and wanted a permanent solution, one that was SIMPLE, SHORT and EFFICIENT. I tried many things, all I could find really but without satisfaction. Then I started reading about the enzyme "diamine oxidase" which digests histamines and looked it up on amazon, but living in Canada I found it absolutely unaffordable! So I turned to the one thing that always got me out of trouble, I focused on the body's wisdom to fabricate the enzyme itself. So to shorten a long story here is what I did: I eat 3 bites of food at a time and wait till the stomach gargles again before I eat another 3 bites (about two to three hours). I try to avoid the high histamine foods without being too strict about it for it takes a little histamines for the metabolism to kick in and produce the enzyme. I eat a bit of Olive Oil (two to three tsp/day) to stimulate the production of Diamine Oxidase. Taking “BIO K” yogourt, just a small tea spoon two to three times/day (keep a minute underneath the tong.) as well as: Histaminum 30 ch to desensitize histamines. Apis Mellifica 9 ch for itches and Allium Cepa for nose leaks from histamines outside. STOP all supplements for three days. Much better after 3 days though always a bit worst at night. Started taking D, K 2, Iodine, Calcium and Magnesium again, eating small meals for a while and adding lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (two TBSP) with 1/8 tsp of Bicarbonate in a glass of water.


A month now after this small effort, I have no more hives... GONE! I can have a drink here and there but for as long as I keep my electrolytes balanced and I don't exaggerate on the fun, skin remains clear. I also eat all I want, no more diet. If you want to try it and need help, just ask it will be my pleasure ! :)

Take care Sunshine

Replied by Maria

Thank you for this post. I need some help. Not sure what is causing my hives.

(Faithville, Us)

Dr. Batmanghelidj wrote in his books that histamine is a dehydration signal . Dehydration is a mineral /water imbalance. Histamine can cause hives . So if one mineral or water is out of balance you can have many things happen, Hives, runny nose ,itchy skin or eyes, headaches, nausea, digestion issues, brain fog, fatigue , vomiting. Stress makes the body produce cortisol and that further dehydrates the body. Swimming or bathing takes water out of the body. Mineral salts hold water in place. Bile is slowed or stopped by cortisol and also by low fat diets. Take ox bile supplements to restart bile flow. Bile is needed to absorb nutrients when you eat or drink. I am still trying to learn how to be well. Blessings, Charity


How can I help you Maria? Could you elaborate a bit on what is going on for you?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cheree (Adelaide, Australia) on 08/16/2010

My son has suffered from hives for months now, several trips to the GP offered no results. This web site suggested ASV which he tried for many weeks with no obvious results and also colloidal silver which he was taking orally 3 times daily and topically twice daily still no improvement. The rash comes and goes and some days it is much worse it terms of severity and coverage over his body than others. After 6 weeks his condition was considered chronic (urticaria) and he had seen the dermatologist twice still with no cause known and no improvement. He itches until he bleeds, is covered in little scabs where he has scratched, can't sleep because he itches and is becoming fed up. The doctors think it is an over active immune reaction to a small cold he had months ago but keep assuring me the condition will burn itself out, its been nearly 10 weeks now and we are still waiting. Kids at school are calling him a leper, he is 16 years old so says it doesn't bother him but I see it is all adding up. He is taking over the counter antihistamines currently ALLEREZE 10mg morning and night. Also PHENERGAN 25mg in the evening which is aimed at helping him get some sleep but also makes it tough to get him out of bed. About 3 weeks ago the Doc's suggested SINGULAR 10mg which is apparently an asthma preventative that they thought might help... $100 later still no improvement. Next step is to see a dietitian to rule out any food allergies. Love to know if any one else has any ideas???


Replied by Cheree
(Adelaide, Australia)

Also, his white cell count is normal. He is not getting any swelling in his mouth, throat or tongue. He is getting joint pain in his knees and ankles which is quite acute and renders him unable to function but luckily this is not often and may be unrelated. Cheree

Replied by Tom
(Regina, Sk)


What have you tried from this forum?

The cheapest and most readily available can always be tried right away! Try oil pulling. You likely have some type of kitchen bottled oil there. It says the oil should be COLD PRESSED, but not necessarily EV or organic.

There's no doubt he is getting an aggravated IgE response. Double check his DIET to make sure he's not getting just a food allergy reaction.

One common cause of hives symptom is heavy metals poisoning. Mercury, lead, aluminium, barium, ... It would also explain the achy joints, but that could also be an invasive candida infection or a hundred other things. The body is simply trying to get rid of these metals without damaging the kidneys, hence out through the 'third kidney'.

Has he had recent teeth fillings done, or a vaccine?
If so, then a cheap way to push out some of it even faster is once again, IODINE (Lugols or SSKI), orally and/or topically on the hives:

But this could take many months at least, and maybe in the meantime the hives will get worse.

Quicker for heavy metals, but more money, would be to find a zeolite product, maybe in a health store or online:

I don't see zeolite here this site as a category under Remedies, but someone under 'oil pulling' mentioned it. Try those for now!

Replied by Kitty
(Perth, Australia)

Hi, I have just come across this water therapy for hives. I hope it helps anyone reading this - it seems to have helped many others who wrote in. Scroll down to Sam's post.

Replied by Laurel
(Milford DE)

Have you tried a Rheumatologist for blood work? Maybe it's an inflammatory problem or immune system disorder that triggers the hives. Also, Dr. Nicole Apelian and Claude Davis have several books on natural remedies to help manage conditions.

You might be able to message her to ask what book would be best to read first for your son.

Nettle Tea

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Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 01/22/2013

My son was three years old when he woke up from a nap covered in hives. I had no idea the cause; he had no unusual exposure to food or anything that I could think of. In trying to figure out what to do (I was worried it was going to get worse! ) I considered that one of his older brothers, whom he is a lot alike, has had trouble with allergies and asthma in the past. If that son took Nettle capsules and Quercetin daily, his problems stopped and eventuallly healed. No was could I get a three year old to swallow capsules. I made him some Nettle Tea, sweetened it (honey, stevia, whatever) and he drank it in a sippy cup. In twenty minutes, his hives were gone. The next day it happened again... He woke up from his nap with hives. Less this time. I gave him Nettle Tea again and they were gone very quickly. That was over a year ago and he hasn't had hives since. Nettle is amazing! I had trouble with chronic hives years ago and I wish I had known about Nettle back then.

Nettle Tea, Quercetin

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Posted by Lindsey (Columbus, Ohio) on 12/05/2011

I have had 2 bouts of Hives after going gluten free. I believe contact with gluten is the culprit but I'm not positive. I had a very untimely breakout before Christmas and the only way I got through it was to drink tons of nettle tea and taking quercetin. Both suppress the production of histamine which causes the itching and ill side effects.

There are great supplements out there that contain both. I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet!

Replied by Ursula
(Weston, Florida, Usa)

I gave my 10 year old son quercetin 500 mg with bromelein caps a few days ago and he hasn't had hives since then. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this might be his cure or at least the best way to manage his daily hives.

My son has had hive attack daily for the past two years. They appeared suddenly out of the blue and have plagued him ever since sometimes multiple times a day. We never go anywhere without Bendadryl and Zyrtec and sometimes even those don't work so well. He also had about 20 NAET treatments with a chiropractor that gave him marginal results while he was getting them but had no long term results.


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Posted by Penny (Fresno, CA) on 06/13/2021

Niacin Rush for Hives

Your article on niacin is timely. In 2013, I had hives so badly for months that I could barely function. Back then, my cure ended by just one good niacin rush [300ml]. Recently, I presumed it was fleas, so attacked that idea for weeks, when I then realized, NO, it's hives! I then took 300 ml. niacin, got an itchy rush, did it again a few days later, started to slowly recover. Then, a week later, BY ACCIDENT, I took 1000milligrams!! I survived it better than I thought, & now days later, I believe my full-body hives are seriously on their way OUT! True that I had to bear with rather uncontrollable itching for 1.5 hrs. via the niacin, but that's it. I'm SO relieved this idea occurred to me as a possible way to flush my skin. I was in hell. I hope this helps someone else!

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Janet6 (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/18/2010

I have been doing OP with virgin olive oil for over four years. This has now become part of my morning routine. The first week I started, I experienced a clean palate which I think resulted in my new experience of foods. I now enjoy my foods and eat with more gusto. My other observance was that I slept more soundly and felt more refreshed and energized upon waking. Each day I eagerly started my morning doing O/P and then a thorough brush with my regular tooth-paste and baking soda and salt. My breath definitely improved during the day. However, the most important and startling feature of this new practice for me was that it cured my hives. I suffered with this allergic reaction for more than 20 years and all I got from my doctors was temporary relief. I had been using Benadryl, Allegra, Zyrtec, Prednisone among many but when I started O/P, it cured my allergies, which came out in the form of hives ( raised irregular shapes all over my body which were crazily itchy and ugly). I could not even talk about them, I felt like they were listening and would re-visit me. After four years of O/p I think this is the most amazing thing that could happen to someone with allergies. I feel that anyone with allergies can benefit if I can. I have been passing on by word of mouth to all my friends and family and those who try it tell me the wonderful results they too are having. I believe this has even helped me with whatever pain I have had in my shoulders and knees. I have experienced expelling a lot of phlegm which I am amazed is in my body as I never seem to have a cold or cough. Over the years, my face has gotten smoother than when I was younger. No one believes how old I am and I will not tell. I have used sesame oil and sunflower oil and I like olive oil the best.

Replied by Kr
(Roanoke, Va)

I totally get the not being able to talk about your hives! :D


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Michael (Tucson, Az) on 07/05/2012

I was suffering from total body hives for a year, and taking heavy prescription antihistamines which put me to sleep and tired all day. I went to an allergist and he put me on over the counter Zyrtec and Pepcid. (which by the way are both antihistamines.) I buy the generic form of each to save money, and I haven't had a single outbreak in over 60 days.

Posted by Middlebunny (Jersey City, New Jersey, Usa) on 09/05/2011

It is me again. I'm posting an update as it might benefit someone suffering from Urticaria/Chronic Hives. While I am by no means cured, I am able to control my hives with two over-the-counter drugs. I take one 10mg Zyrtec and one 20mg Pepcid AC twice a day and this seems to control the hives. I haven't given up on locating a natural solution to this problem; however, the Zyrtec/Pepcid combination is a lot better than Steroids which made me hyper, angry and led to a 30lb weight gain.


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Posted by Barbara (San Marcos, Texas) on 12/27/2015

In 2013 we did a second and probably not final downsizing of our lives and household good...part of that was leaving our good mattress in South Carolina before moving to Texas....

We up-sized household goods and purchased a very comfortable Therapedic Memory Foam Mattress....three months later I woke up with what I knew was hives (never had allergic breakouts in life-69 yrs of age) on entire torso...I called my husband, and he began to ask what I had eaten different from him and if we had change detergents....I told him nothing had changed.

After immediately researching hives and changing our diet to low histamine...I visited my doctor and dermatologist to be told I had hives...My husband and I constantly went over our lifestyle...

We were renting an apartment with my computer station in our mind was going over my problem...I kept asking myself what was new and different....We had purchased all new furniture and household goods....Suddenly I looked around at the bed and googled "Can your mattress make you sick?" WOW!!!!

i tried many of the suggestions on this site and associate that was into "New Age, Organic..etc" told me to do a Pectin Cleanse...I did not comprehend at first...I asked, "Do you mean the Pectin that is used in canning?" Answer was yes.....


If you take medications and or supplements you should take your Pectin dose at what you consider a safe time of day so that your meds/supplements are not removed from body.


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Posted by Karen (San Francisco ) on 01/30/2020

Had terrible hives nearly everyday for a year. Now they are gone. I took a basic probiotic for a few weeks and also avoided gluten. Apparently my hives were a gut issue. Wheat seems to be a trigger, bit a wheat free diet alone didn't rid me of hives. Wish I had known about this earlier! A short course of probiotics was a very simple fix.

Raw Rice

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Posted by Christian (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 12/20/2011

I have a family remedy that my parents have saying, wash grains of rice (it has to be raw rice) then with your mouth, chew until it it becomes a white paste- this only works on acute hives though.

Sterilize With Rock Salt

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Posted by Magicpips (Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines) on 06/02/2013

My daughter started having hives when she turned 1.2 years old. We went to see a pediatric dermatologist and an allergist. Both of them diagnosed her with Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria. She would breakout daily and have hives on her legs, arms, body and face but luckily, it wasn't the itchy kind. The meds they prescribed worked for maybe a day, but the hives would come back with a vengeance. So I stopped the medication and looked for alternative cures. I read that ACV works but it's impossible to get a baby girl to drink the stuff. She continued having her daily hives for about 9 months until we figured that the trigger might be water from the faucett (used for bathing and cleaning). We installed a water filter and her hives improved but not totally cured. She would still break out about thrice a week. Then my sis-in-law suggested that I clean my baby bottles using rock salt instead of the store-bought special baby bottle cleaning solution that I would use. To our surprise, her urticatia got better and within a week, it was gone. She got cured. Don't know if its the water, the salt or the cleaning solution. But whatever it was, it finally worked. Thank God. I just thought of sharing this. Maybe it will help other mothers. My daughter is now 2.3 and she has clear skin now. Thank you. I hope this helps.

Tiger Balm

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Posted by Earwax Sg (Singapore) on 12/29/2017


My hives are "Heat induced" aka Cholinergic Urticaria

It is important in TCM terms to differentiate if hives are heat or Cold induced. As it indicates the body type.

Hives were very bad for many weeks. I tried all things - Salt water flush, spirulina, charcoal tablets, hot hair dryer, antihistamines only help some temporarily but did not fix it. Cold water shower help awhile.

1 fine day I reach out for Tiger Balm (White color, Not red) ointment remembering cold water shower works n tiger balm is cooling menthol like, n applied on both my legs as they were itching badly at night. Rub over with some water after that. Within few minutes felt circulation hips down n so relieved stop itching!

Woke up next morning n realised the fat red bumps on my legs were all tamed and flattened! Tried on right arm later on. By night it is ok too. Left arm was still flaming. So it works!

So far this is 4th day and all is tamed n recovering from the reds. I do it twice a day after shower or whenever I feel itch.

I also ate cheese which it contains alot of LYSINE as it might be gut related imbalanced as read on Earth Clinic HIVES column.

So.. hope this finds someone n works for u! Good luck!

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