Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief


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Posted by Anonymous (Somewhere, u.s.) on 11/20/2021

Genital herpes topical application. Tried many different things. These are the most effective cures I have found when I experience an outbreak. Mostly I rotate between a few drops of a colloidal silver dmso solution and bht in liquid dmso. 2 or 3 times a day I will rub a very small amount of organic virgin coconut oil on the sore followed by a drop of dmso. Occasionally I do a combination of 2 or all 3 at the same time. I think the bht dmso is the most effective of the 3 but I definitely see visual results with the silver as well. The coconut oil doesn't do much for me aside from cutting down on soreness and irritation. But this regimen seems to get rid of my outbreaks within 5 days or less. Which might not sound like much but before I started using this combination they would last 2 weeks to a month.

BHT, Oil Pulling

Posted by Pookie65 (Hampshire, England) on 05/23/2014

Greetings from the UK! I have recently been researching natural remedies for HSV and HPV and stumbled across Earth Clinic. I am currently looking to improve my overall health by detoxing my body, eating healthily etc prior to starting either an H202 protocol or the BHT protocol (sooooo much information about both, I am feeling like a rabbit in headlights! ) I think I am leaning towards BHT...

I am a long term HSV sufferer (although I use the term 'sufferer' relatively loosely, as I tend to get only 2 - 3 mild OB's a year. I was diagnosed in 2001, sucked it up and got on with my life. I believe (although not formally diagnosed) I have had HPV for approximately 4 years also (a fellow HSV partner, who very kindly shared this 2nd gift).

As part of my research for getting uber healthy in preparation for the BHT protocol, I have been reading about the benefits of oil pulling - does anybody know of any reasons why I could not combine this while on BHT? I want to give my body the best chance possible, so am concerned that one might contra-indicate the other in some way... I would be opting for the 100% pure organic coconut oil.

This is a great site by the way, I wish I had searched for it many years ago!

Bitter Melon

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Michael (Des Moines, Iowa) on 11/13/2007

Bitter Melon for Herpes! I had started to have regular outbreaks of genital herpes and I scrambled everywhere for a cure. I found that Bitter Melon is used for Acyclovir resistent herpes so I figured if it works for Acyclovir resistent herpes it must work wonders for the regular herpes. I take it as directed and I have not had any outbreaks since then. When I first started taking it my outbreaks became less and less and less bothersome until I have had no outbreaks. I had an outbreak recently because I stoped taking the Bitter Melon but it was only for two days and I got right back on the Bitter melon and I'm all good now! I thank God for all His herbs He provided for us!!! I prefer the Solaray brand which is the most effective for me. It's hard to find in stores so you're better off buying it from which makes it a bit pricey but TRUST me it's worth it. 'I hope this will help many of you and God bless!

Replied by Dmember
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

Bitter Melon for genital herpes. I used get the outbreaks every month for many years. One would finish and then a within a week it would be back. I went a few years like this. I then started working near a Chinese food court and quite often would eat bitter melon there. Thinking back that's about the same time my outbreaks started to decrease and came only 2 or 3 times a year. After getting on the net and doing some research about herpes I stumbled upon bitter melon as a weapon against herpes. Put 2 and 2 together. Must be something to it and I would say it's worth it to add it to your list of healthy "foods with benefits" list. Last but not least it's not called bitter melon for nothing. An acquired taste and can be bought in tea form too.

Replied by Crystal
(North Hollywood, California, Us)

Mountain rose herbs has the actual bitter melon, just google the name and it will pop up. I get all my stuff there.

Black Seed Oil

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Posted by Magee (Sunnyvale) on 05/02/2024

The EMF's from my laptop on my lap is a huge trigger for a herpes outbreak for me. The heat doesn't help either, but it's the EMF's that sets it off, deeply. I'd been too heads down on some work stuff to pay attention to my health for a while and neglected taking my normal supplements for quite a while. I gave myself some really deep and difficult outbreaks. As soon as I started taking my Black Seed Oil again (internally), almost immediate relief. I do 1-3 teaspoons a day depending. Spread out or all at once. Topically, Castor Oil helps along with the DMSO/Aloe with rose-scented lotion.

Black Tea

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Posted by Seema (Chicago, Il) on 03/13/2007

Was just reading up on this site on natural cures for Herpes 2 with a cup of black tea in my hand. Thought, "Gee, I can try this out right now", took the warm tea bag, broke it open, and applied the black leaves on the sores (really packed 'em in good, as I am a woman) and continued to read for another half hour. Upon gathering up the leaves and washing them away, ahhhhhhh, relief! The most I have felt in more than a week! I cannot believe that my infection decided to take a turn for the better just as I applied those leaves. There must be a connection! Goodby Valtrex!! It has made me very forgetful and detached. Have not been getting my work done. Will update.

Black Tea
Posted by Lucy (NY) on 02/25/2007

Black Tea is a remedy to drink against hsv, also, placing a tea tea bag on the sores, truly desperate do both (the tea bag should be luke warm for placing on sore leave for a good bit & do time & again throughout the day-also, place tea or tea bag in a plastic in freezer and do the treatment-works! It is an antioxidant naturally & the Tannin acid makes it unbearable for the virus! Hope this helps anyone-I know that this ailment is a sentence in hell for me for the past 14 years! I would not wish it upon my worse enemy trust me.

Black Walnut Hull

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Snow (Sussex) on 01/03/2022

Editor's Choice

Black walnut Tincture.

I struggled with Herpes 2 outbreaks almost monthly until I went to a kinesiologist who prescribed Blackwalnut Tincture. It's now been about 15 years since my last outbreak so either it went into total remission or I have been cured completely. I really hope this works for others. I took it internally (you can't take BW for too long) and I cannot remember what my dose was but I don't think I took it for a particularly long time. (6-8 weeks?) You can also apply it topically on any sores. I really hope this helps anyone struggling with outbreaks.

Replied by Barry
(Dallas, TX)

Did you take a blood test?

Replied by Mary
(Austin, TX)

Fascinating. What dosage and what type of tincture? Alcohol based or pure extract?

Black Walnut Hull
Posted by Beau (Ocean Springs MS) on 05/30/2006

black walnut hull (tincture form) cures herpes (genital)

Build Immunity

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Posted by Dena L. (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 05/26/2023

Build your immune system up

If you are suffering from herpes one or two you need to build your immune system with vitamins. I currently take a women's gummy multivitamin by nature bounty and 2000 iU of vitamin d which are gummy from Walmart. I take this daily and so far I haven't had any issues. I eat a regular diet ( must eat meat)but I try to stay away from sugary foods. I take salt baths a few times a week and avoid using fragrance soaps and washing powder.

Castor Oil

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Posted by hope (North Carolina) on 09/24/2024

I would like others to try this, which has helped me so far. I ran across an article that I will attach. It shows how castor oil stops the replication of the virus in animals up to 85 percent. I use that with oregano oil and other herbs, plus I use a Magnesium spray every day in the shower because I'm told magnesium is important for the body to function properly. I rub castor oil all over my body from my feet to my head, sometimes mixing in cocoa butter or another cream because it's thick.

Does Castor Oil Help Treat Herpes Outbreaks? What Research Shows ( check out link but this is the part that caught my eye.

What Does Research Say About Castor Oil and Herpes?

There are currently no large scale human studies that look at castor oil's effectiveness in treating herpes outbreaks. However, some preliminary laboratory research suggests castor oil does have antiherpes activity:

A lab study found that castor oil was able to inhibit HSV-1 virus replication by 60% to 85%. The ricinoleic acid in castor oil was thought to be responsible for this antiherpes activity.
An animal study showed that castor oil liposomes inhibited HSV-2 vaginal lesions in mice when applied topically. The treatment also delayed lesion development.
Another lab study indicated castor oil exhibited antiviral effects against acyclovir-resistant strains of HSV-1. This suggests it may be effective for drug-resistant herpes infections.
While these early results are promising, human clinical trials are still needed to confirm if castor oil can effectively treat herpes symptoms. Always talk to your healthcare provider before using castor oil or any alternative remedy. Do not use castor oil by itself to manage herpes long-term.

Risks and Precautions When Using Castor Oil for Herpes

When using castor oil for herpes treatment, keep these precautions in mind:

  • Do a patch test on a small area of skin before wider application to check for allergic reactions.
  • Avoid getting castor oil in eyes as it can cause irritation.
  • Discontinue use if skin becomes painful, overly dry or inflamed.
  • Only use externally on affected areas. Do not ingest castor oil.
  • Speak to your doctor before using castor oil on genital herpes sores or if pregnant.
  • Do not rely solely on castor oil to treat herpes long-term or prevent outbreaks.
  • See a doctor right away if herpes symptoms do not improve within a week of using castor oil.
  • While considered relatively safe for external use, some people may be allergic or sensitive to castor oil. It's a good idea to do a patch test first. Seek medical care if you experience any severe reactions after using castor oil.

Choraphor, Zinc Gluconate

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Posted by Dave (Houston, TX) on 11/15/2006

Choraphor and Zinc Gluconate didn't cure, just reduced severity. I tried choraphor and it worked ok but did not work as well as the zinc. The zinc will actually penetrate the skin and kill the virus. It reduces the healing time and makes any other outbreaks very mild. I am continuing the treatment hoping to put years between outbreaks.


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Posted by Nena (Michigan) on 03/28/2021

Editor's Choice

Take cimetidine (Tagamet) 200mg 2tabs twice/day for 3 days to halt a herpes outbreak. It's most effective at the beginning of a flare up but has some effect even later on. This is an OTC med that can be purchased at any Walgreens or Walmart for heartburn but it also boosts the bodies production of interferon. It is not a long term solution. I have used this many times on my own herpes infection (including shingles, herpes simplex type 2) and on my granddaughter's ocular herpes with nerve involvement around the eye and scalp. It works. She was hospitalized at 5 yrs old with ocular herpes and put on morphine for pain, but it was cimetidine that calmed the herpes and she has taken cimetidine (pediatric dose) at the onset of further symptoms for 3 days as described above. She is now 12 and has had no further serious herpes pain/episodes that this couldn't suppress. (I found this remedy while researching chemo treatments several years ago.)

Replied by Jimi

I saw your message on Earth clinic regarding the treatment of Herpes. I have ocular herpes and my daughter of 3 years caught it as well. I hope Cimetidine works for us when we use it as she is always in pain.

4 posts

You may want to try BHT as it will damage and suppress the herpes virus, but you will never completely get rid of the virus as once you have it, you will have it for life. But BHT will suppress it sometimes for a long time. Start with a dosage for the first few days with up to 900 mg and then taper off to about 400 mg. BHT works best when first dissolved in oil as it is only soluble in oil or alcohol, but alcohol is not recommended. This way it is better absorbed in your system. In addition, you may want to use Lysine about 1500 mg/ day as it helps to prevent the spread of the virus. Hope it helps.

Coconut and Frankincense Oils

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Posted by Diana (Northern Virginia USA) on 08/12/2021

I contracted genital herpes from my husband after 20 years of marriage. I knew going into the marriage that he had it but anyway I've struggled with them terribly until the last two years. I have no scientific proof or I should say explanation but I can tell you what has worked and completely eliminated outbreaks which I was getting every month for a year.

Lysine didn't help and I was even breaking through the daily prophylactic antibiotic. I knew the antibiotics were not good. Perhaps God gave me the idea,

I took the healthy coconut oil that isn't refined, maybe about a cup, and dropped 20 to 30 drops of frankincense (I use Doterra) And I began applying it to the genitals which also helped with dryness at my age. Not one outbreak.

I began to think I was healed so I stopped and within a week had an outbreak. Naturally, I've been using it ever since and zero outbreaks. I can't explain it I can only tell you it's worked.

Coconut Oil

11 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 
3 star (2) 

Posted by Kim (Kansas City, Mo) on 07/14/2013

I have had genital herpes for 18 years. I have never used anything that worked faster and more effectively than coconut oil.

After a very stressful week I noticed a horrible breakout coming on. The spot on my backside was flaming red, about the size of a quarter and I knew it was going to be bad! The bump was large and it itched & hurt. I tried applying coconut oil the last time I had a breakout after reading about this on EC and it cut down the healing time dramatically, but I didn't start applying it last time until 2-3 days into the breakout. This time I applied the VCO by dipping one finger only once in the jar & then to the sore as soon as I noticed; once in the morning & once in the evening. Wow! I never itched or hurt after I started applying VCO to the area.

What normally takes 10-14 days to heal; took 4 days this time and it is completely gone! No scabs ever came about! The VCO threw the outbreak in total remission! I also took about 3000 mg a day of Lysine to help speed up the process. Simply amazing! Thank you EC :)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Krishna (Singapore) on 11/17/2009

Treatment for herpes

If anyone there is suffering from herpes virus, please try applying coconut oil on the affected area. Even if you don't have an outbreak you can still rub coconut oil on the affected areas twice daily to stop an outbreak. Coconut oils are easily available in any Indian shops. You can also make it at home. Take some milk from coconut and boil it under high temperature. Keep boiling until all the milk evaporaes. Squeeze the white substance that is left and you will get pure coconut oil. Please try, this oil treatment it really works. You don't have to spend so much money on antibiotics and it is harmless to your body. Goodluck and best wishes

Replied by Krishna

Those of you who are suffering from herpes virus, please use coconut oil in the affected area. Just keep rubbing coconut oil daily even when you don't have any symptoms. You don't have to spend so much money on expensive tablets. Coconut oil is easily availabe in Indian shops. Take care.

Replied by Maryland
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I used the apple cider vinegar on the lesions on my genital and it burned a lot for 5 minutes and then it didn't itch for hours. It was great! But it didn't diminish the size of the lesions.

Then I applied coconut oil and 6 hours later it was itching again :( But when I looked at the lesions, they were smaller! I applied 2 more times and it seems to be working so far.

I am also taking 3 tablespoons of coconut oil a day, after reading a guy's post about eating coconut oil 3x a day and being free of outbreaks.

Replied by Merryanne
(Orange City, Florida, Usa)
113 posts

This is Merryanne in Central FL, , , I would like you to read all the information in our files here on Lysin, L-Lysine, it will kill viruses' you would need to take it at 2,000 mg in each dose at least 4 times a day for a while, , I do not know of anyone that has used it for herpes, but I know it cured me of a very bad virle flu last Christmas, and I thought I was dying and it was cured in 3 days, not even a sniffle left in 3 days. It does kill virel infections.

Replied by Maryland
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Well, I am happy to report to you guys that all my lesions disappeared! I had one that looked like a genital wart, and several others and they are all gone. I am still healing but I am so glad that I read this post about the coconut oil. It really worked! I applied 3 times yesterday and today I applied twice.

Replied by Maryland
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I have 3 tablespoons of coconut oil a day. I also still use the coconut oil on my genital when I feel itching. I haven't had any lesions develop, thanks to this!

Replied by Maryland
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)


UPDATE: the coconut oil no longer worked after a while. It was a relief from itching but did nothing to lesions. I had to apply colloidal silver on them.

Replied by Priscilla
(Springfield, Mo)

I found that Chlorehexidine solution when applied to the lesion will heal it in 2 days.
