Stabilized Oxygen
(San Antonio, Texas)
(Bklyn, Ny, Usa)
I just started on SLO and hopes it works. It acts as a cleanse as well. I am on day 2. Will keep u posted and will definitely get retested. I am using lecithin 4 daily since someone says it works and they r cured. The doctors are liars and want $ so a cure in their book is not possible. I have changed my diet and now feels hopeful.
(Bklyn, Ny)
(Atlanta Ga)
What was your test results after you went back to the doctor to get tested?
Stabilized Oxygen
(Atlanta, Ga)
He is right! I can testify I used stabilized oxgyen starting in 05 changed my diet, with healthy eating and exercise, no problems. And it is true the (FDA) will not recognize this because it will put every Dr,Pharmacutical company you can think of out of business. There is no second guessing give it at least 6 months and I promise you. You will see results permanetely. I used to take medicine for my outbreaks every now and then not any more Oxygen works for pretty much every virus, and ailement that people suffer from because we lack the proper amounts in are bodies. Don't let any one give you doubts you have to take control. it works!!
(Charlotte, Nc)
I believe oxygen is the way to go however this is my method. I use Baking Soda water, Its very alkaline and it raises your ph balance in your body killing viruses. I test my urine with ph strips and see that my body stays at around 7.2 ph. However from my understanding Baking soda water can strip other vitamins away. SO I take Vitimans made from bee products to replenish what the soda can take away. I usually have 2 or three outbreaks every one two two weeks, but since Ive been doing this ive been outbreak free over a year. Im sure your other products work but bakind soda is 2 bucks and its last a while. The be vitams run me 20 bucks a month but you may find vitamins cheaper or better but the combination of the two has worked wonders
A teaspoon in a 16 onz bottle is enough two much and the taste is not pleasent what also helps is letting the bottle sit for a while letting the baking soda disolve a lil.
(Missouri City,tx)
I was diagnosed with HSV2 in July 2013 and I've been reading the testimonies and doing my own internet research about eradicating this virus. I work in the health field we are well aware that virus cannot survive on its own, exposed to oxygen in our environment because of it being exposed to the oxygen. Its worth a try. Where can I buy this stabilized oxygen?
(Saudi Arabia)
"Stabilized oxygen" is the "magical" half of MMS - the sodium chlorite solution part.
It seems like a scam because it's super simple but when the sodium chlorite meets the acid in the stomach or the acid in a virus or some diabolical microbe, it turns into MMS, on the spot, and kamikaze's the acidic bad guys. It kills them and, itself, dies in the process.
It's the water-purifying part of 2-part water purifiers.
I neglected to mention that the process via which it kills bad guys is oxidation and the byproduct of that oxidizing death of the bad guys is elemental oxygen. Hence, "stabilized oxygen". As stabilized oxygen, it is bound to the sodium from which it is released, upon the oxidation of the bad guy.
Stabilized Oxygen
(Brooklyn, NY)
(nm, NJ, USA)
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
(Phila., Pa)
Great site--I have been reading for days. I got GH 30 yrs. Ago. Always a hassle--always unpredictable. About eight yrs. ago I started taking everclr. It has been a blessing. No cure like it says but outbreaks are far between and very mild. Costs about $12 month. Basically an immune booster. Ingredients listed on the site. Still looking for that cure though. This oxygen thing has peeked my interest. Those who have had success please follow up for us. Brand name, dosage etc.
(Aurora, Co.)
Stabilized Oxygen
(Tucson, Az)
Just because you haven't had an outbreak doesn't mean you are cured. I think you are misleading people by saying that. The only way to be cured is to get a test back for HSV which is negative! However, it is great feedback none the less.
(Bklyn, Ny, Usa)
Stabilized Oxygen Drops
I think you may be looking up the wrong tree on this one, as "Stabilized Oxygen" isn't really oxygen but a "precursor" to Oxygen when taken orally. Stabilized Oxygen is Sodium Chlorite which is not an effective topical antiseptic, but does increase oxygen levels in the body when taken orally.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and Ozone (O3) can be used as topical antiseptics.
Suntan Lotion
Firstly there are the remedies to take internally:
1. Fulvic Acid /Humic Acid liquid, drink 4 TBS/2xdaily - this powerful combo of minerals works to attack and destroy viruses throughout the body, plus a general free-radical scavenger. Super powerful stuff. After the first 2 months drop to taking 5x/week for another 2-4 months
2. Wildharvested Oregano Oil - take 3-5 drops 3-5x daily for 2 months, then reduce and continue for another few months, but now take breaks from it every few weeks for 5 days or so (this ensures it remains effective in your body, nothing should be taken every day long term)
3. Red Marine Algae - this stuff is awesome! Take 4 caps/day for 2 - 3 months, then reduce to a maintenance dose for another few months
4. Olive Leaf Extract - Take whatever dose the bottle recommends daily for a few months, you may try alternating it with oregano oil and red marine algae, taking all three in highest recommended doses for the first 2-6 months, then gradually reduce to a maintence dose.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar - drink 2 TBS/2x day most days permanently! ITs great for your total health.
6. Add organic garlic to your diet and enjoy daily - even more powerful add it to fresh pressed veggie juices.
7. eat an alkaline diet (lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.) and drinks lots of purified/alkaline/spring water
8. Add Reishi Mushroom to your life - capsules or tincture, go for high quality. Take this daily for as long as it takes to feel better! Super immune system power in this mushroom
9. Drink Self-Heal Tea aka Prunella Vulgaris - Awesome anti-viral and healing tonic. Research other immune system builders (too many to name here but I listed the best I know for the herpes virus) and add in to your protocol whatever calls to you. Alternate all your plant/mineral medicines, follow your intuition, and commit to 6 -12 months of healthy living/viral load detox. It's important to note that symptoms from ANY virus occur bc the body isn't working at peak performance - stress and diet and stressed/limiting/negative emotions/mental patterns usually play a big role. More on that in a second...
Here are the Topicals to apply at VERY first sign of an outbreak while you are clearing the virus (eventually you will clear it from the body following the above internals plus simply believing that you can:)
1. Melissa aka Lemon Balm - dilute, apply as needed, very effective
2. Colloidal Silver - buy a quality spray or ointment, super super deadly against all viruses even HIV
3. Oregano Oil - dilute and apply to affected area plus to the lower spine for several months (using your intuition for duration here, but its very good for the system
4. Eucalyptus Oil - dilute
5. Self-Heal Salve/Balm (harder to find but possible)
6. ACV - dilute w pure water, very effective against all viruses
7. Tea Tree Oil - diluted. I suggest combining several of the above essential oils in a carrier such as coconut oil (antiviral) or Neem Oil (antiviral). Alternate the essential oil blend with Colloidal Silver spray and/or ACV. You can also apply any of the essential oils to the bottom of your feet for extra-benefit/powerful support. Finally, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and YOU CAN And WILL HEAL FULLY! I promise with all the miracles Ive seen in healing chronic/"incurable" conditions, this virus is a puny match for the human body/mind/spirits ability to heal. Study after study plus real life exp. shows that our mental attitude is huge role. If you believe and know you can heal, you will. If you believe the standard medical claim that you will always have the virus, then likely it will remain way longer than it needs to. Affirm that you are getting stronger and more perfect health each day. Affirm when you take your medicines how powerful they are. Eventually you will just feel so free of all virus, you will just know you are cured of the virus. Don't believe for one second that this is incurable!!!! You are beautiful and loved and lovable, and this is a chance to empower yourself by loving your body and yourself through this experience. If you are interesting in learning bout affirmations, check Loiuse Hay's Book Heal Your Body. It is invaluable.
Finally, for those who resonante with the idea of minerals, I recommend Flourite (emits highly antiviral vibration) and Orange Selenite (high vibration that really assists in clearing the vibration of all sexually-linked diseases). I don't have to hope some of this will help, I know it will help and heal back to wholeness. Thanks for being here, with love and light!
(Syracuse, New York)
Well, there is BHT [ butylated hydroxytoloene ] and a very many people have successfully used BHT to treat ALL types of herpes viruses including genital herpes. BHT alone does it. You do NOT need or desire a laundry list of additional supplements for BHT to work. In fact the BHT treatment works best if kept simple. Use BHT only, by itself with a gulp of water on an empty stomach. One or two 250mg to 350mg capsules of BHT per day does work for many people as a treatment for genital herpes....Oscar
These are the ones I do not take frequently cranberry, milk thistle 175mg, zinc 25mg, magnesium 250mg. I last took lysine 1000mg with the very last outbreak. I have also taken in the past Red Marine algae Plus still have some left.
My main concern is am doing any long-term damage with taking all these supplements? Is there some that I can do without as I honestly do not know which ones are working for me.
I really do appreciate all the advice, teachings and guidance.
Tammy, most nutritional supplements, taken at recommended dosage (read labels) are not damaging, they are health promoting. Think of your supplements as expanding and boosting your otherwise deprived daily diet. For guidance on how best to take the N. S., purchase a nutrition handbook. Here in U.S.A. Dr James Balch has sold millions copies of Prescription For Nutritional Healing; which covers the basics and well beyond.
Specifically, careful with Selenium as it can be toxic, especially in regions like where soil and water levels can be abnormally high. Take Vit-E to help your body utilize the Selenium in your body, and maybe S every other day in UK.
(London, Uk)
(Bklyn, Ny, Usa)
Support Groups
Synergy Protocol
People would like to be able to speak freely of their experiences with Synergy protocol away from medical dogma.
EC: Are any of our regular readers familiar with this protocol? We've never heard of it before.
We'll post for now and see what kind of posts we get about it.
I did use the Synergy protocol - Dec ‘18- Sept ‘19. My IgG score started at 14.5 and was 17.8 nine months later. I noticed after a month a huge lessening in symptoms and that continued the whole time such that I felt ‘cured' until I got my test results. I took some months off for my liver to rest and later started my own protocol using their suggested products but from different supplement providers as the company was shut down for a bit due to shipping and new ownership issues.
A year later, this past September, my IgG score was 12.5. I believe I've been symptom free since November and need to test again. I will give Synergy praise for their excellent customer service. You don't need to be a paying customer for them to help you tweak your diet and supplements. I learned from them that Vitamin C is high in Arginine - I was daily taking a few thousand grams of it. I feel truly cared for. The price is the same whether you use theirs or buy the listed products locally. In my break period I met a young lady that had been cured by their protocol but her starting IgG score was less than 3 and she started it right away. That may be critical in the cure as any score 5> is high. Sadly, she has since gotten reinfected and is back on their protocol. Her asymptomatic partner's IgG score had come down from 9 to 6 in two months on Synergy. In lieu of their mystery amino acids, I am using 500mg Glutamine on an empty stomach both morning and night, 500mg Glycine at bedtime on an empty stomach, and 500mg Methionine with food in the morning along with 45mg Zinc Gluconate and 200mcg Selenium. I take 500mg Lysine 4x/day on an empty stomach. They have approved of my added Vitamin D3, Ubiquinol, Magnesium, Vitamin B Complex, Green Tea Extract and ApoLactoferrin. Their website also suggests, and I take apart from the amino acids, Melatonin and Monolaurin. Rhodiola Rosea, Tribulus, and Astragulas in 750mg dosages are also included in their protocol and taken away from my personal protocol. They emphasize staying away from Arginine foods as the body processes it differently from Lysine and Herpes will make a little go a long way for replication. A guy I know also used it and it didn't work for him but he wouldn't give up high Arginine beer nor make any needed dietary or lifestyle changes otherwise. You may glean something from their user friendly website.
Taking Responsibility
I hope this helps alongside all the other wonderful solutions on this site.
Tanamu Oil
Tea Tree Oil
(Cph, DK)
I can totally back this up. Tea tree oil is great for herpes, wherever it may be. Apply it as soon as you feel an outbreak coming.
(Dallas, Texas, Usa)
Tea Tree Oil is the only thing that has worked for me. As soon as I feel any tingle or pain or itch I put some on a cotton pad and apply it to the area for about an hour.Then for the next 24 hours I apply it after using the restroom. If I catch it as soon as I feel anything I can abort the outbreak. If I dont get it till the blisters are already forming it usually cuts the outbreak down to 24 hours or less. I also have found taking lysin and ST. Johns wort 3x a day has really boosted my immunity and provided less breakouts.
It definitely works but apply it as early as possible, then there is a chance the blisters will be avoided at all.. When you are late and the blisters are already there, try to rub the oil as deep as possible, even try some slight scratching, so oil enters deeper - I let it burn a bit down, then you get the best results..
(Sioux Falls)
Ted's Remedies