64 User Reviews

I tried this but it burns a lot, I feel like I am choking.
Is there a better remedy, that does the job but doesn't burn like this?
Acute infection? Chronic infection?
For acute, start with Boiron SinusCalm Tablets for Sinus Pain Relief, Runny Nose, Congestion, Sinus Pressure, Headache, it works.
For chronic, read this: How To Get Rid of Sinus Infection with Homeopathic Medicines
Cayenne pepper can be taken with a good quality olive oil 1 tablespoon add a squeeze of lemon juice and a drizzle of honey and it doesn't burn so much and is so much easier to take. I also have a drink of something on hand to immediately wash it down. Loads easier
I was dubious, but miserable enough to try cayenne based upon the positive ratings. I'm SO glad I did!
It's 3am. Have been suffering for 2 hours. So glad I sniffed the cayenne. It burns like hell but at least I can breathe again!
My ex brother-in-law's doctor told him to use his nasal spray and then tilt his head back until he could see where the ceiling meets the wall behind him to get the medicine up into that part of the sinus cavity. Then sit and tilt your head back - then turn it slowly to the right - then the left. You'll feel it. I've been mixing a shot glass of warm water and cayenne and dipping my finger in it, sticking it up my nose and sniffing the mixture up. I did this several times on both sides and then did the head tilting things and could feel the pressure all over the place. And I do NOT have a stuffy nose and never get sinus infections so I didn't get the same result by blowing my nose as I got yesterday. After, I poured a small amount of cold water in my hand and snuffled that up and did the tilting again. I think I'm going to do the same small amount in the palm with the cayenne mix, instead of using my finger, next time. If I ever get a problem up in there. At the moment it's still warm up in my nose and generating a little bit of new mucous.
(Faithville, Us)
I read a horror story about someone who did some tap water up the nose. Our guts have enzymes, acids, and bacteria to fight microbes. Our noses don't ....be very careful.
My ex brother-in-law's doctor told him to use his nasal spray and then tilt his head back until he could see where the ceiling meets the wall behind him to get the medicine up into that part of the sinus cavity. Then sit and tilt your head back - then turn it slowly to the right - then the left. You'll feel it. I've been mixing a shot glass of warm water and cayenne and dipping my finger in it, sticking it up my nose and sniffing the mixture up. I did this several times on both sides and then did the head tilting things and could feel the pressure all over the place. And I do NOT have a stuffy nose and never get sinus infections so I didn't get the same result by blowing my nose as I got yesterday. After, I poured a small amount of cold water in my hand and snuffled that up and did the tilting again. I think I'm going to do the same small amount in the palm with the cayenne mix, instead of using my finger, next time. If I ever get a problem up in there. At the moment it's still warm up in my nose and generating a little bit of new mucous.
I just read an article about cayenne aspiration. I would not take the chance inhaling it!
I did not inhale it, I put it in neti pot mixed w warm water which is very safe …
I did just a pinch quickly in each nostril and it didn't take long for my eyes to tear up like crazy and for me to wish I hadn't done that as it burned like crazy! I decided to jump in the shower so the I could help loosen things up. And did it ever work. About an hour later, one side was still a little plugged so I decided to snort a little more in there (maybe 1/4 of a pinch). It didn't burn near as bad.
Anyways, it worked! Today I have woken up and am about 100% better. It was totally worth the pain as far as I am concerned. I think I might try having a shower to loosen things up before doing it the next time. The only other thing that worked for me is using a netty pot with a few tablespoons of peroxide in it. That too hurt like the dickens and you will literally foam out of your nostrils. It also took me quite a few days to have it be effective rather than just one! So if the cayenne thing won't work for you maybe give that a shot.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Don, snorting grey salt dissolved in warm water works well too.
I work at a grain elevator so you could imagine that sinus infections are nothing new for me. Well I didn't have time to make it to the doctor and was hoping my body could kick its butt on its own. Well, it didn't. I've had the sinus infection for a little over two weeks now. It was so bad to the point where when I first started the treatment I could barely even snort the cayenne pepper dust through a straw but after I gave my nose a few good hard blows to momentarily clear a passage I got the job done. I let it drain and then repeated the steps 2 or 3 more times. It burned like H-E-double hockey sticks but I just woke up from a two hour nap where all my sinuses drained down the back of my throat and for the first time in what feels like years I can finally breathe again. I will definitely be using this home remedy again in the future. #DontBeAWuss
1) in-breaths through the nose actually provide immediate temporary relief!
2) after 15 minutes I did a neti-pot (regular with salt, not with cayenne) and this finished off the pain. I recommend this if the pain feels like it's been too long (10-15 minutes)
I swabbed some cayenne directly from the top of the jar (no water) and did the insert Q-tip and breathe method.
(La Ca)
Omg I am very pleased I'm happy. I Google information it works fast
Can you share your recipe for making a cayenne pepper nasal spray? I can't seem to get any recipe other than someone saying a pinch in water.
(Ten Mile, Tn.)
HI U FRANCIS,,,,,,,,,,, first, I love you, but you just went into a rant that is contrary to what a bunch of folks all over the world would disagree.
So lets start over and you reread the posts on EC about your health problem. Pick out which the ones that suit you and do these. Let us then know how it this works out.
These folks want to help you, so give them a chance without all this anger.
I promise you that the folks on EC will give you the best shot at curing your health problems. Even better than your doctor.
Francis BC. This is not stupid, did you follow what you were supposed to do properly?? Many people write to this site with suggestions with what works for them, and nobody forces you to try anything, That's up to yourself but everyone who is kind enough to write in means well and is sincere.
(Bucks County)
(St Paul, Mn)
For many years I have used this remedy . Equal parts Golden Seal and Bayberry Bark Powder, and as much Cayenne Powder as you take, over time you will get braver and add more Cayenne. Do salt solution first than take as much powder as you can handle.
Wow! If your teeth are hurting and you have sinus infections you should check out the research on the dangers of root canals...ESPECIALLY if it is affecting the upper teeth and under the maxillary sinuses. The condition is called Odontogenic Sinusitus. ENT specialist Dr John Craig at a University in the US alerted me to this issue after I dealt with chronic, one sided nasal infections for over 15 years. Check out his videos on youtube. I never had a root filling but I did have a deep filling on my second upper molar that had damaged the sinus floor ten years before my sinus symptoms started.
If all these remedies and surgery isn't working please have a holistic dentist triple check for unseen and unknown infections of the teeth roots. If in doubt-pull it out! It could save your health and your sanity :)