Prostate - Enlarged
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate Relief

Blackstrap Molasses

9 User Reviews
5 star (8) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Vernon (Salem, Oregon) on 06/18/2008

For the lady with Metastatic Breast cancer which has spread to the bones. Contact me! I was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer which had spread to the bones. The second opinion concurred. After taking Molasses with another substance for 10 days I had another bone scan. I was afraid to open the envelope that was sent me containing the results. I burst out bawling like a baby when it said: No convincing evidence of an osseous metastatic process. I am very very happy.....

EC: Read more about Molasses here.

Replied by ANNE

HI VERNON, FROM SALEM OREGON! Your posting caught my attention when I was browsing for something about prostate cancer. I have a friend who has a prostate cancer, and I want to help. Do you think a lot of people especially men - would benefit if you would post your treatment option here? I AM VERY INTERESTED. PLEASE HELP! I want to help my friend.

Replied by Sean
(La Crescenta, CA)

Dear Vernon, Please let me know what was "another substance" you were taking for the metastatic prostate cancer. I have the same diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer. I am looking forward your reply.

Replied by Mary
(Portland, Oregon)

The other substance is baking soda. I heard about Vern thru another friend who knows him, and its baking soda 1:1 ratio, 1 teaspoon of blackstrap molasses and 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in water.

Replied by Peter
(Halifax, Nova Scotia)

For the prostate cancer questions with blackstrap MOLASSES.. The 1 to 1 ratio of I teaspoon of blackstrap molasses and 1 of soda... How many times a day? or just once?

Replied by Peter
(Bedford, Nova Scotia)

Would like to know about the 1 to 1 ratio of BS molasses and soda. (TBSP) How many times a day?

Replied by Ulla
(Lake Cowichan, Bc Canada)

Blackstrap Molasses and prostate cancer. Check out:

or go to:

Replied by Chris

What's the other substance, cbd oil or Apple cider vinegar?

Replied by Jim
(New York)

Vernon, I'm interested in finding out what the other ingredient is that you mixed in with the BSM for cancer that spread to the bones please. Sincerely appreciate any information or advice you can give me. Thank you!


EC: That post is very old and he is unlikely to respond. Based on feedback we've received over the years, the other ingredient he is probably referring to is baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate).

Replied by Mariks

Could you tell what the other substance you took and how much would be very helpful please

Blood in Semen

Posted by Penknee (North Bend, Washington, United States) on 06/29/2013

This question is from my daughter, a situation has arisen with my boyfriend. He is only 23 years old and having serious problems with what seems to be his prostate. About a year ago, he noticed blood in his semen. He also was experiencing severe lower back pain and difficulty gaining an erection at certain times. This obviously freaked him out, so he began looking for answers online and through his peers. He associated his symptoms with a prostate infection, and when he saw his family doctor, that is what they told him as well. They told him things like, "As long as the blood isn't in your urine, you have nothing to worry about, " "This looks like a classic prostate infection, " "Nothing a few antibiotics can't fix, " "No harm to your partner. " My boyfriend took the antibiotics for 14 days and the bleeding stopped along with the other symptoms. However, the exact same problem came back this past February. He went back to his doctor who referred him to a Urologist who wanted a urine sample, but ran no tests of his semen, kidneys, liver, or any other body parts that may have been affecting this. The Urologist ended up putting him on the same medicine he was taking but advised him to take it for a longer period of time (1 month). After he finished this, the problem seemed to go away until just a week ago. He pleasured himself and noticed a large amount of blood all throughout his semen. He brought it to my attention, and I told him to see his doctor. He argued with me, because he felt as if they'll just put him right back on the meds, sort of shrugging it off like before. We ended up having sex just a few nights ago and as he pulled out to finish, I realized the huge amount of blood in his ejaculate. It scared me so bad that I told him he needed to go to the emergency room. Unfortunately, he could not go right away, because of work and such, but he ended up going the following night. I went with him for support. At the emergency room, they requested a urine sample and asked him some questions. This time, they took a blood sample to test his PSA levels, which turned out to be completely normal. Yet, they still sent him home with the same medication as before calling it an infected prostate. My boyfriend feels as if they are not testing him enough in other areas that may be causing the prostate to continue becoming infected. He also asked the doctor at the emergency room if it could affect me from us engaging in unprotected intercourse. The doctor said "absolutely not. " But, we are obviously still very worried about his ongoing issue. After these antibiotics, it will most likely just come back. I do not know if there is any advice you can give me, or if you even know anything involving a matter like his. But, if you can, it would be greatly appreciated. Our worst fear is prostate cancer or some sort of other fatal condition.

I want you to know that you taking the time to read this and get back to me means so much. Thank you in advance!

Replied by Blue777
(Lamarque, Tx)

Large glass of Cranberry Juice every day for rest of your life. And no more prostate problem. Older people should take 2 glasses a day. 1 when you wake up and 1 when you go to sleep.

Replied by Zark
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz)

Two remedies for prostate issues that worked well for me and for others with prostate issues:

* Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 tbsp in a glass or juice, once or twice a day. Can increase the dose gradually later if necessary.

* Molasses & Baking Soda - this can knock over 2 birds with one stone based on the experiences of others, ie. both prostate enlargement AND prostate cancer. 1 tsp molasses, and 1 tsp baking soda. Increase dose gradually as necessary.

Can totally relate to the issues with doctors. They don't have time to really look into our health problems in detail anymore. You need to spend a lot of money or have a very caring doctor to get good quality care. Can't entirely blame them, they are typically over-worked & stressed.

Replied by Johnny
(Nashville, Tn)

I have had similar problems 2 times in my life. Blood in my semen after a very intense orgasm. I was maybe 28 yrs old. The first time it happened I was told, by a Dr, that it was due to a busted blood vessels in my urethra caused by the intense orgasm. It happened again much later in my life and I just chalked it up to the same thing and didn't worry about it. It never happened again that I know of.

Bromelain for Testicular Pain

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Milky Way (France, Paris) on 05/29/2017

Editor's Choice

I have had chronic enduring testicular pain for more than a year and tried loads of natural remedies. Turmeric, ashwagandha, rhodiola, zinc, and daily juicing had no effect on my pain and inflammation. The only thing that helped was prolonged abstinence, but it is not easy to keep up long term or more than 4-5 weeks. Luckily last month, as I was eating dried pineapple fruit, I noticed a clear soothing effect on my pain, so after doing research on pineapple, I ordered bromelain and got incredible relief taking 3 or 4 daily capsules of 500mg bromelain at 2500gdu.

It's important to take bromelain on empty stomach away from meals.

Budwig Protocol, Dietary Changes

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Craig (San Antonio, Tx) on 01/29/2018

My prostate has been growing slowly and steadily since I was in my late 40's, and now am 66. My urologist has insisted I have cancer, even after 4 negative biopsies (36 pokes). And I have been through the usual meds like Avodart, Proscar, and Flomax. Incidentally, they ALL have side effects even though the urologist will say that is highly unlikely. They are wrong. Urologists drive me nuts. Their business model is drugs and surgery. Neither one is good for you. They don't know a thing about nutrition and generally don't believe it is a factor in BPH.

Things got so bad in the last year I had to have a catheter and learn how to do it myself. Miserable. My prostate was getting bigger and bigger and PSA had climbed to over 30. But my other prostate markers were very normal.....a 'soft' prostate, low PCA-3 scores, negative biopsies, etc. It was a real puzzle.

I have read the experiences of others here with interest. I tried most of them. I did get a little bit of mileage out of apple cider vinegar (ACV).

Here is what ultimately helped me BIG TIME:

The Budwig anti-cancer meal. It is essentially a lot of organic flaxseed oil with organic cottage cheese. Here is the link: I use Barlean's organic flaxseed oil with the cottage cheese. Not only will it help your prostate but will cut your risk of cancer to almost nothing IMHO.

This has really helped. Because of these dietary changes I no longer need to use a catheter. My suspicion is that all of us have to deal with inflammation in our bodies. Try this Budwig anti-cancer concoction; it is easy to make. The oil will cool off the inflammation that is probably driving BPH. Incidentally, I had an MRI and there was NO cancer; just a prostate about the size of Mount Rushmore.

Also, I take a TBS of cod liver oil every day, or every other day. That is good for inflammation also.

Lastly, STAY AWAY from commercial pastries and foods with MSG. The sugar and MSG and salt will cause tissue to swell. Do NOT eat the peanuts on Southwest Airlines; they have heavily salted with MSG (read the package). Eat food that is NOT processed; you will be better for it. Make a green 'smoothie' in your blender and drink a half glass every day. Make it out of kale and frozen fruit. You can get it at Costco for not much money. Greens are so very good for all of us.

Green drinks, lots of omega 3's in the Budwig diet, and staying away from heavily salted, commercial foods and pastries will help you big time. I found that I didn't need the drugs or surgery if I was willing to change my diet in key areas.

That is what has helped me. And good luck!

Replied by Mary M.
(Arcadia, Ca)

Dear Craig you are so right. These days doctors do not care about your health. They only want to poke and prod wherever they can. I have suffered with high blood pressure for about 15 years now. Never had it before would walk for miles always had great blood pressure. Now since I've become older the doctors always calling my house because they want to come out and check to see how I am doing. I DON'T WANT THAT! They keep calling anyway! I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm and was in the hospital for a month and a half. That was a real picnic. Awhile later they hired a Japanese doctor who could heal an aneurysm with laser! You only had to stay in the hospital for one hour! The other doctors threw him out!!! I no longer have trust in them! I am so much worse since I went back to the doctors. I will not go again unless I cut or break something!!!!

Cabbage for Painful or Dribbling Urination

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Susan (USA)

Recipe: Take common green cabbage, put in boiling water, boil briefly until half cooked. Pour out half the water, add plenty 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and a little cumin. Bring to another boil for about 3 minutes. Eat the cabbage and drink the juice from this recipe immediately. Once a day is best.


9 User Reviews
5 star (9) 

Posted by Thinus C. (Jamesonpark, Gauteng, South Africa) on 05/07/2016

Editor's Choice

On 21 January 2016 I was diagnosed with tubular prostate cancer phase four. My PSA was 901 on 5 February. I got my first Lucrin injection on 9 February and also started with artemether. Now after 11 weeks on 3 May my PSA was 69. I am working hard to reach 0 by the end of June 2016. I had a problem with my stream peeing.

For the past three days I am taking a 500 mg Cayenne pepper capsule three times a day. Really, the difference is amazing. I am pissing a beer bottle stream in a relaxing mood.

Replied by Kennywally
46 posts

Thinus C. a capsule of cayenne 3-5 times a week should also help to keep veins clean from miss piggy and other vein cloggings things folks love to eat.

Replied by Suleiman
(Tanga, Tanzania)
1 posts

I would like to know how you are doing to date with the cayyene pepper treatment

Replied by Pam
(Menifee, California)
145 posts

In regards to your statement:

"For the past three days I am taking a 500 mg Cayenne pepper capsule three times a day.
Really, the difference is amazing. I am pissing a beer bottle stream in a relaxing mood."

Cayenne Pepper typically ranges between 30,000–50,000 Scoville heat units.
Would you please share with us the 'heat' of the Cayenne that you are taking? Thank You!

Years ago my DH & I had bought a bottle of Cayenne powder in capsules, but when we took it we each experienced what felt like a severe heart attack. (I think the capsule opened & didn't get mixed readily with the food, so sat in one place & caused serious irritation! )

My SIL had recently told me she had had a similarly unpleasant experience after taking an herb, & she had successfully diluted it by drinking a large glass or so of water. So that's what we did ... & thereafter we just mix the cayenne in with our food before eating!

Posted by Victor (Spain) on 01/30/2015

I am 68, have had blood in semen for about 15-20 years, prostate checked once a year and normal enlargement for my age. I started to spice my food at lunch time with about a bit less than level teaspoon of chili pepper in liquid form. After a few days blood gone from semen completely. I also used to have one testicle where I believe some of the blood accumulated and always was somewhat larger, that testicle is also back to normal size. I have had no difficulties with urination before but perhaps urine flows a bit better. What beats me is why regular doctors, whom I respect and consult when I need to, do not seem to receive any training on natural medicine as a complement to modern medicine. It only damages their image when people experience what I have

Replied by Anthony

Go to Cayennepepper. Info, loads of info on great benefits of cayenne for prostate and everything else also google "I cured my prodtste cancer with cayenne pepper".

Pam E.
(SouthWestern California)
145 posts

The website is up for sale, & I see no indication of any information regarding Cayenne Pepper existing there anymore. ):

EC: The poster meant, not .com.

Replied by Moses Dorgbadzi
(Accra Ghana)

I would like to know the dosage of Cayenne pepper to use for prostate. Thank you.

Replied by Robert

Can't make money on pharmaceuticals if they propose natural remedies. And when they help you achieve good health, you won't need doctors as much. Follow the money.

Posted by Lizzie (London) on 02/22/2014

Editor's Choice

First off, thank you to earth clinic and all the people that post on here. It is such a great site.

My partner was suffering from enlarged prostate. He was suffering quite a bit, hard to pee and frequently wanting to pee. He was put on a 3 month waiting list to have an operation. He was not sure he could last that long because of the pain of it.

He started taking 10.000 Hu cayenne tablets. Think he took about 6 a day. Within about two days the pain had eased off and he was able to pee properly again. He was amazed and so was I. He cancelled the appointment to be operated on and is now completely fine.

Replied by Pam E.
(SW California)
145 posts

You said: "He started taking 10.000 Hu cayenne tablets. Think he took about 6 a day. Within about two days the pain had eased off and he was able to pee properly again. He was amazed and so was I. He cancelled the appointment to be operated on and is now completely fine."

Was he fine as long as he continued taking it ... or ... even without taking it anymore at all ... or ...?

Posted by Bill In Thailand (Chiang Mai, Thailand) on 11/04/2012

Could someone let us know.... A daily dosage of 600-mg of cayenne peper would equate to how many teaspoons?

I began taking it today in hopes of easing my BPH symptoms... Started very cautiously with three x 1/8 teaspoon servings in 3-oz V-8 juice diluted with 3-oz of warm water... Taken after meals. I have a small hiatal hernia and battle GERD as a result. So need to be wary when ingesting pepper. But I seem to have tolerated this small dosage rate quite well. Now, I am wondering what it takes to ingest a total of 600-mg. Taken in three servings (200-mg each).

Thanks to all posters for the very interesting information.

Replied by Bill
(French Polynesia, Moorea)

However, cayenne powder is much lighter than either of these substances. 1 average tsp of cayenne powder is the equivalent of 2000 milligrams.

Posted by Len (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 01/29/2012

Editor's Choice

I had been using saw palmetto for the last 7 months. Urine flow was half of what it used to be (less in the morning but "improved" to about 1/2 of what it was when I was younger (now 59).

It seemed to be helping but I wasn't totally satisfied and started looking elsewhere. I found references to cayenne pepper. I read more about supposed "cancer" fighting properties. I'm getting more into "natural" methods and away from pharmaceuticals and thought I would give it a try.

I had my first taste this morning after breakfast: I used 1/2 tsp in half cup of warm water. Chugged it and oooh boy, it was hot. Not burningly so but enough. Without word of a lie, when I peed about 1. 30pm, flow was twice what it usually is. Four hours? Sounds dubious but it's true. All I know is I'm a believer (at this point) and am going to continue this level of cayenne (1/2 tsp in half cup of warm water 3x/day (after each meal).

Take this for what it's worth. Good luck to you :)

Replied by Len
(Toronto, Ontario Canada)


No specific quantities as there are no claims that it kills cancer cells. Just some studies suggest it does in mice. It has not been tested on people.

Powdered quantities suggested range from 1/4tsp to 1 tablespoon in 1 cup of water 3x a day (preferably after meals as the food has a "gentling" effect). A lot depends on how much you can tolerate. Upset stomach is a common first reaction.

I started with (and am still using) 1/2 tsp in 1/2 cup of warm water. I had a little bit of "turmoil" (still do--it's not a "leisure" beverage to sit down with and enjoy) but it settled down quickly.

Everything I've read says powdered in very warm water (I'm using 1/2tsp of Bulk Food Store cayenne powder--25 to 35 thousand SHU--in 1/2 cup very warm water) is best. It's benefits hit you immediately whereas the capsule has to dissolve.

Capsules work too but are slower.

As a side benefit to the prostate issue, it is clearing up my sinus and coughing/congestion issues related to the bronchitis I'm currently "enjoying".

It's a wonder pepper. I do believe in it at this point.

Replied by Doug
(Phoenix, Az.)

Cayenne does so many wonderful things. There are so many testimonials it will make your head spin, just like ACV. Buy your cayenne in powder or liquid form. Forget about the capsules; when your mouth senses the heat, your stomach will immediately release juices to protect itself, something the capsules don't do. Also, the more heat units, the better. I am taking 160,000 heat unit cayenne pepper that I buy on-line. Research Dr richard Schultz and Dr. Christopher (can't remember his first name) on the internet. Good luck everyone.


Replied by John
(Johannesburg, Gauteng)

Dr Mathias Rath, a great in the science of natural health and antedotes, explains that of of all the earths mammals, the human is the only species that does not produce its own requirement of Vit C. We pay the price, unless one ingests vit C on a regular basis. Cayenne, ginger, are loaded with Vit C.

British Medicine discovered the C discrepancy after 150 years, heart attack was then known as Scurvy!

To this day, the Nation Health Services of the UK or anywhere else will not reduce the Hospital bed occupancy by making this simple truth known to every school child and expectant mother. One day the medics will be looked at as we now view the infamous, demonic inquisitors. It is after all, thier own fault, they refuse to see TRUTH and continue to support the purveyers of slow profit making death, instead of using thier existing medical platform to improve themselves in order to improve the health of thier fellow travellers.

Replied by Richard

Why bother with the whole digestion.? I am for doing tropical treatment say Glycerin with cayenne pepper applied near the prostate area. It can absorbed through the skin. no hassle with the stomach.....

Replied by Gary
(New York)

Hey, Richard. I love the idea. Since oral dosing only produces increased urine frequency. (Both AVC and cayenne.) How is the "paste" working for you?

Replied by Carolinablueskies55

Richard, would you please give more details how you do this? My hubby wants & needs to know. Thank you

Replied by KT

Dear Carolinablueskies5,

I am female and I take cayenne everyday. I started with 1/4 tsp. in about 1/2 C water until I could get use to the heat and now am up to 1/2 tsp. It does not irritate my stomach and it doesn't take long to tolerate the heat. Stirred briskly and chug...maybe chase with a little more water, getting the residue from inside the glass. I feel working from the inside is better than topical application.

Sometimes I add 1/4-1/2 tsp. ginger or turmeric. They both reduce inflammation, fight cancer and ginger is a natural antibiotic.

I wish you and husband well.



Posted by Dorli (Kent, Ct) on 12/23/2011

How much cayenne is necessary to reduce the size of the prostate or to kill cancer cells in the prostate? I bought capsules containing 600 mg.

Replied by Teresa Morgan
(Port Hadlock, Washington)

as much FRESH cayanne as you can handle, as often as you can, it should be fresh, and in the mouth. Bypassing the tastebuds reduces effectivness greatly. Drying hurts its effectivness, but not as much as other processing. As long as it is dried naturally, and organic. My husband simply puts it on his food like regular pepper, every day. Or eats a fresh pepper every day.

Posted by Nick (Johannesburg, South Africa, Gauteng South Africa) on 02/19/2009

One week before I turned 40 I became very ill- flue like symptoms. Docter told me I had prostrate problems. Since then, urinating wasn't what it use to be! 2 years ago I met this friend who only took natural medicines, and she recommended Cayenne Pepper. I've been taking it in powder form -3x per day with luke warm water- and I can honestly say i pee like a 30 year old!

Replied by Chet
(Dallas, Tx Usa)

How much cayenne in how much water? HELP us out here

Replied by Gavin
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)

I've just finished reading a report from "pepperlover" in topix forum.. who was diagnosed with prostate cancer, he didnt want it removed and started taking 600mg of cayenne over a day.. In a few days he was able to urinate freely again and.. within two weeks he could orgasm again.. When he went to the doctor for a check up a month or two later.. the test showed no signs of cancer the doctor couldnt believe it.... He got the idea from a trail on rats who were given the human prostate cancer cell... The good news seems to be that cayenne seems to be working on other types of cancer cells.

Chronic Prostatitis Remedies

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lonnie (Huntington, Wv) on 10/01/2013

I have chronic prostatitis for the past 17 years. Is there any help for me? I'm so tired and tired of living this way.

Replied by Steve

Saw Palmetto, Lycopene, Zinc, Comfrey, and Pumpkin Seed are all good for healing prostatitis. Some more good ones here:

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Lonnie, If you haven't seen this Earth Clinic page yet, I think it will encourage you.

I think 1 T. Blackstrap Molasses twice a day sounds like a very safe and inexpensive cure. Also, the cayenne pepper - 1/4 t to 1/2 t. In water or juice twice a day. (This is spicy! I like it in Grape Juice. ) Let us know how it is working for you! ~Mama to Many~

Replied by Tony
(Tn, Usa)

I just want to add my 2 cents here. I've suffered from chronic prostatitis for over 5 years myself. Been through all sorts of treatment options. The doctors always want to throw antibiotics in me. I've also tried numerous supplements & other natural remedies. They just don't work! Let me tell you why.

It's most likely not a problem with bacteria or viruses. It's more than likely due to CANDIDA. I've learned a ton of things from Bill here at EC. Prostate problems can be a problem with candida and also actually directly related to the thyroid as well. How many of you know that thyroid problems can also lead to prostate issues?

I would suggest to look at the Candida page here at EC for more help. I'm currently under the anti-candida protocol provided by Bill myself. You have to remain disciplined on the protocol & keep a positive attitude. It's not going to be an overnight cure.

Candida takes years to build up in the body but you won't see very many traditional medicine doctors acknowledge that if there life was on the line. Candida untreated can certainly lead to a number of debilitating diseases such as cancer. I really think the poster needs to consider candida as a probably cause. Thanks & God Bless!

Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Olivia (Brooklyn, New York) on 02/10/2008

Coconut oil reduced my husband's swollen left testicle about 85 percent in one week of light massage. My husband is terrified of seeing a doctor. There is no negotiating with him. The answer is a resounding no. For the past two months I have been giving him a combination of saw palmetto and pygeum tablets for prostate problems. He had terrible dribbling of urine and waking up many times per night. I gave him two of each tablet twice per day and within three days his bathroom runs were reduced to twice per night from four or five times. After about six weeks was reduced to once per night. I was therefore in shock when one week ago I noticed one testicle was three times its size and hard. He had been hiding it because he was afraid I'd insist on him going to the doctor. He said there was no pain. I was terrified of the thought of testicular cancer but he said he did not care he was not going to the doctor. He is 63 and cannot remember the last time he saw a doctor. Well I prayed and the thought of massaging it with coconut oil came to me. It has been one week since I'd take some oil in my hand and massage lightly from groin to under and around both testicle area. I'd then take another generous helping of oil and cup the swollen testicle in it while praying. The swelling has gone down about 85 percent in one week. I will continue doing so even after all the swelling leaves because I am hoping for a complete cure of the dribbling, which is also much better. I forgot to mention that I also started giving him two ounces of noni juice and two ounces of goji juice per day. I was so scared that I tried everything. I think the coconut oil is key though. I give one juice in the morning and the other at night.

Cod Liver Oil, Zinc and Copper

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Frank McLean (Thunder Bay, ON, CA) on 03/23/2021

Editor's Choice

My treatment for enlarged prostrate is a couple of tablespoons of Cod Liver Oil and a zinc and copper tablet. When I first had this problem, the doctor told me I had an enlarged prostrate but did nothing else for me. My PSA was high but said it wasn't cancer.

The research I did led me to using Cod Liver Oil that was rich in vitamin A, and my prostrate shrunk. This worked for a year or so and then stopped working. More research finally led me to understand that it was zinc that moved vitamin A around in the body and with out zinc, vitamin A couldn't be moved. I took zinc with the vitamin A and for a while again it worked, but again after a year or so stopped working again. Back to the books and more research and I found out that if you take zinc by itself it will create a deficiency of copper.

I added copper to the regimen and since then there's been no further problem.

So my prescription is two tablespoons of cod liver oil, a 50 mg zinc tablet or capsule and a two mg copper tablet.

I hope this is of help to you.


Replied by Robert
(Medford, NJ)

How did they know it wasn't cancer? And how did you know it stopped working after a year?

is there a certain brand of cod liver oil to use?

Frank McLean
(Thunder Bay, ON, Ca)

I used Norwegian Cod Live Oil sold in most health food stores and I used two tablespoons.

Replied by Paul

Frank, did you use caps or liquid cod liver oil? Maybe the liquid is more potent. As for the copper, was it caps or a tincture you used?

Many Thanks!


Frank McLean
(Thunder Bay, ON, CA)

I used Norwegian Cod Liver Oil available from most health food stores and I used chelated 2mg copper tablets available from Swanson in the USA. But it's important that they be chelated for good absorption. Also, I would up the concentration from 1 x 2mg copper tablet to 2 or 3 copper tablets, that is 6mg Copper, for a better ratio of copper to the 50 mg chelated zinc tablet or capsule.

Replied by Patti
(Dodge city Kansas)

Hi Frank, the daily recommended dosage of zinc is 15 mg. So did you mean 15 or 50 mg of zinc? My husband is constantly getting up at night to go to the bathroom.

(Thunder Bay, ON, CA)

Yes, I meant 50 mg chelated zinc tablets as 15 mg is unlikely to be high enough to be therapeutic. Also, I would increase the copper from 1 x 2mg to 2 or 3 times the 2mg chelated copper tablet to better align with the 50 mg chelated zinc. When I originally wrote this I was thinking 15 mg so I only said 1 x 2mg chelated zinc. It should have been 2 or 3 for a better ratio. You can if you want go with the RDA 15mg chelated zinc if you want, in that case use only 1 x 2mg chelated copper tablet.

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